11th WWGC
Husbands Bosworth, United Kingdom
14 August 2022 – 26 August 2022
This morning I got the message from one of my friends over there ; “Another day lost“.
So no flying in Husbos. Liz expected it already as you can read below.
But …..tomorrow is another day.
Yesterday the day was cancelled ,but the Danish girls had fun anyhow. This time in a plane with an engine!
BBC Radio Leicester, visited Husbos and one of the female reporters , Sofie, had a flight in a 2-seater. She loved it, but you could nearly hear her cry out loud, in the Netherlands…..” OH MY GOD……
I guess a mix from tension, excitement and fun. All was organized by Georgia, who is the the media coordinator for the event.
About yesterday, here is Liz;
“Prepared for anything the task setters had ready A, B and C tasks for all three classes but the weather did not play ball. The first rain shower came through during briefing and it never cleared up enough to encourage thermal activity. So after delaying the grid launch to 1300 the Race Office made the call to cancel the day, known as “scrubbing” in Britain. Pilots made the most out of the off day with hiking , sight seeing and some even getting rated in motor aircraft with The Gliding Centre. Tomorrow the forecast is not looking overly promising but there’s always a chance.“
Today some went to Duxford to the MUSEUM /Airspace Center…..a branch of the Imperial War Museum in Cambridgeshire .…the largest in the UK.
When you cannot fly you can at least look at planes.
Now I see it, I wonder why I never went with the boys to this museum in 2005 during the JWGC over there. Guess too busy!
So off to Duxford when you have time , on a non flying day!
More tomorrow.
CIM, Coppa Internationale del Mediterranio
Rieti, Italy
10 August 2022 – 20 August 2022
Over to the other competition which is in progress now in Italy.
Yesterday they did not fly, the weather decreased during the early afternoon and pilots with their families visited Roma, a go-cart in Rieti-town or spend time in or around the pool!
Today their weather improved again , so it’s back to action at the field and tasks have been set.
Small ones, BUT they can fly.
AUGUST 16; task 6...
A relative easy day, catching up with mails etc. Checking in between the scores in Rieti. And before I knew they were there.
Mixed class; 2.15 AAT...Bouderliques day again….they flew 335 km. in time 2.24.50. VERY nice speed of 138.92 km./h!! Their 2d daily win. They started at 13.15.
UK/NZ team Coutts and Walters were runner up. They started 10 minutes later [13.26] , as the very last to go on track, but had the same speed ;138.66 km./h.
So the ARCUS M and ASG 32 MI had about the same speed.
After 5 out of 6 days The Bouderliques lead with 4.246 points, on team Alberto Sironi, with 4.192 p. Only 1 pilot was out after 90 km.
18m/open; 2.05 AAT….342 km. in time 2.08 means HUGE speed!!! Indeed 160,32 km./h! Werner Amann from Austria was the “Speedy Gonzales”. A staggering 9 km faster than Boris [Zorz] , the runner up.
All pilots started about the same time!
It looks like the “fight” is between Boris [ 3.777] and Werner [ 3.736] as Markus had a bit of an off-day today being on spot 11 and moving from 2 to 4 overall. [ 3.572]
In between is UK pilot Jon Gatfield. [ 3.600 ] He and Werner fly a Schleicher AS 33es.
But still 4 days to go.
4 Are not yet counted for, so results are very preliminary. I come back with the full results tomorrow.
The UK 18m and 20 m NATIONALS
13 August 2022 – 21 August 2022
VERY TRICKY weather yesterday and only the 20 m pilots were active,….and HOW!!!!
They all managed to reset their brain, from flying with 7 m. lift, to nearly no lift and scratching around.
And after a day-off ,for the 18 meter pilots ,they will be extra motivated to go for it again,…that is if the weather co-operates.
It did not! No tasks , means no flying.
“Both classes SCRUBBED today as the airfield gets a much needed drink!” Lasham Comps
Tomorrow is another day!
Easy day,
Cheers Ritz