Alphen aan den Rijn august 3- 2008
Unfortunately the weather in Luesse is not as it was over the last week ,with speed up to over 140 km. p/h. Today I hear they have overcast is cold. Art even mentioned he got his winter jacket out of his back- pack, which had not been out before! And…he is from Canada and does not really feel cold quickly!
Anyhow today is the first competion day in Luesse and for sure they have not yet given up as I write this. Briefing is at 10.00 and the competition journalist reports sun and “it looks like a flying day”, with a front expected later during the day.
Keep an eye on it , when you are interested! under Race diary you can read the daily bulletins. A lot of countries have their own site with home-country-news!Easy to find with google!
It seems there was a bit of friction between the organizers and some countries represented by their TC’s , but this all will be most probably solved this morning in the briefing.Items were p.e, speed limit before start and use of engines to avoid an out landing.
Ingo Renner [ Australia] the one and only 4 times world champion, was presented yesterday on the market in Belzig , where the opening- celebration was. More former world champions were invited to be there. Ingo’s [ German ] friends ,even the Australian team did not know he was coming!So surprise, surprise!
GOOD LUCK to ALL pilots and safe flying over the next 14 days!!!
Not everybody flies on world level, but that does not mean that they do not get a lot of fun and pride out of their flights. Lots of friends are in Fuentemilanos in August for their annual soaring. 850 km. on the 30thiest of July for Guy from Luxemburg and Pepe with a good 750km.
On the 31th the pilots flying in the French mountains had their day with 14 flights over 700 km. One nearly 1000 and number 15 just missed out on 6 km. to make another 700 km flight. Not bad! A lot of German guests enjoyed these great circumstances and go home with sweet memories.
Good old Rieti, yes I do have great memories on this place, still has fantastic gliding- weather with flights up to 826 km yesterday!
Well, gridding before 11, first launch at 11.15 tasks are to be found on the site, so Luesse is on with it’s first competition day. For sure a tricky one I dare say, even when I am not there. You can loose the comps on day 1 , if you are a bit unlucky. But good weather for the Dutch , the Belgians, the English, the Germans and the Eastern countries as these are “normal” circumstances for them. Well even MORE good luck to everybody!!!And…safe landings!