The South African diary.

This post is only for those who are interested in my travels, like the Aussie diaries.
The next blog about soaring is on June 26.
By the way we had marvellous soaring-weather ,last Sunday [June 9]when I travelled back from Schiphol to my home town in the SE . The skies” “exploded” and you just have to look at Weglide or the OLC, to see what happened.
Many European 1000 km flights and nearly 1 from The Netherlands ;956 by Francois in an EB 29. Even more special was the flight from Jeroen flying an LS 3WL over 879.23 km. The club from Amsterdam at Soesterberg , had their 1-day-competition and they gave pilots the option to fly 1000 km.VERY UNIQUE!!!!Task 2 was; 1.043,36/2.320,49 [ 1.150.92 k]

On the way back home I looked often at the skies….so beautiful after all that rain in Holland.

In the North-West province of South Africa close to the Botswana border, lies Madikwe Game Reserve. The reserve is a world-renowned and exclusive Big 5 wilderness safari destination which is malaria-free and easily accessible by road or air.

When the World Gliding Championship was hosted by the organisation of Mafikeng in S.A. more than 20 years ago, I could have been TC for team Holland, but I reckoned it would be better to sent a male person, as I did n’t like to go there as nobody could guaranty the safety of the pilots after an out-landing. Of course that problem can be everywhere, but in that time S.A was a bit “restless”.

Hence,…this was my very first vist to this great part of the world and I loved every minute!!!!!.
My family invited me to come with them to Madikwe, where they had stayed earlier in the Madikwe Game Reserve. My grand children , now 18 and 20, tried hard to convince me and were more than pleased when I said YES, and….. I thought WHY NOT.
We stayed 2 nights in the Hilton at Johannesburg, travelled to close to Rustenburg, to a great holiday park from ANEW, where we stayed in 3 bungalows also for 2 nights. During the trip the rain was pouring down and heavy thunderstorms with a huge amount of rain accompanied us, but we knew it would be better.
It is winter in S.A. and at 6 it is dark outside. Temperatures between 0 at night and 24 during the day.
At the ANEW resort you could swim, play tennis, or golf, race on quads, so a lot of sportive events. But also a place for congresses and readings.
The 3 ladies , my daughter, granddaughter and I, choose to have a massage, and / or foot pedicure. I had the 1 hour massage and felt new. My neck could move again to the r. and l, which was good for the safaris waiting for us.

Indya and Dexter on a quad. They had a 1 hour drive through the area together with a “coach”.

The total trip from Johannesburg to the Madikwe Reserve was nearly 5 hours, so a 3 hour voyage was still waiting. My main goal was to see a giraffe and the first animal we saw when we entered the reserve, was a GIRAFFE.
Madikwe has over 20 lodges surrounded by villas-for-rent and a lot of private houses.
We stayed at the Rockfig lodge, a small and intimate lodge nestled in the unspoilt wilderness , with a pool, a “braai” area ,garden and point to look over the wilderness and a waterpoint to see animals passing by for a drink. And YES we saw them, just behind the house; zebras, impalas, monkeys AND elephants.

Courtesy Indya Ruijgrok.

We arrived at 2 PM and 4 very friendly staff-people were waiting for us with a warm wet towel and a drink in front of the lodge.
We straight away felt welcome. We got a lovely personal assistant, bringing out the food but also “reading” all our wishes. The ranger , Kagiso, was one of them and at 3 , after a short high tea, we had our first safari trip already in the open 9 person jeep.
Amazing how many animals we saw during our first drive with Kagiso, who was very good. He knew the places where to go and could tell us all we wanted to know.
At sunset around 5.30 , he stopped EVERY day, somewhere on a nice spot, for a drink and a “bite” and to see the sun go down in 5 minutes .
Then to finish the safari, we left to the waterhole where giraffes, elephants, zebras, buffalos, rinoceros and many other more small animals finished their day with a drink .
A 3 course dinner in the lodge, finished our day and off we went to our beautiful ‘ Inkwe private family’ house for 6 persons…totally in in oriental style!
Warning; you put on weight!!!!

Finding a good spot on the water .
Huge animals but walking around with nearly no noise.

Wednesday June.5…..Alarm was set for 5.40….Light breakfast before departure . Kagiso had put blankets, a hot-water- bottle and a cape with fleece inside and wind protection outside, on the chairs. There was frost over night.
Inge told me before to take “layers: with me. So several clothes over each other [ to remove when necessary ] and a warm hat and gloves.
Excitement …a lion was spotted by other rangers!!!! And yes …. we saw the lion , with a “fat: belly after a good meal overnight, sunbathing in sand. He was sleepy from the hard work, but when he heard us he was willing to put his “photographic ” face on.

Really the king of the wilderness. Courtesy Indya.

After the morning safari it was time for a continental breakfast, combined with a cooked one to your taste. Then time to swim, sunbath or read a book completely undisturbed by noise. You hear only birds……totally relaxed.
At 3 high tea with sweet and sour again, prepared by 3 good chefs, an experienced one,a younger one and a nice young lady.
3.15 safari. A total new route with giraffes keeping an eye on us . And of course ALL other animals.

Kagiso, driving through the gorgeous flora.

The day was finished at the waterhole again now with nearly 200 buffalos trying to get in the water and to drink. And of course all the other “usual suspects” ,but it’s weird how quick you get used to it.
The ranger had a big light and the buffalos all looked in that. Very interesting specially because there were SO MANY.
I found the elephants sometimes intimidating!!!! Certainly when they were close b

Drinking water together.
Playing and running…elephant-fun.

Pictures courtesy Indya.

Thursday June 6; A special day as in the evening they would prepare a “braai” for us outside along the bonfire! BUT,…first we went on the safari trip again and this time we “found” 2 lionesses. About 4 and 6 years old according to our ranger. We really needed the jeep, as we drove over bushes higher than the car, to see them. Unbelievable how strong that jeep was.
In the evening I did not go for another safari, as I hit my knee on the stairs from the jeep.
So I could see all preparations for the “braai”.
Table was beautifully set out side, bonfire was burning with chairs around it to keep warm. The chef and his assistants cooked our bread rolls and meat on the “braai”.
Very special evening.

The ladies from housekeeping spend an afternoon on the preparations.

Friday June 7; On the early morning , on another very special day…we left at 8 and would drive till 6.15PM to see all Madikwe flora and fauna this time with a lunch in the bush.
And …..another high light, as “we found” a cheetah. Another gorgeous animal. Look at it.

We drove to nearly the Botswana border and followed the Madikwe river on our search for hippo’s. They were not where they should be. We saw/smelled a dead giraffe,…old age, according to Kagiso Party time for wild dogs and hyenas, and not to forget vultures.
We had wine with our cooked lunch. Yes he “cooked” spare ribs outside and had all yummie, bites going with it, for us, as meat pie , a wrap and scones.

Kagiso pouring wine but also hot chocolate, coffee or tea.

Mountains existing out of red stone were new again and beautiful.Not glued together, but not falling down. Amazing.
We noticed 3 wind socks and a plane. I had a few words with the 2 young pilots , making hours to continue later in the aviation world. There are 2 runways, 1 from gravel and a 1.2 km. long concrete runway. Lot’s of cross wind there. They often fly guests to the reserve.

Another long day was over.

Saturday June 8, day of our departure but first AGAIN a safari at 6 AM.BUT,…no worries, we had to go through the bush again as the message was …4 lionesses. Another car was already there and indeed we saw the 4 animals.
That was pretty scary as Kagiso drove very close and we were surrounded by 3 of them. I felt a bit sorry as those poor full -eaten- animals, just wanted to sleep. Indya took pictures.

She really kept an eye on us.
Laying in front of us or walking around us…… Courtesy Indya.

At 1 we had our last lunch, said good bye to the chef and his helpers, to the GM and Kagiso.
We had a SUPERB time!!!!

Here is a 38 sec video from a lot of the animals we have seen by Indya.

5 hours over toll roads this time and at 6 we were in Joburg. During the nearly 11 hour flight I only slept 1 hour, so I was worn out, but made time to share the diary with yo over the next days. Mind you . I had to go to the dentist too on Monday as I lost my golden crown and just missed out on swallowing it.
It’s back now in my mouth.

What a HAPPY week with my lovely family and all those hardworking, caring staff members of the RESERVE.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Indya for her excellent pictures.
To make it an even better HAPPY END, we just heard that Dexter has passed his high-school -exams with good notes!!!! TOP!!!!!

Cheers Ritz
P/S Off now for my annual 1 week holiday with my high-school- friends.
Back for you on June 26!!

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