Courtesy Arjan Vrieze
APRIL 1 2020….no time for jokes!!
Whilst the world still tries to deal and cope with COVID-19, the first signs of a new crises are mentioned already.
After we lost too many people worldwide and we are till loosing them mostly in the USA now as far as we know, too many got sick with lung problems, now a lot lost their jobs, hence [temporarily] no money to live or for gliding anymore.
SURVIVING is the word!!!!
For some “no worries” for others the loss of a way to relax in these difficult times.
Clubs are closed at the moment, but try to help where possible by asking no money or postponing the membership with 6 months as there is no soaring now.

They still can fly!!!! Arjan Vrieze
In several countries the spring weather however, looks very promising for the summer flying,…indeed when flying is on!!!
I showed you earlier some pictures from Holland and Belgium in spring time here is Australia in autumn time, in the “heart of the continent” Alice Springs.

Courtesy Robert Smits.
More bad than good news nowadays ,so here is as it seems some REAL good news from OMARAMA;
“Update from Glide Omarama
Glide Omarama is now shuttered down and isolated and the unfortunate glitch with CAA is behind us. The plan is that towing and training services at Omarama will reopen in September, subject of course to lockdowns and a degree of economic recovery.
Luckily Glide Om has no debt so the business can survive a long period of inactivity provided we still have some instructors and tow pilots available.
In the meantime, all the best to our friends and gliding community in these difficult times. We hope to see many of you again at Omarama next season! Thank you for your support. Please follow us on Facebook for updates“
Glide Omarama

Related to COVID-19 is the EARLY retirement of the 747 in both The Netherlands and Australia.
“ The Qantas Boeing 747 ‘Queen of the Skies’ journey comes to an end today. After 5 decades flying for the ‘Spirit of Australia’, the final flight took place today as VH-OEE landing into Sydney Airport on 28th March 2020. Qantas 747 retirement 747 final flight Qantas Jumbo Jet. “
A few of my Aussie mates flew this type for years!!!
In Holland was last Sunday the forced last flight from the 747. After nearly 50 years; 49 to be accurate.
Also one year earlier than foreseen. The freight ones continue flying.
Several “spotters” came to look and say good bye ,but were send away because of the virus.
By the way, KLM replaces them for the more economical , twin engine 777 and the DREAMLINER 787.

—–To show you how bad this virus is for the aviation world , here some pictures shared by Casey. No more words needed!!!!

TOO sad for words…who would have EVER thought this could happen in our modern world????
Some of my friends are hit HARD!!!! I share some of the heart breaking news they shared.
“Hard to imagine that only a few weeks ago I thought this was all a storm in a teacup. After 8 years with the same employer, I find myself looking for work at a time where a lot of people are doing the same thing.”
” Last Wednesday the Virgin CEO told us most Virgin pilots would be stood down temporarily but all Tiger pilots would be stood down permanently ie made redundant. He said that all aircraft will remain – no fleet reduction. TigerAir as an airline will fly again and even the TigerAir cabin crew will remain. BUT when flying starts he will use Virgin pilots to fly the aircraft. “
” To those that are in lockdown, be patient. To those that are not, keep your distance.
Hopefully we can soar again soon .”
That’s it for now, try to enjoy life …I try too. But above all….stay safe!!!!
Cheers Ritz