Small teams did well! 10 AM, closing ceremony with 2 new WORLD CHAMPIONS !!!!

Post 1.520 on July 27 2024

Picture courtesy F. Kozlow

Looking back on this SUPERB FAI JWGC is a pleasure.
Surely there were some hick ups, as at every comp, but here at home, it was a pleasure to follow this Polish edition of the 13th JWGC. Looking at all those happy faces can only make you happy at home too.
To be honest I attended a few JWGC’s as either guest the first one in Holland, TC in Husbos, or competition journalist in Rieti and Finland and JWGC’s are THE BEST.
Eager young ones, fun , smiles and a lot of top talents.
Enormous pleased to see that it are not only young gentlemen but also a few young ladies participating in the world championship. TOP!!!!
Some quotes from different nationalities!;
“what an amazing competition its been!”
Bravo à tous les pilotes pour leurs performances et leur assiduité tout au long du championnat !Merci à tous, pilotes, crew, staff, organisation, accompagnants et vous, supporters…”

2 Top talents won the title WORLD CHAMPION.
In club class our Belgian neighbour, Martijn. On the very last day he was runner up, giving him enough points to be the very best and that really pleases me. He was there with mate Robbe [27the spot from 44, good job] each a crew and a TC. Very small team also like many other teams “asking for donations” .
His early reaction; “I still can’t believe it, but I can now officially say I am a junior world champion🤩🇧🇪Already many thanks to everyone who made this possible❤️
Another not too big team is from Finland. GREAT to see Kim on spot2…VICE WORLD CHAMPION.

As shared by Martijn Eerdekens

In standard Max won and I more or less expected that already. Max was invited in Namibia for the 1000 km camp organized by Wilfriend Grosskinsky and flew MANY. Quite experienced and no problems with pressure.
In December 2022 I wrote already about Max;
——-This must be Max Maslak’s BEST experience with soaring in his 19 year life. Flying the Ventus 3 by himself during the Bitterwasser-1000 km-camp and together with Wilfried learning in the EB 28
“Day 7 1000km Camp Bitterwasser;
“Again one of the best days in Namibia with a 300km convergence line in the west. Early start with an adiabatic temp curve. Even if the high level of instability in the west brought about early spreads of rain, the route planning in the morning went quite well. The thunderstorms that hung over Bitterwasser in the late afternoon were limited in time, so that in the evening the airfield could be approached again without any problems.
Another important experience for Max at just 19 years old.
.” by Wilfried
They flew 1.214 km…speed 143 km./h.
Max flew 3x in the Ventus 3M/18 m; 1.049 km….1.158 km…and day 7 …..1.049 km.
With Wilfried; Day 1…..1.135 Max very first flight, …1.162 km….1.214 km
“7 flight days……..7400km…….is only possible in Bitterwasser…
Thank you Wilfried!!!” was his last comment.

The USA was with a small team also in Poland and a vice world title for Thomas. great job!!!
“Congratulations to Thomas Greenhill of USA, who is now the junior world vice-champion in Standard class!! Tomas flew my syndicates Discus 2a, GX – absolute beast of a glider, makes me so happy when any of my gliders perform so well” Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures

When the closing ceremony was over and the FAI flag handed over to CD of the next venue , scores are official, so here are the OVERALL SCORES from this 13th JWGC.

The French did as always well with a spot 3 and 4 in Club and 6, 9 and 10 in standard. Result; 2d place in the TEAM CUP.
The Czech team did well too with a 6 and 7 spot in club and unfortunately an early pilot out of the race and in standard 9-10 and 15.
Our Dutch mates had a great time, with 1 off day,[ don’t talk about it anymore but it changed a potential top 3 spot, ]; Club, 10-15 and 26 and in standard 12-14 and 20.

Club class;
1. Martijn Eerdekens in LS 3 from Belgium with 8,863 points. WORLD CHAMPION JUNIORS 2024.
2. Kim Toppari in LS 7 neo WL from Finland with 8,772 points.
3. Alexandre Fierain in ASW 20 from France with 8,601 points.

Standard class;
1. Max Maslak in LS 8 from Germany with 8,175 points. WORLD CHAMPION JUIORS 2024.
2. Thomas Greenhill in Discus A from the USA with 8,114 points.
3. Nils Schlautmann in LS 8 from Germany with 8,007 points.

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL PILOTS, for a safe and fun competition!!!

1. Czech Republic with 868.05 points. CONGRATS!!!!!
2. France with 858.10 points.
3. Germany with 847.77 points.
4. Denmark with 839.50 points.
5. Poland with 833.88 points.

The official pictures from the prize giving will most probably appear later.
I will of course share them when I have them.

Indya just more than happily mentioned that she travels to her soaring camp in Hodkovice, Tsjechië in style.

Brings me to the last important issue,…… those top tug[gies].

So till later. I really enjoyed this JWGC.

5 PM. No pictures yet from Martn but the French shared some happy pictures from Max , Thomas and Nils and several other pilots.

With Max and Nils and to the l above Thomas and in front officials and the pilots from 4 to 10 with their certificate . There were 2 number 6; Victor fromFrance and Henry from the UK. Equall points; 7,897.
as shared by Pôle France Planeur courtesy picture Julien Legendre.

The team cup prizes were received by the TC’s On the picture the French , Eric and Czech TC.

——From 7 races they only flew 3 in Saint Sulpice , the venue of the FAI SGP. We could see the wet weather already looking at the Olympics. The last 3 days including today, have been cancelled.
With 24 points Adrien Henry won in JS 1C. Runner up was with 22 points Christophe Abadie in JS 3 TJ and 3d Eric Bernard in JS 3 RES.
Danish pilot Rasmus Ørskov in JS 3 RES was 4th with 14 points.
A pity but you can’t organize the weather.

CU tomorrow hopefully with the official pictures from the winners.
Cheers Ritz

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