Picture story from closing ceremony.

Post 1.521 on July 28 2024

My last blog about the JWGC.
Have n’t heard stories from the young ones their selves yet, but looking at the pictures, seeing the reels and videos, it was an happy unforgettable time for them.
Thank you for the Aeroklub Ostrowski for sharing so many pictures and specially Martn Levitzky for his awesome pictures!!!!!!!

It was ALL about winning gold, silver or bronze in each class;

This is what “triggered” the good flying on many days. Boy they were lucky with the weather!!!!

I own you also the pictures from the last -day-winners here you are all thanks to Martn;
Club class daily winners;

From l to r. , Jan from Czech Rep ,George from the UK and Martijn from Belgium.

Standard class last -day-winners;

From l. to r. Maciej from Poland , Jakub from Poland and Danish Lasse.

And then to the new CHAMPIONS of the 2024 JWGC in OSTROW POLAND.
The organizers really put on a great show every day. THANK YOU to the organizers for sharing a lot ,so people at home, family friends grandma and pa and all interested glider pilots could be in their way PART of it.

Club class CHAMPIONS;

CONGRATULATIONS to Kim from Finland, Martijn from Belgium and Alexandre from France.

AND an extra picture from Martijn who still had difficulties to realize he really WON. Lovely.

“I won, but did I really?”

The standard class WORLD champion ,vice world champion and number 3;

With a really happy Max on top with the smiling USA Thomas and German mate from Max Nils. Congratulations!

I showed you the best 10 with their certificates already from standard here are the winners from club class and some of the officials as Marina the president of the jury.

The Team cup , I shared already a picture from the Czech and French TC but there were 3 the best so here they are together,

Czech Rep on 1, France on 2 and Germany on 3 and the CD, [to the r of the German TC,what a GOOD guy he is , [I noticed him on more comps lately] the president of the jury , the stewards.

The flag from the FAI was ” not lost” and could be handed over from Poland to Germany for the next JWGC. Hope it will be the same enjoyable happening.

THANKS for reading, back to the normal weekly posts on Wednesday. ….Yes even with the EGC in Tabor. It’s good you don’t know how much time , research and effort goes in writing the blogs.
Still love it, but more than 2 weeks writing and sitting behind my laptop “creates” a stiff neck and fingers.
Age???? Yes….

Cheers Ritz

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