10th Sailplane Grand Prix Final has started.

On September 5 the FINAL of the FAI SAILPLANE GRAND PRIX in St. Auban in the Provence area, started with 20 top pilots. Some were early in St Auban, which is the National Soaring Center , so was, Tilo Holighaus who flew “en passant” 756 km[530 FAI triangle] before the start of the BIG final!!!
Every day we got to see a new picture of the participants 20 in total, so we were in the mood already.
2 Ladies in the final race; Katrin Senne, and Melanie Gadoulet…top job!!!
Closer to the day more pilots tried to practice but the weather was not really flash, with some rain on Thursday.

On Friday the first official training;
“First training race was difficult with showers and cloud cover. But the pilots are happy and (almost) ready to race!”
164 km. was set.
On Saturday the 2d! 205 km was set and the day was won by Sebastian in an AS33e.
Then the final starts!!!!
With live coverage /Live Commentary with 3D Tracking and a YouTube playlist. Look at
Live race coverage will start at 13.30 each race day and a highlights video each evening at 19.30 each evening Follow the contest at Sailplane Grand Prix Finals 2021 (sgp.aero)
On Facebook FAI Sailplane Grand Prix | Facebook
On Twitter FAI SGP Series (@faisgp) / Twitter

As shared by Philippe de Péchy on September 5.

September 5....RACE 1; 313.65 km.
Mario[ Kiessling]”got” the first 10 points in the Ventus 3; speed….134.7 km./h. Pretty good day!
8 Points for Sebastian [Kawa] , 7 for Gilles [Navas] , 6 for Katrin [Senne] , 5 for Max [Seis], 4 for Philippe [de Pechy] and 3 for Werner [Amann] with 2 for Thomas [Gostner] and 1 for Oscar [Goudriaan].

Race 1 podium.

September 6…Race 2; 271.53 km. Interesting day, pilots upfront in the end did NOT win.
They had excellent mountain thermal conditions up to 2.700 m.
It was Mario again, who gained 20 points in 2 days. His Ventus 3 brought him over the circuit with 129.6 km./h.
Max was runner up in the JS 3 [128.8 km./h] and Christophe [Abadie] 3d [ 128.4 km./h.]
So exciting finishes.


Race 2 winners …With Max[2] , Mario [1]and Christophe.[3]
shared by the organizers.

September 7...Race 3; Stable weather, cu’s between 1500 m. and 2000 m and 2500 and 3000 in the mountains. A and B tasks were set but A was flown; 333 km.
UNBELIEVABLE but SUPER MARIO wins again…3 in a row!!!!
BUT,…only JUST…beaten at the line!!!!
3 days 30 points!!!!!
Speed 136.4 km./h.
“Incredible photo finish about to happen at the SGP. Mario is really sticking it to the man!” Matthew Scutter who is commenting on the eSGP, which matches the task of the real SGP each day with the world’s best Condor pilots.
The pass must have been painful. Kawa had him cold and behind, then Kiesslings 2 m/s thermal (well behind) grew to 5.5 m/s. Kinda lucky 🍀 considering the average climbs at that time on course, but 3 day wins in a row is no accident!!!! 👏 well done Mario!!!” is the comment of Sean Michael who followed the tracking.
And; “Race 3: After a very tight race, Mario Kiessling managed to find a better climb at the back of the gaggle, catch up with the gaggle and won the day. Sebastian Kawa and Katrin Senne had a very tight final, fighting with 4 other pilots during the last kilometers.
Sebastian was runner up[136 km./h] and Katrin 3d [135.9 km./h] …good on her!!!
Mario Kiessling makes a spectacular comeback after falling away from the leading pack to beat Sebastian Kawa across the line for his 3rd Day win.
from the official site.
Frank had as comment: “Awesome race! This is what Grand Prix racing is all about!!! 🚀🔝🎉👍
Christian;”Keypoint was again Pic de Bure, where Mario Kissling, 6km behind Sebastian Kawa, followed his tilting wings an got a private 10 knot lift. Converted into kinetic energy, it was enough to sneak in front of Seb for the win. What a race!
Jonker Sailplanes;”The first 3 days were won by Mario Kiessling by flying brilliantly and aggressively when required. As the commentary team said it is some of the most entertaining flying to watch. No wonder why Nintendo named their game after our SUPER-MARIO!
It is the first high level contest where the latest generation of new “3” gliders (Ventus 3, JS3, AS33) are competing against each other. As the gliders are limited to a 48 kg/m2 wing loading their ultimate performance at high speed is negatively effected, especially the JS3 and AS33 who needs to compete 40 kg lighter than a V3.”

4 races to come …..”But the weather might not be so cooperative. Will there be four more race days or will there be a forced rest on Thursday? ” from the official news.
After 3 races Mario leads with 30 points, followed by Sebastian with 21 and Max with 16.
Today is race 4…337.2 km. Another exciting day you can follow on the info I gave you.
More next Monday.

Sebastian smiles, Mario is jubilant and Katrin shares the happiness .

Parallel with the Grand Prix, they fly the E-Sport-Final-Series, with , from this area, Tim Kuijpers from the Netherlands and Jeroen Jennen from Belgium.
“In addition to the World Final flown in real time each day there will be a virtual race each evening with live presentation and commentary. The virtual FAI/SGP will be contested by twenty pilots from nineteen countries, flying the same tasks as the actual SGP. The pilots selected for the virtual FAI/SGP World Final are not all glider pilots but are proven accomplished virtual sailplane racers. There is also an “open” FAI/SGP virtual contest with 240 contestants already registered. The virtual FAI/SGP final will be live on the SGP channels with live commentary from the dedicated FAI and FFVP virtual race team.”
Virtual FAI/SGP races live from 20.00 CET each race day.
More information on the virtual event can be found at esport SGP

After 3 races the scores overall on soaringspot were;
1.  Donat-Pierre Luigi from France with 10 points.
2. Ben Fest from Germany with 8
3. Jeroen Jennen from Belgium with 7.
All 3 fly Ventus 3S.

The E3Glide in Varese

Matthew Scutter’s Gliding

I hope you enjoyed and followed Matthew in Varese on the link I gave you.
He did a top job, both flying and writing.
I share his last post as a tribute to him.
That’s a wrap, we had yet another flying day yesterday making 10/10 flying days in a row for me and permitting me to defend my title.

Varese is an extraordinarily diverse and challenging site to fly, but the eGlide concept makes it possible for even beginner mountain pilots to compete effectively as most mistakes can be papered over with a bit of engine time.
The dynamics of the event were totally different to last year where we needed them just to stay airborne, while using them here for strategic and speed advancement and never actually needing them. The ability to use them proactively greatly increases the safety in the mountains with much less time spend grovelling below the tops or squeaking over passes, and it becomes a good concept to teach mountain flying.

The contest instead becomes more about medium-long term strategy rather than sequences of perfect short term decision making that normally dominates flying in the mountains. I think the key decisions for me that helped were coming four days before to familiarize myself with the task area, and bringing such a viceless and forgiving glider that gave versatility in all the weather we had. I was really happy with how I was flying with only one major error through the week that the scoring system let me get away with.

Thanks to the organizers for running a great contest, to Holger at DG Group for lending me his beautiful LS8e Neo, and everyone else who supported me to get here!”


ABOYNE in Scotland.
5 September 2021 – 11 September 2021

I always like the coverage of the 24th Aboyne Mountain comps in the UK.
On September 5 the weather was sunny in the morning ,”but will it get hot enough to produce those magical thermals we require?” was their question.
Then there was the message ;“The top cover is spoiling our fun at the minute and rain is forecast later on, first launch not before 13:45
Unfortunately they had to skip the cross country part of the comps but local soaring and height climbing were available, for the 14 participants.
Some got in the wave, before the rain arrived.
All 14 gliders took a launch, with most making it above 5000 feet.
Mike Stephens won the day with a high point of 8,591′ resulting in a gain of 5,217′
On September 6, the weather was still not “flash” as we are used to by now, THOUGH it will be 28dgr. C here in the Netherlands today. Bit of a good after summer.
The weather is challenging this morning, its a lovely morning, but maybe not so great for soaring.” was the Aboyne news.
BUT,….IT WAS!!! A task was set,…1.30 AAT,… the sniffer sent up to check/feel the conditions, the start announced for 12.20, the gate opened later and they had finishers as well.
There is a stream of gliders calling 10km out, at the same time, we have a queue of aircraft ready to launch to make the most of the evening wave.”
Adrian Dogherty won the cc in the Duo Discus XT;132.10 km. in time 1.37.
Martin Phillimore managed the greatest gain (6,949′) and highest height (10,492′) 
September 7; 2 hour AAT.
Sniffer went up and “she” found wave .
At 12….”Blue wave is about and a few thermals but not currently enough to launch everyone into. “
But,…in the end the CC was cancelled , the height gain was available.
No result yet.

You can follow the action on Glide and Seek


Glider for Namibia …with Wolfgang on the tail and Ludwig directing>
as shared by Ludwig./ Rent a Glider

On September 3 the “rent-a-glider” boys. Ludwig and Wolfgang shared the next news and pictures;
“The new Namibian season is opened. Today we started to prepare our 3 containers and also packed the first gliders for the next Kiripotib- season. 13 gliders will start the long trip to Namibia end of next week. If you want to visit us, some gliders are still free, don’t wait to long to ask for.


After 36 years the F 1 race was back in The Netherlands at the Zandvoort -circuit.
And what an epic race,…. what a day it was!!!!
Double Dutch Delight!!!!
Max won and got a few more points in the totals than Hamilton…only 3 but still a long way to go.
EVERYBODY loved the day, world wide. A relief for the organizers as they had a huge amount of troubles before it all started.

Max in his Red Bull.
Courtesy Frank Hiemstra, glider pilot, who was lucky enough to be there.

Next week I publish on MONDAY September 13.
Back at September 29 for the regular blog on Wednesday.

Cu then.
Cheers Ritz

The last comps in Europe for the season;also at Keiheuvel.

The last words about Montlucon;
John Good [USA] is , in my opinion, one of the best writers about soaring.
I met him in Uvalde in 2012 where he was the substitute CD , always in front of the podium juggling with 3 or 4 ball’s!
Later I met him at other comps and was always impressed by the words he uses to describe soaring.
These are the last sentences of his final French WGC report.
But, given the desperately weak weather, it’s notably how much flying the best pilots in the world were able to do.  The Club class managed 9 valid (albeit mostly well-devalued) tasks; Standard and 15-Meter each had 8.  Only a few of these had weather that normal pilots would rate better than “marginally flyable”.
So I think WGC2021 must be be rated as a qualified success.  Very hard work for pilots and crews, not much fun in the air, but unquestionably a valid test of pilot skill


The 18 and 20 m. Nationals flown from Lasham.

They continued on Wednesday, [task 5 on flying day 4] with still flyable but sometimes tricky weather and a 244 km. task for 18 m. was set won by Chris Starkey in ASG 29es, after an early start at 1.37 PM.
A weird day, as not all the toppers were in the top, where you expect them but, pilots I know who are really good pilots, but enjoy their soaring, not so much the competition-points.
Roy and Patrick who flew with us in Tocumwal in the past, were on spot 6 and 8.
Russell was on 24 and Andy Davis even “out”. You see what I mean….
28 from 42 finished! NOBODY flew over 100 km./h.
Task 6; 272 km….35 from 41 who started finished!!!If Lasham has such nice weather for the WWGC next year, it would be great…better of course, is good too.
By the way Liz Sparrow, who is the CD for the next WWGC, flies as well in an ASG 29e and was 26th [from 41 who started] for the day.
Phil Jones was the daily winner speed 115 km./h. for 799 points. Tough day for that reason for Roy, who was out after 267 km. not too bad you would say,…. still thinking of Montlucon… but he got 333 points!
Task 7; 253 km….scrubbed/cancelled.
Task 8; 332 km,…changed in 150 km…canceled
Task 9; 264 km….last day….weird scores at Soaringspot as it seems that nobody finished, but still flew the distance.
I will check this. And so to see it was a 1000 points-day for Mat Davis, yes son from Andy.
Anyhow there were overall scores for 18 m;
1. Phil Jones in Ventus 3TS with 4.408 points and NATIONAL CHAMPION.
2. Derren Francis in Ventus 3T with 4.383 p.
3. Leigh Wells in JS-MD 3 with 4.314 p.

In 20 m., task 5 was 255 km. and flown by 12 from 18 and this time the ASG 32 with Tim Scott in, won the day; speed 90 km./h.
Task 6; 3 hour AAT,…it’s getting serious!? Indeed and lovely to see that Phil’s brother, Steve won in this class with 299.49 km. in time 3.07; speed 95.60 km./h and 1000 points!!!!
The first in this class!!!!
A tad faster than Steve Pozerskis in Duo Discus XLT with 95. 04 km./h. Good on him!
Task 7 ; 234.59 km….was cancelled!
Task 8 ; 327.60 km…..B task…150 km…..was not meant to be…..cancelled !
Task 9; 156 km….last day. Adrian in the Duo Discus XLT won the day . He was one of the 3 finishers, as Steve was in and Jon Arnold.
Tim Scott who was runner up overall, lost a place and Gary who was nearly back won one.
Overall scores in 20 m;
1. Steve Jones in Arcus M with 4.197 points, NATIONAL CHAMPION.
2. Gary Coppin in ARCUS t with 3.945 p.
3. Tim Scott in ASG 32 with 3.932 p.

6 out of 9 days,in both classes.

Brothers Phil (left) and Steve Jones (right) are the 2021 18m class and 20m two-seat class national champions.
Pic by Derren Francis
As shared by Discover Gliding


UK Junior Nationals & Cotswold Regional 2021.

In Aston Down also in the UK, the juniors are still flying. But not on Wednesday, their small task [157 km.] was cancelled .
On Thursday it was flyable again and task 6 flying day 4 showed 137 km!!!!
Tom and Henry started at 13.44 and Finn and Toby 10 minute’s later. The Junior EGC has “glued” the 4 together and now they start and finish in teams together, as they did then.
Finn and Toby won the day in their ASW 20 with 101 km./h Henry was 4th [93.70 km./h] and Tom 7th [92.45 km./h]
22 From 39 finished and they shared some pictures from quite a few nice flying young ladies!!!
A great group of Women are currently competing at the Junior Nationals this week at Aston Down.. ✈️✈️✈️They have had some good weather 🌞🌞 and good days.. with only 3 more days to go until the competing comes to an end for this year.
Have a look at Women Gliding for the pictures.

On Saturday, with one day to go and after some rest from the day before as,…task 7 was cancelled…they got 222.98 km on their plate .
BUT,…it ended in a B task from 87 km. Small window, but they flew.
7 From 34 starters, finished. 2 St Cirrus pilots , both got 125 points for a speed of 92 km./h. Finn was 3d with ONE point less.
On Sunday, last day, 200 k was set……BUT,…NOT FLOWN!!!
Out of 10 Days they flew 6 tasks, in this “stupid” summer, the overall scores are;
1. Finn Sleigh in ASW 20 with 2.290 points and JUNIOR CHAMPION.
2. Freddie Turner in ASG 29 es with 2.081 p.
3. Henry-Inigo Jones in LS 8 with 2.074.

Scores behind Finn, were all close!

The BGA Two Seater Training at the back of the Junior Nationals grid last week (it is a shame a couple of people were missing for the photo!). Thank you very much to our coaches – Greg O’Hagan, Steve Eyles, James Ewence, Dan Welch, Rory Ellis, Alan Langlands, Roy Ferguson-Dalling, Dave Bray and Kevin Atkinson, as well as to the syndicates and clubs that provided the six gliders that took part. Hopefully the twelve students that participated in the Two Seater Training will be flying the Junior Nationals themselves next year!
As shared by UK Junior Gliding on Discover Gliding


49th Polish Junior Championship/OstowGlide 2021

Courtesy Martn Levitzky

After task 3 and 4 were cancelled and one day with NO TASK, they could fly again on Wednesday with a GOOD day as you can see on the picture;

Nice weather in Poland.
As shared by OSTRÓW GLIDE – International Gliding Competition

Standard 305 km and Club 186 km.
In Standard class nobody from the 21 who started, finished, but those young pilots did a great job!!!! Up to 286 km. they managed to fly and the winner was Michał Okoń in a St. Jantar.

In Club class another Mischa , who flew the 186 km. task AND finished in his LS1 c; 57 km./h!!!!
4 From 12 finished the last finisher Marta, flew the task with 39 km./h…huge effort.

Club class Mischa later the CHAMPION in CLUB CLASS.
OSTRÓW GLIDE – International Gliding Competition

NO task on Thursday.
AND not on Friday !!
Lots of nice young ladies flying in Poland as well.
Pictures[from August 25] at OSTRÓW GLIDE – International Gliding Competition and Aeroklub Ostrowski
One day to go with only 4 tasks in standard and 3 in club class out of 10 days but a nice day to finish so to see.

Last days weather,…Aeroklub Ostrowski

Saturday; last day!!!
Standard ;1.30 AAT…Karol Snapko
in the BRAWO, won the last day; 160 km. in time 1.32.
He was also the new NATIONAL JUNIOR CHAMPION in Poland in St Class. with 1.493 points. 14 From 22 finished!
Club 1.45 AAT..
.Michal Felisiak in the LS 1-c won the day . He also won task 5 and with 1.442 points he is the new Club class National Junior Champion in Poland.[see picture above]
5 from 12 finished.
For all scores; www.soaringspot.com


The E3GLIDE !!

As shared by Aldo. Aldo.

The E3Glide sailplane championship starts today in Varese! I’m glad to be the sporting director of the 3rd edition of such an innovative race format. Will the future of gliding come from these explorations? Live tracking on www.e3glide.onglide.com thanks to Melissa Jenkins ! As written last SATURDAY by Aldo Cernezzi.
One of the pilots flying there is Matthew Scutter:
“How to follow up 21 days of gruelling flying? Another 10 days of flying!”
Fully refreshed, [in a thermal Spa] I continued into Bruschal, where thanks to the very generous Holger Back of DG Flugzeugbau GmbH, I have an immaculate LS8 Neo-FES to defend my title with at the e3Glide contest in Varese, north of Milan in Italy.
He won day 1 [219 km.] and as this E glide is very new to me I suggest you follow the very interesting stories from Matthew in his blog. I learn from him about E gliding too.
Matthew Scutter’s Gliding



Saturday at Keiheuvel with Pieter in the Scout as tuggie,
As shared by Pieter.
Dutch pilots arrived for the comps talking to Robbie, just back from Montlucon and the CD from the comps together with Wim [Akkermans]also a top Belgium pilot.

As every year I visited the 2 day competition at KEIHEUVEL in Belgium………As the weather prediction was for miserable weather on Saturday and better weather on Sunday, we decided to go on Sunday.
I am sure you understand,…..there was a nice window on Saturday and no window at all, on Sunday so the prize giving at 11 was just finished when we arrived. A pity, but time to make some pictures and talk with many friends.

Awesome real famous Belgium beer…..sponsored by the Taverne DE KEI.
We had a lovely lunch there.

The open XPDR class started with 20 pilots for a 126 km. task and 14 from them finished.
Tijl [Schmelzer] in the Ventus 3 won the day with 99 km./h, which was about 13 km. faster than runner up Nick Fremau in an LS 8.
Dad Schmelzer was 3d in a Ventus 2CT/18m. [93 km./h] together with Jeroen [Jennen] who had arrived safely back from Montlucon where he flew so well with his mate/cousin Dennis.

Winner Tijl Schmelzer

AND at spot 3 equal with Bert sr. Jeroen

Jeroen as always with a big smile.

In Sport XPDR flew 6 from 13 the 106 km task. I counted 8 Dutch pilots in this class. Winner was Maurits Hebels with 72 km./h in an LS 4. He started very early at 14.18 whilst some others started at 14.53.
Out landings as well as you can see. It’s part of the 2021 summer.

Outlandings in muddy fields!
Shared by Pieter.

Or in a nice big green field, thanks to all the rain ;

courtesy Carlo Franken 

Open class winners;…..overall scores for one day.

Nick, Tijl [in the middle] and Bert sr.
Courtesy Pieter
Mark,[ASW 24] Maurits [in the middle…LS 4] and Simon.[LS 4] Mark and Simon are members of the Dutch squad. All 3 are Dutch AND I just noticed that Maurits flew 778 km. yesterday in an LS 4 from Puimoisson.

A sad message as well , more for the elderly amongst you.
Bert Zegels died of cancer age 74!
We met him at several comps mostly during the “Huit jours d” Angers” , later called the Coupe d’Europe.
Bert was a real Keiheuvel- fan, started his soaring there at age 16 in 1963 and was straight away solo in the Rhonlerche.
5 years later in 1968 he started already with competition flying at Hahnweide and was 3d in a cheap, wooden club glider whilst the German pilots flew spiffy gliders.
This was seen by World record-holder Alfred Roehm, and as Bert had no open class glider for the next WGC, he put his SHK glider at his disposal.
His first WGC was in Poland at Leszno, where he was 10th in open class .
So young and so good; the constructor from Libelle , Eugen Haenle, noticed that too and offered him the Kestrel, after he already won the Coupe d’Europe in their Libelle.
With a Jumbo Kestrel ,he flew the WGC in Waikirie in 1974, had 2 daily wins and was runner up behind George Moffat , who won for the 2d time. Bert was ahead of Werner Grosse. who was 3d.
Bert flew 15 years on top level.
He had about 20.000 hours as airline pilot.
He was 5x Belgium Champion…..1x French champion….4x winner of the Coup d’Europe….
He also had 2 Belgium records and participated in 6 WGC’s.
He was winner of the Victor Boin Cup and got from the Belgium Royal Aeroclub the Prix Marie Monsieur-Fontaine, their highest award.
I specially remember his friendly/warm way of dealing with friends.
A TRULY gentleman , lovely guy, a quiet achiever and great pilot has left us.
R.I.P. Bert.
{Thank you to Bert Schmelzer sr. who shared the more historic info with me. Bert sr. wrote the book Soaring in Flanders …Zweefvliegen in Vlaanderen…a fascinating adventure in silence. In that book the preface was from Bert Zegels }

The meteorological summer finished today on this site of the world.
I am not sure if it WAS a summer!!!
Hope at least for a nice after-summer.
Still great flights as Michael Sommer [EB 29R] and Max Schaefer [Ventus 3 M/18m…he flew a 1000 one day earlier as well] flew on their last day of the 10 day- “camp’ over 1000 km. from Puimoisson.
AND of course I look at the FAI SGP FINAL in St Auban next week and I keep reading about E3GLIDE.
By the way, good weather in St Auban as Tilo practiced for the GP and flew in his Ventus 3 T/18m yesterday a distance of 756 km.
Cheers Ritz

C.C.R…..Juniors active in the UK and Poland! 18m. and 20m.Nationals at Lasham.

—-If you have read my last blogs, you have seen how many top juniors represent at HIGH level their countries even after many years.
Look at Jez Hood from the UK, who won the standard class as junior in Nitra in 2003 and this year in 2021 he was 4th in Montlucon. Chapeau!!!
AND flying LS 8 in Nitra and now LS 8 again!!!!
Go,go Jez…on your way to Narromine 2023.

With Jez in the middle.[during opening]
As shared by the British team.

—-Those light- weight DIANA 2’s were, as Sebastian mentioned ,the best glider for the weather in Montlucon. With good pilots in them, they are really “winners”.1-2 and 3 in Montlucon.
I was a bit confused to see NO French or NO UK pilots in the top 3. Often they dominate the scores.
All in all, 4 German pilots, 2 Polish and one from Australia, Belgium and The Netherlands in the top 9!!!!

DIANA takes it all!!! The WGC21 15 m class with a glider Diana 2 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Shot by @martnlevitzky

—-It took me hours to find a picture from St class from the prize ceremony. BUT I found one!!!
Finally the Belgium team shared one on Monday. I counted already on them as they were good in their updates!!! Thanks again.

Happy German chappie’s Jan and Simon and yes yes a Belgium chappie Dennis…father to be soon.
And believe it or not Dennis is called after my son Dennis.
Belgian Gliding Team

And then DG Flugzeugbau GmbH shared this lovely picture yesterday so I add it too.

DG Flugzeugbau GmbH


—The Cup from the City of Rieti has finished. Rieti has been very busy for the whole month of August with top comps and top pilots.
And a top CD Aldo Cernezzi.
It was a great Rieti summer, no doubt about that.
Except of course for the fatal accident…you understand.
Last Sunday they flew their last task number 5 with in group 2 [ I concentrated on them ] 390 k. to fly.
On Saturday they flew already a 425 set task, won by the Bouderliques, who spend their august-summer-time in Rieti flying the C.I.M. as well.
18 Finished 4 did not.
It was either Alberto ‘s ARCUS T or the Bouderliques ARCUS M in the overall top 2 over the last days. So pretty clear one of those ARCUSSES was going to win the COPPA.
22 Started and 22 finished, so a good day.
Alberto was 2d [ 144.77 km./h.] , the Bouderliques 6th [140.37 km./h.] and Jon 3d. [147.22 km./h.] So the overall scores changed a bit, but number 1,2 and 3 remained the same.
The winners from group 2 are;
1. The Bouderliques with 5.371 points.
2. Alberto and Mr. Venturini with 5.284 p.
3. Jon Gatfield with 5.237 p

A happy family atmosphere in Rieti with the winners at the podium.
Aero Club Rieti “Alberto Bianchetti”


shared by 18M & 20M Nationals Lasham 2021

—-The 18m and 20 m Nationals started last Saturday at Lasham.
Day 1 had to be cancelled, but day 2 had small windows to fly a 179 km task in 18 m. and 164 in the 20 m class.
18 x 2 – seaters ; 8x an ARCUS type, 7x a Duo Discus type, 2x an ASG 32 and a Twin Shark.
Sunday news; “We are up and running for Day 1 of the 18M and 20M Nationals 2021. After some drizzly weather yesterday we are hoping for better luck today.”
They had!!!!
18 m. got 179 km to fly and Russell Cheetham [JS 3] was the best from 41 in this class; 97 km./h.
Many toppers , former world champions or European champions flying.
32 were in.
20 m. got 164 km...
Winner was, after looking at all loggers , THE TWIN SHARK with in it Edward Downham. Good on him!!!
10 Were in and 8 out!
Monday on August 23 ;
18 m; 299.29 km...later changed in a B task from 188 km. and then still only 3 from 42 finished!!!!
3x a VENTUS 3T in the top and some toppers who were out, as Russell, Pete and Liz.
20 m.; 181.58 km....changed in 179 km and in this class half of the pilots was in ;9 from 18. The ASG 32 was the best; 89 km./h.
The Jones brothers are doing well. Philip was runner up in 18 m. and Steve in this class.

Tasks set for both classes. We are just waiting for cloud base to increase enough to launch and they should be on their way!
As shared by 18M & 20M Nationals Lasham 2021 on Tuesday.

Tuesday August 24;
18 m; task 4…2.30 AAT ….and they all left for the A task. AND they all finished!!!!!All 42!!!!!
Pete [Harvey]number 39 on task 3, was now the best BUT, ended on spot 4 due to penalty points for finish height; 293.60 km in time 2.33. [Speed 122.87 km./h.]
Gary [Stingmore] in the AS 33es won the day with 327 km in time 2.40. [122.18 km./h]
Former world champion Leigh [Wells] was 4th in a JS 3 [121.56 km./h] just behind Ian Macarthur . [121.98 km./h]
20 m; task 4…2.30 AAT...with a distance of 304 km. in time 2.57 Graham Mc Andrew’s was the fastest; 102 km./h.
As the day before Steve was runner up in the ARCUS M ![101.65 km./h]
More news next Wednesday!
17 from 18 were in.
More next week.


—–The Polish JUNIOR NATIONALS are not lucky with the weather either.
Standard class started with a day on which except for one, ALL pilots were out. Then 2 days cancelled.
On Saturday they tried again with a 1.30 AAT and 15 from 21 finished!
Club class only flew on Saturday with a 1.30 AAT in which the best pilot flew 113 km in time 1.49 in a junior.
8 From 11 finished.
Sunday’s tasks were cancelled!
Monday there was NO TASK.

Tuesdays weather as shared by Aeroklub Ostrowski

BUT,..on Tuesday standard got a 1.15 AAT as did Club .
Task 4 on flying day 2
, was a fact but only for club as standard was cancelled. Club got a 1 hour AAT and 1 from 11 flew the task.
The other 10 still flew between 13 and 48 km…hard work, character building!
In the end the task of course was NOT VALID….so zero points for the hard work. BUT,…. Chapeau for Marcel Bulka who finished in his Astir CS; speed 51 km./h!!!
So task 4 on flying day 2 was not a fact.


—-The UK juniors 38 in total, quite a lot!!!!, got a very small task from 85 km. on Sunday. This competition is flown parallel with the Cotswald regionals with 27 pilots, so busy, busy.
I concentrate on the Juniors.
With 90 km./h Finn [Sleigh] won task 2 with 85 km.; 92.79 km./h.
He was one of the juniors flying the European junior comps…he is the new EUROPEAN CHAMPION in club class…. so in a good flow ,as was Henry Inigo – Jones who was 5th for the day….3d in standard class at the Europeans behind Tom who won the silver.
Toby [Freeland] flew the Europeans as well,..he was 3d now. Tom [Pavis] was 22d.
Finn started at 3.18 the runner up at 4.13 PM !!!
Task 3, 80 km..24 from 33 flew the small task. They flew mostly between 15.57, an early start and 17.06 a late one.
Freddie Turner was the only one who flew the task in his ASG 29es under 1 hour and won the day.[ speed 86 km./h.]
Task 4 was longer so better weather; 229,91 km; long or short,…no worries for Finn he is “hot”!!!! He won again now with a speed of 107 km./h. Henry was runner up and Thom was 4th. Good practice that Junior EGC.
Toby had a less good day ,he was out after 248 km.
More next week.


Last Saturday was a real good August day for soaring specially in France and Italy. The German squad flies from Puimoisson and have a great time “in Paradise” as they call it. Max Schaefer flew in the VENTUS 3 a distance of 1.052 km. Good on him.
Michael Sommer did so too in the EB 29R.
Rubbiano in Italy had 2 x a 1000 km. flight one by Vitotio Pinni in the LS 8/18 m.!!!! I knew from my time spend in Rieti he is fast.
Mind you end of August.
The other 1000 was in an ASH 31/21 m. by Giampaolo Bozzetti.
824 km. in an ASW 24 from there ,is worth mentioning as well.
Bert Schmelzer jr. started in his Ventus 3 from Hausen am Albis in Switzerland; 872 km. I really like his comment.
Average speed after 150km: 52 kph …
Luckily, as soon as I entered the aera south of Mont-Blanc climbrates and cloudbase finally became decent.
The main goal of the flight was to check whether the house of my friends Dennis and Loes in Nice was ready for their return after the WGC in Montlucon. Congratulations with your beautiful 3rd place, Dennis!!!
After seeing the Mediterrean Sea it was time to turn around at about 16:00 for the return leg of 400km. Strong climbrates and high cloudbase made progress to the North easy and near Matterhorn I basically was on final glide.
Great day
4 PM…pffff…..400 k to go…..


—-The German juniors have flown their NATIONALS in very bad- weather- circumstances in early August from Burg Feuerstein and here are the results from
CLUB class;
1. Eric Schneider…2. Nils Fecker….3. Toni Kittler
All 3 flew LS 4.
Standard class;
1. Simon Briel….2. Nuno Ferreira…..3. Johannes Dibbern


News from Australia:
Gliding Australia has engaged WeGlide to run our decentralized competition so once again we can give a focus to the many wonderful flights done across Australia, and award annual prizes.  Our competition starts on 1 October to March 31 (Summer) and 1 April to 30 Sept (winter).  It will also include the club league (weekends only), Juniors and Women.
In honor of one our most successful international pilots and one of gliding’s true gentlemen, Ingo Renner, we have decided to name our new competition the “Ingo Renner Cup


And to finish…this pretty lousy summer is nearly over. The storks are on their way to better conditions already, smart birds. It really feels like autumn here.

no little cloth bundle to be seen
Courtesy Tom Van den Eynde

CU next week.
Cheers Ritz

‘Drama”…average of 60% out landings…and one good day!

In very short the WGC in Montlucon.
Drama for Ricky! I was wondering yesterday why he was not scored, so I checked. A 2d spot behind Sebastian on the last but one day…perfect!
But on the last day he was low before the start, no lift at all and he had to use his engine…end of day!!!!
What a way to loose a podium spot! He dropped from 2 to 6!
I truly feel sorry for him.
His bad luck was good luck for Matthew ,as he moved up to 3 behind the Polish guy’s Lucasz and Sebastian.

I wrote enough about the out-landings and the good day , task 7 with in club a 3.30 AAT flown by 32 from 36, in standard a 3 hour AAT with 28 from 29 finishing and in 15 m a 3.15 AAT flown by 25 from 28,….that was a good day. But you have to deal with what you get, both for the organizers and the pilots.
They did ,as I heard a really good job.…they performed under bad-soaring-weather-pressure and with COVID -19.
AND…… they are not used to bad weather, France is well known for their great skies full of wonderful cu’s!
They were missing at this WGC,…a pity.
Though I saw a few during the prize giving!!!!Grrrr….

A big THANK you also to the remorquers/ the tuggies and ALL volunteers/ local club members, to create a show we could follow all over the world.

The organization! THANKS!!!
Without them it would be VERY difficult!!!

Well it’s over now. Results are OK/ confirmed and there were no protests
Overall scores and some pictures is left for me.
As always it was MY pleasure!!!

1. Uwe Wahlig from Germany in LS3 with 4.614 points GREAT CHAMPION!
2. Thies Bruins from The Netherlands in ASW 20 with 4.499 p. CHAPEAU.
3. Stefan Langer from Germany in LS 3 with 4.457 points.
4. Tom Arscott from the UK in LS 7WL with 4.450 p. only 7 points less.
5. Ferenc Tamas from Hungary in LS 3 with 4.435 p.
6. Robin Smit from the Netherlands in LS 4 with 4.388 p.
7. Jake Brattle from the UK in LS 7 WL with 4.318 p.
8. Jakub Barszcz from Poland in Mini Nimbus with 4.163 p.
9. Mark Travner from Slovenia in DG 300 with 4.061 p.
10.Darius Gudziunas from Ukraine in ASW 20 with 4.048 p.

WGC CHAMPION Uwe surrounded by Thies and Stefan.
As shared by Wereld Kampioenschappen Zweefvliegen

These were the Club-pilots with scores in the 4000 marge.
Number 9 to 4 get a diploma in each class.
By the way,….it was the first participation of Thies at a WGC!!!!!
WORLD CHAMPION Uwe mentioned that the day yesterday started ,very very weak. He thought first it ‘s so weak we can’t start or we land out after 10 km. Not really in the mood/flow to fly. BUT it improved and with Stefan, …they stayed together for the whole flight… they found thermals, hoping for a 1 and 2 strategy, but during the day with weaker conditions finishing the task was the only strategy. Small task little amount of points… so coming home was the only goal.
Team UK;”Club class were first on the grid and spent about 30 mins groveling below release height. They eventually climbed up and made a good start, caught most of the early starters.”

1. Simon Schröder from Germany in LS 8 with 4.609 p. CHAMPION!!!
2. Jan Omsels from Germany in Discus 2A with 4.504 p.
3. Dennis Huybreckx from Belgium in LS 8 with 4.390 p.
4. Jeremy Hood from the UK in LS 8 with 4.229 p.
5. Norbert Scarlat from Romania in Discus 2A with 4.168 p.
6. Jeroen Jennen from Belgium in LS 8 with 4.159 p.
7.  Sjaak Selen from the Netherlands in Discus 2A with 4.129 p.
8.  Enrique Levin from Germany in Discus 2A with 4.105 p.
9. Robbie Seton from the Netherlands in LS 8 with 3.947 p.
10.David Leemann from Switzerland in LS 8 with 3.932 p.
Certificates for pilots between 10 and 4.

Happy chappies Jan, Simon and Dennis.
As shared by Belgian Gliding Team

15 m. CLASS;
1. Sebastian Kawa from Poland in Diana 2 with 4.470 p. CHAMPION.
2 .Lukasz Grabowski from Poland in DIANA 2 with 4.286 p.
3. Matthew Scutter from Australia in DIANA 2 with 4.220 p.
4. Hadriaan van Nes from the Netherlands in JS 3 with 4.176 p.
5. Karel Novak from Czech Rep in JS 3 with 4.049 p.
6. Ricky Brigliadori from Italy in JS 3 with 4.017 p.
7.  Laurent Aboulin from France in JS 3 with 3.982 p.
8. David Bauder from Germany in Ventus 3 with 3.923 p.
9. Steffen Schwarzer from Germany in Ventus 3 with 3.891 p.
10.Daan Spruyt from Belgium in Ventus 2ax with 3.873 p.
10 to 4 got a certificate!!!
It was interesting to hear that Sebastian was most “scared” of Matthew!!!

Lucasz, Sebastian and Matthew.
As shared by Matthew.

Here is the first part of his blog the rest …as always interesting….you can read on Matthew Scutter’s Gliding
This took a long time to write and post, because I’m mentally and physically shattered after the last 4 weeks. It was by far the most difficult contest I’ve ever flown in, with strenuous conditions both on the ground and in the air. The organization had no shortage of enthusiasm or optimism and were very friendly and helpful, but they were short about 30 ground crew and most of the typical facilities you might be used to like wifi, running water, tow ropes were missing or limited due to COVID or otherwise. The flying involved more circling than cruising with my average climbs for the contest being less than 2kts. I have calluses on my feet from the rudder pedals (I have to fly barefoot to fit), and at the end I couldn’t turn left properly any more because of shoulder strain.

The FAI flag travels now to Australia for the WGC for club, standard and 15 m. in November/December 2023. Hopefully covid-19 then is only a bad dream.
Official schedule;
Practice from November 26 on and official practice from November 28 till December 1.
37th WGC from December 2…opening and flying from December 3 till 16,….maybe I should celebrate my birthday that day there?!

In 2022 they host a 2 week pre world event during the last week of November and the first week of December.

I add the prize-giving -pictures from today later.

425 km. is the task for the group 2 pilots in Rieti.
Indeed what I expected happened ……yesterday’s task was cancelled!
More about today and tomorrow …last day from the CCR….in a post on Sunday evening. Then it is back to the weekly regular Wednesday posts.

In Ostrow 49th JUNIOR NATIONALS.….they fly as well today , after 2 no-flying-days.
Club ;task 2…..2.15 AAT….
Standard; task 2 ….2.15 AAT…
.Next time more
Also about the UK junior nationals from Aston Down , flown parallel with the Cotswold Regionals 2021!!!!!They start today with 76 competitors in 2 classes.

Aeroklub Ostrowski

No more pictures yet….maybe tomorrow. I still miss standard class!!
Cheers Ritz
I looked at the stream and heard the German national hymn 3 times for club , standard and the team Cup.
Luckily it is nice music!!!

The team cup,….always a prize you want to have.
The Dutch, The German and Polish team won.
Wereld Kampioenschappen Zweefvliegen


Picture from 8.45 this morning from the airfield in Montlucon.
Courtesy George.

Yes this foggy picture shows the early morning, but if the sun is strong enough it will be “burnt out”. I HOPE!!!
You can barely see the windsock.
I looked at the European weather as well this morning, with a low in the N of Europe and a high in the S, gaining more and more ground also over the Montlucon area. Hope,…like….
Good news,….. there is a grid order ,club, 15m and standard class.
Tasks have been set; Club 197 km….15 m 225 and standard 196 km.

Briefing at 10.30,….I will be ready.
The trigger temperature ; 21 dgr.C.
At 4 it will be 24 dgr. C. and the high clouds should be “gone”.
Wind N N E 10 km……..
Treats; incoming cirrus from the West
“end of day ” at around 17.30.

First expected launch; 13.30.
Safe flights to everybody …enjoy your last day and take care

Now she is crewing in France , when I saw her last time she did so in Lake Keepit.
A great hard working lady.
36th World Gliding Championships Montluçon-Guéret – France 2021

As said I expected news about yesterday from Matthew;
The final day of a contest is usually too hard to make points on as everyone is covering someone, so when I saw an opportunity to do something quite different today on the penultimate task I thought it was worth trying. There was a megastreet that nearly joined up between two AAT circles, but it was a long way off track in and out. The alternative involved flying the isolated cu and looked trickier although a lot more direct. I went for the megastreet and I’m pretty sure I was the only one to use it both ways, but it was a bit disappointing and tricky to find the cores by myself. I still had a respectable speed but I was coming into Montlucon alone which is always a high risk activity, with my class still averaging only a 35% task completion rate.Despite just being 10 minutes behind the gaggle I got a bad phase of the spreadout and was looking at a bleak sky to try and pickup glide along. I was only 300ft below glide but I instead opted to go deeper into the last circle, now 1000ft below glide, where there were still good cu to pickup a climb onto glide with. What I didn’t understand was I was flying into a different air mass – much lower cloud base, only 600m above ground, with very soft and narrow climbs. After an extended period of circling lower I finally gave it away and parked it. The sun did eventually come out again through the spread-out and the cu cycled to a bit more definition, so I think it was possible but just not at the time I tried.Matthew Scutter’s Gliding
His attempt,…it all makes sense.

Yesterdays winners in CLUB class. with Robin, [l] Tom in the middle and Uwe.
the winners from 15 m. class
Manu from Belgium [l] Sebastian as often in the middle and Roman to hid r.
Team Germany in Standard Class , Jan, Simon and Enrique from l to r.
36th World Gliding Championships Montluçon-Guéret – France 2021

Quote ‘s from the last day’s ;
No outlandings, no use of engine, we finally managed to have a day where all of our pilots managed to complete the task! 🥳
Time flies when you’re having fun, well, today at least! 😉
But somehow it was possible for many pilots to make a lot of distance in a sky awfully close to a solid overcast.”
”  Sarah was some 15 minutes behind, and at 19:00 – long after the day was predicted to be dead – no view of the sky or her altitude & position offered even the smallest reason for optimism.  With her trailer on the road headed to the general area where she must now surely land, she somehow found the climb she needed and became the final finisher, just a few minutes behind the others.” On task 9 by John Good.

Breakfast at the UK table ” Croissants and COVID tests
Courtesy Matthew

Note about yesterdays overall preliminary scores.
They changed over night in the 15 m. class. Not Ricky is runner up behind Sebastian but his Polish mate Lucasz…Ricky has 3 points less than Lucasz. [4.014…4.011]

AND ,…this is Montlucon as well. Interesting children for flying.

36th World Gliding Championships Montluçon-Guéret – France 2021

And that can lead to a JWGC….
The last JWGC’s have “produced” top pilots.
From the participants now in Montlucon, several were WORLD CHAMPION and even more important continued soaring.
In 2003 [ Nitra] Jeremy Hood flew already in standard class and became CHAMPION in an LS 8 , now he flies LS 8 as well. At this stage he is 4th!!!!
In 2007 in Rieti, I was there, Killian Walbrou became World champion in club class in a St Cirrus. Montlucon 2021 is not his year, 14th at this stage.
In 2015 in Narromine Matthew Scutter won in St class in a Discus 2A. Robin Smit was runner up that year. Matthew flies a Diana 2 now and is on spot 4. I was there as well.
Same year 2015 in Narromine it was Tom Arscott who was the world champion in club class in a St Cirrus. This year he flies an LS 7 WL and is on spot 6.
In 2019 in Szeged it was Simon Schroeder who won in an LS 8. Now, with today to go, he is on spot 1 also in LS 8.
Also in 2019 it was Jake Brattle who won in club class in an ASW 20. Now he flies LS 7WL and is on spot 8, but still current JWGC champion.
GREAT JUNIOR CHAMPIONS and still fabulous good pilots!!!!

What happens on the last day, when everybody ,certainly the top 5 in each class ,looks at each other. Tactics or just going for “all or nothing”.
Scores are so close that everything still can happen as long as the weather is good for fair flights and the day long enough.
It was NOT.
They postponed several times and at 2.15 the B task was handed out, so more waiting ,another late start with an early “glooming- end -of – thermals ” at 5.30.
Around 2PM the Belgian team wrote; “We woke up under a total overcast, but luckily, it started to break up around midday. By now, it looks very blue with a few small cumulus clouds here and there. Forecast is mainly blue thermals today, with a cirrus cloud layer coming into the area in the afternoon. Hopefully, all pilots can make it around today so we can enjoy the farewell party this evening together.

August 20 :
task 11, flying day 9 out of 13 in club and 8 in standard and 15m.
Today is about not losing, rather than winning.

Club class; 197 km. …B task 135.39 km..…..first launches just before 14.30 . The ceiling was about 650 m. AGL over the field. I looked at the flight from Aude , accompanying the pilots in the air with her comments and what I heard was mostly c’est dommage [it’s a pity] and “malheureusement” unfortunately.
But club class, lucky enough to be the first to launch , went on track.
Club class is now on the way to the first turn point, and it seems that conditions improve further north with blue thermals up to 900m in the task area.”
At 17.16 the first glider finished. Tomas [Suchanek] with 76 km./h .
As they mostly flew in gaggles quickly more pilots followed.
AND,….at that time ONLY 3 out!!
Well,…the 3 top pilots Uwe ,Thies and Stefan had such a good buffer that they made it and stay on spot 1, 2 and 3. Even with a 20thiest day-place for our Dutch hero Thies!!!
Uwe was only on a daily spot 21 , but he is such a CLEAR GREAT winner and Stefan, on spot 18 with a speed of 63 km./h like Thies.
Jake and Tom share spot 1 again,…how they do that???….and got 427 points .
Thies’ spot 20 gave 300 points, so not a lot to loose or to win.
Only 7 were out. The last pilots finished just before 7, so a nice long day.
Tomorrow the official results.

Standard class; 196 km….B task 141.18 km….the last to be launched and most pilots dropped their water already during the launch. They continued launching, but circumstances were not really better, around the field. You need height to go on track.
Some indeed did and found some better weather, working hard. All starts were after 4 so a small window, but the day luckily turned out longer than 5.30. Daily winner Luca Urbani from Italy with 62 km./h
Benjamin Neglais from France was runner up.
Then the German team [Jan on 3 and Simon on6] , the Dutch [Robbie on 4 and Sjaak on 7] and Belgian. [Dennis equal on 4 and Jeroen on 8]
13 from 30 were in! From them 4 are not yet scored!
So I’ll wait for the official overall results but it looks like also in this class the German team has 2 pilots in the top 3 with Simon on 1 and Jan on 2 with my Keiheuvel mate Dennis on 3.
13 from 30 finished today, Jeremy as last one at 19.18.

Cousins, mates and great glider pilots Dennis and Jeroen. I know them since they were todlers. As shared by the Belgian team

15 m; 225 km..B task 158.57 km...Also this class struggled close to the field. The organizers waited 10 minutes after club class was up , to see what was happening. Not much ….but they continued launching.
On the tracking I could see a few pilots higher than 1000 m. amongst them glider R P Sebastian and KW with Laurent .
At 6 PM, there were 6 outlandings .
Matthew won the day with 4 points more than Sebastian and Lucasz was 4th behind USA pilot Tim.
BUT,…later Matthew was punished for a too low finish; 502 m. That cost him the first daily place ; spot 5.
So Sebastian on 1 , Tim on 2 and Jeroen on 3 for the day!
7 from 29 were in. No scoring yet for Ricky, so things might change.
Sebastian has never flown a competition in which he had to dump all water from his Diana. He was happy to be home and tired and very tired. The little clouds in the end helped a lot to make it home, he said.
In “one” word he called it the WGC for the light Dianas.

More tomorrow, quite an exciting day. It kept me busy ALL day and evening.
This WGC was more or less “an end-of-the-day-competition”. Late launches, late starts and a race against the clock to be back in time before “the- end- of- the -day -time” to finish! Or before the window closed!
It looks like the German team wins the TEAM CUP with 920.56 points ahead of The Netherlands with 904.78.


NO weather in Ostrow, hence no flying today! A nice picture though, a glider surrounded by flying-mates/birds.

Picture from yesterday, flying around with a lot of friends.
Aeroklub Ostrowski

The CCR in Rieti has interesting weather as well;
Rainfall with possible thunderstorms south of Rieti: isolated showers, and possible thunderstorms also on north area -Cumulus base: From 2.200 to 3000 m -Wind: W NW in west side. E NE in the East side and weak variable in the middle. -Temp. Max from 29 up 32 ° C

Todays weather as shared by Aero Club Rieti “Alberto Bianchetti”

A 2.10 AAT was set for group 2. A difficult pretty marginal day with only ONE finisher team Alberto Sironi /Andrea Venturini in the ARCUS T; 260 km. in time 2.18.
Runner up Jon in his brand new AS 33es/18 m; 146 km. but no finish.
It might be that the day will be cancelled as only 5 flew over 100 km due to a storm around the first TP. Will let you know.

Aero Club Rieti “Alberto Bianchetti”

Enough writing for today!!! CU tomorrow with pictures from the prize giving and maybe from the party which will be busy Now [9PM. here in the Netherlands.

Tonight it’s time for our pilots to relax and sink a few beers. Well done everyone for what turned out to be a challenging comp. The weather threw us some curve balls and I’m sure there are still a few stories to tell.” British Gliding Team

Cheers Ritz

Last but one day in Montlucon!

36th WGC for club, standard and 15m. class in Montlucon..France.
8 August 2021 – 20 August 2021

Hardworking volunteer .Good on him!!
As shared by the organizers.

AUGUST 19 2021;
It seems the weather is good enough for small AAT’s.
Looking at the weather-briefing…..mmmmm?????
Hope they are not too optimistic again and have to go to B tasks …hence late starts and too many out-landings, as till now ,the days finished early.[ this time of the year and with the weird pretty dark weather from the last week[‘s].
Today they expect the day to finish around 6 PM.
The warning was again; finish ring is 5km at at 700 m. QNH
If below, penalty is 1 point per meter.
Caution; Inside finish ring ,very few fields are landable.

So on the last but one day we see task 10 for club [ flying day 8 out of 12 till now] and for standard and 15 m. [flying day 7.]
I REALLY hope for both the pilots/ crews and organizers for 2 TOP days!!!
At briefing 2 proud moments for team USA . They have n’t been too lucky till now , so a win for Daniel in club class and a spot 2 for Tim in 15 m. on task 9 was well deserved.

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Daniel with a big smile in the middle. A bottle for him. To the l and r. Thies and Killianwith a new hat.
Courtesy Cindi White Roth
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And Tim as runner up …a hat for him….with Sebastian who got the bottle and Hadriaan with a new hat.
Courtesy Cindi White Roth

First expected launch today 13.30.
That did not happen…I heard a Frisbee game gave some waiting- joy! Lot’s of socializing around the gliders and waiting till 2PM for new possible launches.
They have got a B task already for when necessary; in each class 15 minutes less.
Grey and no sun, but it should improve, it will clear from the South…..so another difficult day is what Aude the weather- woman said.
Tomorrow should be much better she said as well….increasing temperatures and sunnier skies.
First launches at 14.45…..but the sniffer could not really stay up….he/she slowly got lower and lower….
It takes at least an hour to get everybody in the air, when the thermals indeed stop at 6 , a quick and good start is necessary.
Maybe if the clearance from the South,[ Aude forecasted that ], indeed arrived ,that would be great as sunset is at 18.52 UTC ,..20.52 local time.
Let’s see what happens?!

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The weather today ;” almost full overcast, but well-marked cloud bases.”
as shared by
Belgian Gliding Team

but later,…INDEED as promised sun and better circumstances. Cloud streets even, best day till now some said!

” The overcast clouds started to break up and it looks very nice 3/8-4/8 cumulus with spread out in some areas. The ceiling isn’t that high though, mostly around 1000m AGL
Belgian Gliding Team

Club class; 2.15 AAT…B task 2 hour AAT....All preliminary scores are in and only 8 pilots were out from 36.
So a pretty nice late afternoon.
Tom from the UK won in his LS 7 with ONE point difference with Robin from Holland in LS 4;187.88 km in time 2.04 for 172.99 km. in time 2.01 [85.92 for 85.77 km./h]
They all started between 15.53 and 16.15. Both UK pilots Tom and G. started as last in the class. Tom won, G was 5th.[181 km. in time 2.09]
How does it look for tomorrow? Preliminary overall scores now.
1. Uwe 4.305…2. Thies 4.189….3. Stefan 4.160…4. Ferenc 4.094…5. Robin 4.090…6.Tom 4.023.
Some very close EVERYTHING/ANYTHING can still happen.
Only one really good 1000 points day in this class.

Standard class;2.30 AAT...B task 2.15 AAT....St class was the first to go on track. And they did , within 20 minutes they were all on their way.; departure times between 14.30 and 14.51.
AND,…only 2 pilots outlanded!!!!
The teams flew together and team Germany with Jan, Simon and Enrique flew 222 km in time 2.19 , [95 km./h] creating another joint number 1 place for Jan and Simon . Enrique missed out on ONE point.
The Dutch team flew together and Robbie [218 km] and Sjaak[210 km.] were 4 and 5; 92 and 89 km./h.
The Belgian team flew together and were 7 and 8; 2.15 and 212 km in time 2.27 [speed 86 and 87 km./h]
In between, on 6, all by himself Miloslav Cink from Czech. Rep with 223 km. in time 2.32. Not totally alone as team mate Pavel Louzecki was 9th…they started together too.
Danish pilot Filip was the last to finish [27] ,….he did so well in the beginning of the comps.
All these scores are preliminary but for tomorrow I give you already the differences overall.
1. Simon 4.355…2. Jan 4.248….3. Dennis 4.135…4. Jeremy 3.996…5. Enrique 3.931 …6. Norbert 3.924…7. Jeroen 3.907…8. Sjaak 3.875…
Flying together is fun and you help each other, BUT, you can both out land as well.
Scores are so close, we have to see what happens tomorrow.
Tactics…all or nothing…
Due to loosing 4 points for a too low finish there is NO 1000 points day in this class.

15m. class; 2 hour AAT...B task 1.45 AAT….One of the first messages I read before starting was “15 Meter Task We are very skeptical that we are going to get a day in.”
That was too negative. They were the last to go on track and they have the most out landings ;13 from 28 finished!
KAWA -day again with 187.68 km in time 1.49 he was the best. Team Belgian did well here too with a 2d [Manu] and a 4th place Daan.
Start times between 16.12 and 16.20. The last to start was Matthew , he flew 161 km. but could not finish. Mind you ONLY 8 minutes difference in start time, so that could not be the reason. We will surely hear about his flight.

The luck ran out……..Matthew Scutter’s Gliding

To keep in mind for tomorrow…the overall scores now…
1. Sebastian with 4.163…2. Ricky with 4.091….3. Lucasz 4.008…4. Karel 3.959….5. Matthew 3.944…6. Hadriaan with 3.929 points
all still potential top 3!!
Till now only 1 x a 1000 points day. in 15 m. Hopefully one tomorrow.

Quote of the day; “At last something that was a bit closer to a racing day.
Back tomorrow with the last day!!!!


C.C.R. in Rieti.
15 August 2021 – 22 August 2021

Aero Club Rieti “Alberto Bianchetti”

The Coppa [Citta de Rieti] had a rest day due to bad weather… “Thunderstorms are forecast on the Terminillo, Rieti Valley, Velino, L’Aquila, the entire southern area of ​​the race field.”
But on Thursday it was back to flying again , task 4, after Aldo had explained in briefing what the criteria were for infringing the firefighting exclusion zone . [Rules of the Air]. On task 2 several pilots did so.

Grear cu’s in Rieti.
Aero Club Rieti “Alberto Bianchetti”

Group 2 got a 402.97 km. set task. Most starts after 2PM. Speedy day with up to 150 km./h.[EB 29DR]
20 from 22 finished. The Bouderliques won the day in their ARCUS M; 148.29 km./h. Alberto in the ARCUS T was runner up with his mate [143.59 km./h] and Jon Gatfield 3d in his AS 33es./18 m.;146 km./h.
3 days to go. I follow them for you.


In Poland the OSTROW GLIDE 2021 started on August 18 parallel with the Polish National Championship for JUNIORS.

Filip in the Standard Jantar 3, winner from day 1.
Aeroklub Ostrowski

Poland always had, through the years , great glider pilots. They still have!!!!
So it’s interesting to see that so many young ones participate in this junior championship!
In Club class I counted 12 and in standard 19.
In standard, they started yesterday , also with NOT the best weather, but ONE junior Filip Durda, flew the 1.45 AAT in time 1.51 and he flew 135 km. GOOD ON HIM!!!
4 Others flew over 100 km. so a valid day, hard work for nearly no points [81] but a satisfying day.
Most pilots in this class fly a Jantar.
In Club most gliders are juniors. They had a 1.30 AAT , but not enough kilometers [15 was the best, but they tried!!] were flown for a valid day.

Daily winner in st. class . As shared by OSTRÓW GLIDE 

They did not fly today in Ostrów Wielkopolski Michałków in Poland.
I keep an eye on it for you.


CU tomorrow for the last day of the WGC in Montlucon…I really hope for an excellent day, we get better weather here too, but our best day here will be on Saturday.
Don’t let that happen there!!!As so often,… the best weather at prize giving!!!
But what can you do, it is as it is!
I truly hope Aude is right.
Cheers Ritz

Surfing the web’s…and THE COPPA…..

Wednesday evening. August 18;
No flying in Montlucon means, more time for writing also for crews, pilots and TC’s. So I searched the internet to see how the people feel in Montlucon.
—–Tim Taylor, runner up in standard class on task 9 in 15 m. class;
“The day started out dark and didn’t get much better. I thought we going on a one way trip to an outlanding. I hit a big patch of sink after climbing out on my first tow and had to dump my water and relight. I found a good thermal near the gate after the relight and was in position to start when several others were going
Coming out of the third turn I had climbed to the top of the group in the thermal and was able to join with Sebastian Kawa. He still had some water so I couldn’t run with him, but it was nice to have an other glider searching for lift. I knew Sebastian had started well behind me so he would be much faster for the day, but two gliders are much better than one searching for lift in the darkness. There was a little spot of sun on the ground ahead and we still needed one more climb to reach final glide. Fortunately as we reached the sunlight there were several weak thermals developing that got us home. Still amazed we got around in a nearly cloud covered sky and that I will get to stand on the podium tomorrow for the first time at a world’s. #usteamfrance2021

—–WGC 2021 – Day 10 Day scrubbed 😢. Team UK

—-about out-landings;….Terrorizing the French Fields |.Team USA

—-More TEAM USA , they did well, so have a right to more room in this blog
The excitement really started when the Club Class gliders were approaching the last turnpoint. Thies Bruins (IV) and Daniel had moved well out front and started down the final leg. All of club class was getting low and falling further behind. Daniel and Thies headed home getting out in front of each other several times. Then Daniel approached a thermal that Thies was in, bumped it and kept going. Thies stayed a bit and then moved east a little then turned south. Daniel soon acquired final glide and finished. Meanwhile the rest of Club Class began landing out and trailers began leaving the field.” USA captains report on Daniel winner of task 9 in club class.

—-The German team has several pilots at top spots so they deserve some “room” too in this post.
At this stage Stefan Langer is 5 in club class , his mate Uwe Wahlig, leads in this class and David Bauder is 11 in 15 m.
In standard class they top the overall scores at this time with a 1 and 2 position, with Simon Schroeder and Jan Omsels!!!

Stefan …club class and David …15 m.
as shared by Segelfluggruppe Donauwörth-Monheim

—-Matthew Scutter;
I don’t know whether the wing had too much polish or the thermal phase was out of resonance with the wing or the tanks were full of heavy water, but I just could not manage to string a climb and glide together for the first half of the flight.”

—-Mind you,….in between we have the same lousy weather here in the Netherlands!!!!


In between I looked at Rieti as well as after the C.I.M. the Coppa Citta de Rieti was flown and a lot of C.I.M participants stayed for that competition too. There are 40 pilots, in the end 34 showed up, divided in 2 groups.
I concentrate on one group, as that’s where most of the pilots I know fly and that just makes writing easier.
After 3 days with good weather, tasks and speed there were 3 different daily winners.
On task 1 it was the French Bouderlique team [ARCUS M] who flew the set task of 383 km. with a speed of 129 km./h.
Runner up was Jon Gatfield from the UK in his AS 33es/18m.;128 km./h.
14 From 23 finished.
Task 2 on August 16 was a prey for the ARCUS T team with Alberto [Sironi] even ,when he like many others, got a penalty; Firefighting exclusion zone infringed (Rules of the Air)
They flew the 433 km. with a speed of 151 km./h.
19 From 23 finished.
Task 3 was won by Alvaro in his ASH 31 Mi 21m.; 149 km./h. during a 2.50 AAT ; 427 km. in time 2.52 good effort!!!!
No flying on Wednesday.

Now most of the big [CAT 1] comps in Europe are over ,some pilots look ahead already to the overseas season in Africa Namibia , Australia and New Zealand.
With covid-19 still hanging around I guess the last 2 might not be an option for this upcoming down -under -season.

—-And news about the Nationals from South Africa;
They will be in Potchefstroom:
Entries are now OPEN for October Nationals – This will include classes for Club, 15m, and Double-Seater.We will be hosting this in Potchefstroom from 3-9 October 2021, with an official practice day on 2 October. Please visit https://gliderank.com to submit your entry. This is a new system that we have been developing to ease the process of competition admin, and hopefully make it easier for the pilots too. ENTRY DEADLINE IS 4 SEPTEMBER 2021 – thereafter a late entry fee will be applicable.
There will also be a December Nationals for Open and 18m classes in Welkom, more to be communicated about that at a later stage.

—-and from Kiripotib;
We are looking forward to our time in Kiripotib. Our gliders will be packed in the containers in two weeks, to arrive in Namibia in time for this years gliding season. If you think of gliding in Namibia, send us your enquiry. We still have Arcus and and Ventus 3M, also in the best time, available. Yesterday we picked up at Schempp-Hirth a new Arcus M. On this glider are also some days free, don’t wait to ask for it.”

and from Bitterwasser; this news is from Mai 23 ,so there might be changes.
Indeed, everything has already been set up for service at the lodge: Michael Stoltze and Dirk Skura look after the flight office. In the main time they receive additional support. And if something breaks Manfred Dieterle steps into action in the workshop. Many already know him from the previous season. In the kitchen Louis is again responsible for an outstanding menu.
Corona should no longer play a role at the beginning of November. In Germany and Europe everyone should be vaccinated by then. And the lodge staff will be too! Nothing stands in the way of a carefree gliding vacation.
It is already largely certain who the administrators Luzaan and Rodrik van Neel will welcome as guests. Most of the interested pilots have already registered. The containers have been booked out for weeks. And with the charter gliders it is high time to book only a few time slots are still open.
For those interested in safaris: A herd of impalas has now joined the giraffes and zebras.

—–and from the GRAND FINAL OF THE FAI SAILPLANE GRAND PRIX between September 5 and 11 2021 flown by 20 pilots from different countries organized by the CNVV Saint-Auban
“Joining the 10 pilots who qualified from the events that took place are 8 pilots invited by the cancelled event organizers [ due to COVID- 19]and the SGP team, the reigning champion and a wild card entry for the host country. 
We are pleased to announce there are 20 pilots accepted to compete in the 10th final from 10 countries. We are looking forward to a very competitive and exciting final in Septembe

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day with some good soaring…..no lottery for the last 2 days.
CU then
Cheers Ritz

2d week in Montlucon…4 days to go…3 no …2 days!!

Waiting-time for all pilots , glider pilots and tuggies on August 15.
courtesy George.

Wednesday August 18;
Looking back at yesterday and as there is no soaring today there is only Thursday and Friday to go.
Looking back at the scores from August 15, which were very preliminary , when I shared them, there were changes as not Killian won the day in club class,[191 km.] but G Dale; best distance; 195 km. Good on him!!!

Killian on spot 2 G on 1 and Frenec on 3
As shared by Pôle France Planeur
The 15 m winners from l to r. Laurent, Ricky and Hadriaan.
Pôle France Planeur

A total of 74 pilots were out in real or virtual.[coming back on engine-power
18 in 15 m. ….20 in standard and 36 in club class. NOT GOOD!!!!!
It turns out to be more and more and “out-landing” competition.
BUT,…you have to deal with the circumstances you get.
Hopefully this last week [only 4 days] will show all the guests the REAL French weather!

Luckily the fields are BIG!!!
British Gliding Team

Even the official rest day , yesterday had not nice weather for sightseeing. Rain and overcast, but with an umbrella everything is possible.And I guess a lot needed a good rest after all the travelling, they did not ask for.
A warm tribute for all crews who have to work hard during this competition.
A lot of “thinking” by more than one pilot, about the first week. Again I advise you to read Matthews article about task 8. Here is part of it;
Unable to feel out the good climbs under the massive cu’s, I dropped all my water for a few low saves and ended up getting very very close to the airfield. The finish ring height is about 350m above ground, and I parked in lift about 2km from the finish ring at 200m above ground, under total overcast with 20kts of headwind. I couldn’t figure out why this thermal didn’t go above 250m or so, nor why it didn’t seem to drift downwind when I circled, requiring aggressive re-centering upwind every turn. Eventually it clicked – this isn’t a thermal – I’m on the ridge. The topography near the airfield is rolling, and in the strong wind this location was making a bit of ridge lift. Unable to go anywhere with this height, and unsure if the field I could see just ahead inside the ring was really safe, I pushed forward until I got that tingly feeling in my toes before an accident, then went back to outland in a little postage stamp of a field I’d been keeping my eye on near the ‘ridge’ – easily the shortest and most difficult outlanding I’ve ever had to do, probably not abnormal by European standards, but I’m used to Australia’s 2500m fields, not 250m fields. The length wasn’t the problem so much as the turbulence necessitating keeping 120kph until near the ground, which made it float a long way, but I got it stopped 10m before the end with only airbrakes and moderate wheel brake.” Matthew Scutter’s Gliding

Sarah [Arnold] WWGC champion in Lake Keepit, from the USA reflected as well:
“If you win all the time you might forget how to lose. Nobody wants that. When you’re losing you get to a point where you can learn more than any other time. And you have the opportunity to grow in mental strength. You want to be gracious. And at the end you must learn to believe that although you lost you are not a loser.”

36th World Gliding Championships Montluçon-Guéret – France 2021

So the WGC continues and what I heard the forecast is not for superb weather. ONLY 4 days to go as Friday is the last flying day and Saturday the prize giving.

Tuesday August 17 ;
Task 9 flying day 7 for club and 6 for standard and 15m.

It’s waiting…looking up….waiting ….
36th World Gliding Championships Montluçon-Guéret – France 2021

Club class; 264 km....was launched and the gate was opened straight after the last one was up plus the extra time. The full 264 km. for them AND 2 really flew it and finished. USA pilot Daniel Sazhin and Dutch pilot Thies. Good on them. It took them nearly 4 hours but they were in! That’s more than all the others ,as some have not been finishing at all during this competition.
I get the feeling that pilots and crews after this week are “resigned.”
Another 33 out!
Killian was 3d with 248 flown kilometers!
The overall scores are close ….1. Uwe,2. Thies and 3. Darius 4, Stefan and 5 Ferenc. And look how close they are; 3.700, 3.666,3.640,3.598 and 3.545 points.

standard class; 258 km….now 206 km...launching was postponed and B tasks were handed out. So an hour after club the rest was launched, they could go as well. 19 were in, 10 were out.
Bad day for Filip who was 1 overall but dropped due to an outlanding from 1 to 6. With close scores and a bit of lottery-weather this can happen, but it can go the other way as well over the next 2 days.
Polish pilots Lucasz had the best speed in his Discus 2a;59 km./h. It took him 3.30 hour.
Sarah was on spot 19, the last finisher in this class after nearly 4 hours!!
Close overall scores as well; Simon 3.666, Jan 3.559, Dennis 3.555, Jeremy 3.495 and Norbert 3.471 points.

15 m. class; 294 km... B task..219 km…..as owner of SKYSIGHT, Matthew knows about weather. This was what he mentioned;
One of the strangest days flying I’ve ever had. 8/8ths overcast of stratus/cumulus/spread out all merging and swirling. The airmass was cold and unstable so just a ray of sun would kick off a few knots, but the wind was oppressive, totally chopping everything up.
More in his Matthew Scutter’s Gliding

As shared by Matthew,…no words needed.

So what happened here in this class?
Sebastian showed why he won so many comps; he flew around with a speed of 81 km./h which was nearly 10 k. faster then Timothy Taylor for the USA , the USA really had a good day!
Dutch pilot Hadriaan had 71 km./h and Aussie Matthew still made the best out of his day with 69 km./h on spot 4.
Only 9 from 28 were in, I even get desponded whilst writing!!!!
Ricky nearly made it, 216 km, so just in or out of the finish circle.
Also here close scores; Sebastian 3.668, Ricky 3.664, Matthew 3.641, Hadriaan 3.621 and Lucasz with 3.565 points.

I was shocked to read the next news from the Belgian team;
Over the last few days, we also found 2 of our glider sabotaged, this has been shared with the stewards and the organization. Let’s hope they take this seriously and implement additional security measure.”
I sincerely hope so too!!!

To finish. I promised you an update , when I had it, about the fatal accident in Rieti; this one is from AVIATION ACCIDENTS;
“Fatal accident…(8/August/2021)- Italy 🇮🇹 : A Lange Antares 23E glider, registration D-KVLS, experienced an apparent stall/spin and a subsequent impact with mountainous terrain during the Mediterranean Cup in Rieti, Italy. The glider was destroyed and the sole pilot onboard was fatally injured.
Sad very sad!

CU later this evening or tomorrow morning. Just heard that the weather is not good today so NO FLYING. Such a pity!!!
Cheers Ritz

B tasks for a change…

36th WGC for Club, Standard and 15 m. in Montlucon
8 August 2021 – 20 August 2021

the briefing room.
As shared by the organizers.

With good distances , shared at briefing today, Sunday morning August 15, the “bad-weather” period seems over for now.
Meaning less out landings which is good for everybody.
Matthew Scutter’s Gliding still informs you about what pilots deal with in his “way of writing” . He is there, so feels and “lives” this WGC.
He writes , flies well …number 1 at the moment overall…helps out wherever necessary and is adopted by team UK.

Matthes 2d to the l.
As shared by British Gliding Team

This morning I read the first part of his long blog;
“The last two days have had a lot of on-grid surprises. Yesterday as I was getting in my glider I heard a shout of “putain!” from the glider next to me – airbrakes somehow jammed, so I got to help with derigging a fully ballasted glider for them to diagnose it. Today’s challenge was the discovery that there were active parachute drop zones that weren’t in the airspace file just prior to launch, so there was some very quick scrambling of paper maps and pens to avoid a potential disaster.
Tonight INTERNATIONAL EVENING and after 5/6 days most probably a rest day tomorrow.

Yesterdays winners in 15 m. class;

On spot 1 Roman Mracek , on 2 Jeroen Verkuijl and on 3 Karel Novak
As shared by Czech Republic Gliding Team

Yesterdays winner in club class, with 91.96 km./h….. FASTEST of all classes!!!!…was Darius Gudziunas from the Unkraine; here is Darius with his team.

The Ukraine team in Montlucon
Lietuvos aeroklubas

The head quarters of the TC’s are for quite a few at the airfield. High antennas help to keep the contact.

Sunday August 15 ;
Task 8, flying day 6 for club and 5 for standard and 15 m.

Today, the weather conditions keep on improving and more cumulus clouds are expected in the sky. Competitors will head to the north and northeast on racing tasks of 300km in club class, 350km in standard class and 377km in 15m class. we wish them all a great task !” from the official site.
And then the waiting starts again, though skies rather look nice.
B tasks have been handed out as the weather did not develop according to expectations. First launches postponed!
THEN,….the noise of starting engines and you know it’s about to happen again. 94 gliders will start for their race.
First launches at 13.30.
At 7 PM, only a few scored pilots, and more and more out-landings….what’s happening to the mostly good weather in France,……it does n’t look too good for the International Evening.

Today’s skies.
Courtesy Steven Lanting, crew At Montlucon.

Club class; 303 km... changed in 222 km; and then the task still was too long. The Belgian team wrote already “The sky is drying up and for the club class, who were launched last today, the start is looking difficult. The other two classes seem to have had an easier start with better defined clouds. Also the wind is picking up. Let’s hope for the best.
At 8 PM, no finishers and already 16 out-landings. Some really did well with 186 km!!!!
At 9 PM, still no finishers so the conclusion will be ;ALL visited a French farmer!! No or a late International Evening.
A lot are not yet scored but it looks ,…all preliminary of course… that Killian [Walbrou] won the day with 191 km. Ferenc [Tamas] from Hungary flew 187 km, Thomas [Suchanek] from the Czech Rep .186 03 and Dutch pilot Thies 186.14 km.

Dennis, from Standard class…..after his flight he was still “flying”
Courtesy Belgian team.

standard class; 351 km.... changed in 269 km ; Dennis from Belgium won the day good on him. 84.79 km./h! Unfortunately his best mate and cousin, Jeroen was just out; 266 km. not far from the finish ring. It’s a tough competition!!!
” In standard class, Jeroen en Dennis flew very well again, with Jeroen leading most of the team flight, and Dennis took the lead at the end. Jeroen had to land out just a few km before the finish ring, we feel so sorry for him! Dennis just got some slight better thermals at the end, with a 2nd Belgian day victory as a result! 🥇🥳 Great team work again, but so unfortunate for Jeroen.”
Belgian Gliding Team
Only 9 pilots finished !!!
Dennis moved from 9 to 6 to 3 now overall.
Filip Bojanowski still leads. The Danish pilot is some kind of quiet achiever and very consistent.

15 m; 377 km….changed in B task 277 km; The scores from 15 m came it first. It was Ricky [Brigliadori] in LEO the JS 3 ,who clearly won the day with a relative late start at 14.50.
96 km./h….. 10 k faster than Laurent. Some others started at 14.19 as did Laurent [Aboulin] who was runner up!
Only 10 from 28 finished. Some landed close by as Matthew after 275 km.
Must be in the finish ring!
Jeroen [Verkuijl] who was runner up yesterday in the overall scores dropped from 2 to 11 and that really hurts!!!! He was out after 222 km. Also the daily winner from yesterday Roman was out after 233 km. dropping from 4 to 10.

“Dammit” he was very disappointed!!!!BUT,…it ain’t not over yet!!!!
Jeroen posted this picture himself!

AND,….I was hoping for less out-landings!!!!It’s a weird competition!!!
BUT,…you should NEVER give up!!!!

Tomorrow is indeed a very well deserved rest day.
So looking at the overall scores after a pretty difficult first week;
1. Uwe Wahlig from Germany in LS 3 with 3.151 points.
2. Darius Gudziunas from Lithuania in ASW 20 with 3.079 points.
3. Stefan Langer from Germany in LS 3 with 3.046 points.
4. Thies Bruins from The Netherlands in ASW 20 with 2.996 points.

Standard class;
1.Filip Bojanowski from Denmark in Discus 2A with 3.115 points.
2. Simon Schröder from Germany in LS 8 with 3.091 points.
3. Dennis Huybreckx from Belgium in LS 8 with 2.986 points.
4. Jan Omsels from Germany in Discus 2a with 2.977 points.

15 m. class;
1. Riccardo Brigliadori from Italy in JS 3 with 3.181 points.
2. Matthew Scutter from Australia in Diana 2 with 3.069 points.
3. Hadriaan van Nes from The Netherlands in JS 3 with 3.041 points.
4. Sebastian Kawa from Polands in DIANA 2 with 3.039 points.
5. Lukasz Grabowski from Poland in DIANA 2 with 3.018 points.
6. Karel Novak from Czech Rep. in JS 3 with 3.014 points.
All scores are pretty close so EVERYTHING is possible in the 2d week.
All scores are still preliminary!!!!

Still perfect soaring weather in Rieti by the way.
Yesterday 4 good flights from just over 1000 km. by Vittorio Pinni and Roberto Sala in the Duo Discus XLT.
And a just over 1000 k in a Ventus 2ct18m.
992 [ARCUS M] and 988 k.[Ventus 2ct/18m] and 915 [ ASW 24] , were other good flights.

CU on Wednesday again , with a day off in Montlucon tomorrow and visitors on Tuesday for me.
Cheers Ritz

Finally better weather in Montlucon…

FIRST a great picture by Arne [Boye-Moeller] on the last C.I.M. -day.

Enjoying Davide’s elegant performance as we battled for nearly 400km, the last 200km just the two of us.
Arne J. Boye-Møller

And as promised some pictures from the prizegiving.

With Joost and Eric on 2…. Team Holland/Austria at 1 with Mathijs van Houweningen and Stefano and Roberta on 3.
As shared by Marloes Wolff.
Mates as long as I know them Joost and Eric, who was runner up at the WGC in Borlange behind Andy Davis. as shared by Marloes.


Further on the as always fantastic organized FCC in Prievidza finished on a high with a 458 km. task in the combi- class won by German pilot Michael Streit in AS 33/18m.
15 m. Had to fly 404 km with the 2 Czech “Jana’s ” on a 2d and 5th place.
Jan Kotan won the day,……he won 6 days in total in his Ventus 2b/15m.!!!!!
4 From 10 were out.
In Club 370 km. with as last daily winner Ivan Novak in the St Cirrus. With a huge lead he was the overall winner as well.
They flew 10 out of 13 days. .GOOD!!!!

Club class winners;
1.Ivan Novak in St Cirrus with 6.045 points. [Czech Rep]
2. Stanislaw Biela in SZD 55 with 5.253 points. [Poland]
3.  Milan Surovcik Jr. in Pegase with 5.227 points.
4th was Petra Piskata who leased an LS 1f from Tocumwal whilst flying the WWGC in Lake Keepit in Australia.
15 m class winners.
1. Jan Kotan in Ventus 2B/15m with 5.644 points
2. team Czeladzki & Czubski in Duo Discus XLT with 5.303 points.
3. Jiri Kusbach in KKB 15e FES with 5.019 points.
Jana Treslova was on 4 and Jana Veprekova on spot 5.
Combi-class winners;
1. Michael Streit in AS 33/18m with 5.592 points.[Germany]
2. Miroslaw Izydorczak in JS 1C/21 m. with 5.461 points.
3. Radek Krejcirik in JS 1C/21m. with 5.181 points.
4. Andre Weidlich in ARCUS T with 5.084 points.


WGC in Montluçon-Guéret, France
8 August 2021 – 20 August 2021

The preliminary scores from Friday…yesterday….in standard class changed a bit when they were official. Happens more with AAT’s…no worries.
2 Daily winners NOW,…Jeroen [Jennen] from Belgium and Simon [Schroeder] from Germany with equal points; 767.
Total different circumstances…Jeroen started his 2.30 AAT at 15.36 and flew 244 km in time 2.52 . Simon started at 15.55 and flew 230 km. in time 2.42.
Both fly an LS 8 , both on a joined spot 1.Speed 84.85 km./h
Dennis [Huybreckx] was 3d with 753 points.
Enrique [ Levin] was 4th. His brother just won in open class the C.I.M. in Rieti.
Also in club 2 first places by Tom and Jake.

Tom and Jake on spot 1 and Stefan on 3 on task 6.

by Jeroen and Simon.

Simon and Jeroen with big smile on a joined spot 1 and Dennis also with a big smile on 3.

And the 15 m. winners

Winners of task 6; With Laurent to the l., Max in the middle and Matthew to the r.
36th World Gliding Championships Montluçon-Guéret – France 2021 has added 3 new pictures to the album  Day 7 – 14 août.

Saturday August 14 ;
Task 7…flying day 5 for club and 4 for Standard and 15 m.

Clearly better weather, a bit more French!!! So “work” to do.
By the way I noticed a nice video on you tube about the accommodation from the German team in France, NO not at the camping or a B&B or motel , but in a real CASTLE, with it’s own runway and an military aircraft wreck. NOT TOO BAD!!!!
The briefing was not flawless, I read.
The airspace briefing was a total disaster, with an incomplete airspace file and 2 changes within 30 minutes after the briefing ended. Anyway, launching is scheduled for 13h00 and it looks like we will start as foreseen for the first time. The forecast was blue thermals around Montlucon and cumulus clouds in the north, but clouds are already forming overhead the airfield. So, better than forecast, nice! It looks to be a very good day with nice tasks!” Belgian Gliding Team. They are very GOOD in informing us on a frequent base. Good on them!!!!
There are 2 ladies performing in this WGC. Sarah from the USA and Diana from Luxembourg.

Sarah flies a Discus 2a in St. class
 Day 1 | 8 août.
Diana flies in 15 m. class in her JS 3.
Picture from the 2021 WGC Montlucon Album.

Club class; 3.30 AAT...The clouds disappeared earlier than thought so a pretty difficult day again and a challenging last leg .
Darius Gudziunas won the day in his ASW ….not TOO BAD as it was 1000 points-day! He flew 339 km. in time 3.41 and was the only pilot with a speed over 90 km./h
Again some warning points entering the finish ring. I checked the height and it is 300 m AGL and 700 MSL.
Robin found on final glide a thermal up to 1600 m so it was a good final glide and day for him; 3d spot for today!!!

Standard class; 3 hour AAT...Norbert Scarlat from Romania flew his Discus 2a over 308 km. in time 3.30.
Only 1 from 29 out, so a good day, specially for a few who had to outland a few times.
A good day but also a tricky day though there were cloud streets with thermals from 2.5/3 m. p.s. in the West up to 1600 m. BUT,…. the best weather till now according to Jacek Flis from Poland. ]5th for the day]

15 m. class; 3 hour AAT...Good day for the Dutch again. Frequent WGC pilot Jeroen Verkuijl was runner up behind Czech top pilot Roman Mracek.
4 JS 3 gliders in the top 4 as Dutch mate Hadriaan was on 4 and Czech mate Karel Novak on 3.
Hadriaan had a very early start as he noticed how the clouds more and more disappeared. He found Robin [club class] on his way and for a while they flew together and helped each other. With lift up to 1200/1300 m. they could finish rather easily.
3 out in this class. No warnings but penalties for the finish height for 5 pilots amongst them Laurent, Sebastian and Lucasz who started and finished [too low] together and were on a daily spot 19,20 and 21. Moving from 1/2 to 5/6 overall.
Max Seiss had no penalty points but must have had a tough “ride” he had the longest flight of the day;4.21.56. Pretty unusual for him.

Mind you all scores from today are preliminary.

More news when there is more!
International night tomorrow, good weather as well…they say.
Cheers Ritz