Extra news; WGC…3.30 AAT’s ! JWGC …2 hour AAT’s. FAI SGP in LIVNO!

Szeged, Hungary
24 July 2022 – 5 August 2022

Yesterday as seen by the French.
as shared by Pôle France Planeur

It was a more than challenging day yesterday. Not only for the pilots ,but for the tuggies as well. Compliments!!!
Also the wing runners had it tough, Benjamin Neglais from France mentioned:
Wing runner must be also wise. Use the wingtip to the wind and lower it to avoid gust raising the wing when released. This is the basic,…. plus good fast legs to give it all.”
Again some damage ! This is a very special picture and shows the love and fraternity of our sport.
Wolfgang [WO] flies a Ventus 3 TS and as you see ,this time not in the little workshop from Attie and Uys from Jonker sailplanes, but in the hangar, the glider is repaired by them and Tilo [Schempp-Hirth] who was only in Szeged for a short visit.

Uys from Jonker Sailplanes and Tilo from Schempp-Hirth
as shared by Jonker Sailplanes

John Good who is there has another good story on yesterday also on the damage of Wolfgang’s glider:
“,It seems that Wolfgang, in compliance with instructions here that insist on a long landing (to leave the runway clear for others) rolled long enough to cross the concrete marker that denotes the end of the grass runway. There’s plenty of grass beyond it, but this concrete object is not flush with the ground, and the impact managed to smash WO’s tailwheel up into its fuselage.”

Another evening EXTRA work for Attie and Uys after the heavy flying job.
Title; FAIRPLAY and indeed in the past I have seen this before!!!That’s what you do as manufacturer. The spirit and attitude of soaring. BUT, also others who knew about glider repairs helped out, as did Wolfgang, who can fly again to day HURRAY and tribute to all involved.
WGC 2022 – Szeged, Hungary

And there was more on yesterday from John ;
Today marked an end to trouble-free weather and straightforward soaring. Plenty of wind, extensive clouds and even some wave effects produced the first “shake up the score sheet” day at WGC2022. In 20-Meter class, Karl and Sarah managed to take advantage in a big way, taking first place in Arcus N1 by a convincing margin.” US Soaring Teams

Yesterday’s winners in 20 m. class with Sarah and Karl proud on top. Great to see Aku and Juha on 3 and Frenc and Attila on 2.

3 hardworking teams who fought against the wind and other elements, dealt with the tough circumstances best yesterday in 20 m. class. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
US Soaring Teams

During briefing today, Wolfgang said a few words on what happened to him.

As shared by the organizers.

August 1 ;
day 9…competition day 6…task 7…. and after this,… still 4 days to go.
At 11.30 the first gliders were launched under a blue sky, for a “sit” of 3 hours and 30 minutes in their glider. BUT,…some cu’s popped already up in the West. With the early launches the pilots had a long day to do what they think they should/could do. It seems the first sector was OK, some flew it really to the end, others went to the next sector. So there will be differences in arrival times.
After the 2d sector it became more difficult. Height 1000 and 1500 meter , occasionally 1800 and lift with 1.5 up to 2 m.
What did the pilots do?
18 m; 3.30 AAT….Bad day for 5 pilots who flew out of the competition area. They got points till the violation; 124, 3x 122 and 121 points. They flew into Serbia, which is out of the boundary.
Winners!!!! YES,…. from Italy Ricky and Davide! They flew 453 km in time 3.35, 3.40 for 1000 and 973 points. Christophe missed out on 2 points on Davide. He was 3d and still leads the class, but with only 35 points.
Good to see Wolfgang was flying. He was 4th. He will be for ever grateful. He is such a nice , enthusiastic and kind guy AND still the current world champion!!![Hosin in 2018]

A young Wolfgang and Bert and a young me in Benalla I think in 1986, ahead of the WGC.

Roman Mracek flew 468 km, but needed 4 hours and 13 minutes. 7 Pilots flew over 4 hours.
32 Pilots finished, 10 were out.

20 m; 3.30 AAT….An INTERNATIONAL TOP 5. 4X an ARCUS and one Shark.
Winners; Louis Bouderlique / Ulysse Merlin with 421 km in time 3.30 at the dot!!!!speed 120 27 km./h . FRANCE.
Runner up; Steve Jones / Garry Coppin with 426 km in time 3. 36. speed 118.28 km./h. UK.
3d; Erik Borgmann / Joost Wolff with 428 km. in time 3.37, speed 118.22 km./h. THE NETHERLANDS
4; Ivan Novak / Petr Krejcirik with 419 km in time 3.34. Czech Rep. 117.28 km./h.
5; Jakub Barszcz / Lukasz Kornacki with 439 km. in time 3.47. speed 116 km./h. Poland.
ALL pilots finished! One team needed 4 hours!
Overall scores are very close so everything can still happen.

open; 3.30 AAT...Very pleased to see that Radek won the day. Good on him. He flew in his JS1 C/21m. 485 km. NOBODY flew that far. And with a speed of 119,83 km./h so in time 4.03. His dad was 4th in 20 m and he number ONE. BUT, Radek won the day together with Felipe ; equal 1000 points. He and Michael keep on flying together and Michael was on spot 3.
4 Pilots were out.
Felipe leads with 13 points overall on Oscar who was 6th today.

All scores still preliminary.


Tábor, Czech Republic
30 July 2022 – 13 August 2022

Looking back with USA pilot David is possible. Here is a small part of his long story;
I was gridded in the second row and my new flying buddy Mark Travner from Slovenia is also in my row so I was thinking that finding each other after launch will be easier. Alas, we had no problem navigating the start game shenanigans. We started about 5 minutes after the main gaggle and then caught up to them on the first leg. From there, for me, it was a matter of not losing the gaggle nor Mark.
Everything seemingly came together today, using what I have been able to learn about team flying, Mark and I flew fast and efficiently
.” More on US Soaring Teams
He expected rain for today. But ….as you can see, they try to fly. AND,…they did!

It was a really hard day. The standard is really high. Lot’s of pressure, some tactical errors. ” Is what the UK boys said after the flight. In short; Challenging conditions and some technical issues made this first competition day interesting...” Team UK about yesterday.
The Turbo Čmelák has been woken from its slumber and the pilots have been warned “that everything happens really quickly“. Indeed today the Cmelak was towing and a lot of the juniors looked out to that moment. It is a very strong tug.
Matej Rendla , when I am correct Tomas son, said;
Even though the weather conditions today do not ease the competition, the pilots fighting for the title of the junior world champion should succeed even in conditions like this. “
The first launch was confirmed for 12 .00.

August 1…Day 2 …competition day 2 …task 2
Club; 2 hour AAT…the line opened at 12.56 . Only in the 3d circle to the S. was a bit of rain , mentioned our Dutch team. The weather is GOOD!!!!
Just after 3 the first pilots finished already with French pilot Alexandre Fierain, flying 257.48 km. in time 2.01, so a nice speed of 126.82 km./h. Would he be the daily best???
yes he was!!
His mates had the same great flight, they flew with 3 together. Starting at 13.19 and the other 2 finished in time 2.05.
Alexandre leads the overall score now too.

The French team and TC this morning at briefing.
As shared by Pôle France Planeur

After tea and cake, I looked again and they were still on 1,2 and 3, so a great day for the French. One of the members from the Jonker family flies an LS 3 and was 4th. He flew 122.67 km in time 2.01. Those young ones are really good in timing.
The UK boys were on 5 and 6 . My Dutch mates on 7,9 and 10.
The young Danes who flew so well yesterday were on spot 22,23 and 25.
43 from 45 were in, 2 out….GOOD DAY!!!!
19 Pilots have over- 1000- overall -points, all very close!!!
BUT,…there is a very long way o go!!!!

Standard; 2 hour AAT…their start line opened at 13.25, and most went straight on track. 13.43 was the last start time by Dutch pilot Nick. In the end he was 19th.
At 3.30 the first pilot appeared on the score board. Ryan from Australia; 222.27 km in time 2.01. Would that be good enough ?
No it was n’t! In the end he was 18 th.
With 135 km./h Wiktor Lacinski from Poland 285.34 km in time 2.06. He was the daily winner!!!!
Jacob Bøgelund Lassen from Denmark had enough kilometers, 348, but needed too much time ;2.53, but he was 6th for the day.
His mate  Emil Dalboe-Pedersen was runner up with 290 km. in time 2.17. speed 126.87 km./h.
So Wiktor was REALLY FAST!!!!!

As shared by TEAM UK.

The juniors had 2 pretty good days till now. More tomorrow.



30 July 2022 – 6 August 2022

“Race day 2 task set, an interesting route across multiple valleys and mountains.”
Follow live tracking on

They started! looking good!
as shared by FAI Sailplane Grand Prix Bosnia & Herzegovina 2022 – Livno

Race for today; 331 km.
With 7 pilots still in the race Matthias [Sturm] had the best race today. The regatta start was at 13.30 and with 133.2 km./h he won the 7 daily points. He has 8 in total now.
Gintas [Zube] was runner up , nearly as fast with 133.1, for 5 points. He has 12 points now.
Christoph [Limpert] was 3d and has a total of 9 points now.
More tomorrow.


And not long anymore and the next BIG event another [ cat 1 ] the WWGC in the UK flown from Husbos.
Here is already the schedule they shared. Their news will be on WWGC2022.CO.UK
Saturday 13 August – opening ceremony. All welcome! Free entry!
Sunday 14 to Friday 26 August – contest flying
Saturday 20/Sunday 21 August – public open weekend. All welcome! Free entry!
Friday 26 August – last night party. All welcome! Ticketed event.
Saturday 27 August – closing ceremony


You are up to date.
Have a good night…..and enjoy this picture from the German team.
And for all teams…ENJOY THE HUNGARIAN NIGHT later tonight. Goulash????
cheers Ritz

Extra news; WGC Szeged continues…JWGC Tabor and SGP Bosnia-Herzegovina…started.

Szeged, Hungary
24 July 2022 – 5 August 2022

After a party and good food at the INTERNATIONAL NIGHT, a day off to relax or recover from the “booze”, this new and last week starts in Szeged with enthusiasm, new hopes and hopefully the same great weather. Luckily the huge overnight-thunderstorm just passed by.
When you go to John’s link in this blog, more excellent writing about a lot of interesting topics, from the party and the rest day. AND I guess the WEATHER!!!!
US Soaring Teams

July 31, last day of the month.
“With great joy the South African team can report, that after serious investigation, interrogation and deliberation, we have successfully located and restored the FAI flag to its rightful position.
So we don’t have to worry about that anymore,….I hope.
Further on they mentioned;
Weather forecast for today – lowish, slowish and windyish.
The organizers hope for a “good window”, but B tasks have been set as well.
Temperature “only” 26 dgr. C, so long-sleeve shirts got out of the suit cases….20 kts wind with gusts.
Max it could be even 40 kts.

Further on …very interesting…. part of the tasks are very close to the border. There is an area where you have to stay above 457 m.!!! But the wind blazes in that direction!!!
That border is the Serbian border and 20 m. class comes close there . Serbia and Rumania DO NOT BELONG to the competition boundary.
At briefing tasks were set.

Day 8 , task 6, competition day 5; The wind is blowing, the wind sock in horizontal and the launches have been postponed; 12.15 now and still task A.
And …YES…off they went. First 18m ,then open and last but not least 20 m. Some needed the whole runway, 250 m. wide , to start with this cross wind. BUT,…all did well. Specially exciting for the self launchers, as I noticed on a SA video.
The cloud base after start was about 1500 m. Some went on track , whilst a quite a few hung around , waiting for better circumstances. It looks like a day with interesting scores , a shake up from the leader board and very challenging circumstances.
A day with the weather god, using for some, his sledge hammer!!!!
Let’s see,…..
18 m; 307 43 km…..start line opened at 13.20. The early starters had reasonable weather. Some late starters did not want to start so late, but had no choice. At around 3 some were on their way to TP 2, whilst others were still at the airfield.
At 3 some could only start as Uys , Attie and Arne. They finished just before 6PM.
8 Were out and 1 not scored yet.
There was a daily winner too. Polish pilot Tomasz Rubaj in the AS 33es.; speed 119.87 km./h. Chapeau. He started at 13.47.58 and finished at 16.21.31.
A runner up as well; Joris Vainius in the ASG 29.
Overall it looks with the preliminary scores that Christophe is still on 1. He was on 21 today . And Italian pilots Davide and Ricky follow with “our” Jeroen on 4 and Bert jr. now on 5 all small margins.

20 m; 294.52 km….start line opened at 13.54. Some had to start their engines [WK] not late after the start and were out today’s race. After the 18 m was up, a layer of high clouds moved in , creating problems for both 20 m and open class. Some flew straight back to the airfield. Still 13 from 19 finished.
It was a TOP DAY for Sarah and Karl from the USA in their ARCUS T with call sign N1. They were the only ones over 100 km./h. ;103. 93 km./h. The first starters left just after 2, but they left at 14.44 ,as the last on track. They might have been forced to wait that long, we will hear it tomorrow from John.
They moved up from 16 to 6!!!
The twin shark is still on top!!!!
2 have nor started .One is the German glider [WK] but I know they have used the engine to fly home.
It took Pierre and Arnaud over 4 hours to come back,…but they did!!!

open; 347.18 km….start line opened at 13.36. And when Michael Sommer has to start his engine, something is not right with the weather. He just motored back home after 18 km.
It might have been UK weather . Andy won the day ;122.03 km./h!!!!! He started with Russell but must have lost each other en route as Andy finished at 17.33 and Russell at 18.11 [ spot 13 for the day].
7 Flew over 110 km./h , runner up Oscar [121.72 m./h] , Radek with 117 km./h, Alberto with 114 , Felipe with 112 and Alena Netusilova in her JS 1C with 111 km./h TOP JOB!!!!!
Late delivery by Yves Gerster but he flew well; 3d for the day with 122 km./h.
Oscar leads now for Felipe and Alberto , and Radek moved from 8 to 4.
Michael dropped from 2 to 17, that really hurts!!!!
Landings with crosswind and strong winds are more difficult for the long wing pilots. But they did well.

More tomorrow!!!! WHATADAY!!!!!!
Some said “It could be the decisive race of the championship“.
Compliments to ALL who flew so well with this head- and cross wind .


12th FAI Junior World Gliding Championships
Tábor, Czech Republic,
30 July 2022 – 13 August 2022

The opening was a nice event and everybody is eager to go flying. As eager as young ones can be.
I shared a picture from David {USA} yesterday but he looks totally different now.

It was a “family affair” for team USA in Tabor. Team pilot David McMaster was joined with mother Karen Cassetta and brothers, J. T. and Ryan McMaster. Also, Team Captain is Tom Casseta, Karen’s husband. A clean shaven David proudly, with Tom, marched in the opening parade.”
Team USA and a very nice smiling South African !
US Soaring Teams
Team France with TC Eric Bernard [in the middle] and 6 pilots!!!All unknown to me except for Kevin Faur, [second to the r.] who I followed already at comps. So, eager to see how the other pilots fly.
Pôle France Planeur
TEAM UK; TC Matthew from Down Under with “his boy’s”; 4 pilots all very experienced. I follow them already longer.
Left to right: Toby Freeland (Club Class) Tom Pavis (Standard Class)
Henry Inigo-Jones (Standard Class) Finn Sleigh (Standard Class)

Unfortunately the Dutch team only had video’s …very nice ones…..but for me they are difficult to use in my blog. But you will get to know them, with Ellen and her dog as TC and 3 pilots in each class, so a big team.
With in club class; Lars, Simon and Jelmer all flying LS 4
In Standard class; Mark,[ASW 24] Maurits [LS 8FES] and Nick.[Discus 2b]
And don’t underestimate the German team with Simon Briel [Discus 2b] and Nils Fecker [LS4a] and 4 other pilots and the Aussies, James and Ryan, both LS 8.
The opening was yesterday, scuteneering has been done and for who wanted, practice-flights as well.
Tuggies [3] arrived and the weather looks great!!
After the opening they showed a nice fly-by as well. By the way when the teams started to march, it started to rain .

July 31; day 1….The 74 under-25-year-old pilots , boys and girls, started their competition. The web cams over there, showed pretty good conditions, so off the went.
Launching at 11.15.

At around 3.15 the next message; “First gliders arriving in 10 minutes“. GOOD!!!!!!

club; 262.62 km.…The start line for the club class opened at 12:15.
At 15.14 the first pilot Zsombor Wéber, from Hungary landed already in this class with a speed of 111.24 km./h. and with that he was not the first back at the field, but also the daily winner!!!!Good on him!!!
It looks that the best start time was just before 1PM, as early starters so around 12.30 were slower or out.
Team DENMARK did well with a number 2 Lasse, 3 Jens and 4 Miles Kjær, his surname is at least Danish.
From 45 a total of 44 finished!

standard; 308.22 km….The start gate for the standard class opened at 12:49. It took a bit longer for these boys/girl , of course they had nearly 50 km. more to fly.
But, Czech pilots Jaromir and Lukas in their LS 8 and Ignas from Lithuania also in LS 8 were the 3 daily best. All 3 flew with a speed of over 100 km./h.
29 started and 3 are not yet counted for in the scores.
The beginning is there, tomorrow more.

Please join us every evening at 20:00 CEST for a live broadcast of interviews with competitors hosted by Michaela Rendlová. The first broadcast will start today:” as shared by the organisers.


FAI Sailplane Grand Prix Bosnia & Herzegovina 2022 – Livno
30 July 2022 – 6 August 2022

A task has been set for today
RACE 1; 309.40 km…. ready to go .

Take off from 12:30 CET.
Regatta start at 13.50.
With 143.5 km./h Gintas Zube won the day in his ASG 29E. So 7 points for Gintas.
German Pilot Christoph Limpert [ASG 29es] was runner up with 143.07 km./h.
 Jernej Lokovsek [JS 3]also flew around with big speed as number 3; 143.06 km./h
Only 6 started .


To finish I HAVE to write about Max Verstappen who was in Hungary as well ,not in the air ,but at the Formula 1 ring.
In the qualifying race he had problems with his engine. Today he started from spot 11 to win the race, even with a “spin’. Great performance.
Now it’s off to see the soccer girls from the UK and Germany.

CU tomorrow. Cheers Ritz

Rest day in Szeged, opening in Tabor, last day in Eisenhuttenstadt!

Szeged, Hungary
24 July 2022 – 5 August 2022

With biltong, brandy and a real Braai, the South African Team was one of the first in front of the hangar and for sure the first to share with all of us, what they were doing. Again the Jonker family was very active, flying ,repairing gliders and “Cooking”.

Attie preparing the BRAAI.
South African Gliding Team

And more South African news;”
“Rest Day – This morning, there is an aerie silence on the airfield. I’m unsure if this is the calm before the predicted storms or the sound of the collective hangover from the international evening last night. 😂
Last night was a great success with fun had by all.
Team SA went through: 10 kg’s of Braai meat, 2 kg’s of Imported Biltong, 14L of brandy and 40L of Coke
Unfortunately, against our best efforts, the FAI flag did not survive the evening… we spent most of our evening guarding the flag and ensuring the bolts were tight at all times (as can be seen in the below photos)
We suspect the British team had something to do with this as they very suspiciously disappeared early in the evening around a similar time to the flag disappearance.… As always blame has already been pointed to the innocent South Africans… 🥲
Once everyone rises from their cabins, we will establish an official flag investigation unit to get to the bottom of this problem

What would a WGC be without the “loss” of the FAI flag?

No DOUBT , it’s gone!!!
As shared by South African Gliding Team

The USA with Sarah and John had typical USA stuff, as you can see on the picture.

As shared by TEAM USA

The Dutch of course had cheese and orange-bitter, which is a pretty nice liquor and as always the famous stroopwafels [cookies with honey in the middle] and the British Team’s offering of Pimm’s and Eton Mess, were very popular. The Belgium team had there over-delighted Belgian waffles, this time “on sticks”. I even have not seen that before. AND,…as every year they were a huge success. Italy had delicious past with basilica , The Germans “sauerkraut” and the French real French chees , wine and pate.

Prepared by team IP3 (Yldau, Koen and Daan to prepare everything) special waffles.
Hilde smiles…..
As shared by Arnaud De Broqueville

Some quotes from the pilots after that great race the day before;

Riku with ” soaring icon” Karl [Striedeck] , at the International Evening…..nice picture.
As shared by Riku Rissanen

The day went from under-promising to over-performing. It became a true race at 1.500 to 2.500m with groundspeeds often in excess of 220koh. The 437km was done in 2:46.” Arne from Denmark
Yesterday – Putting the glider to bed after a great day of flying.” S.A. team
kovanopeuksinen lentopäivä, kansainvälinen ilta ja vapaapäivä” Riku from Finland, my translator says it means huge speed, international night and a day off. So all ingredients from yesterday till today. And then a long story, in which he tells how proud he was to meet Karl.
“After more than a week, tough HEAT,… intensive and fast flights ,… announced heavy thunderstorms for the afternoon,….the international evening could be really enjoyed…to the fullest ” German blogger.

Nice picture from above .
As shared by WGC 2022 – Szeged, Hungary


12th Junior World Gliding Championship
Tábor, Czech Republic
 30 July 2022 – 13 August 2022

as shared by the organizers

The 74 competitors in Club AND Standard class have practiced in the area and should be ready to go for good places in this JWGC. I have attended a few, as either TC or as competition editor, and those comps with all those young people are just lovely. They have fun, make friends for life , do their utmost best and learn a lot!!!
Yesterday the welcome party took place. It was great to see young people from many countries chat together not only about gliding. Today the official opening ceremony which will commence at 16:00 in the historical centre of Tabor town on Zizkovo square. The official program will start with a presentation of teams with an introduction of their team captains and pilots. At 16:30 just after a flyby by a group of tow planes, official guests will begin with their speeches. The official ceremony will be closed by the speech of the president of the international jury and FAI anthem.  ” from the official site.

First times are always difficult but David is in Tabor, as only pilot for his country representing the USA. And he really practiced, by flying, with and behind other pilots in Tabor.
By the way in the USA , he is an instructor as well and studied at the  Ohio State University.
At his home field he flies the ASW 27 from his grand dad!!!!

Confident not that I’ll place high on the score sheet, but confident that I am ready to compete to the best of my ability, and confident that I’m going to learn a ton. I’m excited to see how much better I can be by the end of this amazing experience! “
David McMaster

Only by doing it you learn, David!!
Great picture from Bo, one of my favorite Soaring photographers!!!

The young ones [with respect] are beginning their dream comps, tomorrow. I will try to follow them as much as possible.
Well known glider pilot Tomas Rendla is the CD. There is a Polish jury president and a Dutch chief steward.
You are up to date now.


What happened more out side of the competitions?
Not far from Minden where I was in 1990, is a small airfield Truckee. We visited it one day. It has given pilots lot’s of joy , because of the great flights from there. This time it was well known pilot Ramy Yanetz, who flew to Crater Lake; 1.025 km. with a speed of 144 km./h
Epic day from Truckee. 18K bases in all directions, including north! The goal was Crater Lake, Oregon. The day started an hour later than expected so an out and return to Crater Lake sounded unrealistic, so the backup plan was to land at Siskiyu and continue back tomorrow, or land at Bend. But when I made it to a crater lake by 4PM even with 10 knots head wind I figured I had a decent chance of making it back, as I did and some more! Extended the flight to Minden at the end of the day. This was my 2nd time to Crater Lake, the first time was a decade ago from Williams but with a stop over at Siskiyu on the way back. This may be the longest O&R north from truckee that I know of. Now I need to visit Crater Lake from the ground.”

Impressive picture by Ramy.
More on onlinecontest.org

And on Friday James Lee flew 1.459,37 km. speed 149.58 km./h in it….An FAI TRIANGLE from 1.218,68 km with a speed of 132.68 km./h!!! 9 hours and 45 minutes total in the air…pffff….Good high famous- Minden-wave all flight.
James flew the triangle in his JS1C./21 m.
Also another 1000 k for Ramy from Truckee.
Nic Bennett is flying from Minden as well. He has his 1000 already , BUT what about 999.73 km!!!!!He flew the ARCUS M.


And the next FAI SGP is about to start now in Livno Brda Bosni, Bosnia & Herzegovina. They start today and continue till August 13.
Not too many participants , only 7, but a few good ones, Gintas Zube, Jon Gatfield and kilometer-eater Matthias Sturm and his German mate Stefan Langer, who visited Hungary for a few days as well, making nice video’s.
It’s the 5th event out of 10 with 5 to go in Livno in Bosnia Herzegovina,[30 july/6 Augustus ] in France in Vinon,[4 -10 September] in Australia at Gawler [2-8 January 2023] and in Vitacura in Chile [ 8-15 January 2023] and South Africa from Douglas Cape[ 20-26 January 2023]
THE BIG FINALY will be in Italy flown from Pavullo in 2023 ;August 26- September 2.

The 11th series from the FAI SGP in Germany from Eisenhuettenstadt have ended today, with a no-flying-day….the day was cancelled.
So the results I gave you yesterday stand;
1. Dirk Windmüller in AS 33es with 30 points.
2. Robin Förster in ASG 29e/18 m with 28 points.
3. Andreas Kühl in JS3 jet/18m with 26 points.
Dirk and Robin just got their tickets for the Finale next year in Italy!

With rain in Hungary Max [Formula 1] might do well with his qualification. He likes rain. Tomorrow is the big race on the Hungaroring. Tomorrow also another day/week in Szeged and the first one in Tabor.
Will keep an eye on it!!Now an early evening!!!
Cheers and thanks for reading with so many.

Extra news; Did they fly again in Szeged ? YES, and with HUGE SPEED!!!

Szeged, Hungary
 24 July 2022 – 5 August 2022

Yesterday before start. Ricky, with Leo as call sign, to honor his dad Leonardo, who died a few years ago, is ready to go.
As shared by Magyar Vitorlázórepülő Szövetség

Looking back first again, this time with news from Belgium.
“Yesterday a few of our pilots in open and 18m class had a good flight. Daan and Koen had another strong day and were among the fastest pilots of their class. They seem to adapt very quickly to flying big winged gliders. Well done guys. Our doubleseater pilot Pierre wasn’t feeling very well, and together with Arnaud he decided not to fly. Very sad, but a good decision with regard to flight safety. Luckily Pierre was feeling well again today and the are ready for new fast flights.
In 18m class Tijl and Bert were caught in huge pre-start gaggles. Tijl elected to start about 15 minutes before the main gaggle and Bert started a couple of minutes in front of the gaggle. In the end, as so often, the gaggle was fast. Tijl lost a couple of places
[ 20 to 24 now] and Bert managed to stay in front of most of the gaggle and made a jump forward in the general rankings.[Spot 12 now from 19]

Today was quite a different day: We woke up under a completely covered sky. As it should be, the organizers tried to make the most out of it. In the end only the 18m class was towed, but cancelled in the air due to low and weak thermals. The rest of the day was used to relaxBelgian Gliding Team

Pierre and Arnaud before they got sick, whilst Bert Schmelzer sr.[upfront] protects them with an umbrella/ parasol.
As shared by the organizers

John , of course, had his report on yesterday and here is a small part again about the weather;
“We had a favorable weather forecast today, featuring a good airmass that needed only moderate solar heating to produce good thermal lift. We awoke to clouds that were confidently expected to dissipate, allowing the sun to do its work. But the clouds never got the message, and hung around all day.”
more on US Soaring Teams
His story about “engines in gliders” is so true. So I am maybe old fashioned too.

As a few people do not feel well the decision has been made to go on with the INTERNATIONAL EVENING , BUT, everybody should test before going. Of course when NOT feeling well you stay ‘Home” where ever that is.

For today they set tasks, with the announcement that showers would arrive in the early afternoon over Szeged. So waiting again IF the show can go on. For sure it sounds as a short day.
Similar conditions to yesterday but with the possibility of showers. First launch not before 12noon. Racing tasks have been set and we have our fingers crossed!British Gliding Team

As you can see pilots ALWAYS fly , when it is not in the air, they fly with hands and arms on the ground. Uys and Christophe.
By the way the Jonker Brothers worked part of the night on new damages on their gliders. Great performance.
courtesy Jerolamo Radman

July 29; day 6 ,task 5, competition day 4... B tasks were on. First start at 12.20.
Trigger temperature today is 31.5 degrees C. At 12 it was 30 and pretty humid.
B tasks; whilst the weather showed some significant overdevelopment.
They flew!!!! This picture is from during the start.
They could see lines of showers as well on their screen.

Courtesy Jordi from the Dutch team.

Off the went.
Start times at 13:20 (18m), 13:34 (20m) und 13:48 (Open)
Baer shared the message that a lot of pilots today USE their tracker.
Good news for ALL who want to follow the pilots. And there will be a few as this competition is pretty popular.

Glide & seek with overlay from Skysight.
Beautiful tools
as written and shared by Baer [Dutch TC]

What happened?
18m. 362.07 km....changed in a 2.30 AAT….REALLY fast flights. WOW, 162 km./h by Christophe. He really was in a hurry to win another day. He flew 438 km. in time 2.42. Fabulous for a competition.
A class apart.
With the weather prognoses in the back of their mind the Dutch and Belgian pilots started straight away at 13.24.
Christophe and his French mate Adrien Henry, also flying a JS 3, started at 13.42 and finished together at 16.25. Adrien flew 10 km. less, but was a great runner up.
But it did not matter too much as the early starters flew around with 156 km./h as well.
25 Pilots flew over 150 km./h!!!!!
Overall scores after task 5;
1. Christophe Abadie in JS 3 with 3.452 points
2. Arne J. Boye-Møller in JS 3 with 3.403 p.
3. Davide Schiavotto in JS 3 with 3.401.
SO CLOSE!!!!!!
It will be a great second week!!!!

20 m; 347 km...changed in 2.30 AAT….All pilots are in and 3 flew over 148 km./h!!!!
Daily winner; Austrian team Peter Hartmann / Karel Krobath in the HpH 304 TS Twin Shark,
They flew 382 km in time 2.34.39.
Hungaryan team Igor Volkov / Vladas Motuza in the ASG 32 MI, had about the same distance and time but started 15 minutes earlier.
Equal at spot 2 so runner up was the ARCUS T with Italian team Stefano Ghiorzo / Federico Mangano.
The slowest team had 137.88 on their “clock” and my Aussie mates Allan and Harry had 140 km./h. I guess they are both so pleased to be in Europe!!!
Overall scores after task 5;
1. Jakub Barszcz / Lukasz Kornacki in the SHARK with 3.392 points.
2. Erik Borgmann / Joost Wolff in Arcus T with 3.359 p.
3. Peter Hartmann / Karel Krobath in the other SHARK with 3.354 p.
3. Steve Jones / Garry Coppin in ARCUS with the same amount of points.
I presume the HPH people are in 7th heaven!!!!!
Pierre and Arnaud are fit again, pleased to see them in the air again, certainly on such a day.

open; 371.08 km....changed in 2.30 AAT....At around 5, Felipe was in with a booming speed of 164.08 km./h. Would there be anybody faster????? He flew 440.33 k in time 2.41.
Further than the earlier -set- racing- task.
By the way only 2 km./ h faster than the JS3 from Christophe, in 18 m.
Then there is of course Michael. They flew together BUT, his speed was 164.20. Indeed faster!!! And one more point for him!!!
They all started within 16 minutes.
Great job from young Radek, who flew 449 km. in time 2. 45; speed 163.52 km./h. in the JS 1, so not an EB.
Overall scores in open class after task 5:
1.  Felipe Levin with 3.404 points
2. Michael Sommer with 3. 377 p.
3. Oscar Goudriaan with 3.323 p.
All EB’s. Even the first 7 are EB’s , so to see the glider you need to win a WGC, in open class.

The weather moved in straight after the finishes. I liked the S.A. comment after the fast day :
Tonight is the international evening, and tomorrow is an official rest day (no flying), so you can only imagine how this party will go down… faster than a flag down a flag pole …. 😜

I guess only VERY happy pilots at the INTERNATIONAL EVENING tonight. More talking and flying with hands and arms. They should!!!! It was a great day!!!!!
And a drink is allowed too, as due to the weather forecast , …thunderstorms and wind with hail….the “day-after” will be a rest day.
So a day off tomorrow!!!!
Good timing from the weather!!! It really co-operates well in Hungary.

There was one little / minor point today…… the SCALES. Not everybody was pleased this morning, with how that went. Some teams seem to be not very friendly, words were” unsupportive” . I could see on the pictures, a long queue waiting .
It was the topic of the day, BUT the fast flights and a day off tomorrow and ALL is forgotten again.

Topic of the day, scales and grid.”
As shared by Jerolamo Radman

No a 1000 points day in each class they were just TOO fast.
All scores still preliminary.

CU tomorrow hopefully with some pictures from the party.



July 28 Report:
Greetings from Tabor, Czech. Today was a picture perfect soaring day here in Tabor. The Club Class flew a 300 km speed task with light wings, cu filled skies and bases near 6000 ft AGL. Tomorrow looks to be a bit wet so we have decided to take a rest day as we have flown many successful practice flights with the ASW-20. Tomorrow we will be sure to enjoy the welcome party following the mandatory safety meeting
Captain’s report from @Tom Cassetta US Soaring Teams

July 29; official practice day 3, with the opening tomorrow. I read that not a lot of pilots will fly today. A day for a bit of rest, a trip to Prague and the finishing touch of “things” .
The weather was not that good either.
There were no tasks on soaring spot.
We are currently waiting for further development of the weather. There may be a chance for a short AAT in the afternoon before rain arrives. In the evening we will have a safety briefing at 19:00 and a welcome party at 20:00.” message on the official site at noon.
Tasks were shared; Club..1.30 AAT and standard the same.
Next message :
“First launch confirmed for 13:45. Team captains please come to collect task sheets at 13:25 to the front of grid and confirm change of start gate opening time to 20 minutes.”
Only 14 club class pilots flew and 6 of them got to know the area better by landing out.
In standard the Aussies tried but got back No day.
Opening tomorrow!!!!


Series 11 of the FAI Sailplane Grand Prix;

In Eisenhuettenstadt  they were ready for a small task , race 6, on the one but last day; 156 km.
A new face for the 10 daily points. Only Dirk Windmueller , from the top 5, got 8 points and extended his scores to 30. He leads now. Robin has 28 points and Andreas 26.
Best speed today 136 km./h. by Rolf Gerzman. A tad faster than Dirk with 135.7 km./h.
They will be the pilots with the possibility to win this GP.
More tomorrow , after their last day!


Arne Martin Güettler from Norway just got himself a new glider…an 18m JS 3, and he really is trying it out to it’s best.
” Today I was able to visit all the 3 highest mountain ranges in Northern Europe in one flight!
It was slow and careful, keeping high all the time. But what views
!” indeed stunning pictures.
Here is one of them;


CU, tomorrow!!!
Cheers Ritz, a very busy but very pleasant day.

Extra news; Task 4 in Szeged !

Szeged, Hungary
 24 July 2022 – 5 August 2022

Looking back at yesterday.
This time with the picture collage from the South African team,….they really had a good day…., these are the winners from yesterday in each class.

Above Russell as winner in open class, with Oscar to the l and Sylvain to the r.
20 m with Anton and Sandi on the top and to the l. Dawid and Nico and the r. Louis and Ulysse
18 m. Christophe, Arne and Uys

Here is a small part of John’s report on yesterday, the rest is on US Soaring Teams
There’s always a sense of relief when it’s actually time to cross the line and race.
Which pilots finally did, mostly around 14:00. All tasks sent gliders east, on zig-zag style tasks. Lift was not as strong nor as high (best climbs were to a bit over 7000’) but still quite good by normal European standards. Compared to yesterday, speeds were down roughly 10%. It was definitely easier to get low, and typically harder to “dig ou

The South African team was so kind to publish a list of the tugs ,so I share them also with you, as they always do such a fabulous job!!!!
The nine tow planes of the competition:
1 x Zlin Z-143
2 x Radial Cmelak Zlin Z-37
1 x Turbine Cmelak Zlin Z-37T
1 x Cessna 182
1 x Robin DR400
3 x Piper Pawnee PA25C

AND,….I was really pleased to see my Aussie mates Allan and Harry in 20 m. on spot 9 yesterday!!!!! GREAT EFFORT!!!

Lets go to TODAY!!! Briefing at 10,

As shared by the organizers.
WGC 2022 – Szeged, Hungary

Tasks have been set, but the day started different. Not sunny and blue skies ,but cool and clouds….overcast. They even spoke about B-Tasks.
The start has been postponed to 12.30 .At 12 still 7 / 8 clouds . The trigger temperature is still 2 dgr. too low.
My UK mates say it so much better than I, with my Ritz-English. “Currently waiting for cloud to clear & trigger temp of 30c with tasks sets for later. First launch not before 12noon“. perfect!
THEN,……Postponed to 12.45. Clouds were supposed to burn off, but they did not yet.
In the end the pilot and crews got confirmation from the first launch at 13.30.
AND,…with TASK A.
They started with 18 m. Their start line opened at 14.37. Then they STOPPED!!! BUT,…the good thing, the cloud base got slowly higher up to 1100 AG.

What shall I say ????
They say; “Waiting for the alto cu to burn off … already 1 hour behind forecast. We hope for a flying day
South African Gliding Team

July 28; day 5 ,task 4……only the pilots from 18 m will fly………

18m; 301.58 km…..!It was waiting for a long time to get rid of the overcast, but the organizers decided to launch the 18 m and then stop and let them be the only flying class today. They left with 1100 m height AG. But some had problems to get high enough to depart. There are quite a few forbidden zones around the airfield, so pilots have to take care of that too,….and the PEV….and looking around for other pilots.
WELL,…they could n’t stay up, the day was cancelled in the air at 2.30 , so all 42 gliders had to land and also their day has been CANCELLED.

20m; 268.47 km...CANCELLED !!!!
open; 323.89 km...CANCELLED !!!!!
By the way, Felipe who is on spot 1 overall in open, was junior WORLD champion in 2009 in Rayskala in Finland and in 2011 in Musbach in Germany. So an excellent pilot for MANY years!!!!

Tomorrow is another day. A day with the INTERNATIONAL EVENING.


Good news from Dutch pilot Peter Millenaar, former junior champion.[2013 in Leszno]
What a day! Declared 1000km out and return to Reinsdorf from Aachen Merzbrück. The conditions weren’t always so easy, but luckily the day was long. The power plants in the end didn’t really give great thermals anymore due to the wind. Another hop to Bergheim would have made the 1200km, which was possible. However too tired to continue, and my 4 liters of drinking water was finished!”
Great job Peter! 1.163 km.
Still good weather in parts of Europe where it still is hot. Fuente has so many 1000 km flights already this year , too many to mention BUT, you can find them on the OLC or WEGLIDE.


Tábor, Czech Republic

30 July 2022 – 13 August 2022

Talking about the JUNIORS. I told you already that they start on July 30. There will be 2 classes standard and club. Today was practice day 4 , this time the 2d official one, with tasks just over 300 km. in both classes.
Matthew Scutter the junior world champion from Narromine in 2015 is NOW the TC from the UK, with some “strong” pilots . But the French, the Dutch and Aussie pilots are very good too and for sure a few more I don’t know now.
The first official practice day in Club class, yesterday was won by Jelmer Vis from the Netherlands . Over the 1.30 AAT he flew 162.82 km in time 1.29.18; speed 108.55 km./h.
Not everybody went up only 33 and several [11] were “out”.
In standard it was James from Down Under but only a few flew the 1.30 AAT. In the end their day was invalid.

Team Jelmer ready to go.
Dutch Junior Gliding Team
Task today for their pilot David McMaster.
as shared by US Soaring Teams

The 2d official practice task today in CLUB CLASS, was won by Simon Siska [SVK] in an ASW 24.Speed 105.36 km./h
Danish pilot Jens Andersen was runner in Mosquito103.87.
43 did fly and 39 finished. 4 Were out.
7 Warnings, so hopefully lessons learned.
9 Pilots flew over 100 km.
USA mate David was on spot 38 , but IN. The UK boys Toby and Finn on 9 and 10, and my Dutch mates Jelmer and Simon on 14 and 15.

In standard class Polish pilot Wiktor Lacinski won the practice in a Discus 2A with 118.61 km./h.
2 Czech pilots , flying together, were on 2 and 3.
My Aussie mates James on 6 and Ryan on 15.
24 from 29 were in and 4 out ,one not scored.
Incorrect PEV and finish altitude were lessons to learn from.
The official site mentioned:
” The weather in Tábor was good the whole day with cloud bases up to 1500 m AGL. Everything for the competition is now prepared and when the last few pilots finish their registration and scrutineering, the only thing left to begin will be the official opening ceremony that will take place in the Tábor centre on Saturday at 16:00.”

Lets see what happens during the comps. I look forward to this JWGC.


The FAI Sailplane Grand Prix in Germany was busy with race 5 today ; 374. 99 km.
And with 2 races to go, Pete Harvey had a great day in his Ventus 3TS and won with a speed of 127.8 km./h. Just a tad faster than Christoph Matkowski in the AS 33; 127.7 km./h .
Robin was 8th today with 126.2 km./h
He still leads with 27 points , followed by Andreas Kühl with 24 points, Dirk Windmüller in AS 33 with 23 and Pete now with 22 points.
As said 2 more days to go race 6 and 7.

Early evening so CU tomorrow again.

cheers Ritz

Extra news ; Task 3 in Szeged.

Szeged, Hungary
 24 July 2022 – 5 August 2022

You might have noticed I published a post yesterday as well. The scores were so quick that I could straight away start with my view on the day.
A picture from the glorious winners , this time from open class, I can share with you now.

With on 2 Alberto Pozzi [JS1T/21m] on 1 Alberto Sironi [EB 29R] ….FORZA ITALIA…..and on 3 team Oscar Goudriaan and Riaan from South Africa.[EB 29DR]
as shared by WGC 2022 – Szeged, Hungary

Bas from the Dutch team was one of the pilots from open class, landing with severe crosswind yesterday. In total 8 pilots landed after 4.
Bas had light damage on the aileron by touching the ground. How good is it then, that Attie and Uys are flying this WGC as well. They helped straight away and the JS 1 was ready to go this morning. TOP job from Jonker Sailplanes!!!!
The Dutch TC Baer Selen, as said twice world champion, sits alone under the team tent with the radio and maps; he got corona there . He has no symptoms , but must/will be careful till the test is negative. His team is doing well with Jeroen on spot 1 overall in 18 m. at this stage and Erik and Joost runner up in 20 m yesterday.!!!!!

Great job done.
as shared by Dutch Gliding Team

Here is also a short part of John Good on yesterday.
WGC2022 – report for July 26

Today’s forecast predicted challenging condition in the form of a cold front approaching from the northwest.
In the event, the weather was perhaps just a bit better than the forecast. Except in areas well to the west, lift was often strong, climbs went high (sometimes above 9000 ft, and thus close to the contest altitude limit of 2800 m), and some unusual “half cumulus / half wave” clouds provided useful clues. The late starters actually did reasonably well, and the day lasted long enough to get everyone home (though a few finished low enough to earn penalties)
His words about air space and the PEV are also clear;
An interesting – and, yes, controversial – feature of this contest is the PEV. This stands for Pilot EVent: a time-stamped notation that a pilot can cause to appear in the electronic log of each flight, from which speed and score are calculated. The rule here says that when you choose to cross the start line and begin your task, you should first create a pilot event (by pressing a button associated with your logger). You then must let a defined time (here, 5 minutes) elapse at which point a start “window” of defined length (here, 8 minutes) opens for you. If you cross the start line during this window, all is well; should you start outside such a window, you’ll be hit with a 50-point penalty. And during any one flight, you can create only three such windows for yourself – once the last has closed, the only way to avoid a penalty is to land and re-launch.
In 18 m and 20 m., one pilot was out the PEV and in open nobody.
This is John by the way if you wonder who he is….The rest you can read on US Soaring Teams

The front that brought strong winds and short showers moved away overnight, another day, other chances…..It created good pictures here is one from the French team with Eric and the just-in-time- in glider 72.

Sylvain Gerbaud , was in just before 4 PM and TC Eric, was of course out to help.
courtesy Jerolamo Radman.

Here are the tasks,……. time to start with TODAY;

July 27 day 4 task 3;
The meteo opened this morning with :” “We have a very good weather today...” So that opens perspective for all pilots. Good tasks as well, so all ingredients to make it a super day! The day will be blue with homogeneous thermals up to about 2000 m. Problem-free weather,…. HURRAY!!!!
First launch at 12.
NOT a good day for Team de Broqueville from Belgium, I got the message ” to day sick no flight 🥲🥲🥲
I wondered already a 17th place out of 19 yesterday was not de Broqueville-like.

Indeed the weather was perfect with 3 m. lift up to 2000 m. I read only happy messages. I get news via FB , from a lot of countries , so I keep myself busy with reading and waiting. And then combining and making a story. I am very pleased with the quick scores by the organization!!!!
So what happened today?
Start line opened at ; 13:07 (18m), 13:20 (20m), 13:36 (Open)
A lot of pilots started after 2PM.

18m; 409.95 km…..The first pilots appearing on the scores-list were Christophe and Uys ; speed 137.3 km./h and 133.46 km./h with starts around 14.03. Christophe remained there,…..good on him.
Danish Arne was GOOD today AND runner up!!!136.79 km/.h.
So Uys was 3 and Attie followed on 4 ; 133.46 km./h and 132.61 km./h
11 Pilots flew faster than 130 km./h Another 2 ,Mac and Wolfgang had 129 km./h.
All 42 pilots finished. LIKE!!!!
The best daily pilot flew 2hours and 59 minutes, the “slowest” one , with respect , 4 hours and 45 minutes. BUT,…he was IN.
the overall’s till now;
1. Christophe Abadie with 2.571 points.
2. Arne J. Boye-Møller with 2.568 p.
3. Davide Schiavotto with 2.565 p.
Close very close here as well.

20 m; 384.84 km...18 started and finished. As you read already Pierre and Arnaud could not fly due to illness. So no scores for them. I wish them WELL, indeed THE VERY BEST !!!!
The winning team was Anton Šibanc / Sandi Kavalič in the ARCUS M; speed 122.41 km./h.
The Swiss winners from the 2 days before were last, so I hope they are not sick either. They dropped from 1 to 5, pfff…that hurts.
Runner up from S.A. Dawid Pretorius / Nico le Roux had a speed of 122.34.
Daily number 3 was Louis Bouderlique / Ulysse Merlin.
Looking at the overall’s till now;
1.  Jakub Barszcz / Lukasz Kornacki in the TWIN SHARK …pretty special…with 2. 585 points.
2. Erik Borgmann / Joost Wolff with 2.555 p
3. Steve Jones / Garry Coppin with 2.540 coming from 7.
It’s all VERY close.
VERY happy Shark-people, so they should; “After 3 competition days Twin Sharks are currently in 1st and 4th places!” HpH Sailplanes UK

As shared on the HpH Sailplanes UK on their site!

open; 407.33 km…with 140.49 km./h. Oscar raced over the track BUT,…Russell started later and finished at the same time…result faster ;141.63 km./h.
He moved from 9 to 6 overall.
Runner up; Oscar and on 3d place Sylvain [140,14 km./h]from France.
The Italian “Alberto’s” had exact the same points [885] flying together to the limit.
When you were 10 km./ h. slower than Russell, you “only” got to spot 17!!!!
Only one was out ….he started as last pilot….and one forgot the PEV.
Looking at the overall’s after 3 competition days;
1. Felipe Levin with 2.534 points.
2. Oscar Goudriaan with 2.507 p.
3. Michael Sommer with 2.506 p.

Celebrations from team UK for Russell …..well deserved!!!!

With Steve and Russell [in white t shirt] on the head of the table
British Gliding Team


410 km. was set for the 19 pilots.
After 3 days there are 2 pilots leading with 18 points; Tobias Meiler in Ventus 3 T and Dirk Windmüller in AS 33es.
Robin Förster in ASG 29/18 m has 15 and Mark Wering {The Netherlands] in JS 3 jet/18 m. has 13.
Robin flew around today with a speed of 133.2 km./h gaining 10 more points; 25 now and he leads “the pact”.
He got 60 s penalty as well, for an incorrect landing lane.


As shared by US Soaring Teams

The juniors at the JWGC, are busy with scruteneering and some fly today at the practice day. The JWGC is between July 30 and August 13 from Tábor in the Czech Rep.
There is good security as I read on the site;
The police is now taking over the security at the airfield. Be prepared to see police cars driving periodically around the airfield, especially at night, including in the glider tie-down area. New CCTV security system is now also installed for your safety. Nonetheless always keep your valuables with you or lock them in a safe place.”
With security I always think of Rieti when during a competition, young guy’s drove with scooters between the gliders at the grid in the middle of the night. Next day police took care of the field straight away.
There are 45 pilots in club class and 29 in standard class. A total of 74 pilots . NOT BAD!!!!
I even noticed James [Nugent] and Ryan [Driscoll] from faraway AUSTRALIA. Not too easy still , to fly over from down under to Europe in this corona world.
Both top pilots!!!

Scruteneering in a nice old hangar with lot’s of wood
As shared by Dutch Junior Gliding Team

In between the Dutch showed great initiative by asking for wood at a sawmill, to make a table and “other important stuff”. With a trailer full of wood they went back to the airfield.
Look what they have now

Absolute brilliant!
As shared by Dutch Junior Gliding Team

That’s it for today……More tomorrow.
All scores still preliminary.

Maybe one more nice picture shared by the organization.

Back home.

Cheers Ritz

EXTRA NEWS ! Competition day 2 in Szeged!

Szeged, Hungary
 24 July 2022 – 5 August 2022

First things first….the daily winners from day 2/task1 in 18 m. class, the biggest in this WGC; Davide on spot 1[Italy], Jeroen [The Netherlands] on 2 and Petri [Finland] on 3. As I know all 3 personally, I congratulate them with a big smile.
as shared by Dutch Gliding Team

Here is part of John Good’s report on contest day 1 , as he is there and I know him as a good writer,…. the rest you can find on US Soaring Teams
Today’s conditions produced the first scores at WGC2022 – and a high percentage of task completions (two 18-Meter pilots “ran out of day” and came up just short). The absurdly good weather of the practice period may be a thing of the past: today was merely very good. It was a mostly blue day, but with occasional “haze domes” to indicate thermal locations; lift was typically around 5 kts, occasionally extending as high as 7000 ft.”

AND then to the third day…..
Tuesday July 26; DAY 3, task 2….
a sunny day with 30 dgr. C, blue and 1/8 cu’s and the expectation that around 4 PM, a front , [already over the North of Hungary in the morning] , might/will have influence on the task area. For that reason it was announced that the thermals could get less around that time. Something to keep in mind!!! Also the Westerly wind would increase and ‘kill” the thermals. So the goal is a fast flight and being back in time. EXCITING,….you can follow them every day on link.glideandseek.com/wgc2022
AND,……off they went,……..First launches at 11.30.

Ready to go for day 3, task 2.
South African Gliding Team

18m; 354.30 km….A start at the right time was important today, not too early ,but certainly not too late either ,when the forecast would be correct.
Clearly better circumstances after start for 18 m. ,than yesterday ,when it was a bit of a struggle for them. Though,……”en route” some 18 m. pilots got pretty low ,…..500 m. but …….got out.
Hungarian pilot Péter Szabó started with a few others, early at 12.45 and at around 14.30 they had passed already TP 2. They passed Bekescsaba and who flew the comps there in the past, 1992, might remember the area and take advantage of the memories of that EGC. Then they start a long leg of 107 km.
Around 3 PM, some only had to fly less than 70 km.
And around 15.27 the first pilots were in, nicely in time as cu’s/ac slowly arrived from the West.
With a speed from 146,78 km./h French pilot Christophe Abadie is the daily winner!!!! WOW , what a day!!!! Runner up Zoran Frenc [Serbia] with 146.67 km./h….. pffff……missing out on 2 points. WELL DONE!!!
Uys Jonker and Melanie Gadoulet had a speed from 146. 46 and 146.36!! TOP job!!!
All 42 finished , slowest speed; 120 km./h….best 146.78 km./h.

As shared by TEAM MARU clearly from JAPAN!!! Nice picture!!!!
Takeshi Maruyama was 9th yesterday…. he flies a JS3. Today he was on 38.

20 m; 316.01 km...with a 45 km. long leg to TP 1 and 3 legs from 78, 73 and 81 km and final glide over 34 km. Hungarian pilots Ferenc Tamás / Attila Korom finished at 15.30,44, so a good speed of 131.86 km./h. after an early start at 13.06,56. BUT NO ,.it was not enough to win.
The French must like this weather as Louis Bouderlique / Merlin Ulysse flew around with 134.90 km./h. They started at 13.32, the last start of this class and finished as number 3.
BUT,….EVEN BETTER…..Rainer Cronjäger / Guido Halter, their 2d win!!! Speed 140 km./h!!!! For the day a rather late and daring start at 13.30 and finish at 15.46!!!!!! But my goodness what a performance!!!!
What about my mates Eric and Joost; runner up for the day…speed 135.71 km./h!!!!! Good on them.
Weird to see Pierre and Arnaud on spot 17.
All pilots are counted for.

20 m. class runners up Erik and Joost from the Netherlands.
as shared by Dutch Gliding Team

open; 346.70 km....also for open class not one long leg as in 18 m. but 4 from 67.7 km, 64.5 km, 76 km and 86.5 km. final glide from 48 km.
Alberto Sironi, flying the EB 29R, was faster than fast ; 154 18 km. /h Daily winner!!!!
His mate also an Alberto but now Pozzi was runner up; 151.99 km./h . They started together but the final glide from the EB was faster than the JS 1. Only 19 points difference though.
Oscar Goudriaan was a fast and on spot 3, also over 150 km./h ; 151.51 km./h
Sylvain Gerbaud, Felipe Levin and Michael Sommer also flew over 150 km/h

Michael in full concentration before the start.
WGC 2022 – Szeged, Hungary

Everybody is back. ALL ARE COUNTED FOR!!!
AND,..…..WHAT QUICK SCORES!!!! Compliments for the organizers!!!!
The last finishers felt the forecasted strong wind, as that wind arrived half an hour faster/earlier than forecasted. It turned out to be 20kt. and it blew straight through. So gliders had to be de-rigged or brought the the tie-down area with speed.
Luckily ALL pilots were IN!!!!

Looking at the overall scores,….. after 2 days AND …..days like this, can have huge impact.
In 18 m. Jeroen moved from 2 to 1 and Davide from 1 to 2. But,…Petri from 3 to 14 and he flew around with a speed of 132 km/h.??!!! Bizarre.
In 20 m. no doubt till now about the Swiss team, Rainer and Guido. Winning 2 days means, being on top of the overall list. The Twin Shark with Jakub and Lucasz is a strong runner up and my Dutch mates went from 5 to 3 .
In Open a bit the same situation; number 1 and 2 Felipe and Michael stayed on their place with 10 points difference , but Daan moved from 3 to 6 after todays 9th spot,…still 149 km/.h!!!???
Oscar is 3d now, coming from 7 and Alberto Sironi moved from 10 to 5.

Like this picture!
As shared by the organizers.


The JWGC is about to begin too and in Germany there is an FAI SAILPLANE GRAND PRIX in progress [ July 24 July 30] flown from Eisenhuttenstadt.
There are 19 pilots among them 1 from the UK Pete Harvey, 1 from the Netherlands Mark Wering and 5 Polish pilots!!!
They had 3 days till now;
Race 1 was 246 km and won by German pilot Tobias Meiler in Ventus 3
Race 2 was 357 km and won by German pilot Tobias Breithaupt. The other Tobias was now runner up.
Race 3 was 204 km and won by Dutch pilot Mark Wering in JS3 jet.
Race 4 5 6 and 7 to go. I keep you informed.

Giving my neck ,back and fingers a bit of rest now.
CU tomorrow again,
Cheers Ritz

EXTRA: 37th WGC started with a change of weather.

Szeged, Hungary
 24 July 2022 – 5 August 2022

The briefing on day 1, last Sunday, moved from 10 to 12. They had thunderstorms overnight and with that, a long time of dry weather ,stopped.
The weather for day 1; tough wind, clouds and 24 dgr. C. but supposed to get better at noon. So hope for a [small] window!

Task 1 on July 24; Unfortunately they had to CANCEL the first competition day.
The weather for Monday seems to be better so…over to….

Driving back from the grid and dropping the water.
Hope remains for ALL pilots to become world champion.
And all went back to the tie-down area.


Task 2: on July 25, with blue skies and thermal activity …3m /s up to 2200m.
Expected first launches: 11:45
18 m. upfront ,then 20 m and open class.
They moved the launches with 15 minutes, but then at 12 ,they all went on track.
They use PEV(Pilot Event Marker) Starts. This means that 5 minutes before a pilot intends to start they need to activate the event marker on their Flight computer. This then starts a 5 minute countdown after which they may start for an 8 minute window.
No PEV means that they automatically get a 50 pt. penalty.
This way they try to avoid gaggles and pilots following each other.

Off they went, the WGC in Hungary started!
As shared by the organizers.

18 m; 407 km.……the first 1000 points were for Italia’s Davide [JS 3] who won the day with a speed of 134.25 km./h. .That was 2 km. faster than Dutch pilot Jeroen[JS 3] ; 132.07 km/h. who really flew good.
Petri from Finland was 3d. I won’t start again about how he arrived with his parents in Tocumwal when he was around 6 years old. BUT,….Every time when I see his result I think how is it possible!!!! Time flies AND Petri now flies an AS33es in a WGC!!!!!
From 42, 40 finished, and those 2 Swedish pilots nearly were “home”.371 and 3363 km.
4 pilots in this class were out of the PEV window.

20 m; 380 km….a Swiss triumph meaning 1000 points for team Rainer Cronjäger / Guido Halter [ARCUS T] ; speed 124 .71km/h. after a late start. Just a tad faster than Polish team Jakub Barszcz / Lukasz Kornacki in the Twin Shark;124.11 km./h. On spot 3 Czech team Ivan Novak / Petr Krejcirik in Arcus M.
The early birds started at 13.36, the later ones at 14.14[the daily winners]
Somewhere I read that the 18 m had difficulties with the weather in the beginning, as it was not so good over the field, so a late start in 20 m sounds the way to go. All in retrospect, …..indeed!!!!
Only 2 Aussie mates in Szeged, 2 lovely guy’s Allan and Harry flying the ARCUS M. They were last today, but I am sure they will love every day, just by being there.

open; 416 km.…outstanding performance from Felipe and Michael in their EB’s; 133 km./h. for 1000 and 995 points. Great result as well for Belgian pilot Daan who in his EB was 3d; 126 km./h.
All 22 pilots finished, the last one flew 4 hours, but Zoltan was IN!!!!!
There are 9 EB 29’s in this class and 11 JS1’s.[21 m] 1 ASH 31 MI and 1 EB 28.

All points of course are still preliminary.

Newsy WGC news;
—“There are 3 Twin Sharks flying in the world championships in Hungary.”HpH Sailplanes UK
—“One of the tow planes – A turbine Čmelák (Zlin Z-37).I’ve seen on the tracking yesterday a 60 second climb average of over 8m/s @ 150kph !!! Almost better than a winch launch!” South African Gliding Team

#WGC2022 Task annullata” the Italian gliding magazine Volo a Vela about day 1.
—“Gwennie Jones from wing cleaning cloth (New Zealand 2007) to British Team Captain (Hungary 2022) in 15 years!” quote by Steve Jones.

—In 18 m there are 42 entries, biggest class and 21 are JS3. 4 are JS 1 and 11 Ventus 3 gliders with 4 AS 33es and 2 ASG 29’s.
-John Good the TC of team USA is a great writer/blogger as well, here is part of one of his stories about glider shipment!!!
I alluded yesterday to the problems of shipping gliders to Europe for this contest. At WGC2022, the Jonker brothers (Uys and Attie) have fallen victim to this situation: they (characteristically) prepared tuned and tweaked examples of their JS-3 design to fly in the 18-Meter class here. These went on board a ship weeks ago, with delivery promised in a German port well in advance of this contest. The ship apparently was held up in one or more ports along its way, and now these gliders are predicted to arrive (at a port around a thousand miles from Szeged) this coming Tuesday. Fortunately, Jonker gliders are now found all over the soaring world, and it appears Uys and Attie had little difficulty arranging examples they could borrow. Uys has decided to stick with the one he has borrowed; Attie has secured an arrangement (with the concurrence of the contest organization and all Team Captains) that when (if ?) his arrives he will have a one-time chance to decide – irrevocably – whether he will switch.

So that was the first day in Szeged. Some will be very pleased and some a bit disappointed, BUT it’s only day 1. AND,…they flew.

CU on Wednesday again.
Cheers Ritz

Extra post on SUNDAY! Hungary! Official jury report on 13.5 m.!

British Gliding TEAM is ready
British Gliding Team

Scruteneering is over….the practice days are over including 3 official ones and today task 1 will be set.
No task yet, but briefing was at 10 and the grid time at 12.
Great practice days as well, with good tasks and pretty strong weather…..high temperatures though; 38 dgr. C. Base often up to 3000 m. and even 4200. One of the pilots mentioned; “Never seen such awesome weather over flatland”.
Last Wednesday , on the first official practice day, all classes got tasks around 500 km. with quite a lot of smoke in the air from fires. Only 3 tuggies so a bit of waiting, but more tugs will arrive soon.
Most teams flew together, so won team France [Christophe Abadie and Melanie Gadoulet] in 18 m. class with a 532 km set task; speed 148 km./h both in JS 3.
Team Belgium with Bert jr and Tijl Schmelzer followed both in Ventus 3T with 146 km./h and the Austrians Michael Rass and Wolfgang Janowitsch with 145 km./h.
Only 24 from 41 flew. 9 Of them had their first out-landing-experience.
20 m. class had 471 km and the UK pilots Steve Jones and Garry Coppin had the best speed; 138 km./h.
Quite a bit faster then runners up Merlin Ulysse and Louis Bouderl;ique from France; 134 km/h.
11 from 19 teams flew!
Open class; 532 km and won by Andy Davis with 145 km./h on the “clock’. [MD JS1 c/21 m].
Italian pilot Alberto Sironi was runner up in his EB 29R; 143 km./h.
15 started, 6 started an out-landing and 7 stayed at the ground , still busy with other things.

Huge forest fire near the airfield
Belgian Gliding Team

Last Thursday all classes got 3 hour AAT’s.
Good flights of those who flew , were the result.
In 18 m. Henry Adrian flew 414 km in time 3.07 so a good speed of 132 km./h.[ 1000 points] followed by his French mate Christophe. They started and finished together with a small margin in distance. Christophe flew 6 km. less, for 977 practice -points.
only 23 flew and one was out.
In 20 m it was Swiss team Rainer Cronjäger / Guido Halter in their ARCUS T with the best time and distance combined; 375 km in time 3.05….speed 121 km./h.
About the same speed as runner up Czech team Ivan Novak / Petr Krejcirik in the ARCUS M.
12 Started from 19 …from those who started nobody was out.
In open class, 454 km was the best distance combined with time 3.16 for the German EB boys ,Felipe and Michael, practicing together,…. but Michael flew a few kilometers less.
2 were out and 9 did not fly.

Friday ; last practice day with on Saturday the opening and on Sunday the beginning of the comps.
18 m; 362 km...Roman Mracek won the day with a speed of 140 km./h. He flew together with his Czech mate Petr Koutny both in JS3.I was impressed to see young Petri from Finland on 3 in the AS33es.
30 pilots from 41 flew from them 15 were out. Enough penalties as well, also for airspace violation. Better now than tomorrow. That’s why flying on practice days is GOOD.
20 m; 333 km...Only 5 from 19 did not fly. Winner was again team UK with Garry and Steve;127 km./h.
open; 393 km…..142 km.h. for Russsell the UK is doing fine!!! Andy was 3d with 140 km./h In between Felipe with 140 km./h in the EB 29 R. Still pilots who “fiddle around” and not practice on an official practice day, but I know there is SO MUCH TO DO.

The opening was in town, last Saturday, a beautiful old town.

After today much more news about the comps. Here a picture from the briefing on day 1.

As shared by British Gliding Team


Some newsy WGC-news;
Oscar [team SA] had a minor problem during practice. After the first 5 m of their first start the undercarriage collapsed from their EB.
A quick derig, and inspection found the problem. Now fingers crossed that the replacement parts will arrive within the next day or two. (Nothing too serious)”
They did and arrived in time for a nice practice flight on Thursday :”The mighty EB29DR (AC) has taken to the skies!!”
Team USA has a nice picture as promo for the worlds as well. Sarah Arnold and Karl Striedeck in the ARCUS. Photographer Bo, who is a real good photographer. I am allowed to use quite a lot of pictures from her.

Sarah and Karl are accompanied by the very experienced John Good as team captain and Jason Arnold [ Sarah’s husband] as their crew chief. 
picture Bo Michalowski

Team UK ;”Day 1 WGC Hungary:
Thunderstorms overnight have resulted in a delay in task setting. Waiting for a cold front to go through but maybe not clearing in time for us to play. 🤔 Next briefing 12noon local.
Pilot quote of the day: “First contest day ends three month Hungarian drought!” Andy Davis.”

By the way the opening yesterday was at 16.30,…the temperature 41.5 dgr.c , so HOT very hot!!!!!!
An invitation for dinner by the organizers followed .
I expect a lot from team UK, here they are, so you know /see who I am talking about. But as said before there are many possible champions in Hungary.

L-R: Phil Jones, Derren Francis, Steve Jones, Gwennie Jones (Team Captain), Garry Coppin, Russell Cheetham, Andy Davis .
Pictures courtesy Max Kirschner, who I met regularly in the past in Benalla.
As shared by British Gliding Team


Last but not least;
I wrote about the WGC 13.5 m in my last blog.
How I had contact with some reliable mates to find out what happened with the Italian team.
Their thoughts about it. Their opinions. Not more, not less.
What I wrote was what I heard. They were not facts ,as I did not have facts, otherwise , as you know, I would have told you.
I got some comments on my last blog, that I had the facts wrong.,… I appreciated the comments very much. It means I should give no room for confusion, be even more clear.
I got it.
Now I can share the jury report with you, these are facts and OFFICIAL, they are public and in the Public Domain, but I know how difficult they are to find there.

Jury Decision

4th FAI World Gliding Championship 13,5m Class

Pociunai, Lithuania 3rd – 15th July 2022

To whom it concerns;

This Jury Decision refers to the two Protests lodged by the Italian Team on the 7th July 2022 at 21.44hrs with the Organisation of the above Competition relating to Penalties received on their scores for Task 3 on the 5th July 2022 in the above Competition.

The  Penalties applied by the CD were according to the FAI Sporting Code Section 3 Annex A.

Mr. Thomas Gostner – Cheating, First Offence, Disqualified from Competition (not returning direct home to Pociunai Airfield after Technical GNSS Outlanding by using his FES engine)

Mr. Stefano Ghiorzo – attempt to accept external help, First Offence, Day Disqualification (returning on same track as Mr Gostner and benefiting from Mr Gostners search for Thermals)

 For both these protests the Jury examined and decided the following;
1. The Jury examined the IGC flight recording files i.e 275VS.igc from Mr. Stefano Ghiorzo and 275GT.igc from Mr. Thomas Gostner with the SeeYou V.10 flight Analysis Program. Detailed print outs were made to show critical factors such as point of Starting engine, heights of gliders, Distances involved ,exact flight routes etc.
2. The Organisation of the Competition was interviewed by the Jury President for all the details about their Reasons to apply the Penalties and were invited to explain their points of View to the full Jury Panel but they declined.
3. The Jury President also had a meeting on request of Mr. Thomas Gostner with Mr. Luka Znidarsic from the F.E.S. engine manufacturers of the engine in Mr. Thomas Gostners glider. Mr. Znidarsic showed the JP an Excel Spreadsheet with Data downloaded from the engine flight recorder. He was asked some precise Details by the JP  about Battery status at beginning of flight, the way engine was used for return to Airfield, alarm of overheating etc. I asked Mr Znidarsic if he could make this Data available to the Jury and he agreed. This offer has been withdrawn today as Mr. Gostner instructed Mr. Znidarsic with the words “the data could be used against me”. Please note Mr. Znidarsic is also a fellow competitor in the 13,5m Class but contacted us as already stated above on request of Mr. Gostner.
4. All the above was correlated by the JP and distributed to the remote Jury members. Subsequently with e-mails and What’s App a lot of questions were discussed and we were finally ready on the 8th July 2020 to hold a Zoom Meeting at 6pm Lithuanian local time to make our final Decision.
5. Mr. Ghiorzo and  Mr. Gostner were invited to this Zoom Meeting to speak to all the Jury members and make their Points which they accepted and did. They understandably were very emotional about this whole issue but appeared to be more concerned about their Reputation and Integrity and accused the Organisation not to treat them fairly and equal.
6. The Jury subsequently continued their Meeting with a long Discussion and Examination of the Fact present, to see if the Penalties applied were correct and if there were any mitigating circumstances to change them. It is surprising that both Pilots with such vast experience in Competition flying claim that they were not aware that they committed an Offence and were breaking the Rules and they want to ignore the evidence which clearly proves the opposite that they were guilty. The Jury Decision taken at the end was unanimous in agreeing  with the Penalties applied by the Championship Director  as mentioned  above in this Document.
7. All parties involved were notified immediately verbally by the Jury President  and the Team Captains and pilots during the Briefing on the Competition on the 9th July 2022 at 10 am. Also by the Jury President.

Please note that this Document is only a “short” version for formality and a full comprehensive Report with very detailed data and explanations will be submitted by the Jury President in his Report to the FAI after the Competition.

Pociunai, 11th July 2022

Jury President                  Bruno Ramseyer

Remote Jury Member     Frouwke Kuijpers

Remote Jury Member     Peter Ryder

So you know the official in’s and out’s. A lot to think about!!!
I don’t know how this all continues, but I will keep you informed.

Cheers Ritz
to finish my Dutch mates in Hungary with 2 times WORLD champion Baer Selen in the middle as TC.

On the front from l. to r. Hadriaan in 18 m., Joost in 20 m. flies with Erik to the r. Jeroen in 18 m. and behind Erik is Bas who flies in open class.
Dutch Gliding Team….wkzweefvliegen.nl

WGC in Hungary about to begin!

Looking back at the EGC and 13.5 m WGC in Pocuinai,, I still wonder what exactly happened with Stefano and Thomas, in my eyes very respectable and integer, persons and pilots.
So I tried to find out more by asking around a bit.
From the scores I knew how the organizers thought about it.
First I was wondering why all 4 Italian pilots were out. Did they disagree with the organizers or felt ashamed and left? Only Thomas was disqualified.
No that was not the reason.
The withdrawals;
Stefano withdrew “because his mental state after Thomas’ disqualification, without any evidence, prevented him from safely continuing the competition.” I understand that totally.
Luca Urbani withdrew because he seriously damaged the glider in outlanding, because the fields were high and the conditions were very marginal. I know him for many years and he is a very experienced pilot.
Lorenzo Fornari damaged his glider as well.

Then the disqualification;
Thomas had a shortage of battery and to avoid a potentially dangerous outlanding, he had to find thermals, which is NOT forbidden. In three consecutive days, three gliders were severely damaged and this was the main reason why Thomas did not land and tried to return to the airport. “
If safety was indeed the reason, of course the team did not agree with the outcome of the organizers and they filed a complaint.

I guess that after the WWGC in Lake Keepit, another appeal during a WGC will be delivered to the international court of appeal.
Not good!!!! But honesty and justice , fairness and integrity should win at ALL TIME in sport/life. Including SAFETY.
Otherwise we better stop!
I keep you informed and I am very anxious to know the final result and share it with you.
To be honest, I prefer comps without problems. I guess we ALL do.


The 37th WGC in Szeged in Hungary
July 24/ August 5 2022

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the location of the 37th FAI WGC 2022 has been changed from Kecskemét-Matkópuszta (Hungary) to Szeged (Hungary),” was, what was written in the 2d bulletin.
So Szeged had to organize in a relative short time a WGC, but they did it before.
82 Pilots will attend; the official site www.wgc2022.hu
For some pilots it will be the return to where they were once before.
Maybe in 2010 when Michael Sommer won in open class , Zbigniew Nieradka in 18 m and Stefano Ghiorzo…yes Stefano, who was bitterly disappointed in Pocuinai and withdrew….in 15 m.
In my last blog I gave you the schedule, so now it’s looking ahead of what’s going to happen and who is who.
In 20 meter class there are 2 interesting couples. Sarah ,who won the last WWGC in Australia, flies with Karl Striedeck, multiple WGC pilot and more than that,…. a USA icon!!! Strong couple.
AND,…the only competitors from the USA. They fly an ARCUS T.
From Australia Allan Barnes also in an ARCUS now an M, with Harry Medlicott in his mid nineties. Allan flew several WGC’s and Harry is a flying phenomena. This is what he always wanted and now at this age it all happens, why not??!!!
Also they,… are the only participants from Australia.
Pierre and Arnaud de Broqueville, are well-known faces in this class too AND good pilots!!!
The Finish team Aku Jaakkola and Juha Sorri, might be less well known in this class, but during my stays in Finland I got to learn them. Jaku then still as a junior, now married with children, Juha a bit older with many titles on his name.(Finnish champion, standard: 1992, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012
Finnish champion, racing: 2015, 2017, 2018) and more.
Chances also for UK pilots Steve Jones [ who won with his brother Howard in 2014 in 20 m class]and Gary Coppin .
My Dutch mates Erik Borgmann [runner up in Sweden in Borlange] with Joost Wolff in an ARCUS T, had already good practice together.

In 18 m. Wolfgang from Austria will fly his Ventus 3TS, WGC winner in 2003 [Leszno] and 2018 in Hosi. the brothers Tijl and Bert [jr] Schmelzer both in Ventus 3T. Bert jr was WGC champion in 2014 in Rayskala. Young Petri Sucksdorf is too young to be world champion already, but has a bright future! The French pilots Christophe Abadie and Melanie Gadoulet will fly in a JS 3. Melanie won the last WWGC in Lake Keepit. Good to see Hungarian pilot György Gulyás is still flying comps. He won in 2008 in Luesse. Davide and Riccardo fly their JS 3 for Italy. Hadriaan van Nes and Jeroen Verkuijl participated for the Netherlands in several WGC’s and fly JS3. Attie and Uys fly their own glider for South Africa.
Mac from Japan flies an AS 33es and don’t underestimate Roman Mracek from Czech Rep.

Open class; has several “heroes”. Russell Cheetham [won the WGC in 2017 in Australia ] and Andy for the UK.[won in 2003 in Leszno] . Yves Gerster who had some really good flights lately in JS 1 C /21 m.. Oscar Goudriaan and Riaan Denner fly an EB 29 DR.
Bas Seijffert [The Netherlands ] is good/fast in his JS1C and Alberto Sironi also good and fast in EB 29R. Not too forget Michael Sommer who has been at least 5 times WGC champion in 2006 in Eskilstuna] in 2008 in Luesse. in in 2010 in Szeged , in 2014 in Leszno and in 2018 in Hosin. He flies with Felipe Levine [EB 29R] who was JUNIOR WORLD CHAMPION in 2009 and 2011. Not to forgeteither, Radek Krejcirik from Czech Rep. in a JS1C.
And then Sebastian Kawa even won more, 12 , I counted on different disciplines. BUT I do not see him on the list in Hungary.
I only found 3 Polish pilots one in each class.

I look forward to the event and hope it will be a fair one, without treats from the Russians and without corona. I will keep you informed!

Preparations for the 37th WGC in Hungary;
So is the presentation of the Danish team, but now for the WGC in Hungary.
They fly there with 5 pilots all good ones, what about; Arne Boye Moeller, [18 m] Peter Eriksen, [open] Rasmus Orskov, who was WGC champion in club class in 2018 in Ostrow Poland] , [18 m] Poul Kim Larsen [open] and Tom and Henning in 20 m.

Yes we will follow the Danish pilots in Hungary.
Picture shared by Danish Gliding Team

Slowly the teams are arriving in Szeged.
Arrived in one piece. Glider in good condition. Chomping at the bit.” Oscar from South Africa.
So , the JS is rigged and ready to go. Now coffee and shopping and a flight to discover the area from above.” Hadriaan from The Netherlands.
First training flight yesterday with thermals up to 2700 m [5m/sec] . ” Philippe from France.

“Szeged, l’aérodrome gigantesque et au fond la Serbie.”
Philippe de Péchy

They are practicing hard as well. Also for today there is grid info on https://wgc2022.hu/ under news. One comment after/during a flight :”First impression .The sky is on fire! (quite literally..)”


Preparations for the WWGC in Husbos are in full swing as well.
The French are going with a big team to the WWGC in Husbos in the UK. Their presentation is top, look at this. Sorry one way or another the pictures at the flag from the girls disappeared.
4 of the girls I met at the last WWGC in Australia, where Melanie became world champion.
Anne was WWGC champion in 2013 and 2015 and Aude Grangeray in 2015 and 2017. A very strong team.

As shared by WWGC 2022


It’s hot in the Netherlands, very hot but the annual SUMMER COMPS 2022 from Malden were on, between 17 July 2022 – 23 July 2022.
It’s a qualification competition to enter the Dutch Nationals and for some a fun competition.
Even with the 40 dgr. C they had to fly a 2 hour AAT. But the higher , the cooler and for those on the ground they have a huge cellar under there hangar , where they store all their gliders in winter, and that area under the ground is nice cool.
Till now they flew 2 out of 3 days , with a 184 km. set task, and 2 x a 2 hour AAT. The last one was cancelled.
For today a 105 km. race is set, with the expectation later in the day for severe thunderstorms with hail , lot’s of rain and gusty winds.

OLC news;
Between the 1.230 km. last Friday From Gordon Boetcher/ James Lee from Minden in the ARCUS J and the 1.025km. from Germany by Josh Jarosch in a Nimbus 4 , the flight from Tim Kuijpers in his ASW 20 WL, from 961 km. flown from Malden, was outstanding. He tried a 1000 but as he said he made a small mistake at the TP…. costing him. Great flight mostly flown over Germany.
On Saturday still great weather ;1.345 km by Keith Essex from Ely Arpt in the EB 29R.
Fuente has early already top weather…the heat there is unbearable so the higher the better….4x a 1000 km.plus .
Sunday .Great flight from Alfred Paul from the Netherlands flying from Garray Sorianuma in Spain; Soria.
He flew easily avoiding thunderstorms ;1.105.77 km with speed of 147 km./h He loved flying from Soria so much ….”What a country this is !! The most attractive women, stunning nature, and  I believe the best European gliding conditions”….that he will travel back for another week after work.

We had tropical temperatures on Monday, the first official tropical day in the whole country; we here in the SE had it already earlier this year and we had 39.8 dgr. C yesterday, not the expected/forecasted 40 ….with code orange for heat and smog, but I did not see any smog.
Also the UK suffers from the heat with temperatures over 40 dgr. C, never ever before it was so hot there. So it was a “HOT TOPIC” during the day.
Heat records everywhere in the S W of Europe, BUT …it is not funny anymore. Over 500 died of the heat only in Spain. In Spain, France and Portugal bushfires got out of control. Like in Australia ,where I spend a lot of time, people have to leave their houses , camping’s and agriculture land….. tragic!

CU again on Wednesday or earlier when there is enough WGC or other news!!!
Cheers Ritz