Exiting last day at Lasham ! WWGC continues. Visit to KEIHEUVEL!

11th WWGC
Husbands Bosworth, United Kingdom
14 August 2022 – 26 August 2022

Finishes yesterday
WWGC 2022

Another good day for the ladies. Though a bit doubtful was the weather in the morning, as a slow moving front was supposed to arrive later in the day.
So all 3 classes got AAT’s with big circles. The first launch was estimated for 11.30.
Club went up first ,then 18 m and standard as last.

IMPORTANT people first , so here is Liz with her view on yesterday.
It was a festival of flying and fun at The Gliding Centre! Visitors got more than they bargained for with two grid launches and landings. Mel the weather man said that with the Welsh mountains creating wave there could be tough rotor around. The grid got away smoothly but shortly after the final launch, the field starting floating back down to earth. Half the sky had overdeveloped with rain showers and the other half turned blue, even the tug pilots had reported how difficult the flying was. Soon with everyone back on the field, the competition director Liz Sparrow decided to cancel the Club class for the day and switch the 18m and Standard Classes to their task C’s. The first leg was very tough, in standard class there was a lot of deviation between the teams but they all arrived at the turn point together. With good energy lines over the rest of the course it was an easier run home. In the 18m class they found the task easier with the ability to push into the wind, the thermals out on the course were 3-4 knots all the way up for them. Back at The Gliding Centre there were a lot of spectators enjoying the flying, market stalls, food trucks, glider simulator, winch demonstration and full orchestra playing as everyone took off.”

Busy enough with guests.

Just back from Belgium, so here we go with what happened today in Hus Bos.
Club; 3.15 AAT….gate opened at 12.11…..early starters went straight away , one minute later at 12.12! Others waited till 12.48! Elena went rather late at 12.40 ,but had a great run; she flew 283 km in time 3.28; speed 81.73. About 5 k/h faster then Argentinian lady Paula Drazul, who had 76.94 km./h! and was runner up. Most km for Aude with 294 in time 3.44.;spot 3.
Mind you, to fly by yourself is more difficult than in a group with 2 or 3 mates from home.
2 were out.
After 4 days out of 8 ,it’s Aude ,Klara and Petra in the overall top.

standard; 2.30 AAT....gate opened at 12.26...257.41 km for Czech pilot Jana in time 2.36 who went on track like most other pilots at 13.22.Speed ; 98.77 km./h. for 842 points.
Anais from France left at 14.31 and was 10th from 13.
Ayala unfortunately was out after 200 km.
After 5 out of 8 days the 3 German ladies, Cornelia, Sabrina and Chrissie are on top.

18 m; 2.45 AAT….gate opened at 12.43…another Czech pilot topped this class; Alena, with 318 km. in time 2.51.Speed 111 km./h That was MUCH faster than runner up Katrin with 103 km./h!!
After 5 out of 8 days Alena leads ahead of the French girls Melanie and Anne.
Still 5 days to go.


The UK 18m and 20 m. NATIONALS.
13 August 2022 – 21 August 2022

LASHAM morning message;
Final day and it’s all to play for…” I read at 3, when 20M class just was launched and the 18Ms were on their way up.
Small tasks to set the final scores.
18M – 159.75km…….The weather was good enough for a strong last race. Chris Starkey was Fast.; 136.15 KM./H!! BUT, only for 273 points.
Followed by Kim Tipple with 129.98 km./h. It took a long long time before Gary Stingmore was scored and for the final results we had to wait for him. He was 18th for 196 points, just enough to remain runner up. Leigh was 19th for 196 points together with Derren.
.We know now who the new UK NATIONAL CHAMPION in 18 m. is:

In the end the overall scores in 18 m. are very CLOSE:
1. Leigh Wells in JS 3 with 4.360 points. and NATIONAL CHAMPION. Congratulations LEIGH.
2. Gary Stingemore in AS33es with 4.354 points , just 6 points short!
3. Russell Cheetham in JS 3 with 4.347 p.
4. Pete Harvey in Ventus 3 with 4.322 p.
With the daily win today Chris [ASG 29es] moved up from 7 to 5!!!
All scores still preliminary.

20M – 157.55km……Tactics were played on the last day!
Start times vary between 13.27 and 14.06.
The last to go was Matthew Cooke; speed 114.88 km./h , a tad faster than Steve Jones with 114. 74. Garry Coppin was 3d, so we can see now who the new 20 m CHAMPION in the UK is;

1. Garry Coppin in Arcus with 4.573 points. NATIONAL CHAMPION!!!! WELL DONE.
2. Matthew Cook in ARCUS T with 4.547 p.
3. Steven Jones in ARCUS M with 4.139 p.

All scores still preliminary.


This weekend August 20 and 21 2022

over 50 participants in 3 classes.

When possible I visit this 2 day competition every year, to catch up with lots of old and new friends gathering for a great weekend out. I missed day 1 but wrote anyhow about it yesterday.
Today I visited the briefing and where you normally get a task B which is smaller here it was bigger.
From 127 km to 188 and 223 .49 km.
The weather looked marvelous, the 4 tuggies did their job quick and GOOD and with the launches at 12.30 sharp , it turned out to be a joyful day for ALL. Some old and new friends:

“old ” mates as in longtime friends Eddy De Koninck and Marc Huybreckx.

My brother and I eat the best -ever- pancakes for lunch in The Kei and just when we had to go home again, the pilots returned with big speed!!!
BUT NO SCORES,…..the day was cancelled ,..it worried me a bit…..but, I worry quickly.!!!
More tomorrow with pictures


Today is the last day from 3, cycling through The Netherlands as the start from the VUELTA was here. Utrecht had the honor and already for the 3d time a big cycling event started there, the Tour de France, the Giro and now the Vuelta.
Farmers tried to find attention along the road for their nitrogen problems, others,….. as the Gliding Club from Soesterberg used it for nice PR. INDEED, the helicopter saw them, they were on TV…world wide!!!

The Amsterdam Club for Soaring.

Ever heard from Femke Bol????? She is a sprint phenomena,….. 2 gold medals individual and one for the relay[4x400m] with one more evening to go.[4x100m]

CU tomorrow.
Cheers Ritz

Comps continued in Hus Bos…Lasham , [penultimate day ]and Rieti [last day] and day 1 from 2 at KEIHEUVEL!

11th WWGC
Husbands Bosworth, United Kingdom
14 August 2022 – 26 August 2022

Nice finish
Shared by Women Gliding

Already early in the morning 3 racing tasks were set just under or just over 300 km in club and standard and 349 in 18 m.
GOOD,…another day of soaring.

A bit of a weird day for Team Denmark, as yesterday after the long flight the girls were on 7 and 9. A bit later Julia was on the lowest spot, problems with her oudi; admin penalty as they call it.
Luckily she could borrow one from an English gentleman and she is ready again to go today!!
HusBos people are very kind. In my year there in 2005,[ JWGC] one of the boys had a car incident with the trailer, which was pretty badly damaged. Somebody brought from rather far away a fitting trailer. PERFECT!!! That’s soaring too!!!

As every day Liz looked back yesterday evening with an excellent analyze of the day:
Due to the slow departure of the front today’s task was set East to West. The pilots had decent conditions for the start, in the 18m and Standard classes most pilots went deep into the first sector and struggled in the second with a very strong Westerly breeze making it a long trek across. In the Club class the winning pilots opted for a shallower first sector as for them it was looking blue to the East and then they pushed it in the second right to the back. Winning pilots seemed to be operating in a narrow height band – staying high and climbing more often paid off. Although the competitors found the day extremely tough, every class still had a 1000 point day and only a handful of gliders landed out. Tomorrow’s forecast has the chance to be even better depending on the progress of an overnight front. The Gliding Centre is hosting a family fun free weekend with glider simulator, STEM activities, shopping and food stalls, music and much more! Hopefully there’ll be plenty of racing for the public to follow while they are here.”

Katrin Senne was not yet scored late yesterday but she was in the morning; she was 4th behind the 3 French girls.
The Czech girls did well yesterday in club class with a number 1 and 2. Petr their TC is a huge part of the success of the Czech girls.

Petr , TC from Czech Rep, was this year WGC champion in 20 m class in Szeged.
as shared by WWGC 2022
Petra on 1, Klara on 2 both Czech Rep and Aude [France] on 3
as shared by WWGC 2022

And when you want to see a nice and funny picture- story about yesterday you can go to Claudia’s Gliding Page

Time to look at today Saturday August 20 ; NOT an easy day due to” overdevelopment in the NW and a “Blue hole” in the east.” I read and heard.
You can’t say they are not trying HARD.

Club; 282.06 km….changed in 217 km at the grid…. gate opened at 12.25. BUT then the message that club class had troubles to get away due to over development …several landed back….
then club class was cancelled. For those still up, the day was cancelled in the air, but most were already back at the ground.

At 3 , they started the other 2 classes and off they went again in a tricky sky.

Only standard and 18 m got a re-light again.
Women Gliding

standard; 301,65 km… 12.38 gate opening,….changed in 125 km….. BUT also they landed back …. they re-planned the launches of this class with a new launch time at 3….for a C task.
Gate opened now at 15.39!
It turned out to be a “German” day . Cornelia, Sabrina and Chrissie flew together and had about the same speed; 88 km./h!!! So a difficult character building day!!!
The 2 Polish girls followed then the 2 French girls, the Czech girls and last but not least the 3 UK girls.

18 m; 349.74 km... 13.00 opening gate BUT changed in 170 km.… as also they landed back. All went for C task, first launces at 3 PM.
Gate opened now at 16.04….And Alena was with 99 km./h. the daily best;, she started 5 minutes after the opening. Then 2 and 3, Anne and Melanie [France] with 96 and 95 km./h. I guess their ‘mate’ Astrid tried as well but maybe could not get away ,as she started at 5 PM and was out after 127 km..


The UK 18m and 20 m. NATIONALS.
13 August 2022 – 21 August 2022

So ONE more day. The penultimate day starts with Leigh Wells on top and Andy and Russell with equal points as runner up in the overall scores.
What will the day bring??
In any case TASKS and no overdevelopment or blue holes, as in Hus Bos , so no change of tasks.
BUT,….when I checked at 5 Dutch time I noticed already 3 out-landings in 18 m, but all over 100 km.

18 m; 329.14 km.…BUT,….then at once….. 3 pilots IN. Chris Starkey, Derren Francis and Leigh Wells finished ,…but Andy Davis was out after 134 km!!!! That means his 2d place overall is in difficulty.
When I looked again, totally different scene; Pete Harvey on top in his Ventus 3T with 1000 points in the pocket, just not enough to be on the podium and Gary Stingmore as runner up in AS33es.
And Chris and Leigh were now on 6 and 7!!!
For the last day tomorrow this means that Leigh [4.158] , Gary, [4.153] Russell [ 4.147] and Pete [ 4.084] are very close, so it will be an exciting last day!
And between the number 5 and 6 is ONE point difference.

20 m; 277.65 km....with 114 km./h Matthew Cooke won the day in the ARCUS T . Steven Jones flew around with 110,91 km./h and Garry Coppin with 108.54 km./h….2 and 3.
Their last day “might” be less exciting, MIGHT be, as Garry [4.250] and Matthew [4.218] are very close 32 points difference, but Steven is more than 400 points behind, but that was ONE out-landing……and an out-landing CAN happen even to the best, as we saw today with Andy.. He moved from 2 to 20, that really HURTS!!!!!


10 August 2022 – 20 August 2022

After 2 non flying days the pilots will be eager to finish this competition with a good day.
The weather has been pretty wild in the middle of Europe, so I hope they CAN fly. Tasks have been set;

Task 10; day 10….flying day 7.last day!
the North looked perfect, the Terminillo [ I have been on top of it several times, the nicest thing is that you see gliders pass by at eye-height] was still a bit covered but they all left at 1800 m!!!!
-The winds at all altitudes are NW, weak in the low layers.
– Very light isolated rains east and south east of Rieti
-Cumulus base variable from 1.600 to 2.500 meters in the race area.

Terminillo earlier in the day still in clouds
Aero Club Rieti “Alberto Bianchett
Last flying day in Rieti
as shared by Aero Club Rieti “Alberto Bianchetti

mixed class; 328.60 km….start gate opened at 14.25. The Austrian ARCUS M team , Pirker & Richter-Trummer won the day; speed 110 km./h. and moved from 5 to 4.
8 Pilots were out on the last day.
Winners from this interesting competition after 7 out of 10 days;
1. Sironi & Venturini from Italy in ARCUS T with 6.037 points.
2. Bouderlique & Bouderlique from France in ARCUS M with 5.964 p.
3. Coutts & Walters from NZ and UK in ASG 32MI with 5.792 p

18m/open; 350.03 km…The top pilots all started just after 3 PM.
French Guillaume and Slovenian Boris flew with a speed of 113 and 111 km./h. and were the daily best. Just not enough for Guillaume to enter the podium.[5.221]
UK pilot Jon was 3d. Austrian Werner on 8 .
So in the end the final scores after 7 out of 10 days are;
1. Boris Žorž from Slovenia in JS 3 with 5.491 points.
2. Jon Gatfield from The UK in AS 33es with 5.299 p
3. Werner Amann from Austria in AS 33es with 5.276 p.

Time to party now. ENJOY!!!


The 2- day-competition in Belgium at the Keiheuvel starts today; the KEIHEUVEL CUP 2022.
I will be visiting them tomorrow so maybe less news on the above comps for once.
Today they have tasks for all 3 classes with 50 pilots, several from The Netherlands as Keiheuvel is just over the border ,where I live.
There are 19 pilots in the sports class with transponders, 25 in open and 9 in the friendly class, who are pretty new to competition flying and will have shorter tasks more fitting to their gliders as St Libelle, KA 6e and an Astir.

sport XPDR class; 247.36 km….All 18 pilots finished! Interesting to see is, that the top places are for pilots who just flew cat.1 comps.
Jeroen Jennen, a real local pilot who lived all his life at the Keiheuvel-airfield, , won with a speed of 109,42 km./h. He was the last to go on track in his LS 8. Jeroen flew the EGC in Pocuinai and was 6th.
Runner up was Robin Smit in the LS 4 NEO, who flew already in the 13.5 m WGC.; speed 104.94 km./h
At 3 and 4, “our Dutch juniors ” flying in Tabor, Simon v.d Eijkel [LS8..104 72 km./h] ] and Lars van Bremen[Discus 101.85] . That team was then 3d as group !
These 4 pilots were the only ones flying over 100 km./h.

open XPDR class; 287.98 km.…the winner was team Snyers & Bielen in the Arcus T, local pilots; speed 109.81 km./h
Daan Spruyt in the Ventus 2x was as fast , so 2 pilots on spot 1.
Wim Akkermans another local pilot was 3d in the Ventus 3 F, 114.42 km./h.
4th Tijl Schmelzer in Ventus 3 also a local pilot; 114.35 km./h.

Tomorrow they continue and I will visit this airfield!


And to finish this nice picture of the

A young lady not flying in Hus Bos , YET, but maybe later at a WWGC, now flying at the 50thiest Junior Nationals /OSTRWO GLIDE 2022 in Poland….15 August 2022 – 27 August 2022
As shared by Aeroklub Ostrowski

Off tomorrow to Belgium, so no time to search the internet, but for sure I gather enough news to share the most important items from the day, later in the evening. CU then.

Cheers Ritz

BIG tasks again in Hus Bos! At Lasham they fly too!

11th WWGC
Husbands Bosworth, United Kingdom
14 August 2022 – 26 August 2022

Good PR in Hus Bos. Also outside you can see the task and tracking on a video screen;
The task and the participants from a class . Certainly for guests and business this is THE WAY , to show how it works!!!

Looking back at yesterday evening, ALL girls in club class were counted for and Claudia , who was not scored when I finished my blog, finished on spot 4 after 162.53 km.
Good on her, she leads her class overall.
CONGRATULATIONS to EDITA the only one finishing in club class.

as shared by WWGC 2022

Liz finished August 18 with ;
Although the day started off very overcast and cool, our meteorologist’s forecast was correct with the cloud burning off around 1100. In the morning we hosted our supporters at the club for a morning tea and introduction to gliding. Pilots grid squatted for a couple of hours and aided by a sniffer they got away shortly after 1300. Only three competitors needed to return for a relight, but all three classes got away inside a good weather window. It was a very tough day, at many points the racers did not think that they would get around the course, patience was key. In the 18m most of the competitors finished very close together with a split of 53kmph- 56kmph for the top 8. Half of the Standard class finished whilst only one Club class pilot, Edita Sklaskienne, finished their task. Fun was had by all at the International Night where teams brought food and drink from their home countries to share.”

Specially in club class many pilots were “out”. But retrieving together is less hard than all by your self.
Here is Claudia:
“Last night was international evening, where each nation provides some typical food and/or drink for all to sample. It’s one of the highlights of an international competition, but alas, it’s also traditional for the organisers to send lots of gliders into fields on that day. I ended up sharing a field with the complete Czech Standard Class, half of the Polish Standard Class and one third of the French Club Class, only 20 minutes from Hus Bos.” Claudia’s Gliding Page I like her writing style.

WWGC 2022 .. Race Day 5

I missed a picture on Claudia’s great win on day 1 , so here it is.

DAY 1 win by Claudia, surrounded by Aude on 2 and Klara on 3.
WWGC 2022 on August 15.

AND a picture from this morning with yesterdays winners in 18 m class;
there were 3 ladies equal on spot 2 with 270 points , ONE point less than daily winner Melanie.

Melanie on 1 and Anne and Astrid from France with UK lady Jane.
There were 3 UK ladies on the 3 podia ; Jane , also Ayala Truelove (Std) in 3rd. and
Carol Marshall (Club) in 3rd
Pôle France Planeur

After the tough day yesterday, it was INTERNATIONAL EVENING. …time to relax.

The German “table” looks GOOD.
WWGC 2022

So does the Dutch table;

With Dutch stroop wafels and Dutch Gouda cheese.
WWGC 2022
An overview.

Time to look at today!!!
Weighing was on,….. gliders are on the grid,….. so we might expect a soaring day again.
And indeed, pretty tough tasks as in long, were on the list.
So the weather MUST be very good.
And indeed a message; “Today looks soo much better! A nice sunny start and our teams are raring to go!” by Women Gliding
Today 18 m is upfront on the grid, then club and last but not least standard.
At pictures I noticed at least ONE female tuggie…GOOD!
I am still trying to figure out how many tow planes there are in Hus Bos. 7/8.

Club; 3.45 AAT...gate opened at 12.31. Really nice to see Petra , who is a young mother, [Czech Rep] on top of the list with 335.57 km in time 3.27 so a nice speed of 89.49 km./h as good as her Czech friend Klara. For 1000 and 993 points!!!
The French girls followed and then Elena.
NOT a good day for Claudia who was 16th for 690 points.
She drops from 1 to 6 , but,…so many more days to go
Klara leads now just ahead of Petra.
All pilots are counted for, one was out, after 44 km. due to a penalty.

standard; 3.30 AAT...start line opened at 12.50. ….378 km. for Aude in her Discus 2A, in time 3.34.55 ; speed 105.53 km./h!! 15 minutes after the gate opened she went on track.
Ayala is REALLY doing well, she was runner up with 366 km in time 3.30, good planning!!!
Speed 104.13 km./h!
Not a really good day for the German girls finishing on spot 10,11 and 12 from 13. BUT…Cornelia is still runner up behind Aude. Ayala moved from 6 to 4.
All are counted for only out out.

18 m; 4 hour AAT….start line opened at 12.05. Longest task ,first on track. I heard the cloud base was at 1500 and they had 2 to 3 m. lift. Not too bad. It’s good I have start gate opening times, as when we add 4 hours , we know what time to be back. But they were very late to finish. Club started to finish after 4, standard close to 5 PM.
In this class there was one early start, at 12.38 from Diana . Others started an hour AFTER the gate opened!!! Most finishes were after 5.
The 3 French girls dominated in their JS 3’s. 1, 2 and 3 with 431 km. in time 4.01/4.04.
About the same speed for Alena and Stefanie.
2 Are not yet counted for one of them Katrin.


The LASHAM 18m and 20 m NATIONALS.
13 August 2022 – 21 August 2022

Day 5 is underway at Lasham.
Lasham Gliding Society

With big tasks in Hus Bos, you might expect good tasks more to the S in the UK as well. And yes indeed pretty good tasks at Lasham too, BUT later changed in B tasks.
Between 13.15 and 13.55 the field was closed ,as I told you before , due to a RAF Red Arrows Display at RAF Odiham for their Families Day Airshow.
Competition activity will only start on completion of the restricted airspace at 1355.
So a later start today.

August 19; day 7…task 6…flying day 4 in 18 m and 5 in 20 m;

18m; 301.92 km…changed in 254.32 km....41 are still in the race and 3 TOPPILOTS start today knowing they are on top in the overall scores after 4 out of 7 flying days;
Russell on 1 with 2.630 points, Andy on 2 with 2.618 p. and Leigh on 3 with 2.595 p.
late starts , 20 past 3, late finishes around 5.30.
At this stage Leigh is 1 with a speed 129.92 km./h About the same as Pete,[128 km./h] Derren [ 127 km./h] , Rory [126.99 km./h] and Gary126 km./h/ But Russell is not yet scored.
30 from 43 finished1 was out. More tomorrow.

20 m; 300 km…..changed in 252.73 km….from 13 pilots “fighting” for the title there are, with 3 days to go, 2 who have all possibilities as they are far ahead. Garry in the ARCUS and Matthew in the ARCUS T;
2.861 and 2.804 points overall. Steve who had one off-day [ out on task 3] is 400 points behind on 3.
This time Garry and Steve started together[14.45] and finished together at 16.54; speed 119/118 km./h.

All scores from HusBos and Lasham; preliminary.


CIM – Coppa Internazionale del Mediterraneo
Rieti, Italy….10 August 2022 – 20 August 2022

Just LOOKING at the skies , this morning works even better.
Aero Club Rieti “Alberto Bianchetti”
31 min  · 

The official morning weather;
– The announced depression at 500 hpa has entered the Tyrrhenian Sea with the center in the Gulf of Genoa.
– This brought yesterday’s bad weather especially to northern Italy and thunderstorms on Rieti this night.
-Today we are in a transitional phase with winds that with the displacement of the depression towards the East, will tend to rotate from south to southwest.
-Cumulus base variable from 1,500 to 2,600 meters in the race area: higher in the East
– In same area turbulent and wind-broken thermals.
– Isolated rainfall in south area, strong in North area

Looking at the meteo info for Europe this morning, I saw that the North of Italy could expect severe thunderstorms,. Austria and Corsica had already terrible weather with several casuals.
But Rieti is more to the south , in fact it is the heart of Italy. I stood at that point one day in the past.

mixed class; 297.11 km..cancelled due to 16 kts gusting wind and rain. It changed rapidly!
18m/open ; 286,48 km....cancelled.

Ready to go BUT,……….
Quickly back to the trailer!

One more day to go.


In between the 24th FAI World Aerobatic Glider Championship has started in Issoudun. They fly between August 18 to 27.
The contest director is former WGC champion [ 1987 in Benalla] Brian Spreckley.
I don’t know enough ,to write about that ,but I can give you some info about the planes flying there;
“18 aerobatic gliders : 1 SZD 59, 1 Solo Fox, 4 Fox et 12 Swift for 29 advanced category pilots and 18 unlimited category pilots.

The PH-1091 is a Dutch glider. I believe there are 3 Dutch participants Sape and Bjoern is one of them.
GOOD LUCK to ALL participants!!!

CU tomorrow. Rushing down to the TV as the VUELTA started in Utrecht in The Netherlands.
Cheers Ritz

Day 5 in Husbands Bosworth… with tasks. Also tasks at Lasham ….and Rieti was later cancelled !

11th WWGC
Husbands Bosworth, United Kingdom
14 August 2022 – 26 August 2022

Thursday….AUGUST 18;
to start with…..not all pilots are in and scored, both in Husbos and Lasham, but I have to go for now. Will be back later with an UPDATE!!!!!
I am as anxious to know as you are. But here is already enough reading stuff.
Till later.

After 3 non-flying days, it would be great to be able to fly again. BUT…the weather HAS TO co-operate.
Yesterday had no tasks, but straight after briefing the girls stayed for a good discussion about women in gliding! The rain gave the ladies no opportunity to race , but for sure time to talk about gliding.
Another rest day, post briefing pilots took part in a discussion between countries about how to develop female participation in gliding lead by Fran Roberts and Claudia Hill
Women Gliding
As Liz said; “We took the opportunity whilst having all these amazing women from all around the world, to see how we can work together internationally to built a community of women pilots and encourage more women in flying and aviation in general.

Briefing yesterday with upfront on the table, Mandy ,Frouwke and Rick, the officials, on the table behind TEAM Luxembourg with Diana and George and behind them Eric with the French ladies.

The skies were dark , but early this morning there was a tiny little bit of hope and YES , tasks were set.
After a few days of real “English” weather ,there was enough hope for a window and the mood already good, even got better !! Gliders were put on the grid and the “normal” soaring-competition-routine was back.

The weather man expected a window of opportunity from 14.00 to 18.00
A sniffer went up , could stay up, but that was more or less all.

The sun started to shine,….. that’s better and the first expected launch would be at 13.15.
And ,…it was!!!!

ready to go
As shared by Danish Gliding Team

ready to go,…..BUT,…. you need the pilot. Team Luxembourg TC George is waiting for his pilot Diana.

Club class; 175.94 km...task 5,…flying day 2....
has the longest task and starts first. Also this class went for the A task. Some pilots [3] needed a re-light as they could not stay airborne in the early thermals. All “Clubbies” were launched at 2.43.
They flew to the start point , then to TP 1, 60.26 km, then to TP 2 56.15 km, further on to TP 3 24.19 km , then to control point East to go to over the finish ring [7.23 km] ; 175.94 km.
For all those who not regularly follow comps, you can find all the info on www.soaringspot.com, look under task and you see the task and later the scores.
How they fly you can see via tracking on https://wwgc22.onglide.com
So and now we wait to see who did that best?
It was NOT easy, messages as “low ” not even at the first TP, worried me.
At 17.55 the FIRST FINISHER was back at the field. Lithuanian Edita in her ASW 20, was the one.
52 km./h a real struggle it must have been.
Klara from the Czech Rep just missed out on 2 km!!!!BUT she only missed out on 28 points.
Edita is still the only one IN.
At this stage 4 , from 18, have flown over 100 km.
Edita is still THE ONLY FINISHER!!!! TOP JOB!!!
A total of 10 flew over 100 km, so it looks to me as a valid day.
3 Are still not counted for,….. Day 1 winner Claudia is one of them

Standard class; 154.03 km.
Straight after club the standard class went up, the sky looked “friendlier”. The gate opened at 14.32.
7 Girls flew together to make it home. They finished with between 50 and 55 km./h speed. 2 Girls from France, 3 from Germany and 2 from the UK.
Anais and Aude started and finished together with the others but they were in their Discus 2A, just a tad faster;55.71 and 55.65 km./h.
It’s waiting now for the Polish girls and from Czech Rep. The Polish girls were out and counted for, so waiting for the 2 Czech girls.
13 flew and 7 were in and 3 were ONLY 14 k out.

18m class; 161.17 km...
at 3.24 ALL gliders including 18 m were up in the air and as Liz mentioned:
Everyone is soaring, it’s looking good!
Glider FM was the last to go……Astrid Galaret from France was launched in a nice looking sky.
All pilots were airborne at 3.28….the gate opened at 14.47!
The message that Diana was the first to turn the TP at 60 km and leading 18 m. class was a great pleasure to hear, but looking at the scores she was out after 68.06 km. A pity. She loves to fly by herself.
ALL scores were in around 7 my time.
Melanie was the best with 56.74 km./h , just a tad faster than Jane from the UK [56.60 km./h] . They clearly flew with 8 in a gaggle to make it home. The other 4 were out.

FM last glider to be launched.
As shared by #WomenGliding #WWGC2002

This upcoming weekend the WWGC will share the space at the airfield as they are hosting a Family Fun Weekend at the Husbands Bosworth Airfield !
A nice poster with ” Something for everyone including watching the gliders launch, hanger visits, live aircraft tracking screen to watch the racing, children’s area and activities, glider simulator, full size aircraft, craft stalls, music, food stands, Eco & sustainability area including cars, machines, stands etc. Watch the Women’s World Gliding Championships as 40+ pilots from 12 nations compete.


THE C.I.M. in Rieti in Italy
10 August 2022 – 20 August 2022

Thursday August 18;
Day 8…task 8…flying day 7.cancelled due to rain
mixed class; 309.30 km.…cancelled
18m/open; 336.45 km….cancelled.
They wanted to start at 12 , but it was a blue day , with a possibility for sea breeze ,an increasing of clouds and possible gusting winds. No rain was predicted but it rained when they brought the gliders back from the grid.
The QNH dropped from 1013 to 1009.

More tomorrow. …2 days to go Friday August 19 and Saturday August 20.


The 18m and 20 m NATIONALS at LASHAM.
13 August 2022 – 21 August 2022

Todays skies whilst launching.
as shared by Lasham Comps

Till now they had “the best day ever, on day 1” and 2 flying days in the 18m. and 3 in 20 m.
Tomorrow they are a bit more restricted than normal, as there will be a RAF Red Arrows Display at RAF Odiham for their Families Day Airshow.
“Restricted Airspace (Temporary) will be in place between 1315 Local and 1355 Local. The airspace radius of 6 miles means that Lasham and the local area will be closed to all aircraft for the duration of the display airspace. Competition activity will only start on completion of the restricted airspace at 1355 (weather permitting.)”

TODAY,….after 3 non flying days in 18 m and 2 in 20 m…. THEY FLY AGAIN!!!!
“Hopefully today’s weather will work in our favor… the organization have spent the morning trying to maximize the day for all competitors, providing 5 possible tasks for each class, one of which will be selected closer to the time.
All gliders are currently waiting on the grid.
First launch not before 13.00

The early morning does n’t look too convincing to me , that dark sky…but there are clouds and these are TOP PILOTS.
Lasham Comps

Tasks have been set and changed later , but launching started, rather late but they started;
18m; 263.57 km....
early “outs” after 30 and 86 km, do not give a lot of hope.
But at 18.20 Andy Davis FINISHED. The WGC champion from Borlange, who was that good in rainy weather in Sweden as well, flew around in his JS 1c with 75.67 km./h. Maybe the slowest flight in his glider ever. BUT he is IN!!!!AND,…for 1000 points!!!!
in the end Andy was not the only finisher. Tim , Chris and Simon did so too. 2 were 2 and 3 k out.
Tim flew over 4 hours, so did Chris. Simon was faster 69.10 km./h , got just in, but got a penalty .After checking the scores he was RUNNER UP.

20 m; 262.68 km….201.63 km…. 198.58 km….
they started at 4 and also here quickly pilots “out” . The HC [hors concours] pilot straight away turned home after 1. 67 km!!!!Later it was changed in 61.32 km.
BUT,…there were FINISHERS, 4 to be precise!!! Of course slow but IN.
Fastest was Matthew in the ARCUS T; 76.86 km./h. Garry, [74 km./h] Steve [74 km./h] and Graham [66 km./h]were in as well.

They started the day with “we are launching” they finished the day with “we have finishers”.
BUT, only 4 in 20 m [Matthew, Garry, Steve and Graham] and 4 in 18 m.[Andy, Tim, Chris and Simon.]
All scores of course preliminary.

CU tomorrow!

Cheers Ritz

The weather….spoilsport in the UK??!! Update on CIM later…UPDATED!!

11th WWGC
Husbands Bosworth, United Kingdom
14 August 2022 – 26 August 2022

AUGUST 17; Still no regular blog on Wednesday, as I try to cover the WWGC daily and….as I am busy writing anyhow, 2 BIG comps in Italy, the CIM and the UK the Lasham 18m and 20 m NATIONALS.
Most parts of Europe had the best soaring weather ever this season, though for us “normal mortals” the heat wave was a bit long.
Glider pilots “were” in heaven”.

In Husbos, they had NO TASK yesterday.
So IF they fly today it will be day 4 with task 2. But I could already see on TV this morning, that the UK was under a thick layer of clouds.
The yesterday evening news was ;
Today was an official rest day with rain all night and forecasted thunderstorms from 1500. The Czech and Danish pilots visited the Imperial War Museum Duxford and got a fantastic tour around the aircraft. Everyone gathered together in the evening for the official quiz night which the Danish team won. Tomorrow is forecast to have 1200ft cloud base and a chance of thunderstorms again but the race office will convene at 0700 to assess the conditions.”

Dutch Women Gliding Team  shared news too. TC Sjaak Selen, a former WGC champion[ 2018 in Poland] and his partner Lilian, who flies in club class, spend time as tourists exploring the area and Foxton locks.
Foxton Locks are ten canal locks consisting of two “staircases” each of five locks, located on the Leicester line of the Grand Union Canal about 3 miles (5 km) west of the Leicestershire town of Market Harborough. [where the opening was] They are named after the nearby village of Foxton,” according to Wikipidia.
I missed that too whilst being in Husbos in 2005.
The day was cancelled before the briefing and declared a rest day. It looks like we used the good weather for the next days, after the first TOP DAY. ” she mentioned as well. “unfortunately” BUT it will get better!!!!
They put like many others the glider in the trailer and wait till the weather improves.

They shared this beautiful picture of the area.

Elena from Italy is an interesting, nice and out going young lady. I met her in Rieti a few times when she was still really young. In Lake Keepit ,she was more or less unexpected ,the new WORLD CHAMPION after the problems with the AUSSIE team . After I did not see much of her gliding and now she flies the WWGC and is doing well. Her dad, brother and younger sister all fly. Very nice family.
Here is there way of telling us at home what happens in Husbos on August 15.

My Italian is pretty non existing, unfortunately But I like the pictures shared by
Liana Frola
GREAT pictures!!!
Shared by Liana Frola

Back to AUGUST 17; Unfortunately the day is cancelled during briefing, for all 3 classes .
I hear the mood is still very good and WHY NOT?????
After rain there will be sunshine.
More tomorrow!!!


From Lasham came the morning news and a picture which says enough;
Day 5️⃣
Good morning! Both classes were SCRUBBED at 8am with a thunderstorm warning in force that may include hail.
See you tomorrow

Lasham Comps


The CIM in Rieti in Italy
10 August 2022 – 20 August 2022

Albert Sironi,[to the r.] very relaxed with the task in front of him.
Aero Club Rieti “Alberto Bianchetti”

August 17….day 7…. flying day 6 [task 5was not flown] ….. task 7;
YES,…they fly! Launces expected at 12.45 and A and B tasks have been handed out.
Yesterday’s scores were not complete in 18m/open. From the 4 who were not scored 2 were out and 2 teams did not fly anymore , one of them team Bruno Gantenbrink who flies nearly every year in Rieti in his ETA. The other Mauro in his AS33es. He landed -out on task 4.
Winners in the mixed class , The Bouderliques, were honored with a ” bottle” each.

Mixed class; 3 hour AAT…The gate opened at 2PM …..After 5 PM, they slowly arrived back at the Rieti-airfield. Some even after 6. Not an easy day, hot and blue in the beginning , but later the base went to 2000/3000 m.
In 3 hours and 17 minutes Team John Coutts finished with a speed of 128.41 km. over 423.56 km.
Team Alberto Sironi was runner up; 384 km. in time 3.03; speed 125.83 km./h.
Ukrainian pilot Marius , who won task 2 and 3 in his Ventus 2 ax was 4th.
17 from 21 finished .
Off day for UK/Lasham team Flewett & Perley, they flew 433 km, BUT DID NOT FINISH.
They dropped from 3 to 7 overall …ouch.
Top 3 overall at this stage; Sironi, Bouderlique and Coutts….so Italy, France and UK/NZ.

Indeed blue , but you could see one cloud popping up already
Shared by streckenflug.at

18m/open class; 2.50 AAT...On the other hand….UK pilot Jon was the daily winner in his AS 33es. Their gate opened at 2.50 PM.
NOBODY could finish within the 2.50 time limit, but Jon flew 397.47 km in time 3.06; speed 127.88 km./h.
Runner up was Boris. His JS3 flew over 379 km. in time 125.89 km./h
For today their forecast was ; convergence lines (maybe in blue) and finally west, southwest wind, not so strong/weak.
20 started and 16 finished, 4 were out among them MM, Manuele, one of the Italian mates from my Rieti time.
The top 3 overall is still the same. Boris, Werner and Jon, so Slovenia, Austria and the UK.


When our days here are getting shorter, they start down under with the preparations, for their spring-time, as the early season more or less starts then. In the WW2 hangar from Tocumwal Soaring Centre, they prepare their gliders for the 22/23 season.
It’s always great , but also a bit emotional, to see “our” former hangar. It is such an historic beauty. I lived in it…in a flat… for a few years, with great pleasure.

“We are busy getting our fleet ready for this season.
Form 2’s and 3000 hour inspections are all the norm at TSC.
Lots of polishing to do to ensure they are all fast for our visiting friends and customers
Tocumwal Soaring Centre

Whilst waiting for the CIM, I can do other things, so I will update later. UPDATED!!!!
Cu later or tomorrow.

WWGC…day 3… no task !CIM…AAT’s…LASHAM day 4…cancelled!

11th WWGC
Husbands Bosworth, United Kingdom
14 August 2022 – 26 August 2022

This morning I got the message from one of my friends over there ; “Another day lost“.
So no flying in Husbos. Liz expected it already as you can read below.
But …..tomorrow is another day.

Yesterday the day was cancelled ,but the Danish girls had fun anyhow. This time in a plane with an engine!

Christina ready for a sight seeing flight. You can see,….NO gliding weather.
Danish Gliding Team

BBC Radio Leicester, visited Husbos and one of the female reporters , Sofie, had a flight in a 2-seater. She loved it, but you could nearly hear her cry out loud, in the Netherlands…..” OH MY GOD……
I guess a mix from tension, excitement and fun. All was organized by Georgia, who is the the media coordinator for the event.

Sofie , ready for her flight.
The video is to be seen on WWGC 2022

About yesterday, here is Liz;
Prepared for anything the task setters had ready A, B and C tasks for all three classes but the weather did not play ball. The first rain shower came through during briefing and it never cleared up enough to encourage thermal activity. So after delaying the grid launch to 1300 the Race Office made the call to cancel the day, known as “scrubbing” in Britain. Pilots made the most out of the off day with hiking , sight seeing and some even getting rated in motor aircraft with The Gliding Centre. Tomorrow the forecast is not looking overly promising but there’s always a chance.

Today some went to Duxford to the MUSEUM /Airspace Center…..a branch of the Imperial War Museum in Cambridgeshire .…the largest in the UK.
When you cannot fly you can at least look at planes.

great looking flying boat.
both pictures courtesy George
VERY crowdie in there but you can’t miss the CONCORDE.
A glider cockpit nowadays is full of instruments too, but this is another “category” WOW.

Now I see it, I wonder why I never went with the boys to this museum in 2005 during the JWGC over there. Guess too busy!
So off to Duxford when you have time , on a non flying day!

More tomorrow.


CIM, Coppa Internationale del Mediterranio
Rieti, Italy
10 August 2022 – 20 August 2022

Over to the other competition which is in progress now in Italy.
Yesterday they did not fly, the weather decreased during the early afternoon and pilots with their families visited Roma, a go-cart in Rieti-town or spend time in or around the pool!
Today their weather improved again , so it’s back to action at the field and tasks have been set.
Small ones, BUT they can fly.

The old tower at the airfield to see the gliders finish and to hear the radio loud and clear. I have been ON it many times. Great memories.
Aldo the CD and one of his staff are ready.
Aero Club Rieti “Alberto Bianchetti

AUGUST 16; task 6...
A relative easy day, catching up with mails etc. Checking in between the scores in Rieti. And before I knew they were there.
Mixed class; 2.15 AAT...Bouderliques day again….they flew 335 km. in time 2.24.50. VERY nice speed of 138.92 km./h!! Their 2d daily win. They started at 13.15.
UK/NZ team Coutts and Walters were runner up. They started 10 minutes later [13.26] , as the very last to go on track, but had the same speed ;138.66 km./h.
So the ARCUS M and ASG 32 MI had about the same speed.
After 5 out of 6 days The Bouderliques lead with 4.246 points, on team Alberto Sironi, with 4.192 p. Only 1 pilot was out after 90 km.

18m/open; 2.05 AAT….342 km. in time 2.08 means HUGE speed!!! Indeed 160,32 km./h! Werner Amann from Austria was the “Speedy Gonzales”. A staggering 9 km faster than Boris [Zorz] , the runner up.
All pilots started about the same time!
It looks like the “fight” is between Boris [ 3.777] and Werner [ 3.736] as Markus had a bit of an off-day today being on spot 11 and moving from 2 to 4 overall. [ 3.572]
In between is UK pilot Jon Gatfield. [ 3.600 ] He and Werner fly a Schleicher AS 33es.
But still 4 days to go.
4 Are not yet counted for, so results are very preliminary. I come back with the full results tomorrow.


The UK 18m and 20 m NATIONALS
13 August 2022 – 21 August 2022

Ready to go , this picture is from day 1. Pretty blue…..
Lasham Gliding Society

VERY TRICKY weather yesterday and only the 20 m pilots were active,….and HOW!!!!
They all managed to reset their brain, from flying with 7 m. lift, to nearly no lift and scratching around.
And after a day-off ,for the 18 meter pilots ,they will be extra motivated to go for it again,…that is if the weather co-operates.
It did not! No tasks , means no flying.
Both classes SCRUBBED today as the airfield gets a much needed drink!Lasham Comps
Tomorrow is another day!

Easy day,
Cheers Ritz

WWGC task 2…scrubbed! Lasham…task 3 ! CIM…task 5…scrubbed!

Finishes yesterday.
WWGC 2022

Pleased to see how the main site from the WWGC has been updated[ https://wwgc2022.co.uk/ ]
You can easily find soaringspot now for the scores, the tracking and the news.
There is also news on: https://wwgc2022.co.uk/news/
Here is CD Liz!!
The weather could not have been better for day one of the Women’s World Gliding Championships, with 10,000 cloud bases and cumulus cloud streets all round, local pilot Claudia Hill said “I’ve had a day like today once in the last 24 years that I’ve lived here in the UK”. The classes were set 3h and 3h30m AATs around the South West of Husbands Bosworth, most of the pilots finished with above average distances and in the 18m class the top pilots flew within 20km of the max distance and still finished just 3 minutes over AAT time. Everyone reported their biggest difficulty was not breaking the FL 100 airspace. The energy on the field was ecstatic when the pilots returned home reporting of 6 knot average climb rates and 130-140kmph cross country speeds.”

Indeed it was a splendid day for the “girls and there were some reactions;
—“Piloterne landede glade og tilfredse med en rigtig god flyve tur og oplevelse😍” by the Danish team, mentioning the girls were happy with their great flight.
—“Erfolgreicher start fuer in der WM der Frauen in WWGC”….successful start of the German ladies at the WWGC.

And Gliding shared a picture by people who are doing pretty heavy jobs , certainly in the heat but do it a volunteers with big smiles.
To not forget them here they are;

A big shout out for the glider launching ground crew volunteers at the Womens World Gliding Championship at Husbands Bosworth.
Connecting tow ropes, running wings and safely co-ordinating 40 plus takeoffs in an hour or so is quite a task. Add a heat wave, and its something else
A big thank you to ALL.
As shared by Gliding

Enough help ..also from the children from the pilots;

Monday August 15…day 2…task 2…
Today is another day with totally different weather and smaller tasks. I heard that it was raining a bit during briefing. So let’s wait and see.
NO PEV today.
The next news; first launch not before 12.30 BUT…then 13.00.
For all classes!!!
Waiting for a “window”!!! BUT,…the window stayed closed, so no flying today.
Club; 188.91 km….scrubbed
Standard; 224.99 km.…cancelled
18 m; 257.48 km....no competition flying today.

Looking back at the scores from Club Class;
Judyta was yesterday on spot 2 ,then on the last spot ,but I guess after looking at the 2d logger, she is back on spot 2 .Good on her.
In standard; 3 were out due to penalties. Among them the 2 Ukraine girls.

The return of the pilots yesterday after a MAGIC flight.

The pilots are arriving back in droves now! By all reports it was a fantastic day with thermals up to 7500 feet at least
The organizers via TWITTER.

Hopefully the weather improves and it will be back to soaring again tomorrow.


The UK 18m and 20 m NATIONALS LASHAM 2022.
Lasham, United Kingdom,13 August 2022 – 21 August 2022

It was a truly busy day at Lasham yesterday. Even “they” thought so.
“Busy airfield today with close to 350 movements in just the afternoon. Over 130 launched in two hours.
It can be a bit manic if a gaggle of gliders comes back at once as seen in the photo!
Thankfully plenty of people on hand to help & all overseen by competition officials on the finish tower. Land long is the policy to keep everyone safe and there’s always plenty of space on our 600+ acre airfield.

Photo by Tom Curry

The Lasham Gliding Society was as happy!
Today was exceptional, probably one of the best competition days in UK gliding history with speeds of over 150 kilometres per hour achieved on distances of over 600km. That is nearly 100 miles per hour average speed traveling across England and Wales in something without an engine!
Gliders from Lasham flew as far north west as Denbighshire in North Wales and up to 10,000ft above sea level where airspace allowed. Simply awesome in a soaring year that will be remembered for decades to come

I owe you the scores of 18 m, so here they are ;
It’s good that I called Leigh as a potential winner, he was runner up behind the fast Russell who flew with a speed of 157. 80 km./h.
Russell was pleased with his flight, possible the best flight he had flown in the UK. The highest cloud base he had ever seen. He had a particular good line, and was very happy to get back with ease!
There were 3 pilots that fast…flying over 156 km./h!!!!
Leigh had 156.26 km./h in his JS3 and Derren 156.12 km./h in his Ventus 3TS.
Top speed during a National competition.
On the other hand there were 11 violations, and 2 pilots had a day- disqualification. That happens not often either!
A really good day as all 43 pilots flew the task.

All 14 pilots in 20 m. finished yesterday as I told you already, but also here changes in the scores due to penalties.
Garry and Andy were pleased as well, starting off the day looking at a good strategy. Finding the best energy lines was one of them, and sticking with them.
The game changer came after the first turn on the second leg, so they said, after that, it was much easier with lift shy of 10 000 ft. which put us in a nice position!!

Monday ….August 15; day 3…task 3….
Another weather type, less good for gliding, but tasks were set anyhow and gliders gridded.
Tasks A/B/C have been set for both classes and” we are awaiting a decision depending on the weather.
The tasks had to be changed to smaller B tasks.
18 m; 208,68 km... changed in 157.29 km…then scrubbed/cancelled!

20 m; 213.79 km...changed in 150.82 km…..So they tried hard to get 14 teams in the air and one HC team.
Time to look at the gliders; 7x an ARCUS type M [2x] or T [4x] and “just” an ARCUS.
8x a variation on a Duo Discus,….2x just a Duo Discus, 2x a T, 1 XT and 2x XLT and a W !

They “found” a window and a D task was handed out.
18 m cleared the runway and launching started for 20 m.

Starts after 4 PM and first finishes around 6 PM.
The ARCUS 20 with call sign 66, flew around with Garry and Andy ; speed 90 km./h !!!
Yesterday they won with 135 km./h. BUT..on both days Andy and Garry were the winners.
It all happens at Lasham!!!!!
Most interesting was that all pilots went for it.
Steve Jones and David Masson and Graham McAndrew were sadly enough out.
The max amount of points today was 433.
I saw pilots loose during the WGC a podium on 3 points, yes the Dutch boys lost from team UK then, so EVERY point is important!!!
A valid day….TOP!!! NO …excellent!!!

Clearing the runway for starts from 20 m class
Lasham Comps


No news from the CIM, as the weather in Rieti was not flyable either.

The weather really changed in parts of Europe. From one side I am happy with it, weeks with over 30 dgr. C…..3 heat waves in my area….. is not a real pleasure anymore.
But hopefully for the comps some more flyable days will come. I am pretty sure about that….

Cheers Ritz

WWGC task1! Lasham task 2! Rieti task 4!

I am still having troubles with the lay-out of my blog. Sorry.
Not too many pictures!
But the ones I had promised.

Team Germany in the beautiful town full of flowers
Team Czech.Rep. AND,…indeed prams are part of a WWGC.
Team Denmark...only laughing faces.
Team UK, flying in their own country.

AUGUST 14; day 1…task 1...
First launch not before 11.35 today. Mind you it is 1 hour earlier in the UK than in most other parts of Europe. Finishes expected just before 5 PM. No idea when the start gates opened!

Club class; 3 hour AAT… indeed the first gliders to finish , did so just before 5 o’clock. Good speed for a club class glider and good distances.
Look at Czech pilot Klara in her LS 4. She flew 342.54 km. in time 3.05, so a nice speed of 110,80 km./h.
Early starters and late starters; times between 13.45 and 14.27.
That was late, but UK girl Claudia must have known, she could race fast enough to be back in time. She did and won the day in her LS 1f neo; Speed 111.64 km./h.[handicap1.009]
Hope she writes one of her nice articles tonight about this first day.
Aude from France in her LS 7 was the daily runner up;112.60 km./h.[handicap 1.028]
All 18 finished!
Good to see Petra on spot 4, she flew an LS 1 f from Tocumwal in Lake Keepit.

Standard class; 3.30 AAT...and with 480.70 km. Cornelia from Germany did a great job; time 334 , so speed of 134.22 km./h. She flew the LS 8.
Judyta from Poland in her LS 8 , with a 13 minutes earlier start , followed ; 133.77 km./h!
Cornelia was already WORLD CHAMPION in 2003.
One not scored yet.
After checking the loggers Judyta moved to the last spot.

18 m class; 3.30 AAT... the French girls were really in a hurry. 2 Of them Melanie and Anne flew around over 496 km. with speed of 141. km/.h. YES the JS 3 is fast, certainly with a world champion it. Anne twice in 2013 and 2015 and Melanie is the current champion defending her title.
But then another former world champion was even faster ; Katrin from Germany in JS 3 . She was already WORLD CHAMPION in 2007.
She started and finished together with Stefanie [Ventus 3T ] and they were about one kilometer faster!!!142 km. over a distance of 506 km.
1000 and 977 points.
All 12 pilots finished!!!!
All scores still preliminary!!

Great day was had by all; ” By all reports it was a fantastic day with thermals up to 7500 feet at least.” the organizers.
More tomorrow, hope the weather holds.


UK 18M & 20M Nationals Lasham 2022
Lasham, United Kingdom
13 August 2022 – 21 August 202

Before I start writing about this very interesting NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP at Lasham with many very good pilots, I want to share some news I got from my LASHAM mates.
On May 28 one of the nicest men from Lasham, HUGH KINDELL ,passed away….age just not 85!! With his mates Roy , Patrick and David he visited us a few times in TOCUMWAL, so we got to know each other better. I visited Hugh, Huggy for his friends, as he wanted to show me Lasham. That big field and the lovely people made a huge impression on me.
A few words from his mates written down by Patrick during a farewell close to Lasham on June 27 ;
—Hugh the glider pilot; the pilot that inspired many of those in the room here, and countless others besides, with his epic long-distance glider flights in the UK and around the world.
—Hugh the gliding instructor; the talented and inspirational teacher that gave students of all ages the confidence and skills to master the art of soaring.
—Hugh, the expedition leader, on gliding trips to Jaca in the Spanish Pyrenees and Aboyne in Scotland to introduce pilots to mountain flying.
—-Hugh, , the dearest of friends, that was a constant feature, co-conspirator and co-architect of more than 30 years of memorable moments that caused laughter strong enough to displace your internal organs, and mayhem that would have you up before a magistrate. Hugh left a mark pretty much wherever he went.

He did on me too. Rest in peace Huggy.

About yesterday:
Wow what a great first day! Temperatures reached just short of 34c at Lasham today and the competitors romped round the task at speeds of over 140 kilometres per hour across the Cotswolds and into the Midlands with everyone completing the task.” Lasham Gliding Society
Like we here in the Netherlands they are not really used to this awesome weather.
About today;
Some big tasks for a big day at the Lasham Nationals 2022.

18m; 4 hour AAT….as said, 43 pilots in this class. After his win yesterday Gary mentioned;
Best conditions in a UK competition I’ve ever had the pleasure to fly in.”
Russell Cheetham -day!!! 647 km. in time 4.06; speed a whopping 157.80 km./h.
WOW, I am not sure if he has ever flown so fast from Lasham.
That’s 13 km. faster than , at this stage, runner up Richard in the JS1
BUT,…a lot are not counted for yet. 12 from 43 are scored at this stage 8.30 PM here.
I will be back later for more!!!!
UPDATE; At 9.30 PM [8.30 in the UK,]still only 27 scored . Russell is still on spot 1….. Derren is runner up in his Ventus 3TS; 156 11 km./h.
More tomorrow as yesterdays winner Gary is not scored , neither Leigh Wells or Mike Young.
So MORE tomorrow.
VERY VERY preliminary this 18 m.

20 m; 4 hour AAT…all 14 in this class have been scored now.
411 km in time 3.02 was the best combination for a speed of 135 km./h. by Garry.
His WGC-team mate was on spot 6 today.
Quite a few penalty points,…so work to do for some.


CIM – Coppa Internazionale del Mediterraneo
Rieti, Italy, 10 August 2022 – 20 August 2022

See for picture below!!!!

Task 4; in mixed class....319.71 km….AHA, the BOUDERLIQUES were winning the day with a good speed of 128.67 km./h . That was 7 km. faster than the pilots from Lasham, team Flewett /Perley, not at Lasham , but now in Rieti, with 121.69 km./h. Both teams fly an ARCUS M.
4 were “out”.

Task 4; in 18m/open…..345.16 km... Very good day for Giorgio, and I like to see that!
He flew with 116 km./h. The EB 29 R, from Markus was runner up ; 115.92 km./h. Not such a good day for my Italian/Spanish mates Manuele and Alvaro. They were both out. OUCH!!!
Plus 6 other pilots.


Finally I found some pictures from the JWGC from team Germany.

Unfortunately they “missed” the number 3, from Czech Rep, so I will mention him.
1. Simon Briel {germany]2. Lukas Kriz [Czech Rep]3. Jaromir Macoun [Czech Rep]
Simon, who is like Finn a very talented pilot!!!
German Junior Gliding Team

Cheers Ritz, hope tomorrow everything works NORMAL again!!!!!

Picture belonging to Rieti

Last news from Tabor! WWGC is open! CIM! UK NATIONALS 18 and 20 m!

First the last daily evening news from Matej yesterday;
“One last time during this competition, the pilots took off from the planes of the Tabor airfield today. After the two weeks full of excellent weather and exceptional performance, the competitors are currently attempting to achieve the highest average speed in today’s AAT tasks. Like everyone else, even the sky is mourning and crying today, causing some showers through out the day. Luckily, the local weather wanted to be remembered as extraordinary and except the showers, it remained very favorable. After the pilots will arrive from their final flight, pack their gliders and maybe have some rest, they can enjoy the farewell party, which will take place today at 19:30. It is the best way to celebrate the amazing time we all have spent here at the beautiful Tabor airport.”

AND here is David from the USA with another long but interesting story and his view on these comps.
This morning I was sad, sad, sad that this amazing adventure was coming to an end. That sadness quickly turned into excitement as I was in the front of the grid and had a beautiful sky ahead of me.”
The amount that I was able to learn and the distance that I was able to fly was absolutely incredible. The learning curve was quite steep but I was able to cope rather well. The fact that this is a full team effort was the biggest shock to me.
The full story on US Soaring Teams

Team UK via British Gliding Team
“A very close battle right to the end. Podiums for both Finn Sleigh and Toby Freeland! Gold and Silver respectively – Absolutely amazing! Well done to both!” I can only agree.

Whilst typing I was looking at and listening to the prize giving.
10 from each class were asked to come forward. 7 Of them for the certificate and 3 for the medals.
For the NEW WORLD CHAMPIONS there was the National anthem of the UK and Germany.
The winners also got a huge model of a glider!!!

The TEAM cup was won by Germany; GOLD.
Silver was for France.
On 3 the DUTCH team
ALL members of the team and their TC were cheered on.
These results are different to the ones on soaringspot , so I can’t give you the numbers.
Unfortunately the UK had no points on the last day [ damage and illness in St. class, Henry even had to be brought to hospital!!!!] so they were not on 1 anymore.
All the more CHAPEAU for Finn who flew ,when he really was n’t feeling too good. If you are on the gold position you don’t give up easily…… so VERY WELL DESERVED this “fight against all odds ” for gold!

The FAI flag was lowered on with their own FAI hymn and CD Tomas handed it over to Poland for he next JWGC.

Tabor will have the Europeans in ’23 and in ’24 the WGC as well , is what the president of the jury mentioned when he closed the 12TH JWGC!!!!!A splendid one!!!!
If those comps are AS GOOD as these, we can look forward to more great flying in a very pleasant atmosphere. Hopefully the weather is then as glorious as now.

Out of 13 days they had 10 valid soaring- days in both classes!!!!
Life-long-friendships have been made, experiences ,which a lot of young people their age will never have , created and for me as an elderly person, I can only say…… I enjoyed every minute.

Waiting for pictures on the prize giving and then ” full throttle” to the WWGC as priority, but also to the 18 m and 20 m Nationals at Lasham and the CIM in Rieti.


With the silver for Toby, the gold for Finn [both UK] and the bronze for Nils [Germany]
As shared by British Gliding Team

An extra picture from team UK without Henry.

Gold and silver for Finn and Toby, flowers for TC Matthew, who as founder of SKYSIGHT knew ALL about the weather and Tom , who lost clearly some weight. As said Henry was brought to hospital.
British Gliding Team
the TEAM CUP winners; 1. Germany…2. France,…..3. The Netherlands
as shared by Dutch Junior Gliding Team


11th FAI Womens World Gliding Championship

Husbands Bosworth, United Kingdom,
11 August 2022 – 27 August 2022

Today the ladies and their crews gathered together in a small town called Market Harborough.

The 11th WWGC is OPEN now.

Tomorrow on Sunday is the first flying day.

The VERY STRONG French team with as TC Eric Napoleon.

Good to see that doggies are popular mascots!!
as shared by one of the French girls; Aude Untersee

More pictures tomorrow…problems to get them on.


UK 18M & 20M Nationals Lasham 2022
Lasham, United Kingdom
13 August 2022 – 21 August 2022

Day 1 with task 1 is set and done .54 Pilots were ready for this high-levelled championship.
AND ,…it was a really good first day!
18 m; task 1.375.38 km;
all 43 pilots in this class started and finished and Gary [Stingemore] was the best with a speed of 141.43 km./h! Gary flies an AS33es.
Just a tad slower was Derren [Francis] Ventus 3TS; 140.91 km./h!
20 Flew with a speed of over 130 km/.h.

20 m; task 1…. 359.09 km…..14 2-seaters participate, either a conversion of Duo Discus or ARCUS. With 127.42 km./h. Matthew Cook was the daily best in his ARCUS T , closely followed by Steve Jones in an ARCUS M. Interesting point. Steve flew the WGC recently together with Garry Coppin, they won bronze and they just “kicked” the Dutch team of the podium.[3 points]
Now he flies together in the ARCUS with call sign 66 , with Andy [Aveling] against Steve.
” It will be an interesting duel!” I heard.

You can follow them daily on;


CIM – Coppa Internazionale del Mediterraneo
Rieti, Italy

10 August 2022 – 20 August 2022

They have started already and have flown now for 3 days, so 3 tasks in a mixed class and in 18m/ open class.
The MIXED class had tasks as 2 .50 AAT and 3.10 and a racing task from 360.65 km. today.
21 fly in this class and team Alberto [Sironi] won day 1 in ARCUS T followed by team John Coutts in AS G 32MI. Speed 122.34 km./h. and 119.22 km./h.
I got to know John as a junior in Rieti in 2007. I even remember his dad was there then too. Time flies!!!
The next 2 days were won by Marius Pluščauskas from Lithuania in Ventus 2AX.
Task 2 with a speed of 134.90 km./h for 1000 points and today task 3 with 127.54 km./h.
In 3 days ONLY ONE out-landing.

In 18 m./open class task 1 was won by Alvaro in his ASH 31 MI;130.55 km../h….. have n’t see Alvaro for a long time, may- be during the last CIM I visited. Markus [Frank] in the EB was runner up ; Faster but handicap;132.92 km./h.
task 2 , a 3 hour AAT, was for Boris Zorz in the JS 3 followed by 2x a Ventus 3T from Thomas [Gostner] and Giorgio [Galetto] Alvaro was 4th. Speed 138, 136 and 135 km./h.
Task 3 a racing task from 361 km. was not too good for Giorgio. He was “out” after 248.80 km. and last on the list. A pity!!!!

Not yet found ONE picture of the standard class. Unbelievable. Will try tomorrow again as some heads might be clear then.

Had some problems with my laptop as well, overheated from working TOO hard.
Hence less pictures.
Hope to solve the problem tomorrow.
It was 35 dgr C here today. Still a heat wave in The Netherlands From Monday on, thunderstorms and cooler still 27!

For now sleep well.
Cheers Ritz

LAST DAY of glorious soaring by TOP juniors !!!!!!! Huge damage in VINON by mini-tornado!

FRIDAY; AUGUST 12….VERY LAST DAY of the 12th FAI JWGC flown from Tabor.

one of the finishes this week
as seen by Stefano Radman and shared in the gallery of the organizers.
There are many , when you are interested.

Yesterday evening, the last words from Matej were;
 Tomorrow is the last chance for the pilots to win more points and move upward in the total ranking, therefore we can look forward to one last arresting competition day.
Like yesterday , for today, a 3 hour AAT was set for both classes.
The Dutch boys try to “just do the same as yesterday” Why not!? For Simon and Jelmer this is their last JWGC, Lars has at least one more JWGC to go, he is 22 now.
For Simon it is also the last day of “using” the LS 4 AU, [for Tabor changed in AA] in which he flew for 3 years and flew over 200 hours in it. The LS 4 is owned by a foundation as is another LS 4. [SZN]

David from the USA had a double report again. His last words on yesterday;
“I placed 23rd on the day with the winner’s speed being 115kph. So between 1st place and 25th place the speed differential for the day was only 3mph. That’s 7minutes difference. Even though each race takes hours to do it really is a game of minutes. The caliber of this competition never ceases to amaze me.”
You can read the full story on US Soaring Teams

The UK had a comment ;
A unique challenge today came in the form of Gastro. The team is really suffering now ,but despite this Finn & Toby have maintained their positions and Henry has managed to climb 2 more positions!”
There seems to be a “BUG” hanging around at the field and more people suffer from it.
Hope they can stand the last day. It will be extra tough to fly under such demanding circumstances ,for sure you do not need an upset tummy high up in the air!!!
“Today is the final day. Despite the difficulties of the last few days, Toby and Finn have held onto their positions and Toby is feeling a lot better today. Conditions are tricky so it will be a tough final battle.”

The last briefing started with ” a round” of presentation of the TEAM. Tomas and Matej Rendla , CD and deputy CD, started and all “passed by” .
They deserve a TROPHY for their top job!!! They got straight away a huge applause.
Weather about the same as yesterday, but some local showers might appear. The meteo man got an even bigger applause and a thank- you -t-shirt .
ALL procedures are the same as all days before so, no confusion there on the last day.

Prizes were given to Simon in Club Class and Simon in standard class….to win you might change your first name in SIMON!! LOL.

Let’s race to the finish.
From the gallery.

Well the last day of flying has started!!

AUGUST 12;….day 13….valid flying day 10..[very good]…task 12!!!!
Before the start, at 10.45, the group photo was taken, all were asked to come in their red JWGC shirt.
Quite a few arrived at the field “in red”. As did the German team.

First start at 11 AM.
I do not expect a lot of news on the internet ,as the last day is always a bit mysterious, with tactics and hiding on tracking.
So I did not expect ,… a lot of trackers on the tracking system.
BUT,…when I looked , that was certainly not the case in club class. I missed the German pilots and the UK pilots, but the Dutch and French were open and proud to be found.

Club class; 3 hour AAT… with 5 sectors….gate opened at 12.25….12.53 was already a late start by young Belgium pilot Emilien. He flew 92 km. and was out.
The Finns had a really good day , both Kim and Mikko, flew a good distance [358 and 351 km] with a speed of 116. 25 and 114. 57 km./h. in their LS 7.
Kim moved from 13 to 8!!!!!
Toby from the UK was in his ASW 20 a bit faster; 116.66 km./h. flying 371 km. He started at 12.49.
But where was Finn? Celebrating already or,…..I was sure he would start again with Finn and fly together, but Toby finished at 4PM and no sign from Finn at 4.30, neither at 5 PM.
AND,…there were showers from east to west and the young ones had to avoid them or fly in between them.
Such weather can make or “kill” the day.
15 in ,1 out and for a long time no more scores!!!
At 5,..there were 2 Finnish pilots in, 2 French, 2 Swedish, 2 Dutch , 2 Danish and a few more.

At 5 PM, within one second , 37 scores were visible. Maybe a short problem, but not good for my heart!!!!
The hotshots were in as well. Nils even won the day with 116.61 km./h.
Alexandre was runner up; 388 km in time 3.13; speed 120 km/h. He moves from 7 to 5 overall.
Finn was on spot 6, Miles on spot 30??? Ouch not good,… he dropped from 3 to 7 and Nils is now on spot 3!!
Finn remains on spot 1, sick or not, he had a great competition.
Believe me they will celebrate tonight!!!!

Toby and Finn 2 and 1 Here is what the team had to say:
JWGC 2022: We’ve done it, world champions.
Club Class, Finn Sleigh (right) – 1st and Junior World Champion, Toby Freeland (left) – 2nd
Standard Class
Sadly due to a combination of illness and glider damage, both Tom and Henry have had to miss a few of the last flying days but their contributions to the team have been immeasurable.

Standard class;3 hour AAT….with 3 sectors. ….gate opened at ?????? It took a long time before we got the gate opening time from this class. At 2.30 it was still not mentioned on the official site.
Would there be a B task!?
Or did they forget to mention it on this last day??
I decided to look at the tracking and YES, they were flying. A lot already in the second sector!!
So just forgotten, no worries!!!
Normally it’s half an hour behind club.
Benjamin shared this picture with the message; “It seems that finally the sky wanted to put a bit of chaos in the Standard Class cruising day”

Noooooo,after all this fabulous weather…..

As you can see the standard class had most of the troubles with the showers in the last sector.
Ouch,…..hopefully not a luck factor on this last day!!!
But,..they finished as well. The Dutch had a great day and Maurits ,who had that one totally-off-day, could have been in the top 3. But IF, does n’t count. He flew today 396.51 km in time 3.15; speed 121.44 km./h!!!!
Today he wins and Dutch Nick is runner up.
The overall top 3 till now is in.
Simon on 14, Engeurrand on 18 and sadly drops to 5 and Lukaz on 19, he stays on 2.
Still some changes in the top 3 after today.

the French standard class team with TC Eric Bernard….”Poupée” for his friends.
as shared by Benjamin Neglais who visits for a few days. He flew the JWGC in 2001.

And that was that !!!!
Both the new WORLD CHAMPIONS flew as the only one in their class to over 8000 points.

Very preliminary OVERALL scores;
1. Finn Sleigh in ASW 20 with 8,132 p, the only one in the 8000 p range deserved WORLD CHAMPION.
2. Toby Freeland in ASW 20 l with 7,874 p.
3. Nils Fecker in LS 4a with 7,852 p
4. Lars Van Breemen in LS 4 b NEO with 7,781 p
5. Alexandre Fierain in LS 4 with 7,738.p

Very preliminary overall scores;
1. Simon Briel in Discus 2a with 8,053 well deserved WORLD CHAMPION.
2. Lukas Kriz in LS 8 with 7,636 p.
3. Jaromir Macoun in LS 8 with 7,620 p. He moved from 4 to 3.
Not all have been scored yet I miss about 4 and some did not fly anymore.

So 2 UK boys in club and 2 Czech boys in standard class in the top 3.

Looking ahead at the prize giving tomorrow morning , I got a comment in my blog which I want to share with you. It’s about one of the trophies.
I got it from Matthews dad, Michael, who I met in Narromine during the JWGC ,which was won by Matthew.
The standard class trophy is in fact in memory of a glider pilot.
The Giulia Incisa della Rocchetta Challenge Cup, donated by the Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare) in 2007 on the occasion of the Junior World Gliding Championships in Rieti, Italy, in memory of Giulia, a member of the Italian Air Force sport squadron, who was killed in an outlanding in Romorantin, France, during a local gliding contest, just before she was to compete in the Junior World Gliding Championships in 2005
In 2007 I attended that JWGC and I heard from the accident, but it was far away in my mind now. Glad I got this comment.


11th FAI Womens World Gliding Championship
Husbands Bosworth, United Kingdom
11 August 2022 – 27 August 2022

Picture from their gallery.

The last practice days …….and though tasks were short due to the very hot , pretty stable weather and the waiting for more tugs, as there were only 3 yesterday, they go for another short one , to get ALL MISTAKES out of the system, specially the pilots, as some struggle with PEV, wrong TP rounding’s etc.
Hopefully today ALL ladies will fly!!!!
During the comps there will be 8 tow planes, so that’s GOOD!!!!!
On the site was written about yesterday ;
The UK is breaking all expectations of the international pilots with another blinder of a blue hot day! The pilots had to be very careful with their hydration, sometimes drinking 2L of water in the aircraft was not enough. The day started with a lower than forecasted thermal height of 3900 but it built to 5200 mid-task. Everyone made it home and enjoyed an evening of fun with an open mic night and later on watching the August Moon rise over the airfield.

Another fast blue day
As shared by the organizers.

Today; another blue but good day.
Great practice period from the French ladies!
Club; 157 km....Klara Teichmannova from Czech Rep was faster than the 3 French girls, flying LS4’s and LS 7’s.
standard ;168 km...More French girls doing well. Spot 1 and 2 were for Aude Untersee and Anais Gaubert.
18 m; 201 km….Best speed by the French girls . Anne Ducarouge flew around with 122.92 km./h as did Melanie, starting and finishing together. Good- team- fly-practice.

More tomorrow.


AND TO FINISH these sad pictures from a mini-tornado in Vinon.

4 Club gliders, 2 private gliders and one motor glider all DAMAGED!!!!
Those flying diverted to St Auban.
Luckily no casualties! BUT WHAT DIASATER,..it hurts!!!!
As shared by Willem.

AND,…that the weather is the weather and not too predictable here news from the Scottish Wave Hunters
“In my last post I commented that wave can occur at any time of the year.
Sunday 7th August was such a day with Alastair Mutch from the SGU doing a heady height gain of 27,588′ reaching an altitude of 29053′, the highest anyone has been since 2018 (John Tanner from the Deeside gliding Club).

What is particularly interesting is that the winds were relatively light with no jetstream. Alastair broke off the climb still climbing at 3 to 4 knots. The forecasts did not really predict significant wave but the temperature profile was however quite good. The temperature profile is always a good indicator Just goes to show what can be achieved on an unremarkable day.

CU tomorrow, I guess we can see the prize giving via a live stream, I hope!
Otherwise pictures from the glorious winners .

Then after all this,…..the WWGC and the CIM in Rieti in Italy ;10 August 2022 – 20 August 2022 with 44 competitors.
Tomorrow also the 18 m and 20 m class fly the UK Nationals from Lasham.
Very interesting too. 13 August 2022 – 21 August 2022 with 65 competitors.

Lasham is currently seeing one of the driest spells in the club’s history. The normal green landscape replaced by very parched ground. However the reasonable summer has now allowed nearly 70 consecutive days of flying and the forecast looks good for the start of our National Competitions on Saturday. Albeit on the hot side!
Photos by Matt Cook/Piers Murray

Normally it looks like this.

for the competition ,BUSY, like this, not as green….

Cheers Ritz