Anne Elliott for years the central figure in Narromine for all news and Mrs Hartley, Beryl of course is the “heart” from Narromine gliding.
–—–Last week I ” talked ” with you about club class ,this time about standard! Who is going to represent his/her country in Narromine?? Quite a few I know , or I have met at comps. Of course, our Dutch entree Sjaak Selen [yes brother from Baer] in his Discus 2A. Sjaak was already WGC champion in 2018 in Poland / Ostrow ,where Rasmus was champion in Club class and Sebastian Kawa in 15 m. All 3 fly now in Narromine again. from Japan, but spending a lot of time down under, Mac [Makoto] Ichikawa, who flew years with us in Tocumwal ,where we helped him with gliders and accommodation, when he organized the RECARO CUP for Japanese pilots with us. Bruce [Taylor] of course and I hope he has time to keep his blog as well. My young Belgium mate Dennis [Huybreckx] who flies the LS 8 . Sarah Arnold from the USA ,who I got to know better at several comps specially in Uvalde 2012, where she was a tuggie. Of course Sarah won the 2020 Lake Keepit WWGC in standard class. The current worlds champion who defends his title, is Simon Schroeder from Germany and I expect a lot from the Polish ,French ,Czech and UK pilots. Next time the 15m. representatives.
Sarah Arnold from the USA. Sorry, Forgot who gets the credits, but a beautiful picture I kept in my soaring library.
—-On November 4 the German Gliding Day is 80 years “old/young“. The day will be celebrated in Freudenstadt im Schwarzwald and the WEGLIDE team is there as well. They announced already ;”A total of 33 exhibitors will be on site and exciting presentations are expected.” AND,….“Another highlight will be the Ventus E, the prototype of which will be exhibited in the foyer. We are excited to see what the concept will look like.” or Schempp-Hirth What’s all happening you find here? Glider Day program
News about he new generation of Diana gliders ; the DIANA 4.
—--Not long ago the Austrian Glider day was in Oblarm. Successful day with a book presentation from Simon Lemmerer, about gliding in the Alps, about thermals there and foehn and more; THE ART OF GLIDING. A great Christmas present!!!! Simon was very pleased with the day on which at least 5 Baron Hilton Cup pilots attended.
Simon with his book “The art of gliding” in his hands. With to the left former WGC [2003 and 2018] and many times EGC champion Wolfgang Janowitsch and the 2023 Hang glider female world champion Sasha[ Alexandra Serebrennikova ] as shared by Michael Gaisbacher
——-The LS4 JET!!!! Who does n’t know the LS 4??? The single seat glider manufactured by Rolladen-Schneider Flugzeugbau GmbH between 1980 and 2003. At least 3 [at this stage] will fly in club class in Narromine . Both my grandchildren fly or flew it. NOW they have an LS4 with a jet engine! Have a look!
–—-The first flights from Bitterwasser were on October 25 and 26 by Reinhard Schramme in the ARCUS M; 973 km. and 898 km. So a great start of the season, certainly now it is still very early. Many will follow!!! “Quote Reinhard Schramme: “I still have goose bumps“. He had never seen such great weather at the beginning of the season. “After initial blue thermals, clouds appeared after 1 hour in the north until shortly before Rehoboth. Promising thermals! With an average of 200 km/h at times, the two managed a grandiose 973 km in the end.”
——-Worcester with it’s magic ,had a great first flight as well on October 23 when Swiss pilot Rudi Hiltbrunner flew 913 km in an 18m. DG 800B. Lot’s of guests like Worcester, so also there will be many more good flights in the upcoming months.
——FABULOUS flight from Yves Gerster who will participate for Switzerland in Narromine in 15 m class. On October 27 he started in Aosta in Italy and flew to Corsica, yes the ISLE of Corsica; 1.030 km. in an 18m DG 800 “Dreams do come true…With a bit more daylight and some liters of fuel, a return to Aosta would have been possible, although I never thought that this would be an option.” for all the details and picture!!! or on
“For the first time to Corsica in an 18m glider, fantastic! Launching in Aosta is quite northern starting point too. Even if Ives Gerster ran out of sunlight at the end, it was a remarkable achievement.” WeGlide
—- I often think of Tocumwal , the great life style the very hard work and specially our many, many guests/friends. Petri and his parents Martti and Liisa from Finland were a few I still have contact with. Not often kids accompanied their parents. But,….As a little boy Petri arrived , found a young UK mate to “play” with [ indeed we had 2 very young ones that season] and now I got the message, he has his technical Master of science from Lappeenranta university. I am getting old!!!! Congratulations Petri. Petri is a top glider pilot too, flying world comps and is a tuggy as well.
Not a perfect picture but you see Petri here in the middle. as shared by Martti Sucksdorff
We had the WETTEST EVER October; 205 mm. Indeed it was and is VERY WET!!!!
I will be NOT in Narromine ; Travelling that far after I have done it for more than 30 times, is a bit too much for me at the moment, but I try to keep in touch with all there to inform you my way. No worries!!!!
Now it’s rather “silent” with comp’s , I can look at some other interesting -soaring- related -news.
—–621 VGS Historic Flightposted this news and pictures. “A fantastic autumnal day on Saturday with both our two-seaters out at the launch point. Amazing what you can achieve with only 4 people (and a trusty younger helper!). The Sedbergh soared to cloud base and the MK3 went ridge soaring.” This was on Saturday October 14.
——the die-hard fans from Ingo [Renner], know he and Judy owned a kookaburra and a Discus with call sign XX. In the Kookaburra they flew together on their wedding day and in the Discus Ingo flew many 1000 km. flights and several records. Who is interested in World Comps and has already looked at who is coming to Narromine and who flies what glider, [as I do] has seen already that there is a Discus A with XX on the tail! INDEED it is Ingo’s glider and it will be flown by Diana from Luxembourg. Her husband George flies also in Club class in a St. Cirrus. Petra Piskata from the Czech Rep.flies also in club and she was in Tocumwal in 2019 to pick up an LS1f she had rented . Tim Milner our former tuggie at the Sportavia Soaring Center will be participating as well for the UK. Tomas Suchanek [Czech Rep] who visited us at Sportavia in the far past will fly as well ,so is Rasmus Orskov[ Denmark]. His mum Birgitte has spend and her husband Joergen still spends a lot of time in Tocumwal. He has just arrived.
Uwe Wahlig from Germany is the defending champion in club class!!!! The Netherlands sends 2 pilots Thies Bruins[ ASW 20] who flew Dutch Nationals WGC’s and EGC’s was runner up several times and is hoping/running for gold now! Roelof Corporaal [LS7] owns several Dutch records; 750 FAI triangle. So 2 GOOD Dutch pilots in club class!!!!!
This is the trailer from XX and has been parked for 35 years on ONE spot!!!! George has been very busy cleaning it. Courtesy George.
——-At Terlet the autumn -soaring- camp from the Gelderse is on and my granddaughter Indya was there as well. At least they had a few nice days. Enough to finish her gliding license.
Indya with one of her instructors Rien Bastiaanse.
In total there were even 5; 4 of them “young ladies”!!!!! Good new group of future solo, maybe even comp-pilots. Ties, Willemijn, Femke, Lise en Indya….. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! After their theoretical exams they had a good enough day on October 17 for the flight/practical exams….so 5 glider -pilot-licenses in the pocket. Nearly end of the season and the Gelderse autumn camp is always a great closure of the season , for both young and old[er]. The weather unfortunately did n’t co-operate so good.
—–From November 5 10 AM, pilots can register for the 2024 EUROGLIDE-happening. The biennial gliding race over more than 2500 kilometres through several European countries. MANY will be anxious waiting if they can participate. There is normally a rush to get in.
EG 2024 Euroglide is organised by the Venlo Eindhoven gliding club, the Netherlands
“Dear Euroglide friends, the organisation committee of the Euroglide has come to life again! As a first step we have fixed a date for the Euroglide challenge in 2024. The period for the Euroglide 2024 will be from Monday, June 24th to and including Friday, July 5th (assuming there are no major military exercises in that period) We ordered some excellent weather for the 12 flying days and finalize the event with the prize giving ceremony on Friday evening July 5th.” What is Euroglide like? “Contrary to a standard gliding competition, when each day a task is flown from the same airfield, Euroglide has only one task of approximately 2500 km:”Depart from Venlo airfield, round the turnpoints and return to Venlo as soon as possible, but at latest on the last competition day.“
–——–KIRIPOTIB is ready for the new season so are the CHAMPIONS from the “FLYING WITH THECHAMPIONS ” .7 Day ‘s learning from the best, what do you want more. First week is between November 1 and 7 2023. The gliders have arrived
—-–The FRENCH CHAMPIONSHIPS in 2024; Beynes en catégorie Générale – classes Libre et 18m……. MAI 26-JUNE 1 2024 Vinon-sur-Verdon en catégories Générale et Féminine – classes Standard+15m+Biplace 20m..JULY 7-13 2024 Fontenay-le-Comte en catégorie Junior – classes Club+Standard+15m+Biplace 20m…AUGUST 4-10 2024 Moret en catégorie Générale – classe Club AUGUST 18-23 2024
——Maddog Composites shared this picture. I like those hard working sympathetic boys!
Wing walker weekend. Soaringxx simply the best towing gear for your pride and joy. Maddog Composites
——-Matthew Scutter’s Gliding shared an impressive flight : “When WeGlide added segments a couple of years ago, they asked me to suggest some for Australia. Idly clicking around I came up with some popular ones and also some silly ones, like the length of K’gari/Fraser Island (20k out to sea).” “Today I finally got there! Everything went right down to the wire, a marginal jump to the island, barely high enough clouds not really working to safely strip hop, a collapsing convergence and finally a mega-jump back to the mainland, with the sea breeze eating up the climbs ahead just before I could catch them.“ Fraser Island is called the most beautiful Island in Australia. It’s the biggest sand-island in the world ; 123 km. long.
“Really beautiful scenery, thermalling over some of Queensland’s best tourist destinations! Only possible with SkySight + FES“ Matthew Scutter’s Gliding for the full story!!!!
—–And to finish this fabulous colored picture from an autumn landscape in Scotland.
I left you last Wednesday with a happy Adam and an, a bit frustrated Bruce. Adam; “Another fabulous day in the skies, today we had a 3hr AAT over the Downs. It was set because of some uncertainty around Kingaroy. My feeling was that it was just going to be a localized shower & that I’d be able to fly through it from 9000′ should I have to.” the whole story on Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures In the end “We navigated the slightly bluer conditions well before connecting up some endless streets for the final two hours – great fun!” Bruce; “I’m definitely feeling frustrated. A few issues with the electrics in “WB” will not go away. Intermittent electronic problems are so difficult to diagnose, and I have a radio and a vario that won’t play the game.Neither one is a deal-breaker as far as performance goes, but they are very distracting.” All about it on Taylor’s Gliding Page Lets continue with the rest of these NATIONALS.
Task 4 on Thursday October 12….Dryer and hotter and all have to go direction N.
Club; 3 hour AAT…..Jim [Crowhurst] in his ASW 20, flew 397.53 km in time 2.57 and that was good for 1000 points;132.57 km./h. Bernie was runner up in his PIK 20B ; 1.21,73 km./h. Steve in his ASW 20B was the number 3. All 9 started and finished.
Jim proud in the middle with Bernie to the l and Steve
Sports 18m; 3.30 AAT….great day for Lumpy [Paterson]who had his 2d win in a row; 559.73 km ,speed 156.82 km/h. Fast!! Ray [Stewart] was runner up with 153 km./h. All 10 started and finished.
Task 4 winners with Lumpy on top, Ray to the left and Andrew and Ryan to the r. Kingaroy Soaring Club
Sports 15m; 3.30 AAT…Bruce[Taylor] was on fire!!!! He flew in an LS 8 545.70 km in time 3.37; speed 150.77 km./h Perfect! Adam was 3d and Mak 4th with Toby on 5. Reaction from Bruce; At last I put a day together! And what a day it was. Certainly one of the best I’ve had the pleasure of flying. Greg and I managed to stay together for almost all of the flight which was helpful and good fun.” More in Taylor’s Gliding Page
Adam; “First off the bat, congratulations to my team mates in Standard Class – your gliders will need refinishes after today – very proud & impressed by your speeds/team work, you deserve the day win, brilliant.” more in Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures and he fishes with “Tomorrow looks like an 8000′ blue day, bring it on” All 8 started and finished! After all the gorgeous clouds, blue will be “different: But blue can be terrific good, is what Ingo always said.He flew several 1000 km km tasks in the blue!!!!
Task 4 daily winners with Bruce on spot 1, Adam on 2 and Greg on 3. Kingaroy Soaring Club
Task 5 on FRIDAY October 13!!!! “Dry westerly today with a perfect blue sky, so we launched off the cross strip 23. Launching was pushed out to 11:30 to wait for better lift while the inversion was still only at 4000ft. Only a few cus to the north in the distance. Not expecting the 140-160km/hr averages today that we have had the past 4 days!”Kingaroy Soaring Club club; 3 hour AAT....Jim’s 3d win he is “on fire”; 1000 points in the pocket. Till now Jo was 2x a winner as well, today she was runner up together with Michael [Strathern] equal points; 347 km with 112.89 km /h. for 345 km and 109 33 km./h. So it’s all about Jim and Jo in this class. With 2 days to go their overall scores are; 4,760 and 4,497 points. 942 p. A few penalty points this day for low finishes and 1 pilot “out”.
Sports 18m; 3 hour AAT….and Nimbus 4DM pilots Andrew and Ryan were the daily best; 417.51 km with 139.17 km./h. A tad faster than Ray in his JS 3; 138.82 km./h and those were the fastest times. They all started but Ron seems to have had an invalid start,,,so end of the day…no points. Ray still leads with 2 days to go but Andrew and Ryan are closing in; 4,664 for 4,595 points.
Sports 15m; 3 hour this time they did not start together Toby and Adam. Toby left at 14.29 and Adam much later at 13.09!!! 411 km for Adam with 136.29 km./h and 397 km with 125 km./h for Toby. Here is what happened trough Adam’s eyes: “Some days you get lucky, truly! I was naturally trying to start with my team mates, but because I went looking for shear wave upwind of the line first, I found myself low in an area that felt like it had no climbs. My team mates were downwind, but high at the planned start time. It was one of those days when it’s best to just start when at altitude, so I was happy for my team mates to take advantage of their situation. If I were with them, I would’ve started at that time too..As it turned out, I started 20min behind them & the day has just cooked up. They fed back great information to me, like, if you’re in a solid 5kt climb Adam, stick with it. So that’s what I did, which managed to keep me high & probably catch them a little.” More on this day in Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures Adam even had 13kts. Bruce was runner up and teamed up with Greg; “It was a tough day and Greg and I landed pretty content with how we handled it. It was windy and the climbs were broken and initially very difficult to find. Our task was a double triangle to the north of Kingaroy, almost twice around the same track. Shear wave pre-start gave us a nice high run out on the first leg, but I think it was this first section that we lost some speed. We wanted to stay high and that was challenging, but as the day cooked up it got better and there were some nice climbs. I think always we could feel the wind and overhead wave affecting us underneath, but we worked well together. Had it not been for Adam’s amazing run from behind we’d have been right there. Super flight Adam, you’re right on your game at present… great to watch.“ Only 6 started [the Trotters DNF] and 1 of them was out.
Task 6 on October 14; penultimate day! club; 347.10 km..…Speedy Gonzales Jim won with 110.62 km./h. another pocket full of 1000 points. Jo was 5th loosing 200 points, BUT still in the race for the silver. So Jim is ,before the last day,firm on top in his class.
Sports 18m; 468.33 km. with a speed of 135.52 km./h ….Lumpy seems to have found the “real Kingaroy groove” now!! With a late start together with the Nimbus 4DM, they raced over the track, but Lumpy arrived 5 minutes earlier. Lumpy is now on spot 4 after a pretty bad start on day 1, when he was the only one out and lost, compared to the winner Brad, 825 points, that’s a lot to gain again. He won however till now 3 days. Only 8 started [Adam’s dad Chris and Brad DNS] and 1 was out.
Sports 15 m;468.33 km…..with 126.86 km./h Toby won the day.The co-operation with Adam worked again; start and finish about the same but on handicap Toby won. Adam was runner up and Bruce 3d. Adam leads with more than 200 points on Bruce [ 5,724] , but for the last day “things” are still possible; Bruce 5.496 p, Toby 5.463 and Mac 5.450 with Greg close too with 5. 429 points.
Task 6 VERY LAST DAY!!!! Early starts…the first in club just before 12 PM. Club; 3 hour AAT….Jim added another 1000 points to his overall scores :387 km speed126.49 km./h. Jo was 7th but hold her runner up spot overall. Michael was 5th for the day.
No doubt Jim is the NEW AUSTRALIAN CLUB CLASS CHAMPION!!!! 1. Jim Crowhurst in ASW 20 with 6,760 points. 2. Jo Davis in ASW 20 with 6,121 p. 3. Michael Strathern in ASW 20 with 6,027 p.
Sports 18m; 3 hour AAT….with 494 km Ray was the daily winner ; GREAT speed 162.54 km./h!!!! Good on him. He added more points to his total. Lumpy was runner up with 155 km./h.
NO doubt Ray is the NEW AUSTRALIAN CHAMPION in 18 m class!!!! 1. Ray Stewart in JS 3 with 6,638 points. By the way…. Ray also did the weather and task setting 2. AndrewGeorgeson & Ryan Driscoll in the NIMBUS 4DM with 6,497 p. 3. David Jansen in Ventus 3MP with 6,084 p. David was task setter too. I know David from when he was still a very, very young guy and “only” interested in gliding. That he became an airline pilot I think he has to thank Beryll for.
With from l to r. Ryan and Andrew team Nimbus 4Dm, CHAMPION Ray and David. Kingaroy Soaring Club
Sports 15 m;3 hour AAT....Mac won the day ,his 2d win!!! 140.65 km./h! over 437 km. AND,…he nearly had the silver , missing out on 12 points. Adam and Bruce were equal runner up, not even starting together; 966 daily points. Bruce mentioned; “As the sun sets on another nationals, we can only be happy to be part of this amazing sport. We’ve had a week (two weeks including the State comps) of spectacular weather and great racing. Today was another day of 160 kph + speeds, a long convergence run out near the coast, and cloudbase away up at flight levels. In our class Mac once again just pipped us, with Adam and I tied for second place.” Full story on Taylor’s Gliding Page Adam; “A fantastic end, to a fantastic competition! I’m now a 9 time National Champion thanks to my amazing team mates & the organisation, who made for a great fun competition The last day was a hoot, convergence line running up North & South! I’m really happy with how I’m flying at the moment, confident, positive & with the burning desire to achieve the ultimate goal come December.”
Adam did well and no doubt is the NEW AUSTRALIAN 15m CHAMPION! 1. Adam Woolley in Ventus 3 TS with 6,690 points. 2. Bruce Taylor in LS 8 with 6,462 p. 3. Mac Ichikawa in LS 8 with 6,450 p.
Where would they be without their very skilled tuggies????? “To get 30 gliders launched in an hour we operate four tugs (three Pawnees and Cessna150) Needing a dedicated group of tug pilots! This week we have had Neil, Rob, Alex, Nev, Paul and Darryl working hard. And thank you DDSC for loaning us your Pawnee.“
Thank you to the Kingaroy Soaring Club too for sharing news and pictures, so that we at home can follow the excitement too. And thank you to Lisa for being a great CD.
Lisa with a happy ,satisfied smile.Brian Safety Officer and Ross Launch Director…thanks! Kingaroy Soaring Club
News from Jonker Sailplanes: “We are extremely thankful as we mark the achievement of our 300th JS Glider and the simultaneous completion of the 200th JS3! Our heartfelt gratitude extends to each and every customer, partner, friend, and employee of Jonker Sailplanes for their invaluable contribution in turning this dream into a reality. Here’s to the next 300 JS gliders and beyond!”
That’s ALL about the Australian Nationals. The WGC in Narromine is the next big event….in 6 weeks time. It looks that 4 from my family will be there. George and Diana as pilots in club class and Inge and Indya [daughter and grand daughter] as crew/TC. I stay home …the other side of the world is now TOO FAR for me. Not much more happening at the moment. We still had 24 dg C. last week, but now it’s really autumn…11 dgr.C. !!!! CU ……on October 25….. Cheers Ritz.
South African National Gliding Championship 2023 29 September 2023 – 7 October 2023
My last post was about 3 flying days and 4 tasks, one not flown. Task 5 on flying day 4on October 4; Club;317.52 km…..Dicky Daly won his 3d day; GOOD!!! 110.83 km./h. 15 m. ;524.93 km….Uys -day today . He won, finally a clear head after all the work;144.23 km./h 18 m. ; 524.93 km…….Fast day..Laurence Hardmann flew around with 152,50 km./h. 2 seaters;447.99 km..…As said, Yamauchi & Greenhill, the young ones, finally got the hang of the SA weather and indeed they won another day; 148,52 km./h!!!!!
Task 6 on flying day 5. Club;364.79 km…..and Richard Glennie in his ASW 20 was the daily best; 106.46 km./h and the only one over 100 km. Dicky was 3d. 15 m;594.36 km….another Uys-day; 134.33 km./h. Only 3 left in this class, as AP Kotze did not fly. 18 m; 594.36 km…..Riaan Denner in the JS3 had a good day; 149.09 km./h and Uys’ brother Attie was runner up; 148.85 km./h. whilst Phillip [ a young Jonker] was 4th 2-seaters; 510.29 km and PieterNouwens &Mark Nouwens in their Duo Discus were daily best; 127.22 km,./h.
Task 7 penultimate day of this National Championship. “The final day of the SA Nationals and an early start this morning. Gliders are asked to be gridded before the 10 a.m. briefing for a possible 11 a.m. first launch. There is quite a strong wind blowing and according to the pedestrian forecast they expect temperature of 35 degrees today, getting cloudy over the next few days and then possible thunderstorms later on next week, but by then the Nationals will be ‘done & dusted’.“ South African Nationals Club;349.50 km…..Dave Maver in his ASW 20 was the best; 126.11 km./h! Dicky was runner up and Maarten on 4 .With that we have the top 3 overall , with one day to go! 15 m; 579.29 km….. 2 from 3 flew the task and Wayne won.128.38 km./h Runner up was Mark and Uys was out. 18 m;579.29 km…With an early start [12.39] young Phillip [JS1] won the day 146 km./h…..with ONE point difference with Oscar,[JS3/18m] who started at 13.21;. 2-seaters; 543.35 km….AND …the young ones in the Nimbus 4DM , Zach and Thomas, did it again; WIN; 146.77 km./h.
Task 8; FINAL DAY!!!! Exciting day as well….great speed and a different champion than I expected. Club; 276.14 km…. 15m; 404.34 km…only 2 left in this class as Uys flew his JS 3/18 m. HC. Mark and Wayne both flew the task; 143 and 140 km./h. 18m; 404.34 km…and Oscar proofed once more what a good pilot he is. With a speed of 182.57 km./h, he raced over the track. Attie and Riaan did about the same with start and landing and were only seconds , behind. Interesting to see if that could change the overall scores, AND YES it did Phillip was slower [still 159.66 km./h. ] and lost his first spot to Oscar. Oscar mentioned that the day was very much underestimated,…that sounds about right… but last day and “braai” in the evening..reasons enough to set a short task,BUT…..”But could have shattered the 500km world record. Half the task was under 11k’ airspace, as the predictions was that this was the best area. Base was estimated at 20k amsl” A STERLING day!!!! As Oscar said:”Epic race. Best weather I have flown in for a long time. Actual speed around 400km was 182kmh” 2-seaters;404.34 km….with 163 km./h the “young ones” in the Nimbus 4DM won again. That was 20 k faster than runner up Stefan in the Duo, but then there is off course the difference in glider!!!
Several over 500 km flights and great speed ,so a good South African Championship. And 7 out of 8 days. GOOD!!!! And good, better ,best,..a safe competition! Overall results; CLUB class ; 1. Dicky Daly in St Cirrus with 5,609 points. 2. Dave Maver in ASW 20 with 5,236 p. 3. Maarten Jonker in LS4 with 5,137 p.
15 m class; 1. Wayne Schmidt in ASW 27 with 6,191 points. 2. Mark Holliday in ASW 27 B with 5,816 p. 3. Uys Jonker in JS 3/15 m. with 4,536 p.
18m class; 1. Oscar Goudriaan in JS 3/18 m with 5,907 points. 2. Phillip Jonker in JS 1 with 5,853 p. 3. Attie Jonker in JS 3/18 m with 5,755 p.
2-seaters; 1. ZachYamauchi & Thomas Greenhill in NIMBUS 4DM with 5,854 points. 2. Nouwens & Nouwens in Duo Discus T with 5,665 p. 3. Pieter Geldenhuys in ASG 32MI with 5,354 p.
15/18 m ; 1. Oscar Goudriaan with 5,888 p. 2. Phillip Jonker with 5,855.p. 3. Attie Jonker with 5,741 p.
the 15/18 m winners with Oscar bending over to receive his prize and Phillip laughing as well as Attie. Soaring Society of South Africa
Just a nice picture. Stefan Langer in the middle with I guess, and I HATE TO GUESS so correct me if I am wrong,at least one of the NIMBUS 4DM pilots….winners in the 2 seater class., Zach Yamauchi. Maybe the other one is from the UK Thomas Greenhill, winner of the WGLIDE Speed race. The other one is Kevin Faur [from France] who will fly in SA later in the season. Soaring Society of South Africa
Queensland State Comps are a good preparation for Nationals straight after .
Very last day of State Comps in Kingaroy! As seen by Bruce.
In a short period Kingaroy is the host for these state comps till October 7 and the Nationals from October 9 to 15. So in full swing at the moment. See below! They had a few days to go here is the rest of their week. It’s a Grand Prix type of competition, with a regatta start, quite a few penalties every day and ….. Day 5; REST DAY!!!!!
Day 6; Club; 245 km.….regatta starts at 12.30 and best speed , just over 100 k /ph. Of course by Bernie [Sizer] in his PIK 20D. Sports class; 272.8 km....and good old Dave Jansen is really doing well. When he was VERY young he flew ALWAYS. I guess he might be retired now as airline pilot so time enough again.132.08 km./h. 15 m; 272.8 km….won by Bruce 129.6 km./h and Adam was sick so decided to go back to the field. “Funny old day, I think I might’ve been suffering from a mild dose of dehydration today, a first for me. The upside, I realised it early & called it a day before it got any worse” Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures Bruce;” We had a short task today. The weather looked to be blue with the best conditions out to the east, and there aren’t so may turn points possible out that way. It turned out that it was better than forecast and there were strong climbs and increasing cumulus through the afternoon.” more about the day on Taylor’s Gliding Page
Day 7; VERY LAST DAY!! Club; 273 km…..and a new face at the podium Mark Dalton who flew in his ASW 20 to spot 1 and 10 points. He fished on 6 overall. Overall scores in CLUB after 6 flying days; 1. Bernie Sizer, in PIK 20 D, with 38 points….winning 3 days. 2. Kim Houghton in LS 3 with 33 points winning 1 day. 3. Todd Edwards in LS 3 with 32 points also winning 1 day.
Sports class; 339 km. Brad Edwards in his JS 3 won the last day , his 2d win. Overall scores in Sports class; 1. David Jansen in Ventus 3/18m with 46 points winning 2 days. 2. Ray Stewart in JS3 /18 m with 45 points winning 1 day. 3. Andrew Georgeson in Nimbus 4 DM with 39 points.
15 m; 339 km. Greg Beecroft won the day and Adam was runner up Bruce was 5th but no harm to his overall scores. Here is Bruce;”Some days are diamonds, and for me today wasn’t one of them. We all have days when the pattern we see in our head doesn’t quite match the pattern of the weather we are flying in, and that is part of the fascination of this game. I’ve had a fantastic week and have been so pleased with my results so far. I’m back in my favourite glider from the past 40 years and having a ball.” About his last day more on Taylor’s Gliding Page Overall scores in 15m; 1. Bruce Taylor in LS 8 with 25 points winning 3 days. 2. Mak Ichikawa in LS 8 with 22 points winning 1 day. 3. Greg Beecroft in LS 8 with 20 points winning the last day.
Bruce with Lisa Turner, who handed over the prizes. Lisa is the CD for the Nationals this week. Good pilot too. Kingaroy Soaring Club
Great practice for the Australian Nationals. They can have a 1 day of rest and are used to Kingaroy,… so high expectations!
2023 Club and Sports class Nationalsfrom KINGAROY. 9 October 2023 – 15 October 2023
9 pilots in club class, 8 in sports 18m and 11 in sports open, and a few strong competitors in each class. Practice day on Saturday with nice tasks [Club 252 km. Sports open 301 km and Sports 15 m with 260 km] to get in the “groove”, a groove for Adam together with Benalla pilot Tobias Geiger. Adam and Toby practice team flying! “Tobias & I enjoyed a really positive day over the skies of Kingaroy, where we practiced our team flying for the upcoming WGC” in the beginning of December in Narromine. More news about their team flying on Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures Some pilots are already in Australia for this BIG event. So is George who flies in club class for Luxembourg, so does his wife Diana. George arrived in Tocumwal last week and had the best weather last Sunday.
View in front of his hangar at Tocumwal Airport. courtesy George
Task 1 on October 9; great, fast, first day. Club; 347.02 km……8 started in this class ,5 of them in an ASW 20 , 1 in a PIK 20B and 2 in a Discus. And,…NO it was not one of the state-comps- pilots, but Jo Davis, who could have been the WWGC champion ,when there was no controversy about the scores. She is a good pilot!!!! Speed 127.57 km./h just a tiny bit faster than Michael Strathern also in ASW 20 with 127.47 km./h!
Sports open;427.87 km…and straight away the 1991 WGC Champion from Uvalde Brad Edwards won the day in his JS 3/18m. Speed 154.65 km./h!!!! Just a tad slower with 154.43 km./h was Ray Stewart, runner up during the earlier state comps. 10 started and only 1 was out.
Brad as the best, Ray as runner up and Andrew [Georgeson] and Ryan [Driscoll] as number 3 Kingaroy Soaring Club
Sports 15m; 409.25 km…. The Trotters took it easy during the state comps ,but now they were in full action. Peter was 1 with 142.39 km./h and Lisa 2 with 140.89 km./h Both fly an LS 8. From the state-comp-pilots, Toby and Adam flew together as announced and were on 3 and 4 [145 and 146 km./h!!] ,Mak on 5 and Bruce on 6. All 8 in this class started and the “slowest” with respect was Mike with still 130 km./h!!! That says enough about this perfect first day.
Task 2 on October 10; another good day with nic tasks. Club; 369.50 km…pffff, in his ASW 20 Jim [Crowhurst] reached a speed of 134.35 km./h …. not 1000 points but 900. Not bad either. Runner up with about the same speed Steve [McMahon] in ASW 20B, with 133.71 km./h
Sports 18m; 444.65 km….Brad was runner up and Ray won. Both really good pilots , Brad “a bit older’ maybe experienced [??] as Ray. Speed 159.37 km./h and 154.21 km./h. Both ” flew their JS3 on fire.” 10 started and 9 were in .Ron in his NIMBUS 4DM was out after 85 km. I heard he had already some problems with his glider during the State comps.
Sports 15 m; 444.65 km…good to see our Japanese mate Mak win the day in his LS 8; 145 km./h!!!! AND,…1000 points. Good on him. Bruce was 2km./h slower for 976 points. Bruce had a lot to say about the day here is part of it: “Nice big day today for Day 2. Over 9,000 feet at best and peak climb rates of more than 12 knots. That’s 1200 feet per minute, or in gliding terms we are gaining about 400 feet for every circle we do. Nice! But also “It is huge fun, a day like today, fast cruising, big pull-ups into strong lift that is smooth and powerful… We love it! But it is busy. You have to concentrate all the time because the edge between good and bad air can be sharp and a wrong move can suddenly have you lose height on your competitors.” Taylor’s Gliding Page Adam and Toby started together again but the difference between a Ventus 3TS [146.68 km./h ] and a Ventus 2ax [138.58 km./h] is clear. EVEN with the 1% advantage as declared by the GFA’s handicap committee. They are happy together ,so all GOOD. Mak leads now with 14 points on Peter [Trotter] who was 4th for the day.
Adam’s dad Chris ,a very fine man and good pilot, had safety concerns and Adam writes about it; “10/10 today to the organisation for listening to my fathers safety concerns about the use of the 500m radius control point, just 15km from the finish line. At first the topic was pushed aside, but then after an insistence to be heard, the organisation took the time to review it, then adjusted it after consideration. I’m super proud of Dad & very pleased that the organisation took the safety first option & were willing to change their minds, superb” Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures
Task 3 on October 11; Today ….and the time difference with here is 8 hours, in about 2 weeks 10, so the scores are preliminary. “Fab” day again with 3 hour AAT’s in each class and good speed . Club; 3 hour AAT…...with 383.63 km Jo had another daily win on a 1000-points-day; 123.88 km./h. All 9 “clubbies” flew over 300 km. and finished
Sports 18m; 3 hour AAT...he started around 10 minutes later as the rest , flew 480 km with a speed of 153.29 km./h …Lumpy Paterson [from Tocumwal] in his JS3 /18m; that was about 6 k/h faster than the rest. Kerrie did not fly so 9 starters.
Sports 15 m; the team-flying from Adam and Toby bear fruit as the 1000 points were for Adam and 954 for Toby; 465.37 km with a speed of 152.76 km./h and 443.43 km with 147.84 km./h. All 8 started and finished and the “slowest” speed again with respect was 128.63 km./h!! No news yet from Adam on this great performance , but even better news ….HE IS IN LOVE…..BE HAPPY TOGETHER!!!!
“I’ve been lucky enough to meet this beautiful soul, a kind, caring & thoughtful lady from Fukuoka, Japan. Erika Nakashima & I met on New Years Eve in Japan & have grown to really love each other’s company over the year been – she even puts up with, & supports my global gliding” By Adam.
After 3 glorious flying days and halfway the overall scores are in CLUB; 1. Jim Crowhurst with 2. 761 points and 2. Jo Davis with 2.706 p. Sports 18m; 1. Ray Stewart with 2.750 p and 2. Brad Edwards with 2.701 p. Sports 15 m; 1. Mak Ichikawa with 2.822 p and 2. Adam Woolley with 2.820!!!!
More next Wednesday.
Matthew went to find out by himself what the MORNING GLORY is and when his own SKYSIGHT said “perfect weather to do so”, he indeed “found” it after travelling 2500 km to Burketown; 305 km @ 195 km/h…..Diana 2…”Could probably do a world record 100km triangle on this.” Cloud top up to 1200m, base all the way to the fog.
Due to internet problems he wrote yesterday a bit more on this flight “The “Morning Glory” cloud is an extremely rare cloud formation, a ripple in the atmosphere trapped between two air layers that only forms with any regularity in a single location – Far North Queensland. More than a 2000km from a major city, few ever get to view it and even fewer get to experience flight along it.This was my first flight on a Morning Glory. Sorry it took so long to upload – the internet in Burketown was mobile-only and even that went offline!” There is a 25 minute video via Matthew Scutter’s Gliding
Floating on a cloud…what do you want more. from the WEGLIDE story.
To finish…..more clouds…… another fab picture…
WAVEHUNTERS: “Another epic day! Diamonds galore!! “Hooligans ” are Tom Hogarth, Alex O’Keefe, Bradley Soanes and Eddie Smith“
With all these wave meccas London Club Lasham Gliding Society wrote; “Lasham are back atDeeside Gliding Clubin Scotland for the next 3 weeks running our autumn expeditions. We’ve got four gliders up there currently.So far on the first week nearly everyone has enjoyed several mountain wave flights. Some to altitudes of nearly 20,000ft with the good conditions lasting most of the week!“
AND,…what about 109 years of gliding experience and still going strong. My Belgium mates Bert Schmelzer sr and Eddy Huybreckx. TOPPERS!!!!
as shared by Eddy Huybreckx Bert sr. added:”What a crew, Eddy was my highly rated check pilot for winch launches that day. After the flight he was quite sick and needed a break. I’m kidding, we had fun. Bert sr.”
And news from Henrique Navarro in Brasil; “The Brazilian Gliding Federation has just approved my National speed record on a 750km FAI triangle @152kph with the Ventus 3 15 meters. I was short of beating the World record by less than 4kph.”
CU next week. Hope a week with less stress and fewer [better no ] deaths around the brutal invasions from Russia in Ukraine and the barbaric terror group of Hamas in Israel,…in what world do we live!? Sad,…. Ritz
What about that???!!! 42 pilots “went up” in The Netherlands on a nice autumn day on October 1 and the best flight was from Sikko; 409 km from Soesterberg. Great picture from Arjan on October 1 2023 Arjan Vrieze Photography
—–The OLC season 2023 is over and the new season started straight away YES , I check WEGLIDE as well, but maybe cause I am older, I prefer the OLC [] for my checks…in my opinion more clear, or maybe I am longer used to it. I do love the stories however from WEGLIDE [ ]. Looking at the stats in the end of the 2023 season WORLD WIDE ; CHAMPION OLC plus; Gordon Boettger from the USA with 10.473,21 points. Rookie OLC Champion; Johan Luyckx from Belgium, good on him and a bit of a surprise for me. Best flight in 2023; Gordon Boettger with 3.059,40 km in the ARCUS M from Minden. Distance record; Gordon Boettger with that same flight. Stats ALL flights; Nicolas Bennet from the Minden Soaring club with 61.699,23 km during 106 flights. Stats busiest airport; Bitterwasser with 709.630,07 km during 852 flights by 114 pilots!!!! Stats busiest club; Koenigsdorf with 395.508,78 km during 871 flights by 89 pilots.
Extra note; the margin from Bitterwasser as busiest airport is enormous. Runner up was VERONICA with 455.248,77 km during 577 flights by 89 pilots. Both are in Namibia. Europe with Puimoisson in France was 3d ; 487.447,12 km during 1065 flights by 164 pilots and the Dutch Airfield of TERLET was 5th with 318.532,53 km during 1021 flights by 174 pilots. Clubs; Koenigsdorf on the border of the ALPS was busy but our pilots from the Gelderse were runner up. Not bad!!! And the Amsterdam Club for Soaring was 4th. Theirs stats; Gelderse at Terlet; 354.533,00 km. during 1055 flights by 103 pilots one of them my grand daughter. Amsterdamse at Soesterberg; 229.906,98 km during 60 flights by 73 pilots.
South African National Gliding Championships 2023 flown from Potchefstroom between September 29 and October 7 with 35 participants are in full swing.
On September 29 a good practice day with 301 km. in all 4 classes, club, 15m, 18m and 2 seaters. Not a lot used the practice though in 18 m and 20 m a few went up. Jason Adriaan is the CD and organizer. Task 1; now they HAVE to go……... Club;291.59 km ……and 9 pilots started their race for the title. 5 Of them finished and the other 4 had a less good start of their comps. Early starts before 1 PM and the ASW 20 with Rene Coetzee AND the St Cirrus from Dicky Daly were the best; a joint first place with 110.83 km./h. and 99.78 km./h. 15 m; 521.03 km…….5 good pilots among them Uys Jonker and AP Kotze. ONLY 1 finisher in the ASW 27; Wayne Schmidt;113 km./h. Uys flew 479 km, close but,…… 18 m; 521.03 km….14 pilots among them Katrin Senne, Sven Olivier, Attie and Phillip Jonker, Oscar Goudriaan and John Coutts. 5 Of them finished, so a good day for them. Best for Laurence Hardman who in his JS1C/18m won the day 127.29 km./h. Young Phillip did well as runner up in a JS1;126.94 km./h John was equal runner up , he and Phillip started and finished together.Sven was one of the finishers on spot 5. 2-seaters; 521.03 km....changed in a 3 hour AAT;6 in total mainly Duo Discus types. Pieter Geldenhuys /Robert Bristow in the ASG 32MI won ;speed 114.42 km./h. Well known comp pilot Stefan Langer from Germany flies a Duo Discus in this class.
Task 2; Club; 294.87 km….And,…another day with several out-landings. 3 From 10 finished and Dicky was the best again; 86.60 km. p/h and this time he did not have to share his number 1 spot. 15 m; 416.39 km.…Wayne was the only one to finish, his 2d time; 97.24 km./h. Good on him!2 Pilots were less than 10 k out. 18 m; 416.39 km…..6 from 14 finished and my good “old” mate Oscar won the day;111.31 km./h. All pilots flew more than 350 km. 2 seaters; 416.39 km.…NOBODY finished but 4 pilots were close with less than 30 k out. In one of the Duo Discus gliders fly the winner from last years WEGLIDE Sprint Zachary Yamauchi with the winner from this year Thomas Greenhill; “The dream of flying in South Africa to promote gliding worldwide and to support young pilots, Jonker Sailplanes invites the juniors who win the WeGlide Sprint ranking for Europe and for the rest of the world to participate in the South African Nationals.This year our winners are Kevin Faur and Thomas Greenhill! We congratulate them with this achievement and look forward to their flights. Thomas is currently in South-Africa flying the competition with former winner Zachary Yamauchi. Kevin will head over to Potch later this year, so stay tuned for more updates.”WeGlide……..Many thanks to the amazing team from Jonker Sailplanes for giving juniors this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Task 3 was cancelled!
Task 4; Club;262.23 km……changed in 211.45 km....4 pilots flew over 100 km./h .Best for the day Dicky… his Cirrus; 104.85 km./h…. Great job as well from young, Maarten Jonker, one of the Jonker-dynasty ,he was runner up in an LS 4 ;105km./h. 15 m;411.20 km…..changed in 318 km....and AP Kotze was the best with 131.69 km./h., ahead of Uys with 129.14 km./h 18 m; 411.20 km…..changed in 318 km…..John [Coutts] from NZ but living already for a long time in S.A. had a BIG WIN; 143.26 km./h. Runner up Laurence flew around with 136.68 km./h . Wayne was last. 2-seaters;336.51 km....changed in 292 km...and a good day for German pilot Stefan who got the “hang” of African gliding, won with the Duo Discus;121.50 km./h.
Overall results after 3 flying days; Club; Dicky Daly with 2.006 points,winning 2 days. 15m.; Wayne Schmidt winning 2 days with 2.565 points. 18m; Sven Olivier with 2.461 points, not winning a day but VERY consistent flying!!! 2-seaters;Yamauchi & Greenhill, the 2 young WEGLIDE SPEED winners with 2.129 points.
For today Club has 317.52 km, 15 m.524.93 km, 18 m.524.93 km and the 2-seaters go for 447.99 km More next week.
The Queensland State compsstarted last Saturday at Kingaroy and the Sports Class Nationals will be next week also from Kingaroy….October 9-15 2023, with 28 pilots in 3 classes.
The airfield from Kingaroy [ KRY] as seen by Lumpy Paterson ,who left early from Tocumwal, to have some practice first.
Last Saturday they started with the Queensland State Comps and as Bruce is there he can tell you all about it on his ;”Taylor’s Gliding Page “Today was Day 1, forecast blue and about 6,000 feet, which was what we got.” and “So nice to be back in my old LS8, “WB”, after more than 20 years of separation. I remember exactly why I loved it so much.” There are 13 pilots in club, 10 in sports class and 6 in 15 m. It’s great practice for the Nationals 1 week later. Scores are according the SGP rules. Bruce won day 1 in 15m., that’s good as his concurrent’s are Mac and Adam, Greg Beecroft and Lisa and Peter Trotter. Strong class. David Jansen won sports class and Bernie Sizer in his PIK 20 club. Grant Heany[Discus A] was runner up both are from Tocumwal AND they flew together. [10 and 8 points].
Day 1 as shared by Bruce.
Day 2 was interesting;”I thought I was in a paddock, water pouring out of the ballast tanks, field and approach chosen, various bad words in the cockpit, almost a hand on the undercarriage lever, when I found a small bump. For a couple of turns it was very gently up, then I saw some grass in the air and a couple of eagles nearby… and whoosh!! The thermal bubble hit me from below and it was soon 5 knots up. It kept getting better, and above halfway I actually saw a few turns better than 10 knots!” Taylor’s Gliding Page The max 4 points in 15 m class were his. Task 2 had 299 km and Bruce’s speed was 104.5 km./h ……Mac was runner up. In club 10 points were earned by Bernie good on him. Grant was 3d. Task; 237 km and Bernie had 92.7 km.//h. In sport class Brad [Edwards] was the daily best for 10 points in a JS3 18m. with 116 km./h over 299 km.
Day 3; Club; 260 km..…No not Bernie on top he was “out” a pity and 9th for the day. 8 From 13 were “in”.ToddEdwards in the LS 3 won the day with a speed of 99.6 km./h. Sports class ; 343.7 km…..Ray Stewart got the 10 -to- win- points-for-the-day;137.4 km./h. 8 From 10 finished. 15 m; 343.7 km….Adam won the day with 137.7 km./h. “What a fabulous day out of Kingaroy, perfectly set task & great start time set for the GP. Fortunately I have my LX9070 linked up to SkySight which allowed me to check out the SatPic before start. It showed me that after Wondai, I needed to track West to avoid the overdevelopment & showers on track. Big advantage!“ More in Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures Mac was runner up and Bruce got no points but wrote; “After my rubbish start I was really surprised to meet Adam Woolley and David Jansen at the first turn, and basically flew the rest of the flight with them. From then on it was full bore, great climbs, long runs down some super streets, and a cracking final glide almost straight into wind along a highway in the sky.” Much more on his Taylor’s Gliding Page
Day 4; Club;239 km…..and the LS 3 with Kim Houghton won the day and the 10 points; 96.7 km./h. 9 from 11 finished. Grant had to less good days finishing on spot 8. After 4 days Bernie leads with 27 points. Sports class; 282.6 km....Lumpy won the day ; 128 km./h ,so 10 points for him. 7 km./h faster than Andrew Georgeson in the Nimbus 4DM. After 4 days David Jansen leads with 31 points , together with Ray Stewart. 15 m. class; 282.6 km…won by Mac with 117.9 km./h. Runner up Adam had 106 km./h and was not happy with his day: “Well that was one of the most uncomfortable flights of my soaring career, from start to finish I felt like I was in a washing machine, constantly getting blown around & shaken up! Super broken thermals today, happy to be home.I made a big error after I made a good start I was leading the pack for the first 75km with the general gaggle lower & 5-10km behind as they got stuck at the Bunya mountains.” More about his “wrong mindset” on Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures After 4 days Bruce is leading with 16 points but Mac is close with 15!! More next week.
——-One of Australia’s best, finest and most talented pilots Matthew Scutter is more or less banned from the Queensland nationals in Kingaroy,..his own club… by stupid rules of the Aussie sporting administration. Turning his back to Kingaroy, he moved to Burketown for the MORNING GLORY season!!!! “I have been angling for an opportunity to get out here for many years, but I finally ran out of excuses and a fairly silly reason opened up to get out of Kingaroy for a bit; After this year winning our 18m nationals with a 15m glider, the sporting administration decided to simply ban 15m gliders from entering in the future. After wasting days on the phone lobbying for sanity I believe it was overturned (no minutes published…) and instead they intend to apply a special bonus penalty if I enter 18m, but the experience of the process as a whole was enough to make me feel no longer welcome in the contest community here. So for that and other stupid reasons I’ve blown off competitions in Australia, but the awkward thing is that my club has the nationals now… so Burketown it is!“more on Matthew Scutter’s Gliding It’s from all times this meddling by blue blazers as we called them. I know already here in The Netherlands from the 70thies. They should sweep with a big broom through the Aussie sporting administration!!!!!! And I hope this is only written in “anger” and Matthew will fly future comps down under. He should!!!!!!! Luckily, he “found” and “ran” the morning glory!!!!!!He even shared it in a live-video on FB with nearly 500 followers.
And to finish this picture,…very interesting concept.
“Hi everyone, I’m the designer of the UltraVision glider, which features an unobstructed cockpit to maximize the flying experience. When I flew along the crest of my local hills, I missed the ability to see beneath me, something I could do while walking. I found that the cockpit view was more restricted than the 360-degree view while walking !!!, motivating me to create the Ultravision. Currently, it’s still in the project phase.” Gonzalo Garcia-Atance, Aeronautical Eng., PhD. Lecturer in Engineering (Aircraft Design and Stability) Gonzalo Garcia-Atance
No link unfortunately to this subject, but some more info; “The widespread use of electric sustainers has reduced the “performance anxiety” caused by the limited ability to fly in poor weather conditions or the possibility of not being able to return to the airfield. Eliminated the “performance anxiety” with electric sustainers/selflaunchers, it makes sense to design gliders to maximize the flying experience, hence the unobstructed cockpit design. All gliders till now have been designed to maximize performance given the wingspan and the intended selling price, I believe a change of paradigm will come.
I’ve submitted a scientific article for peer review in Technical Soaring (OSTIV) on April 17, 2023, which includes detailed performance calculations for 18m and 13.5m wingspans and three certification strategies (CS-22 / JAR-22). The peer review is being handled by a top glider designer of a top glider company. However, the peer review process may take some time, as it’s conducted by voluntary experts in the field. It is fair to say that the article might be rejected, but let’s keep our fingers crossed!
I can’t share specific calculation details yet, as that’s contingent on publication. However, for an 18m wingspan with flaps, the estimated maximum glide ratio ranges from a 46 to 50, depending on grade of fuselage development and optimization.
Feel free to comment on the project, share it, and provide any feedback you may have. I believe that in 20 years time, a significant portion of gliders will adopt my design philosophy. The choice ultimately depends on your personal preferences and your demands when buying a new glider. For me, if given the option to fly the UltraVision with a glide ratio of 46-50 or a high-performance glider with a 56 glide ratio on a Saturday at the local field, I would choose the UltraVision most of the times.
Full article in Gliding & Soaring
CU next Wednesday for more about the S.A. Nationals, the finish of the Queensland State comps and the start of the Australian Nationals. Cheers Ritz
5th Edition of the Experimental E5 GLIDE Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban, France 17 September 2023 – 23 September 2023
Task 3 winners….comps day 2…..Matthew in the middle and to the l.Lukas Znidarcic et Nina Lokovšek and to r.Théo Napoléon. As shared by Gliding
Matthew on day 1; “A very difficult first day at E5Glide. Recapping for those playing along at home, EGlide is a competition held at the end or after the soaring season, where you are allowed to use a small amount of electric power (enough to climb ~600m) in order to finish tasks in conditions that are often otherwise unsoarable. Today was only 160km but with not enough wind for the ridges to really work and not enough sun for the thermals to pop. I managed to marginally ridge soar the second leg on a ~200m tall ‘ridge’, actually the edge of a small plateau which gave me a bit of a jump on most, but Tilo pulled not one but two brilliant climbs out of the murk to get a large lead on us all.” Matthew Scutter’s GlidingWorse conditions tomorrow and indeed Day 2 was cancelled. And here is Matthew again on;“Day 2(3?) of EGlide was likely the best conditions of the event, but we had a challenging first 100km in the flats to the south taking 0.5m/s climbs to 900m AGL. Finally we staggered past Puimoisson and into the mountains where it improved but was broken with light winds and still damp surfaces. There was a massive 3m/s climb on the Blayeul mountain to a lone cloud with a base 500m above the surrounding area, which I used on the leg going north, then south, then west, each time timing my arrival to just above the peaks. This turned out to be the key to the day, and those who went direct had much weaker climbs. We all had trouble on the final leg but I had just enough reserve to scrape in for a solid 1st.” Matthew Scutter’s Gliding also for more news on this comps. Task 4 was cancelled but “Despite capricious weather and the cancellation of the 4 event,2 FES still flew that afternoon!”
Young Theo Napoleon, cant be somebody else than Eric’s son flying in this competition. Shared by CNVV Saint-Auban
Till now it was 1 day flying 1 day “free”, so on September 21 Task 5 was set on comps day 3…..123.54 km.... Slovenian team Lukas Znidarsic and Nina Lokovšek in the good old Duo Discus XL FES, won the day with Tilo as runner up and Matthew on spot 3. All started at 4PM. “The top 3 pilots are only 21 seconds apart! After 3 races and hundreds of kilometers under tricky weather conditions! EGlide competitions are really the best to conclude the season with fun, fast and entertaining races even with marginal weather. A very exciting rice. Perfect Task for FES. It was a FEStival!”CNVV Saint-Auban And Matthew said about the day: “No thermals today, only wave pre-start and then a bit of engine to connect to the ridges – except the ridges were not really working and everything got a bit squeaky! Some very very low ridge-declining and a bit of rotor got me home with only a few penalties.” Matthew Scutter’s Gliding
Task 6 comps day 4 with 247.19 km . …and the by far youngest pilot, 19 years old, won the day. He made the best strategic choices at start, remained up front and won the day. Congratulations to TheNapoleon [that name for sure sounds familiar] o flying an 18m. Discus 2C FES…..Good on him. Theo started at age 13 and has already 3000 hours!!!This is his first experience with E gliders and he really likes it. They started at 2.40 PM and Theo was 10 km./h faster than Matthew in his 15m LS 8 e. Matthew;”Yesterday was a strong thermal day and we had our longest task of the event. I was able to capitalize on an efficient first leg and get a jump on Tilo and Luka who struggled a bit behind me. Theo exploited a moment’s indecision to get five minutes ahead of me part way around which I wasn’t able to reel back, but still leaves me going into the last day 11 minutes ahead of Tilo and Luka. Moderate ridge task today, 220km. A very challenging long leg into the wind is going to cause problems. Hoping to keep my energy for this bit.”
Matthew ,Theo and Gintas [Zube ASG 29 RES/18m] flying CNVV Saint-Auban
Task 7 on flying day 5 with 219.20 km…..VERY last day and very last possibilities to win this 5th edition! Matthew leads with 11.07 on Luka and 11.42 min. on Tilo. The “rest” is a bit far back. Well,…Tilo won and Matthew and Theo were close, whilst Luka was 4th. “On the last day itself Luka and Tilo flew completely different tracks making them impossible to cover, so I was forced to pick my own route and miraculously the three of us ended up on final glide together anyway, just seconds apart.” Matthew….and more about the comps on Matthew Scutter’s Gliding So the final scores remain the same; 1. Matthew Scutter in LS 8e 15m [handicap 109] 0 2. Tilo Holighaus in Discus 2c FES 18m [handicap 114] -11.17 3. Luka Žnidaršič in Duo Discus XL FES [handicap113] -12.74
Matthew really is a multi talent!!!!!! When he was very young I got to know him and friends said “keep an eye on him”, which I did. He is multi talented with soaring, has his own business SKYSIGHT where he is the CEO, so knows all about weather and was invited to help out with the last flights in Argentina with the Perlan Project. He travels the world with his Diana 2 and flies lot’s of comps. In France at the WGC the Diana was on spot 1-2 and 3.
——-Glider Forever reflected on the beginning of the season Down Under: “Season is on in Australia and what a start it is. Recently David Jansen & Kevin White head of for a flight in the ASG 32 Mi and landed back to Kingaroy with 4 national records in their hands, awesome performance” 850km @ 120km/h …….this was on September 12. AND “Ray Stewart commented under his 700k flight one day before: “Hopefully this is the start of what promises to be a great season.” Fingers crossed our Australian friends, we wish every Pilot a great start into the season 23/24“.
On September 21 an OUT and RETURN was on the menu and David flew another record; 500km out and return at 145kph, with Kevin. Great start of the Down Under season. My friend Gerrit flew in his new EB 29 a distance of 613.29 km.last Saturday from McCaffery Airfield . Lumpy Paterson from Tocumwal was in Kingaroy and flew TODAY, 665 km in his JS 3.
Europe has still good autumn flights as well Austria had also on September 21 an 827 km flight from Wiener Neustadt in an 18m Ventus 2CM….wave and ridge. Also in the Netherlands…..Look at Terlet on Sunday September 24,” after-summer” conditions in the end of the season. 200km CC was still possible ,whilst last Sunday in Germany over 500k-CC was flown. on the other hand several final-of-the -season-BBQ’s and parties are on at the moment.
As said after summer in The Netherlands. Up to 25 dgr. C Weird weather.
——Last but not least a very inspiring story written by Matthias Arnold for WeGlide about Eva Senne, daughter from WWGC champion Katrin Senne; A succesful newcomer. Eva has 800 hours and 40 were flown in 2023 and between Eva’s first 500km and her first 1000km flight, there is not even a year.!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING!!!!
That’s all for now. Comps on this side of the world are more or less over. Africa, NZ and Australia start soon. The OLC has changed to 2024 [next week more about the stats] and the first ’24- flights worldwide were on September 26 from Australia; 300k in an ASH 31/21m from Benalla and 20 in an ASK 21 MI from Mount Beauty. By the way, the Dutch Nationals will be flown between Mai 9 and 18 in 2024.
After spending 25 summers in Tocumwal, [ since 1984] avoiding the Dutch cold and living for just over 10 years over there, you must forgive me that I am still enthusiastic and fond of that little town on the Murray River, in Australia. Less than 3000 inhabitants and on the border of NSW and Victoria, but IN NSW. When we visited first there were only 1250 people living in town. We started as guests with the Riley family as owners…Bill Riley [R.I.P.] was the founder of the SSC…then still as guests we got to know Don Escott, [R.I.P.]Jeff Close [R.I.P.] We took over from Don when he retired and worked together with Jeff BUT, when Jeff unexpectedly died after a mid air collision, we were “all alone”. After being for 10 seasons guests, running the Sportavia Soaring Center with a good team for another 10 years, was TOUGH but a great “life style” and I can only think back of it with huge pleasure. Our guests were the most interesting people from many different countries , …I still have contact with a lot of them….our staff was good and always helpful to all of them. The chef’s in the kitchen sometimes were a problem, but we really had good ones among them, creating food one day for 150 people sitting everywhere at the premises, as the dining- and breakfast room was too small. Glenda was the “engine” behind all of them. OF COURSE Ingo Renner was “gold” for Sportavia already from the beginning with Bill. The nicest instructor and person in the world. As well , to be honest, as the best” marketing tool”. Peter During “Brutus” for his friends helped us out in the office for several years and he was gold as well, absolutely reliable. Our tuggies and instructors were TOPPERS. As in every business there were up’s and downs but more up’s than downs for me.
At least 50 rigged gliders fitted in the WWII hangar as you can see on this old picture. I still remember all registrations. Sportavia Tocumwal
Lumpy Patterson, since a few years the new owner of “our” SPORTAVIA hangar, [it’s now called Sportavia Tocumwal and they are doing well] has the time of his life in Tocumwal too. Certainly now with the airshow. I know the “buzzing” feeling of an Airshow at the field and it gives energy, a feeling of being very proud and very involved. On Thursday he was already busy to get planes to Toc; “Great day in the office, getting planes to Tocumwal for the big air show on the weekend ! Awesome weather for the trip to Maitland and return Cruising along with the team from Paul Bennett Airshows“
Australia will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War. At the 2023 Tocumwal Airshow, we will commemorate the service and sacrifice of those who served in Vietnam with flying displays by three aircraft that served during that conflict. The Royal Australian Air Force Cessna A-37 Dragonfly The Temora Aviation Museum Cessna O-2 Skymaster The Tocumwal Aviation Museum Cessna O-1 Birddog See these historic aircraft display at the 2023 Tocumwal Airshow
Courtesy Duncan Fenn PHOTOGRAPHY.
Courtesy Duncan Fenn photography
Courtesy Duncan Fenn photography
A common sight in the country is aerial application using the iconic yellow Air Tractor. Aerial application is the broad term for a range of aviation activities that include the application of material from aircraft, including spraying of pesticides, application of liquid and granular fertiliser and trace elements, sowing seed such as rice and firebombing of bushfires. With great thanks to Tocumwal local Mick East, Field Air will be bringing an AT-402 Air Tractor to the 2023 Tocumwal Airshow and demonstrate the capabilities of the aircraft as well as the exceptional skills required to operate these aircraft at low level.
I have seen MANY of them during the 10 years I lived at Toc airport. Also during comps in Narromine we saw them often. 2 Of our former tuggies Glenn and Charlie, are now flying these big machines. One of the most well- known Ag pilots in our time/region was Gary Macstead. Still going strong , most probably not anymore as Ag pilot, as he should be around 80 years old now.
Courtesy Duncan Fenn photography
The weather was TOP;Blue skies, light winds and 26 degrees, what do you want more for an Airshow.
Courtesy Mayday Photography when you click on their link you see many more pictures.
Of course a glider had to be part of the show as well at the Tocumwal airfield with a few glider clubs/business as most important venues. Lumpy himself flew in his JS3.
This was not the only great airshow as Romain Fhal mentioned, there was also one in Europe; “I’m very happy to fly at Skopje Airshow celebrating 100 years of Aero Club Skopje, one of the oldest air clubs in southeastern Europe. The occasion is even more special since this is the first big airshow in Macedonia after the dissolution of former Yugoslavia in 1991.” This was on September 16. Too late to go too but interesting info.
—–The Brasilian weather was good last Wednesday for pilots flying records and long distances from the well known airfield Luis Ed Magalhaes. Claudio Eduardo Schmidt flew with French guest Baptiste [Innocent] in the ARCUS M a distance from 900 km. Henrique [Navarro] flew a new out and return record over 500 km; “Brazilian 500km out & return speed record @140kph. Ventus 3TS/15m. “ Just a few days earlier Henrique flew another record; “Brazilian speed record, 300km FAI triangle @143KPH. Flying the Ventus 3TS with 15 meters tips is just like flying a rocket.” On September 14 more news from Henrique; “I just beat the Brazilian speed record in a 750km FAI triangle at 152 hph, in both 15 meters and open class. The Ventus 3 TS with 15 meters tip flies like it has knives instead of wings.”
Henrique; Pure happiness after another great flight and 3 records in a week. Henrique Navarro
—–I have shared many pictures from above ,looking over the Tocumwal area, now I share one looking over the Kingaroy area more in the East of Australia.
I was amazed to see how different it is. “Stunning colours and shapes of Kingaroy countryside viewed from a glider“ Kingaroy Soaring Club
—–AND,…the season is ON Down Under both in the West and East, also in the South.
Great day in the West, Cunderdin on September 16 2023. “What a great day for flying at Cunderdin today! Warm, hardly any wind, and great thermals. So good to be back to these conditions now that winter is over.” Gliding Club of Western Australia
—–In the Netherlands the National women day 2023 for pilots was in Soesterberg and 100 flying ladies attended. Many young ones. GOOD!!! I was supposed to say a few words over there, but travelling is getting more difficult nowadays.
As shared by Frouwke Kuijpers “About 100 women came to Soesterberg Airfield to fly, meet, eat and greet. A wonderfull day, also thanks to the weather! A striking number of new, young faces. There were also many new pilots at the Women’s World Cup in Spain (13). Are we at the beginning of more women in aviation?”
That’s it! You are up to date. Not a lot of comps at the moment but the E5 GLIDE started in St Auban. They fly between 17 September 2023 – 23 September 2023. More next week. Tilo [Discus 2c FES 18m] won day 1 and Aussie Matthew [ LS8E/ 15m] flies as well. Task 2 [132 km] was cancelled and task 3 on Sept 19 was promising with 265.55 km. Matthew won!! By the way, last Sunday was a perfect long -distance-wave-day in France for an out and return over Spain France and nearly Andorra. Carl Audissou, flew from St Girons 1.621.14 km in an ANTARES over many kilometers in the Pyrenees.
Cheers Ritz, just back from 2 days in Amsterdam. Very enjoyable!!!!
This is a very popular competition in the UK and already the 26th edition with a “record number of entrants”; 22. Since a few years, I follow them. Interesting! And I am not the only one, looking at the “likes”. “The Waiting List for 2024 is now open, as this year’s participants have priority for next next.“
We continue with day 4, task 2 AND a 4 hour AAT; and in his LS6b Jordan Richards flew 344 km with a speed of 85.26 km./h. His 2d win! Good on him. Both days had a 4 hour AAT on the first day Jordan flew 451 km with a speed of 110.96 km./h. Day 5 task 3; 3.30 AAT….After the fantastic flight the day before, task 3 was in the same direction;” flying out over the Great Glen to reach the west coast and Ben Nevis“. I had to go to Wikipedia to know more about the Great Glen. “The Great Glen is a long and straight glen in Scotland. The glen is about 100 kilometers long on land and runs from Fort William on the Scottish west coast to Inverness in the east. The Great Glen follows a major geological fault known as the Great Glen Fault.”
This picture from the task is from my mobile. you can see it it more clear on clicking on task.
BUT ….in the end, the CC task was cancelled ,a pity,……but the ” height-gain” was “on”. On day 7 they had a CC task 3 a B task from 2.30 AAT , won again by Jordan. Of course height-gain was possible too.Not too difficult to figure out he won this years edition of the UK-wave comps. 1. Jordan Richards in LS 6 b with 2.452 points. 2. John Tanner in Duo Discus with 1.981 p. 3. Robert Tait in Silence 2 Electro with 1.976 p 4. John Williams in LS 8 /18m with 1.958 p.
All in all they had good weather ; 6 out of 7 days were soarable. 3 Of them for good long tasks and 5 for height gaining. The Deeside Gliding Club mentioned; “Congratulations to Jordan Richards for winning the UK Mountain Soaring Championships in a dominating style, and collecting the trophy for greatest gain of height over the week (in excess of 50,000ft gained without an engine!). The visitor season is off to a good start.” CONGRATULATIONS to Jordan.
“Gliding at Aboyne only exists because of our volunteer tug pilots. It’s also a great way for aspiring airline pilots to build hours.“ I know all about that and can only TOTALLY agree.
—–Last week I showed you many containers ready for Narromine . Cleaning such a container is MOST important. Even the grass from the elastic bands [Velcro] on the covers had to be removed!!The Dutch worked hard, with as many family members as possible, at the airport of Midden Zeeland, were the container was.
There were changes in the Dutch team, some on the list are not going ,some are ,…Erik is “new” too. Club: Thies Bruins and Roelof Corporaal Standard; Sjaak Selen. 15m; Erik Borgmann en Jeroen Verkuijl All very experienced pilots certainly in standard and 15 m. Club is with YOUNG Dutch toppers on it’s way to be very experienced, though Thies flew already a WGC.[France]
TOP- CONTAINER- PACKER Francesco, as said specially flown in from Australia, supervising Roelof ,one of our future stars. Francesco and Grietje ran and were owners of Australian Soaring Centre Corowa , now owned by Keith Gately. Dutch Gliding Team
—–Jonker Sailplanes shared this picture and news; “Two BEAUTIES in the sky. What an extraordinary late summer weekend in the Schweizer Jura! Saturday and Sunday the Jura provided excellent gliding conditions for glider pilots and hundreds of paragliders. Endless energy lines, strong climbs, a high cloudbase and friendly controllers giving green lights to pass through prohibited airspaces made flights between 800 and 900km possible. Here Yves Gerster JS3 RES and Uys Jonker JS3 JET racing up and down the Jura. What fun.” Read more on WeGlide:
Also Bert Schmelzer jr and Rolf Friedli choose to fly on Sunday in those excellent Swiss conditions; 879 in Ventus 3T and 882 km in AS 33es. Bert flew on Saturday 974 km. as well !!!! Mind you September 9 and 10!!!!! AUTUMN….. Bert mentioned; “Best end of the season since I live in Switzerland. Really unbelievable.”
——-IF necessary a plane can be a boat too,…preferably not but…as said when necessary!
——One of my soaring mates shared this news yesterday: “Incredible flight today. I’ve always dreamed of soaring XC in the SCU 2-22 but it takes a perfect day to be able to do it. The thermals dont have to be really strong but they absolutely have to be close together. Today they were and we’ll marked with cumulus clouds. I wandered my way from Sunflower to Wichita Gliderport and the glider is now in position for next week’s vintage rally. Oh I saw three Bald Eagles today and I ve never had a bad flight when I see a Bald Eagle.” He “ raced “with a speed of 31 km./h over 93 km!!!!THAT IS THE REAL SOARING!!!!! with more news about the flight.
Not long and there is a lot to write about all those gliders now moving over seas and oceans and later arriving in Africa and Australia, for a new season and the WGC in Narromine.
Cheers Ritz..CU on Wednesday EVENING!!!!!!
Last but not least! NEARLY forgotten…..but important for my Aussie mates…Over 40 aircraft will take to the skies at the 2023 Tocumwal Airshow.
“The Tocumwal Historic Aerodrome is looking picture perfect ahead of this Sunday’s Tocumwal Airshow. Get all your airshow info and tickets are available online, attheTocumwal Aviation Museumor at the gate on the day….but save time and a bit of money and beat the queues and get your tickets early.“ Tocumwal Airshow
On Wednesday August 30 a task was set for Race 1, day 4; 129.34 km…..All 19 pilots were more than eager to fly. The cold front was gone but there was still a possibility for rain. CD Brian said; “The challenge today is that we are sandwiched between rain, low cloud and airspace. If the cloud does not overdevelop and the rain stays to the west of Pavullo a short and fast race will be possible.’ Did they fly????YES THEY DID, even smaller task ….119 km. but there were winners and it was a good race with nice cu-conditions, though the climbs were only 1 m./s, the cloud base was pretty low and the window “small”. Stefan Langer won race 1 after a regatta start at 14.50, with a speed of 114.9 km./ his ASG 29/18m. Runner up was Mike Young with 8 points [Ventus 3T] and Alberto Sironi in the AS 33 was 3d. In my “box” I found the next SGP- news;”After a very exciting race Stefan Langer from Germany won. He was higher from the first leg on and resisted the pressure of the gaggle behind him. On the last thermal, Mike Young (UK), Alberto Seroni (IT), Sebastian Kawa (POL) and Gorgio Galetto (IT) caught up.”
Race 2 day 5 on August 31; 210.52 km.….The organizers message for today about the weather; “There is a southerly airflow along the coast of Italy that is feeding moist air onto the Appenines. This is bringing unstable air and good soaring condition, but also rain in the afternoon.“ BUT…they had to go to a B task from 168 km. New faces on the top spots ,though Stefan ,of course, was there 1 day earlier too. Speed by Sebastian who won the day; 104.02 km./h …Stefan 102.01 km./h and Tilo 101.01 km./h. Competition Director Brian Spreckley said, ‘We expected it to be difficult, but not this difficult.’ The full story from day 2 on;
Stefan as runner up [8 daily points], Sebastian on top,[10 daily points] and Tilo who loves Grand Prix comps was 3d.[ 7 daily points].
The difference between number 4 Erik and number 5 Alberto was SMALL: 100.08 km./h and 100.06 km./h. and in points ONE.
Race 3 on day 6 on September 1 and 1 more to go;310.22 km The meteorological autumn has started on this part of the world, but looking at the distance it’s a good autumn -day. “Fine conditions with light winds and thermals to over 2000m.” Let’s wait what happens today?! 10 points for somebody who really loves SGP soaring; Tilo Holighaus. In a cab to a party somewhere in the middle of nowhere, but close to Uvalde [2012] he told us , brother Ralf was there too, he really loved this type of flying. He won but JUST; 105.5 km./h and 105.3 km./h for Max [Seis]. ….both flying a VENTUS 3. And “our” Erik did well too; 3 with 105 km./h. A real race between them. The first 10 all flew over 100 km./h.
Max, Tilo in the middle and Erik. Good on them.
Race 4 on day 7 and the VERY LAST DAY starting with 18 points for Stefan, 17 for Tilo and 14 for Max. “For the final day of SGP Final Pavullo the weather is fine again and a 248 km task has been set.“ More stable, dry thermals , they fly over the mountain tops where they expect a convergence line according to CD Brian. I looked at this last race with very clear comments from Benjamin Neglais and as it is in Italy, Stefano Ghiorzo explained all about the mountains and ridges. So easy to follow it then. Good job from them. The first time I saw this , was in Rieti a long time ago,when Art Grant with his “deep” voice was the commentator and he was good too, it then was an eyeopener for me, nowadays it’s pretty normal. With some excitement in the voices we heard and saw “47 km. to go to the last/3d TP on top of a mountain,on this last day for Alberto [Sironi] in MA “. But he was much lower than runner up Thomas [Gostner] in GT, who tried to stay as high as possible , but Alberto reached it first. Ben and Stefano really hoped for lift for Alberto.[1600 m] otherwise the “followers” could catch up. He got it ,but was it enough to stay upfront??? Unfortunately Stefan made a “mistake” , got lift again, is still in the race but might be out of the “top”.[ Indeed this was said!!] Alberto followed a different track than the others . He flew all by himself more east of the track straight to the last control point….but still missing 100 m to make it!!!! Is there still enough energy to keep the height. Some were not high enough to just glide home. They fly not fast 150 km./h and GT closes in I am not going to follow this every time, it’s to scary for me, not good for my heart. “We have a nice finish” said Benjamin ,with a happy voice ,so I felt it bit more at ease. Above 850 m OVER the finish line is compulsory, so penalties might spoil the last flight from Alberto and maybe from Thomas. Have to wait for the final results now! Pfffff…..The referee will be busy. 1 Point extra on the last day!!!so 11 points to gain. 9 PM is the dinner and prize giving in down town Pavullo and there will be a WORLD CHAMPION as they call it.
It turned out totally different than expected. Indeed there were penalties and what for penalties ??? Alberto got 274 penalty ,Thomas 84, so the winner for 11 points was German pilot Hermann Leucker in JS3. “The last race is over and it was crazy with the 3 main challengers (Tilo Haulighaus, Sebastian Kawa and Max Seis) falling at the back/ flying the wrong task . Stefan Langer could have had an easy win but he missed a critical step on the 3rd leg and the gaggle passed him. Finally, the daily winners arrived very low.” In the end Stefan , “who might be out of the top”, got ONE point on this last day, meaning there were 2 pilots equal with 19 points ; Stefan and “our” Erik Borgmann. But then extra rules start and as Stefan won day 1, he got the GOLD and Erik the SILVER.
World champion; 1. Stefan Langer in ASG 29 with 19 points. 2. Erik Borgmann in JS 3 with 19 points. 3. Hermann Leucker in JS3 with 18 points. 4. Tilo Holighaus in Ventus 3 with 17 points. 5. Alberto Sironi in AS33 with 16 points. 6. Sebastian Kawa and 7. Max Seis both in Ventus 3 had 14 points.
The proud “WORLD CHAMPION” and his silver and bronze companions. as shared by Dutch Gliding Team
Happy chappies Joyce and Erik. Busy season for them since Erik retired from KLM. First the Dutch Nationals, then the EGC where he and Joost were 4th and now RUNNER UP in Pavullo. Then straight away back to The Netherlands to pack the JS3 in the container for shipment to Australia [WGC in Narromine]
–——The change of season has started; YES,…it’s that time of the year again. The meteorological autumn started on September 1 and Down under the spring time. The weather is already pretty good there, in fact you can fly through the year in Australia. Spring has announced itself with fields full of the yellow canola and the bottle brush starts to flower. It looks a bit like a red-gum- flower.
The Canola fields in Tocumwal and surrounding. I have seen them manny, many yeara in REAL. Tocumwal Aviation Museum
—— Gliders for the Bitterwasser season have been shipped to be in time for their season, more or less between November 1 and January 15. “Looking forward to the season by Hannah On August 22, 2023, the first four gliders were loaded into the container in Waghäusel. The anticipation of the season in Bitterwasser and the togetherness had arisen very quickly, which facilitated the loading in strong heat. In the end, each plane had its place and is now waiting for departure. In the middle of September it is then so far! The Arcen will then make their way to Bitterwasser. The remaining containers will be loaded on 09 September 2023 in order to arrive in time for the start of the flying season. (Text and pictures Hannah Schweckendiek)
——–The German Team is very busy with the shipment of their gliders to Narromine for the WGC down under, during the first 2 weeks in December.
Also the pilots in 15 m, standard and club class, put a lot of effort in ;Simon Schröder , Stefan Langer , Enrique Levin , Uwe Wahlig und Henrik Biehler
–——Also the Polish team is sending a HUGE container with 6 gliders to Narromine, as you can see on the above picture from Lukasz. They have a different system, they move some kind of iron pallet, with the gliders on it, in the container.
I have seen many constructions” to send gliders in a container not yet this one. Interesting.
Ready to be moved in the container. I hope they know that not the tiniest little bit of sand or dust is to be found by the Australian harbor authorities on wheels, bags or whatever…. They are VERY strict!!! Pictures courtesy Łukasz Błaszczyk
–—the Dutch container is cleaned and packed last weekend. With Francesco from Corowa this was an easy job, as he has shipped many containers . He specially was flown in to pack the container, to have NO problems with arrival. Sometimes when things go wrong, that can be very time consuming.
Francesco to the left and Jeroen Verkuijl who will fly in Narromine takes the picture. Shared by their TC Bart Renckens
—-The French team starts also with the cleaning of the container. VERY IMPORTANT, for Australia. Not their first time!!!!!!
—–Closer by the “UK Mountain Soaring Championships started at Aboyne, and they are hopeful of good wave soaring conditions. As always the Deeside Gliding Club is the host! They started last Sunday and though they did not fly every day till now Cross Country ,they for sure went for height. Day 1 was straight away a good one with both elements CC and height; a 4 hour AAT and “the club two seaters are already at 14,500 feet and we will be launching the grid very soon.” Jordan Richards in an LS6 b flew 451.48 km . with a speed of 111 km./h. Great comment on his flight:”Jordan Richards won the first day of the UKMSC with an excellent 430km flight. On his way home he flew from Forres to Aboyne in 19 minutes, a journey which would take 1hr 43mins by car. That is an average speed of 249kph / 155mph. Now we will admit that his glider cannot take 2 kids and a Labrador for a lovely day out in Forres, HOWEVER, there were significantly less caravans in the way on Jordan’s route home...”
21 Pilots some HC and 5 did not finish. The organizers mentioned; “One of our club member has just started descending from 20,100. A few competitors have flown to the furthest point in the first sector before turn south. “ Day 2 was good for height not so much for CC flying . That part was scrubbed, but for a scrubbed day the height was good;16.000 ft. Day 2’s results; Glider Pilot High Point Low Point Gain 3M Dave Latimer 16016 2433 13583 60 Paul & Cook 15046 2054 12992 X6 Jordan Richards 14066 2347 11719 3D John Tanner 12049 2810 9239 R1 Tony Mountain 10832 2985 7847 J5 Phil Penrose 11155 3458 7697 DD2 King & King 10186 3067 7119 115 Robert Tait 10846 3950 6896 2C Chris Dawes 0230 3468 6762 Day 3 was cancelled. you can follow them on , where they have all the news as well.
—-AND, the 2d FAI VIRTUAL Gliding Grand Prix….. “I did it, me and my virtual JS3 are world champions of the virtual sailplane grand prix!” Arne Martin Güettler Great job Arne Martin, CONGRATULATIONS. “With an outstanding 37 points over 7 breathtaking races, Arne-Martin displayed incredible skills and unwavering determination throughout the week, steadily gaining power to seize the coveted title today! Number 3 was from the Netherlands; Wiek Schoenmakers. Great job Wiek!!!!! “A stunning performance by Wiek Schoenmakers from the Netherlands in the 7th and final race of the 2nd FAI Virtual Sailplane Grand Prix! Wiek’s stellar performance earns him a whopping 11 points for the day, launching him onto the podium with a well-deserved 3rd place overall finish!” On the last day he was not yet in the last top- 4 -group.
——AND, the first 1000 km “OUT and RETURN “flight out from Slovenia is a fact. Straight after departure from Italy where Luka Žnidaršič [LZ design] flew the final of the FAI SGP, he flew in a DUO DISCUSFES, a flight from 1.127 km OUT AND RETURN with a speed of 131.82 km./h.!!!! Together with Bernard Dobre they started and flew back to Postojna. Have a look at or the
More news next Wednesday. By the way the average normal temperature on Sept 6 is 20 dgr. C we have 32 today!!!!!! Cheers Ritz
Uvalde pre world and 18m NATIONALS 14 August 2023 – 25 August 2023
In my last blog, I was worried IF they could fly during the last days because of a “hurricane hanging around” . They did not on August 22 and 23. But there was still hope. August 24 Task 10 on flying day 6; 18 m;3.15 AAT....with a rather late start , between 2.30 and 2.45 PM and after a muddy happening to get the gliders on the grid,but they were there and could fly. David Greenhill in his AS 33es was the best with 424 km and a speed of 113.64 km./h. Sean Fidler was runner up and leads overall with one more day to go. 24 started and 19 finished. 20 m; 3.15 AAT…..Not everybody wanted to fly with the low cloud base. Only 1, in the ARCUS M, tried and …finished. Adam did not fly in his borrowed glider. Good decision. “Pasi & I decided to abandon the task today, there was CU to 5000′ over the start line with very weak climbs, on track, blue skies. The ground is very wet, so the day never got going within 30-50km of Uvalde. We were limited to airfields as we didn’t dare land out today, it’d take 10 people to walk out the glider & probably a few days to do it if we got it wrong.” more in Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures open; 3.15 AAT...those long wings fly nearly always, so also in Uvalde. 4 of the 5 participating gliders flew! Keith had another winning day ….476 km with a speed of 118.84 km./h…..and Bruce was runner up in his borrowed ASH 31 MI. “Today was a pretty huge day for me. For a couple of days of rain and showers the glider had been parked outside, with full covers on, so there were some mud splashes to clean up, covers to dry, and still the normal preparations of ballasting and washing. As I was unscrewing the hose fitting from the wing underside, I inadvertently undid the brass fitting that holds the water bags and dump valve in place in the wing. It twisted very slightly inside the wing, and try as we might we couldn’t get the thread to start to screw it back in!” poor Bruce but how he fixed it you can read in Taylor’s Gliding Page After all the “fuzz” Bruce only lost 9 daily points on Keith.
August 25 task 11 on flying day 7; LAST DAY!!!!! 18m; 376.59 km…..good to see Bif Huss on the daily top again. No I don’t know him but a few years ago he won out of the blue the USA Nationals and he looked as a very interesting person when I read about him and saw the pictures. So this day was won by him; speed 129.18 km./h. And moved up to spot 4 , just not at the podium. [6.566 points]That podium was for Sean Fiddler who was only 13th on the last day but held on. Winners and champion of the USA 18 m NATIONALS; 1. Sean Fiddler in ASG 29 with 6,748 points. Also winner of the Charlie Spratt 18M Trophy! 2. Sean Murphy in JS3 with 6,716 p. 3. Jerzy Szemplinski in ASG 29 with 6,595 p. The winner of the Charlie (Lite) Minner 18M Speed Trophy-, was Gary Ittner.
20 m. class;358.92 km….the DuoDiscus with Adam and Pasi was the best again; speed 115.85 km./h. They won with quite a margin this pre- worlds competition. 1. Adam Woolleyand Pasi Pulkkinen from Australia and Finland in Duo Discus XLT with 5,987 points. 2. Pete Alexander in ASG32MI with 5,843 p. 3. Barry Jaeger in ARCUS M with 5.564 p.
open class;409.65 km….And finally…… it was Bruce’s time to shine! He won the day; speed 115.53 p/h ahead of Keith with 112.22 km/h and Jim 108.44 km./h. Winners in this class; 1. Keith Essex in EB 29R with 6.952 points. 2. Jim Lee in JS1 /21 m. with 6741 p. 3. John Cochrane in EB 29 with 6670 p. Bruce was 4th but here he is for the last time on this competition; “Finally, after getting soundly thrashed all comp, today I managed a day win! I felt really good, as it was mostly a long, slow dribble. Very many clouds not working, and very many short, broken and weak climbs, so it was a satisfying win. It’s been an unusual competition here in Uvalde, with only very rare sessions of what I consider to be “normal” south-west Texan weather. Who knows what really is normal now. And next year? What will happen then, and will I even be here? Who knows that either…” much more in Taylor’s Gliding Page
And I finish with Adam and Pasi; “The last day went to plan, we just focused on coring the weaker thermals fast, taking a few climbs a few turns higher to ensure we never had to turn back (for an airfield, the fields are still super wet), looking long down the legs & using the cloud shadows to ensure good streeting, then finally, eased onto final glide carefully as per the skysight guidance.”Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures
THANK YOU to both Adam and Pasi and to Bruce for sharing their interesting and good daily reports AND pictures.
Junior Nationals in the UK Gransden Lodge, United Kingdom, 19 August 2023 – 27 August 2023
Unbelievable we are here suffering from huge amounts of rain and they fly every day. Small tasks that’s true, but they fly!!! “A great week so far at the UK Junior Gliding Nationals being hosted by Cambridge Gliding Centre, some incredible flying by some very talented youngsters in weather that is being unusually kind allowing task flying every day.” shared by Gliding August 23 Task 5; 140.04 km….George White who won task 3 and 4 won also task 5 in his ASW 20. 104 km./h and from the 40 young ones who started only 3 did not finish. August 24Task 6; 146.46 km....Sam Coole, from the Lasham Gliding Society in his Discus was the daily best; 90.52 km./h. Henry was 3d and consolidating his overall spot at this stage. 40 started and 29 finished. August 25Task 7; 157.13 km….a new face, on the podium, flying a Discus ;Theodore Nellis. Speed 125.57 km./h. Runner up Ollie Wheeler in ASW 20 had 117.16 km./h. So Theodore was pretty fast. 41 started and 37 finished. August 26 task 8;141.99 km….They just continue…8 days out of 8….Well,….only ONE pilot finished! George in his ASW 20. With a speed of 46.78 km./h. he gained 275 points. Runner up Henry was out after 115 km and gained 208 points. August 27 task 9;120.04…BUT, they had to cancel the last day. There wasno window to fly the full 8 out of 8 days. NO WORRIES. Good champions anyhow. 1. Henry Inigo-Jones in LS8 with 4,468 points.JUNIOR CHAMPION. 2. Toby Freeland in ASW 20 with 4,305 p. 3. Ben Edkins in LS 8 with 4,172 p. 4. George White in ASW 20 with 4,137 p. He was out on day 1 and lost 467 points on Henry that day.
A different podium than “normal” Very nice. 1st place – Henry Inigo-Jones 2nd place – Toby Freeland 3rd place – Ben Edkins Best under 21 – Ben Edkins Best Newcomer – James Cox Gransden Club Classic winner – Lewis Bricknell UK Gliding Junior Nationals 2023
FAI SGPFINAL XI 24 August 2023 – 2 September 2023 PAVULLO
The runway from Pavullo . “The Pavullo Airfield is located in the northern Apennine foothills in the Emilia region at an altitude of 684m above sea level. The Alpine arc and the intervening Po plain shields this region from the classic Central European weather formations. Northeast of the airfield, the terrain is almost at sea level and the air mass in this area is influenced by the Po Valley.“
For sure another final great race with only top pilots, 19 of them. 2 From the UK, 1 from the Netherlands and 1 from the Czech Rep. , 3 from Italy, 3 from France, 3 from Poland and 6 from Germany. Among them also the youngest participant, MAX MASLAK. Only 20 years old!!! I wrote about him a few times in my blogs; about his 1000 k’s in Namibia and his participation in the German Juniors. On August 24 and 25 they could practice , on August 26 they had a rest day and the opening at the Place of the San Bartolomeo Church in Pavullo city.
Part of the Pavullo-heroes at the square in Pavullo town.
The 7 races started on August 27 ….. RACE 1; 154.47 km.... BUT….the day had to be cancelled.They had a full week of good weather and on the morning of day 1 it was 7/8 of clouds and there was NO WAY to fly. The weather was not good for a few days . We know El Nino, El Nina and now I learned about the Genua “low”/depression . Another weather-phenomena which over the last couple of days created code RED in the middle part of Europe, with scary weather. As CD Brian said; “The weather is ALWAYS the boss. We are the servants of the weather and we just have to do the best with the weather we get“.
Race 2; CANCELLED…..the weather in Mid Europe and the Alps is a “disaster” at the moment. Understandable they do not fly. But….as always there is hope for the next day. Brian said….”the depression is still over the Apennines and moving slowly more East. It will improve tomorrow and they hope on 4 good days from then“
Race 3; After 3 cancelled races due to severe weather circumstances., they hope to fly today. The word cancelled is NOT YET there. Next week more! In between you can follow the race when it is on, via a live stream
When you don’t know exactly what the GP means you can look at the next page to find all in’s and out’s.
Polish 51 st Junior Nationals and OSTROW GLIDE. Ostrów Wielkopolski Michałków, Poland 16 August 2023 – 27 August 2023
I have been at MANY comps and nearly always the Polish- team- members belong to the toppers. So …good to keep an eye on them. They had their Junior Nationals last week and as they have all difficult names ,I only look back at the event. In Standard class, they had 24 pilots. They flew 5 out of 11 available days. Jakub Kaczorowski in LS 8 was the overall best junior with 3,657 points. THE VERY BEST, he won EVERY DAY!!!!! For sure we are going to hear more from him. I’ll try to remember his name. In Club class they had 4 out of 11 days and 14 participants. Grzegorz Socha in an Astir CS won overall. He won 2 days and was 2 days runner up. 2.750 points for him. In the 18 m. Regionals they had 7 days and Karol Staryszak was clearly the best with 4,939 points. He won 5 daily prizes!!! The senior Club Class Nationals for qualification was won by another well known pilot; Stanisław Wujczak in a Mini Nimbus B. He got 3,262 points which was ONLY 4 points more than runner up Mirosław Izydorczak in ASW 20.
—–Proud news fromSchempp-Hirthabour the 1st EGC in Leszno in Poland; “In some very variable weather conditions ranging from poor to super fast days , the Schempp-Hirth team is proud to announce that the Ventus-3T is again European champion thanks to Lukasz Wojcik from team Poland! Lukasz is new European champion, followed by Peter Millenaar (The Netherlands) on JS3 and Sebastian Kawa (Poland) on Ventus-3T. Congratulations too to all the pilots on Ventus in the top 10 of the overall score. Wolfgang Janowitsch (Austria) finishes 4th, Lukasz Grabowski (Poland) 7th, Bert Schmelzer (Belgium) 8th. We thank them all for the trust they put on this glider. Again and again, this kind of event would be impossible without the many volunteers and professionals engaged We, the pilots, owe you, as usual, a lot!“
A family affair…again. Lucasz and HIS family. picture courtesy Lukas Wojcik
——-News from the Perlan Project; Interesting to see that Matthew Scutter from #TeamSkySight is now again in Argentina; he travels a lot. He is there to support the Perlan 2 on their Mission. that day August 23 you could follow them on this link, maybe it’s still there. They mentioned; “Currently on aerotow… for 50,000ft “ Perlan is back in Argentina preparing for another crack at FL900 (almost 30km high!). SkySight is proud to be producing wave forecasts for the Perlan Project – and they’re viewable by all the Perlan fans at home via When Perlan is flying, you’ll also see the glider itself in real time overlaid on the wave forecasts. A few days later on August 25 he wrote; “Perlan 2 was somewhat successful yesterday with the 11th highest ever glider flight at 60,000ft! But perhaps more impressive was the probable world record “Most Expensive Aerotow”, with nearly two hours hanging on behind the Egrett into the mid 40’s. There was a good possibility of stratospheric wave today, but the Perlan 2 is not dissimilar to a military helicopter with about 2 hours preparation and maintenance needed per flying hour, so back-to-back flight days are almost impossible. We are watching to see what the next days bring.“ Interesting how Matthew after being a good young pilot, then JWGC champion, then good in WGC’s and many other also European comps, then involved with his SKYSIGHT, now is in ARGENTINA to help PERLAN with weather prognoses. TOP!!!! Matthew Scutter’s Gliding
And……yesterday the message was :”Instead of flying the highest glider flight, or even taking the most expensive aerotow ever, we’re doing glider maintenance in the most remote location ever… some very complex gremlins being chased down. Derigging is a challenge – the glider is about 1000kg all up, and the inboard wing panels are 160kg each.”
——–Formula 1 in The Netherlands from Zandvoort. WHATADAY!!!!!! When you have not seen it try to find it somewhere on the “net”. Max won, maybe his best race ever, ….he is a great ambassador for our country , so is Andre Rieu who with 80 people of his orchestra played AT the grid and sung the Dutch National anthem. The king was there with Maxima and 2 daughters, more than 300.000 over 3 days ,looked in Zandvoort to the performances in sun, wind and rain, also from Fernando Alonso, who at his age was 3d!! And 2,3 million looked at TV here in The Netherlands.
the king of the country ,Willem Alexander and the king of the Formula 1, Max. Photo by Mark Thompson/Getty Images
Nobody was allowed to enter Zandvoort by car , so either they came by bus, train or bike. Look at this.
I hope they found their own bike back. As shared by Toto Highgarden from New York. One DUTCH person Bas van Rijsbergen, commented; “We are the dutch!!! We have found America and a lot of other countries in the past… we will find our bikes !!!”
I am NOT a chauvinist, but a real lover from sport and the day even became better with EUROPEANGOLD for both our male and female hockey players ,with a ticket for the Olympic games AND in the evening the 3x 400 m at Budapest at the World championship showed a race in which Femke Bol as last runner did what nobody expected, but maybe only hoped for. AT the finish line she passed Jamaica and GOLD was in the pocket. As said WHATADAY!!!!
The 4 x 400m Dutch runners with Femke to the left. As shared by Hardloopnetwerk
Enough news .Next week more about the FAI SGP and finally there are less comps, so my arms and poor head get some rest. I start straight away with a nice walk. By the way DOWN UNDER they have flown from Kingaroy [East] already over 500 k tasks and it ‘s still winter there. On June 12, midwinter Toc-Lumpy, flew in his JS3 /18m] from Kingaroy a 500 FAI triangle and 604 OLC km.’s. Not bad it shows that you can fly all year somewhere down under. Cheers Ritz.
To finish a picture from those EVER CREATIVE ASK 13 organizers.
WeGlide mentioned on this event; “The annual ASK13 meeting in St. Crepin is one of the highlights of the year and high on our bucketlist! This year, 24 ASK13 have gathered to race through the Alps and share the enthusiasm on vintage gliders.”