NO- Wings night!

Latest news by Ritz on November 5 2006

Pepe arrived yesterday. He will stay for a few days , before he moves on, for a few months of good Aussie gliding.
Lothar and his wife arrived this morning and joined the new club here at the airfield in Tocumwal. There will be very good news (hopefully) soon about the club. I will keep you informed as soon as it is public, you will know it.

John arrived this morning too, just to see how Dundee is after they cut the power off in the caravan site on Friday. Hana and Lada and Dundee still lived there . Dundee had to sleep in his car but a few real good friends took care of him. That is gliding too!!!!´

Infact the season should have started yesterday with wings night. Sorry for all who went solo last season and miss out on their wings. Instead of a “buzzing field “, it was quiet though the young voices of my just arrived grand children made some happy noises!How great, to be young and not bother about things!!!My family moved in , in a motel in town, after we could not stay, as planned a LONG time ago AT the airfield, due to the “power-cut-off”.I stay with good friend Margie, also a former “boss ” here at the field. Enough to talk about!!!!

Jari is coming soon , so is Rob and Brutus. Jari hopes to fly here with the club and Rob and Brutus pass by to see us all for the last time together AT the airfield.

With 28 dgr. a 3 knot wind from the SE and nice clouds popping up , but also disappearing again, it looks like a nice day. Eddie is very busy with ultra light flying over the entire weekend and Dundee is preparing a BBQ with German Bratkartoffel for 8 tonight .

Lots of visitors for the museum here today. That will stay open for a few more months.The weather is good, gliders and overseas guests are arriving in Australia, so more gliding news over the next couple of weeks.

As you can read on the Corowa site , 3 containers have arrived and they start flying today ! We wish them a safe season.Also to Max and Derek at Benalla :safe flying! Off course to all my friends in Waikirie, Narromine and Jondaryan, the same message! Cheers Ritz

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