JWGC ;day 3! Scrubbed /cancelled! Updated with finish pictures from day 1.

Post 1.508 on July 16 2024

Looking back first on day 2!
In the end 34 from 44 finished in CLUB on task 2 and 20 from 23 in STANDARD.
Not too bad for the big distance.
Belgium was happy with their runner-up-spot [so they should] in club class and shared this picture from the daily-prize-giving.

Marina ,president of the jury up front and the boys from l. to r. Alexandre, David and Martijn.
Belgian Junior Gliding Team 

British Gliding Team, looked back too
“A challenging day yesterday for both Standard and Club Class. George D sustained minor damage in a field landing. George is doing well and hopefully have the glider back up and running soon. A huge thank you to everyone in the UK and beyond, as well as here in Ostrów who offered their help. It is massively appreciated.
The Standard Class had a tricky day, with 50km best glides back to the airfield, using the last of the days available lift 🌤
Today is looking interesting, with storms forecast later this afternoon

Czech Republic Gliding Team; they were very succesful yesterday with a 1-2 and 3 spot in standard class.
Co-operation between the 3 was the key to succes, they say.
Overall, after 2 days they lead also the overall scores, with Lukas and Jaromir on 1 and 2 and Michaela on 4!!!!
AND,….on top of that , they lead in the race for the TEAM CUP; 942.67 points. Ahead of Germany, France, The Netherlands and Poland. Still hopefull many days to come!!!

From l to r. Jaromir, Lukas and Michaela.
Is this the other key to succes??? Some kind of yoga-soaring-gymnastic before the flight????
Czech Republic Gliding Team

July 16; Today is another day with a difficult to predict weather scheme. Storms are expected , so it was a bit of waiting if they YES or NO would fly.
In the end , the day was scrubbed at 12 PM; no flying!

“Indya’ s corner”
I found the link to the “reel” Here you are and I hope it works;


The story goes further. I checked how to get the “reel” in my blog. Robert advised that under the reel is a sign ‘share’ .I tried, saw many names, but not my blog. Decided NOT to share. 1 Minute later I get thank you messages from my FB friends.
One way or another I shared it to maybe even All my FB friends.
Don’t know by now. AND,…sorry if I annoyed you with it.
Anyhow,…it’s INTERNATIONAL PR for the Dutch young ones.
But,…to be honest it’s a nice video from Indya and I had NO CLUE I was sharing.
Have to learn more quickly on my old age.

No flying today, means a day off for me too. Back later when I get interesting news ,other pictures during the day, if not CU tomorrow!
Cheers Ritz

Update; from some beautiful pictures shared by the organizers .
PHOTOS Landing DAY 1 14.07.2024.
Courtesy Martn Levitzky, he knows how to make good soaring pictures.

Aeroklub Ostrowski
Aeroklub Ostrowski
Aeroklub Ostrowski

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