JWGC day 2 with 400 km tasks and looking back on day 1.

Post 1.507 on July 15 2024

Ostrów Wielkopolski Michałków Poland
July 13-24 2024

Looking back on day 1 was for most a pleasure, certainly for the winners in each class.
On JULY 15 daily prizes were presented to the top 3 of each class from task 1. The Dutch pilots were very enthusiastic with a 1 for Lars, – 9 for Tim and 11th spot for Wout in club class. The UK boys did well too; both Georges were in the top 10. [5 and 6]
French pilot Victor was surely happy with his runner up spot and Italian pilot Alessandro with his 3d spot.
Very pleased to see that Martijn [Belgium] was on spot 10.

All happy chappies from l to r. Victor, Lars and Alessandro. 13th FAI Junior World Gliding Championships & 5th FAI 13,5m WGC 2024

In standard Jakub was the best. The German team will be happy with Max, Jan and Nils on spot 3,4 and 5 and Poland had nothing to complain with Maciej and Wictor on spot 6 and 7. Czech Rep had also 2 pilots in the top 10; Lukas and Jaromir [8 and 9] and on 10 was Dutch pilot Tim.

Pôle France Planeur with from l to r Max, Jakub and Victor. Well done guy’s!!!!

Reaction from team Germany on day 1;”The first official day of the JWGC is over. With blue thermals to start with and showers on final glide. Our 6 pilots did well”.

German Junior Gliding Team

This is a day 1 report from USA pilot Steven Tellmann from club and on 41 yesterday.
“The launch today was a lot of hurry up and wait (just like any contest), crews scrambling to get gliders on the line by 10:30, expected first launch around 11:30, and the team launched around 2pm. The blue weather in the start cylinder was quite fun as the cumulus started to fill in from the surrounding areas. The flight can be found on WeGlide or OLC (in the links below). I had a great time flying with David and Jacob, I am learning a lot of team flying techniques from both of them.”

“Photo when we completed our first JWGC task!” Steven Tellmann

Time to look at day 2;
The briefing started with an important message:

13th FAI Junior World Gliding Championships & 5th FAI 13,5m WGC 2024

July 15; Day 2. BIG tasks for the “little planes”, as in each class a 400 k was announced. It would be interesting to know if 1 or 2 of these 67 young ones, EVER flew a 400 k.
This is a morning picture from the Dutch team, looking good and clouds popping up.

The gliders with call sign Au and Ag [LS4a] are specially reserved for the Dutch junior squad and owned by the Foundation Soaring Events Holland. As it is very difficult for young ones to get a glider from the club for a longer time, this foundation has been over the years, a huge help for the juniors.
Dutch Junior Gliding Team
As shared by Belgian Junior Gliding Team they also hope for ” some clouds/cumulus and not only blue thermals!”

CLUB class; it took a while before scores appeared on soaring spot. Maybe the server is not big enough??? Sometimes organisers underestimate, that not only pilots, but also family, friends, granddad and grandma want to keep an eye on how their [grand]children/friends do.
On top of that , I read that the very good weather forecast, turned out to be different than expected.
But still a lot of finishers.
Task 2 ; race 403.99 km.
…Not everybody is scored yet, but AT THIS STAGE, David Neumann in ASW 24 was the best for 1000 points, 90 km./h . Great job from Martijn[ Belgium] who at this stage is runner up after an early start at 13.12 ; 89 km./h.
3 French “young ones” Alexandre, Nicolas and Clement[ from the well known French de Pechy family] under supervision of TOP coach Eric, finished on spot 3-4 and 5 with 80 km./h.
9 PM; at this stage 6 have outlanded and 5 are not yet scored.
More of course tomorrow.

Task 2; race 400.98 km…..
At this stage 19 finishers ; a lot of LS 8 gliders . In the top, 3 Czech pilots and as the daily best Lukáš Kříž with 94 km./h. for 1000 points.
Runner up Jaromir with 93 km./h and Michaela also with 93 km./h but just a fraction less.

9.PM; 3 were “out” both South African pilots and 1 Dutch pilot, but they were SO CLOSE. They flew 383 and 335 km . But on a 1000 points day, the differences are big; 1000 for the winner and 405 for our South African mates Henry and Philipp and 354 for Noud.
Ouch ..that hurts.

All scores of course preliminary

“Indya’s Corner.”
This time there is a very nice “REEL” from the Dutch Junior Gliding Team created by Floor and Indya, both along crew also great PR personalities .
This “reel” is from July 14, called “what a day”., to be found on the site of the Dutch Junior Gliding Team  , with great finishes. Hope you can find it , don’t know how to copy and paste them in my blog.

Everybody is for sure busy and tired after such a long day.
No more news now, but hopefully tomorrow will be another good day.

Cheers Ritz

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