GOOD tasks again, on the one-but-last-day!

Post 1.518 on July 25 2024

As shared by Pôle France Planeur pictures courtesy Julien Legendre.

After the happy pictures from the INTERNATIONAL EVENING, back to the serious stuff.
SOARING, that’s why they are all there.
A good day again…they are ALL so lucky with the weather!!!!

At briefing the winning pilots from task 9 got their prizes and here is the picture from club class.

From l. to r. Danish pilot Jens as runner up, Alexandre from France in the middle and Tim from The Netherlands and Kengo from Japan as 3d.

AND the standard class;

from l. to r. Maciej from Poland on spot 3, in the middle Jakub also from Poland and on spot 2 Lasse from Denmark……..Ostrowski Aeroclub

Thursday July 25; day 12 with task 10; First launches at 11.15, with speed tasks and good weather conditions. It’s 10 dgr. colder than the earlier days, but that feels GOOD and there are cumuls as you can see on the picture;

Aeroklub Ostrowski

Club class;
 425.15 km….At 5.15, 24 were scored and 4 were out, also the 2 USA -boys. On the end of the day 37 finished also Robbe from Belgium as the last finisher with a speed of 85 km./h BUT he FINISHED!!!
I told you in earlier blogs about “the lower countries”. Well,….Belgium and The Netherlands [in standard] did it again. Martijn [Belgium] in his LS3 won the day; speed 109.31 km./h.
Polish Wictor in the ASW 20 was runner up and Danish pilot Jens in the MOSQUITO was 3d. I am impressed with the Danish pilots.
A bit of an off day for Alexandre ,who proudly was on an overall top 2 spot; today he had a late start, later than his mates [don’t know if something “held” him ] and he finished on a daily spot 25. Meaning with 1 day to go from 1 to 3 overall, but so less points, everything is still possible. His mate Nicolas had an even worse day with a 34th spot dropping from 1 overall to 4. Same , a bit later departure time.
At this stage with preliminary scores it’s, FINLAND with Kim, on top spot 1 overall with 1 day to go, Martijn is on spot 2 . Very small differences in points as after so many days and even more kilometres the top 3 has;
Kim, 7.937 points, Martijn 7.913 and Alexandre and Nicolas with 7.779 and 7,709 points. I hope they keep their nerves , sleep well and take the correct times tomorrow to fly off.

Standard class; 503.52 km…at 5.30, 8 pilots had finished with a nice speed of around 121 km./h. But as many days before ,all pilots finished!!! Great task setting and top pilots!!!
“Our” Dutch pilots did extremely well. Niels [what…. IF,….. but if does n’ t exist] and Jasper won the day; 123 km./h for 1000 and 990 points. They started in ” the middle”.
Henry was 3d. A bit of an off-day for Michaela; spot 23 And last today and the only one under 100 km./h . Something must have gone wrong for her.
With 1 day to go the scores are not so close as in club.
The differences tomorrow will be
1. Max with 7.451, 2. Thomas 7.337 and Nils 7.825 and his team mate Jan with 7252 points.
Phillip and Henry are now on 5 and 6 and Jasper moved into the top 10.
The team CUP with ONE DAY TO GO!!!!;
1. Czech Rep with 870.41 points.
2. Germany with 869.22 p.
3. France with 865.74 p
4. Denmark with 846.42 p
5. Netherlands with 843.81 p.

Tomorrow will be the last day, what a great competition those young ones have shown us.
Fly safe tomorrow!!!
As always; scores are preliminary.


FAI SGP in Saint Sulpice

July 25 ready to go .FAI Sailplane Grand Prix

Task: 133.91km… but it was cancelled. “Weather conditions prevented the race from being launched.

Last day tomorrow. Will be exciting. I am ready, they young ones are, so we support them totally.
Go go….
Cheers Ritz
To finish; todays standard class runner up Jasper ,with his crew Indya.

Good on you Jasper.

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