EXTRA; JWGC…2024 in Ostrow, Poland. ” Indya’s corner.”

Post 1.506 on July 14 2024

Ostrów Wielkopolski Michałków, Poland
13 July 2024 – 26 July 2024

13th FAI Junior World Gliding Championships & 5th FAI 13,5m WGC 2024

—–Well,…. they all arrived, said hello to each other, changed ideas about the trip to Ostrow ,[some were more than exciting , ending at the police station in Dresden!] , went to the administration for badges and more, went to the hangar for scrutiny AND,…..had to begin flying ;
Unofficial practice day [ 262.54 km] was on Wednesday July 10, with good results for The Netherlands and South Africa, each “producing” a daily winner. Lars in club in his LS4bneo, who was quite a bit faster the the runner up; 108.67 for 99.38 km./h by Nils Zitzelsberger from Germany.
27 started , 14 finished and 17 still were busy preparing and did not fly.
In standard South African Phillip in LS 8 ,yes member of the well known Jonker family, not flying a JS but an LS 8, as indeed not long ago they confirmed their co-operation with DG.
Thomas Greenhill from the USA was runner up in Discus 2a; 295.32 km was their distance….124 and 120 km./h!!
The day finished with a race back to Ostrów before the forecast thunderstorms rolled in;”All gliders are derigged and in their trailers, as there are heavy thunderstorms passing by the airfield.” British Gliding Team

Finishes as shared by 13th FAI Junior World Gliding Championships & 5th FAI 13,5m WGC 2024

The next practice-day was a 1.30 AAT in CLUB with another Dutch pilot on top this time Wout in LS 4a with Lars on his heels. Nobody finished the task but they flew 68 km which was 12 km. more than the number 3 from France in ASW 20.
In STANDARD it was a young Polish pilot Jakub with 59 km. and a French pilot Lucas with 50 km.

—–The evening before the opening and before the official start of 13th FAI JWGC, they organized a WELCOME PARTY for the guests. It looked very informal and happy in an awesome hangar.

SATURDAY; OPENING with parade!
The opening ceremony of the World Championships will take place on Saturday at 6:00 p.m.
Start of the march from 3mk Arena Ostrów to the Market Square in Ostrów, where we will welcome the pilots and officially start the sky competitions.”

British Gliding Team

Here are already a few of the teams
The French team with TOP TC Eric Napoleon to the r.

Team UK;

British Gliding Team

Team Italy; with Elena as their TC,.She is the WWGC champion from Lake Keepit !!! Marina Galetto , also from Italy, in the president of the jury.

Aeroklub Ostrowski

Team USA;

US Soaring Teams

Team Germany;

Aeroklub Ostrowski with a few “toppers”.

Dutch team; With TC Ger to the r. of the sign

Aeroklub Ostrowski

THE JWGC started;
Day 1; on July 14; First launch postponed to 13:30. …..blue skies and 24C but the UK mentions; “the weather outlook for today is a short weather window and showery outbreaks expected”
And that for the first day….
Club; 2.30 AAT…
. changed to task B, 2 hour AAT..…won by young Dutchie Lars [LS4 NEO WL] for 623 points.Good on him. Starts after 3PM. So waiting at the grid and more waiting!!!
The 3 Dutchies flew together when possible and were the first to start at 15.09. Alexandre [ASW 20] from France was runner up [start at 15.32] and  Alessandro [Discus B] from Italy was 3d.[start at 15.35]
It turned out not such a “blue” day as expected, they had CU’s and even a squall line .
From 44 only 2 were out.
We can call that a good first day!!!!

Standard; on July 14
Task 1; 2.30 AAT…
.B task 1.50 AAT; As Lars in club, another winner from a practice day wins day 1; Jakub from Poland in his LS 8; 199 km / 101.98 km./h. for 580 points. Runner up Victor  [LS8] from France and on 3 Max [LS8] from Germany. I expect a lot from Max.
From 23 starters 2 were out. Also Jasper, such a pity he flew 173 km, but did not finish, so only 183 points. His FES brought him home.
Some finishes and the showers in the back as seen by the French.

All scores are of course still preliminary. Tomorrow is another day in Ostrow, we will follow the young ones there and verify the scores again.

My grand daughter Indya crews for Dutch pilot Jasper [ Glider 71] in Ostrow. She is a very good photographer , as you might have seen in the South African diary [ if you missed it, you have to scroll down] .
She is so kind to sent me pictures when she has time. I finish each JWGC story then with her pictures. I got a few last night already,… bit Dutch , but it will go totally international later she said, as , as you know, my blog is INTERNATIONAL.

“INDYA’S CORNER”. for more pictures you can go to her Instagram account at
This competition is a place for international FRIENDSHIP , as you all know. Here are several international friends.

These young men are from the USA and South Africa. To the left pilot Thomas Greenhill and to the right David-John Rainier his crew.
These are “our” Dutch heroes , together with the Belgian heroes. “we are the “low countries” here in Europe and real mates! Maybe not so much when” we” play soccer against each other.
Dutch pilot Tim with 2 members of the Polish team
Whole families are involved as back up for the boys. This shirt was realised by the mother from pilot Lars, who won the first practice day AND day 1.


In between the French Nationals have been flown in Standard and 15 m. and for the 2-seaters. VINON, was the place to be between July 7 and 13.
They had 6 out of 7 days , so finally a bit of good soaring weather in Europe. Some parts are “bloody HOT and others WET WET WET.
Stand. /15 m had a 2.30 AAT, a set task from 350.51 km, 399 km, 330 km, 329 km and 2.30 on the last day.
Jean-Denis Barrois had a 300 points lead over Philippe Lata and Max Seiss on this last day. Aurélien Doriat was also still in the race for the medals.
Max had a final good day ; 289 km/109.47 km./h and kept his amount of points.
1. Jean-Denis Barrois in JS3 with 4,408 points.
2. Maximilian Seis in JS3 with 4,181 points.
3. Aurélien Doriat in LS8 with 4,078 points.

“What a week !
Yesterday French alps for Nat , next stop Osaka, Hiroshima.
Always a pleasure to fight with Max and new talented generation !”Jd Barrois

2 seaters; had about the same tasks however on task 3 they had 452.66 km . Excitement enough on the last day. As HC pilots Jurgen Wenzel from Germany and Mike Young from the UK [ both in Arcus M] can not win the French title, it was Didier Hauss, who won in a DUO DISCUS. He also won the last day.
1. Didier Hauss in DUO DISCUS with 4,914 points.
2.  Thierry Boilley in ARCUS M with 4,587 points.
3. Svobodny & Bellec in ARCUS M with 4,570 points, just missing out on 17 points, by nearly missing out on 221points on the last day.
Jurgen and Mike stayed on 2 and 3 but without a title [4.806 and 4.686 points]


I wrote last week about the book “Goodbye Papa Golf” from Chip Bearden.
He is with Tony [Condon} at a the ISVM at Harris Hill a vintage meeting with the most gorgeous vintage planes as this beauty.

Tony Condon

Cheers Ritz and stay tuned I publish whenever I have nice news on the JWGC.

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