Dutch and Danish Nationals.

Post 1.497 on May 15 2024

Dutch Nationals at TERLET
 9 May 2024 – 18 May 2024

In one year , May 2025, the FAI SGP will be flown in The Netherlands from Terlet and I hope they have the same good weather as till now. Many pilots are interested. Also from Belgium and Germany.
You might have seen, that I published a blog last Sunday. TOO many words..it’s not interesting for you readers ,so a new blog today with the rest of the Dutch Nationals AND the Danish.

The gorgeous VELUWE an area of outstanding beauty with the Terlet airfield, as seen by the tuggy.

Sunday May 12; Task 4
club; 318.24 km…it turned out not to be a speed day ,but a distance day. Thies flew most kilometers; 241.18 and that was really good ,when you look at the next best distances; 224 [Robin] and 219 [Alexander] the rest was Under 200 km. BUT,..all 9 tried hard!!!
18m;  307.05 km…4 finishers in this class. Steven, Hadriaan, Piet and Jeroen. I don’t know Piet but he did well!!!He flies a DG 808b and was equal runner up with Hadriaan.
The others fly ECG’s and WGC’s and you more or less expect good results.
Daily points for these 4 pilots; 534, 531×2 and 522, the rest , among them real good pilots had less than 400 points.
All 14 started and 10 finished.
open; 299.38 km….3 finishers in EB 29R [Francois] Nimbus 4DM Marco and Ronald] a JS1C21m. [Jaap Horsten] Speed from Francois; 81.15 km yes in the EB, meaning a real tough and challenging day!!!!!
REAL WORK in the office.
All 9 started.
combi; 342.23 km…NO FINISHERS. 295.64 km was the best distance by van Breemen & Danen for 451 p.
All 12 started!

Monday May 13. Task 5 ONLY for 18 m and open due to predicted thunderstorms and hail.
18 m; 158.86 km….Steven [Raimond] is doing so well in his new glider the AS33es. He won the day 95.08 km./h whilst runner up Steven [Huiskes] in Ventus 2CXT, flew around with 85.99 km./h. Not many points to gain or win; 268 for the winner and 115 for number 13 and 14 [equal] meaning they all started and finished.
Open; 174.17 km.…Francois in the EB won with 273 points and the number 9 had 188 points. All in this class flew and finished.

Tuesday May 14;it’s already a valid competition as 4 days have been flown.
warm, with up to 28 dgr. C , but with a forecast of local thunderstorms.
They arrived later in the day in the East of the Netherlands and here in the SE at 5.30 PM. Result; flooding in little towns, as the storm STAYED ABOVE them.
Club; 243.14 km….All 9 started and except for 1 , finished.Robin [Smit] won the day; 95.95 km./h.
18 m; 272.35 km…with 123.86 km./h. Steven [Huiskes] won the day just ahead of Steven. [Raimond] 123,86 for 123.09.
All 14 started, 1 was out and 1 by an airspace problem.
open; 309.34 km….The EB from Francois was clearly faster; 126.88 km.h Runner up Hans[Biesters] in a JS1c/21 m flew around with 118.35 and the NIMBUS 4DM with 112.99 km./h.
All 9 started and finished.
combi; 257.05 km….3x an LS8 in the top and Belgian pilot Tom[Conings] flew with 103 km./h. Robbie [Seton] Dutch but flying for years already at the Keiheuvel in Belgium was runner up with 100 km./h.
11 started and 1 did not finish.
Task 7 for each class today; club;  121.81 km….18 m; 158.99 km….open; 173.31 km and combi; 134.31 km
BUT,..another day with possible thunderstorms and a huge difference in temperature between 27 up N and under the showers here,in the SE 18. Normally it’s the other way around.
Already 6/7 out of 7 days ….that is, if they really fly today .WOW….NOT BAD….GOOD!

On my FB site this picture showed up as a memory of 14 years ago. The organizing team in 2010!!! I was the editor that year ,of course with writing stuff and camera in my hands.Nice to share!



The 2024 Danish Championships
9 May 2024 – 19 May 2024 from Arnborg

DM i svæveflyvning This picture is from Oktober 2022.

These Nationals are flown in 5 classes.
They had NO TASK on May 9 , on May 10 task 1 was cancelled
May 11 task 3;
club; 317.80 km...18 in this class started and 3 were out. Daily winner Jan Walther Andersen in ASW 20 WL and Uffe Edslev in LS 4,got both 1000 points!!! Speed 86.72 and 82.46 km./h.
Handicap for ASW 20 is 1.114 and for LS 4 1.059.
Standard; 300.56 km..…8 in this class and 2 were out. Kevin Kjær Andersen in LS 8 was the daily best with 96.27 km./h.
15 m; 303.56 km…….Rasmus Ørskov in a JS 3 won the 1000 points ; 95.56 km./h. Good to see Henrik is flying too. I follow Jan from club and Henrik as well as Rasmus already for a long time.
10 Started AND finished.
18 m;  313.42 km….20 in this class and also here a few I know from comps. Peter Eriksen [AS 33es] won and Arne Boye Muller [JS3 jet] was runner up. ….The only 2 flying over 100 km./h. Only 1 was out and Good “old” Stig Oye in a Ventus 3m and still going strong was 12th.
2-seaters; 290.13 km…..Hans Christian Hoeck in ARCUS M was the daily winner and the only 1 flying over 100 km./h.
All 13 started and finished.

2-seaters last at the grid. DM i svæveflyvning

May 12; task 3/4. a bit of a weird day with many “outs”.
Club; 288.21 km….. Morten Hoeck Petersen in a Glasfluegel 304 won the 1000 points. Uffe was runner up and Jan on spot 3.
ONLY 8 from 18 finished!!!
standard; 372.11 km….NO finishers. Filip Bojanowski had the best distance as it turned out a distance day and not a speed day.; 363 km,…nearly home! All starters flew more than 250 km.
15 m; 372.11 km….Finishers!!!! 3 from the 10 FINISHED!!!!Knud Møller Andersen in Ventus 2CT flew around with a speed of 66 km./h. Good on him. Rasmus finished as well as runner up and Morten Nørgaard was the number 3; 64 and 61 km.h.
18m; 371.44 km…. Only 19 started and 12 finished. Jan Hald in a Ventus 3T got the 1000 points. 29 more than Arne. Stig was 4th.
2-seaters;  323.85 km….Thomas Dantoft in a Duo Discus WL was the best; 77 km./h. The Arcus T was a tad faster with 80 km./h. but lost on handicap.
13 started and 8 finished.

May 13; only 2 classes got a task; 18 m and 2-seaters;
18m; 2 hour AAT...Another win for Arne,with 166.60 km. and a speed of 83.30 km./h.for 218 points. Only 3 from the 19 starters finished. Peter and Carsten belonged to the 3 finishers.
2-seaters; 2 hour AAT...NOBODY FINISHED, but the distance was giving up to 144 points.144 km. in a DUO Discus.

May 14;
Club; 2:30 AAT…Uffe Edslev …daily winner again, with 177.12 km and a speed of 61.43 km./h. Good, when you see that from 17 starters only 7 finished.
Standard; 2 hour AAT…Another Edslev this time LASSE inLS8neo, won with 166. 80 km in time 2.34. So tough for them as well.BUT,…from 8 6 finished.
15 m; 2 hour AAT…Knud Møller Andersen [Ventus 2CT] was daily winner with 199.49 km with 59.40 km./h.
10 started and 2 were out among them a potential winner of the championship Rasmus.
18m ; 229.26 km …..20 started and 10 were out. Among them Arne and Peter..ouch! Not too many points lost on a day like that; Arne “:got” 352 and Peter 326.
Jan Schmeltz Pedersen , daily winner, won the 533 points for a speed of 75.77 km./h Stig was “in”.
2-seaters212.67 km…… Sørensen & Sørensen did their best with a speed of 75 km./h. That means ,..they had to work hard for it.
No tasks yet.

Briefings are busy in Arnsborg.

DM i svæveflyvning on Sunday 11.

More next Sunday or Monday as it is Pentecost weekend and I might go to Terlet on Saturday.

Cu most probably in the weekend.

Cheers Ritz.

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