Complex day for task 8!Some got caught at finish by gust front, but all were safe/OK!!!

Post 1.536 on August 27 2024

Garner Field, United States
18 August 2024 – 31 August 2024

WGC Uvalde 2024 JS1 TJ / 21m. flown by USA pilot Keith Baugh

Tuesday August 27, day 9, task 8;
For sure different weather, mainly looking at the weather screens for the TC’s.
Some quotes;
Complex day – big storms forecast for the afternoon, still a long task but fortunately an early launch” .
more humidity, lower temperatures and big storms in the area of San Antonio.”
It’s 3:30 hrs AATs for all classes today to make best use of a perceived weather window. Fingers crossed that they all return before the forecast showers.”
“We left our start late, because to me, the conditions hadn’t built up enough yet for racing, the ground info was that the gust front wasn’t going to get to Uvalde for 4hrs (accurate at the time) & the conditions on the first glide weren’t up to scratch.”


18 m; 3.30 AAT….
With 560.68 km . and 156.46 km./h. Christophe Abadie [ winner from task 1 as well] won the day, that was 4 km. further and 1 km./h faster than Stefan Langer. And yes,…. my Aussie mates were on 3 [Lumpy, he has found the WGC -groove] and Matthew.
All 32 stated and finished.
You have to read the first part on Lumpies post for your self, but here is the description on the 3d leg from the flight;
“Third leg was rather a hoot with the clouds getting bigger and some started dropping rain. I could see the dust front out to the east working it’s way towards Uvalde. There was a big step down in the clouds as well. This is where the fun began as I was trying to find the best way to capitalise on the storm front after turning the final turn. If I got it wrong ….. I’d be going into very heavy rain, get it right and a good run home will be sweet.
I worked out what distance I needed in the last sector to come home at 165kph, as that was what I’d been doing for the last hour or so and be on time…. Any slower meant being over time and thus a slower day speed.
As it turned out I think I got it pretty right, after turning the final turn point I only turned a few times and picked up 3k on the way home and came in 11 seconds over time …. Now if I could do this consistently.
And,…“Most of the field landed in a 45 deg crosswind as the storm front passed over, the wind was 20 kts gusting 25 at the time ….. everyone did really well considering.” Tocumwal Soaring Centre

Official media team editor Rich wrote; “The 18 Meter Class was sent on an Assigned Area Task with a nominal distance of 444.6km (276mi). After the start they went southwest to Eagle Pass, southeast to Bella Vista, north northwest to Back Porch Ranch and then southeast to the finish. The conditions at launch seem to suggest the winning speed was going to be better than 140kph (87mph) which meant you had to go farther in a couple of turn areas. With a wind out of the east, the first leg was downwind. However, there is a river that runs southeast/northwest (Rio Grande) that starts just on the other side of the nominal point. All the pilots turned before the river, thus avoiding a major airspace penalty, but in the northern sector of the area to gain extra distance. This leg also took advantage of energy lines aligned with the wind. I’m just guessing at this based on looking at their flights. The second and third legs, the clouds must have been good because of the higher L/D values achieved. In both circles, most pilots flew near to the maximum distance point. Final glides looked good but the weather at the field was changing. Right around 1630, wind and small rain showers started to appear to the east of the field as forecasted. The 18 Meter ships were arriving right around 1645, and they had gusty winds to contend with on landing.”
With 4 days to go the overall scores look like this; Stefan Langer in AS 33es with 7.725 points, Simon Schroeder with 7.633 and Christophe Abadie with 7.490 points.

Winners from task 7 and leaders overall after 8 tasks.
WGC Uvalde 2024

20 m multi seat; 3.30 AAT….
508 km and 144.52 km./h was the winning result for the day, flown by Woolley & Gateley. Yes Adam and Keith are doing well, good on them. Runner up with 995 points was the Polish team in the ASG 32MI; more kilometres 522.03 and speed 144.15 km./h.
Team Keith and Marju from NZ did not fly , have to sort out why??!! So 15 started and finished.
Here is Adam; ”
The latter part of the flight, we got lucky, the gust front didn’t quite hit Uvalde until about 15min after our arrival. We did park two cars behind our glider to protect it from unintentional ground loops, the wind got quite gnarly…
Pre-flight planning with SkySight & my general experience here saw us needing to max out every TP. If there weren’t random rain showers in the last, then I think I could’ve maxed the task & jusssst finished on time.
A fun day out, very much like Australia, day winner & now 66pts off the top spot. Still a long way to go, need to keep doing what we’re all (team 20 & AUS) doing.”

Keith; ” Interesting day with storms and rain towards the end of the flight. Happy we didn’t land 30 minutes later when the wind really picked up.”
Rich about the day in 20 m; The 20 Meter Class also had an Assigned Area Task with a 364.6km (226mi) nominal distance, with a minimum time of 3:30hr. After starting they went south to Big Wells, north to Hidden Valley Ranch, southwest to Highway 90, southeast to Lama de Cometa and then to finish. Again, the nominal speed was only 104kph (65mph) so everyone knew they would have to fly farther than nominal in these areas. In most cases, turns were made near the maximum distance point in 3 out of the 4 turn areas. These pilots finished at 1630, and they also dealt with gusty winds on landing.
Overall Sarah and Karl are leading with 7.154 points whilst Adam and Keith are now on spot 2 with 7.448 points and on 3 is team Poland , Rubaj & Matkowski with 7.404 points.

Keith Gateley

open class; 3.30 AAT....
Felipe and Michael are back on their track with a 1-2 daily position!! 559 km / 156 km./h.
Attie and Peter in their JS5 were 1 km further, but needed more [10 minutes] time; 150.53 km./h.
Again on an equal 3d place!!!
17 started and finished.
With 4 days to go, Felipe and Michael lead overall with 7.672 and 7.575 points. Serbian Zoran in the JS 5 is on 3 with 7.385 points.
Rich on open class;
In the Open Class, they also had a 3:30 hour Assigned Area Task the went west to Tularosa, south to Dentonio Ranch, north to Flying Bull and then south southeast to finish. The 415km (258mi) nominal distance gave a speed required of 118.5kph (73mph). More than nominal distance was required to complete this task over the minimum time. And that is what most of the Open Class did. The first two areas were flown to near the maximum distance points and the last area was turned based on finishing time. The Open Class was returning a little earlier than the other classes, so the weather and wind was not as bad. All in all, a well flown task by everyone.”

Oscar’s open class glider is filled up with water for the next day; “The JS5’s each load up with about 230L of water everyday. South African Gliding Team

More tomorrow. I hope Inge and Indya have arrived safely in Uvalde where they stay for a few days. Inge was with us there in 1991 and for Indya Uvalde is a first!

Back to 2012.
As promised some impressions from Uvalde 2012.
Uvalde 1991 had great response, thanks for that.
2012 is not that long ago. I was there as writer for SOARING CAFE the internet page from Bill Elliott and Rand Baldwin. A pity they had no time enough to continue with that platform. It was popular around 2012.
Bill is nowadays an  Alabama Master Beekeeper .

On duty with Rand and Bill at the Uvalde premises.

With Rick Walters [ R.I.P. who helped the Dutch team enormous ] great guy, so sad he is not with us anymore! And with Andreea [ Maleady] who is now a realtor and did some good PR for us. We are sitting under the hot tent where I worked as well.
And the picture I showed you already with singer Ed Kilbourne, who performed for the Aussie team on their invitation and I was welcome too. Great evening.

More tomorrow I have to find other pictures, with the Uvalde -action. I told you, an album in your hand is easier than on the internet.

CU Cheers Ritz

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