As I wrote in my last blog the ladies from the Australian team were then planning an appeal, here is a message about their appeal.
A message from the WWGC Australian Team Pilots
The Australian team pilots from the WWGC have not spoken to date about the penalty controversy but are aware that some people want to hear what we have to say. This is a brief statement to explain our position.
One week ago all of the Australian team pilots lodged an appeal via the Air Sports Australian Confederation (ASAC) to the FAI. The appeal documents have been received and we are waiting to learn of the process that the Appeal Panel will follow.
Suffice to say, the International Jury process that took place on the last day of the Competition was non-compliant and failed on the most basic principles of fairness. As a result, the case for the team pilots was not properly examined and the Jury’s decision to impose a points penalty to each pilot was based on factually incorrect information. The team pilots believe that when the full facts are considered that the penalties will be withdrawn and the final results revised accordingly.
The GFA determined not to appeal the penalty, again without all the facts, and advised the Australian and international gliding community of this unilaterally without advising or consulting with the team pilots.
The team Pilots prepared and funded the appeal document themselves and submitted it to FAI with the support of ASAC which is the National Airsport Control (NAC). Further, the GFA Board unanimously agreed less than one month before the closing of the appeal period “to not stand in the way of any separate appeal that the pilots wish to make through the NAC (ASAC)”.
The intention of making this appeal is that the team pilots can access a fair hearing in accordance with due process as stipulated by FAI.
Jenny Thompson (as spokesperson for the Australian team pilots at the WWGC)
16 April 2020
So,…as far as I heard the TC’s have had to react quickly as well, as the deadline was mid April. They did.
Here is a statement by the BGA on April 21!!!.
The UK’s Royal Aero Club (RAeC), advised by the BGA, and the German Deutscher Aero Club (DAeC), advised by its gliding section, have made a joint appeal to FAI requesting a review of the judgement by the FAI/IGC Jury on a protest submitted by them during the WWGC 2019 at Lake Keepit. The decision to appeal was made to ensure that the FAI tribunal were presented with all the facts related to the use of live tracking during the WWGC.
Following additional rules approved by the FAI/IGC in March and the publication of a report by the Gliding Federation of Australia (GFA), the gliding authorities in the UK and Germany had previously advised that an appeal was not in the best interests of the sport. The subsequent submission of an Australian appeal shortly before the expiration of the appeal deadline despite previously stating they would not appeal has caused this decision to be revisited.
The RAeC and DAeC remain concerned for the integrity of gliding and fair play in competition. Our joint appeal asks the FAI to uphold the international sporting principle that competing sportspeople are held responsible for the actions of their team and impose the correct and appropriate penalty“
Well, I agree that the jury lacked time to do the proper procedures!
There should have been more time for “words and re-words” with the team captains, organizers and juror/steward, as written in the annex.
BUT,…..the real point is that ,…when we allow pilots to enter the by a WWGC given compulsory tracker ,…to get rid of the 15 minute delay,….WITHOUT telling the CD,…… so having a huge advantage on all the other pilots, they are cheating. I can’t make it more friendly than this. The other 9 countries had no clue, from what was going on!!
That had to be punished and it was a fact admitted by the one who still had the ” key ” from the tracker to open it…still blows me how he dared too….and by the Aussie TC, ….so for sure the penalty points should stay like that, as cheating NEVER can be part of a fair competition. More words or re-words ,..that would not have helped.
Then we better stop competition soaring!!!!!
My opinion!!!
I continue to look into this matter, no worries!!!
One of my friends wrote the next sentence;
” It’s a shame that the Australians did not decide to draw a line and chose to submit a formal protest which prompted an inevitable response. “
I can only agree with this. NOW, ….It might not only be points, they loose but maybe even worse…..
Let’s wait for the FAI to decide.
Looking back at the 33d WGC at Leszno where I was for a long weekend to feel the WGC spirit of 2014. [26-7/10-8-2014] A short impression from East European tug’s, a nice International fleet of gliders , good weather and a memory on the lady who ‘s name is on my award!!!!
A few years ago in 2015, the EAC [Eindhovense Aero Club] HAD to leave Eindhoven airport after nearly 100 years. [started Oktober 1932!!!!] Commercial flying was more interesting for the industrial- Eindhoven-area. Nowadays Eindhoven Airport is abase for airlines as Transavia, WizzAir and Ryan Air. Also the Air Force uses the field.
In this Corona time not a lot is happening.
Venlo, about 70 k south,a very “old” club as well, were I started gliding with the ZES in 1967 [the student aeroclub from Eindhoven was guest at Venlo] was so kind to give their mates-without-a-field , a new home to fly from.
The VEZC [Venlo Eindhoven Zweefvlieg Club] was born.
This week they finished the last jobs on the brand new hangar and the special “tarmac” in front of it.
Message from Schempp-Hirth;
“We could test fly four new gliders. Thank you Markus Voelter for the nice photos.
We hope all glider pilots will be allowed to fly again soon!
Thank you to all of out team for being engaged, careful and loyal! We could n‘t cope without your continuous support.
Another thank our loyal customers who still collect and pay their new toys even though most of them won’t be allowed to use then (yet).”
Enough for now,..will keep you posted.
It might take a while before we hear the final outcome by the FAI
Though it should not take too much time, as it is all pretty clear.
Not the fittest person in the world but slowly getting there again.
Cheers Ritz