It turns out,….”A lot of people still love soaring!”

Post 1.544 on September 4, 2024 .A very special day , as my grand daughter Indya turns 21!!!!!!

Looking back on all the CAT 1 comps this summer, I have the feeling, looking at the huge amount of followers from several bloggers on internet, that our sport is still much alive and to keep it like that , I try to continue writing.
Reading other blogs , I learned; “Ritz ,….don’t make your posts TOO long”.
So shorter blogs ,but hopefully still enough interesting news.

——Keiheuvel; Due to all the CAT 1 comps in Tabor, Ostrow and Uvalde you might have missed my annual Keiheuvel-diary. You just have to scroll down, pretty far ,[as I wrote a lot,] to find it.
Keiheuvel is special and created over the years top pilots, as Bert Schmelzer jr, world champion in 2014 in Rayskala and this year Martijn Eerdekens [JWGC] and many pilots flying EGC’s and WGC’s.
A top soaring climate!!!!
Already in the past, when we got to know the Schmelzer and Huybreckx families as well as on international comps “the Stouffs” and later the “de Broquevilles” and still now!!!

This picture is from the WGC in Paderborn in 1981. The first WGC I attended. At the picture you see from l to r. Paul Bourgard, Eddy Huybreckx, Henry Stouffs and Michel Bleukens.
We all knew them already from 4 or 5 comps in Angers in the 70thies, were they got several prizes.

You might remember the picture from Leon a new 13 year old future talent. Years ago I met Jeroen [Jennen] like this and he then proudly said , he wanted to fly big comps. He must have been 8 and ran around with cables and knew all the rules of the airfield. Jeroen did and does fly big comps ,earlier the JWGC and recently he was at the EGC winning 2 days.
Here is Leon again , now with JUNIOR WORLD CHAMPION Martijn Eerdekens. Did he get some tips?
I wanted to have a few words with Martijn, but he was not flying for the Keiheuvel CUP, as his uncle flew.

Future Junior World Champion Leon??????? and current Junior World Champion Martijn.

As I went home early I could not mention the extra winners that day. So here you are ,thanks to Bert sr.
Lars won in 1 class and flew this year also the JWGC, in Ostrow and there he won task 5 and was on spot 10 overall. A real talent and yes his dad flew comps too.

“With 53 participants, this competition was a worthy end to the competition season and a real highlight in our low countries. Lars Van Bremen NL took the first place as best junior in the highly competitive SportXPDR class, which had many non-juniors, chapeau to him. Lars was therefore also awarded with the “Albert Schmelzer Trophy for the best junior”.
Bert Sr.
Lars Van Breemen on 1
Timothy Werquin on 2
Michiel Haemels on 3.

——Some after-UVALDE-fun!
Gliderpasi ; [Finland]….. reflected on his Uvalde WGC . You can read it in his blog ; ,;
Here are a few quotes also about “loving” our sport.
“Lot’s of old and new friends. What an awesome community we have and what an awesome community Uvalde has.
“I am the most comfortable in the open class and having the destiny on my own hands. Though beating Felipe, Michael would of needed a miracle
Spending 80 hours on Texas skies, racing against the top pilots is unique and very heart warming.”

Jd Barrois ; France ….”End of 3 fantastic weeks gliding in Texas , my childhood dream ! 5th WGC with up and down but with fantastic team. Unforgettable memories.”

Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures; Australia….
In the end the 20 m. class was for most of the readers the most exciting class. Adam was so knid to share some stats , after about some 75 hours of flying. I share them with you;
1. We achieved 98.6% of the winners score
2. We achieved 93.4% of all available points
3. Karl & Sarah achieved 10461/11 = 951pts per task flown3a. Keith & I achieved 10329/11 = 939pts per task flown
Note: Added 845pts to both the results above to level it out to, 1000pts per winners score day.
4. We were 132 points in deficit at the end, typically each turn is worth 5 points, which equals 26.4 extra turns (too many) during the whole championships, or approx 10.6min slower over all; or one minute slower each flight (41.2hrs on task)!
5. 135.31kph was the average completed winning speed of all the day winners combined.
6. 131.16kph was our average completed task speed.

I like the “freakin ” cool under these words. It was freaking cool!!!!!

——-Because it is so fabulous once more the first moments/emotions after they , Sarah and Karl, knew they won the 20 m.

With Sarah and Karl hugging and a proud TC Pete and writer John, who had assisting jobs in the organization as well.

—–What happened more?
They just packed the containers in Uvalde for a home bound trip, NOW they pack the containers 3 of them with gliders for Kiripotib . Wolfgang must have straight flown from Uvalde to the spot where the containers were “packed” as he was there too helping out. With all his experience it makes the job looking easy, but it is hard work.
The Namibian season there starts around November 1 .

Kiripotib Soaring
Kiripotib Soaring
Kiripotib Soaring another “packing-job” done.

That’s it for now.
CU next Wednesday.
Cheers Ritz

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