Short story only today!

Post 1.522 on July 31 2024 last day already from the month of JULY.

Yes a short story only today.
My teeth and I are good friends and they are in good condition. Every half year I go to my dentist, to check them and all is always good.
I have a trauma left from when I was younger and 2 dental surgeons tried to remove a wisdom tooth. When I went home my face was BLUE ,due to the fact that things did n’t work out their way and they pinched my cheek HARD with their big fingers.
My tooth had grown in my cheek. Had to be cut out.
Indeed it was a huge job. The pain killers [ glifanan] I got nearly “killed” me. They are forbidden now!
A total bad experience.
10 years later another wisdom tooth had to go. I told my own dentist that I did not go to surgery . Never again.
So he friendly said he would do it. No worries.
He knew that my teeth are settled strong in my jawbone.
After more than an hour he was worn out, so was I. Blood everywhere on him and on me. Moving my head/jaw up and down from left to right , damaged all cartilage between my jaws.
Result; the assistant of the dentist had to call off all appointments for the rest of the day and I went home even more disillusioned about dentist and wisdom teeth.
For me it was even worse as I can only keep my mouth open for a few minutes nowadays and have to support my jaws.
A year later pieces of that tooth showed up in my mouth , whilst eating my Christmas dinner in Newark Delaware with my kids and parents in law.

Last Sunday I had lunch with my 18 year old grand son Dexter. He had a sandwich I had a delicious soup with lovely soft mince meat in it.
Till the moment a very smell piece of bone in the meat, hit my tooth and split it in 2. I got it out but felt straight away that part of the tooth was loose. I got the smallest but sharpest piece of bone out of the middle of my tooth with my fingers , but total damage had been done.
Monday I was at a dentist. He looked said it was the worst spot to split a tooth in 2 and said the tooth was lost.
So straight away I had to decide what to do with it. As I had already anaesthesia I took his advice to pull it out as the front was already out when he only touched it and the back was so loose it would be out in a minute. Indeed it was out quickly.

And here I am with a “big hole” in my mouth , eating 5 panadol during the day and 3 stitches keeping the “flesh” together. I lost quite some blood [I have thin blood by nature] so feel a bit off and have to lay down.

I am sure I will be fresh and new in the Weekend, if so I start writing about the EGC in Tabor when possible.
For now I leave you again for a rest. Same Ritz bit dizzy and with ONE wisdom tooth less.

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