1.15 AAT’s ….later in the day….. Cancelled!!!!

Post 1.514 on July 22 2024

July 22 task 8 out of 9 at the FAI JWGC at Ostrow.

Life continues; a new week, possible 4 days to go, a short task today and a day off tomorrow and this JWGC is over again. Time flies when you have fun and I guess most young ones had FUN with each other, with the flights and even dealing with disappointments.

Looking back ;
Team USA has a TC ,Peter Deane, who shares a lot of news so here is a bit, the rest you find on US Soaring Teams
Today’s weather was a relief to all – no high cloud cover, high temperatures, low wind and a cooking thermal and cumulus forecast. The task was a 4.5hr turn area task for both classes. All our pilots made it around with our club class pilots having their fastest day so far in the 100 to 100kph range which was good for 700 to 870 points. Thomas in Standard consolidated his contest some more with 913 points and a move up into 3rd overall after the leader ( a German pilot) had an unfortunate airspace violation and got landed out for the day.
Of course he meant a “Dutch” pilot, many make that “mistake”. No worries.
Team Belgium; “Yesterday was a super day. We have never experienced this weather before! We thought we had flown well, but apparently not well enough. Today was initially scheduled as the rest day. They should have kept this idea because we suspect the day will be cancelled. The rainshowers are supposed to arrive around 11:30 am. “For now” the rest day is now on Wednesday. We had to get up early again today but the cancelled day will be welcome relieve.
Side note: Today they gave us an AAT of 1h15, with a minimum distance of 121km. So that means we already had to fly at least 96km/h

British Gliding Team; “A solid day for our pilots, with Oli flying his fastest ever flight so far.” on task 7 with 123 km./h.

Monday; July 22 day 9, task 8.
Club class; 1.15 AAT….
.A low passes by and rain is expected. day CANCELLED

Standard class ; 1.15 AAT…..Cancelled.

Pôle France Planeur pictures from todays briefing.

I guess nobody will be too sad about that, after a few days of superb weather and long interesting flights/days.
Hope they all have a good rest.


——French FAI SGP has a” no task-day” today!
Luckily yesterday turned out rather nice after a late start.
“It was a short but thrilling race that culminated in a fierce duel. Adrien Henry and Christophe Abadie battled neck-and-neck in the final kilometers, with Adrien ultimately maintaining his lead to finish three seconds ahead. Jean-Pierre Bellec, who had been well-positioned throughout the race, secured third place, finishing less than a minute behind them.”

Having a rest too.
Cheers Ritz

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