11th WWGC
Husbands Bosworth, United Kingdom
14 August 2022 – 26 August 2022
Thursday….AUGUST 18;
to start with…..not all pilots are in and scored, both in Husbos and Lasham, but I have to go for now. Will be back later with an UPDATE!!!!!
I am as anxious to know as you are. But here is already enough reading stuff.
Till later.
After 3 non-flying days, it would be great to be able to fly again. BUT…the weather HAS TO co-operate.
Yesterday had no tasks, but straight after briefing the girls stayed for a good discussion about women in gliding! The rain gave the ladies no opportunity to race , but for sure time to talk about gliding.
“Another rest day, post briefing pilots took part in a discussion between countries about how to develop female participation in gliding lead by Fran Roberts and Claudia Hill“
Women Gliding
As Liz said; “We took the opportunity whilst having all these amazing women from all around the world, to see how we can work together internationally to built a community of women pilots and encourage more women in flying and aviation in general.“

The skies were dark , but early this morning there was a tiny little bit of hope and YES , tasks were set.
After a few days of real “English” weather ,there was enough hope for a window and the mood already good, even got better !! Gliders were put on the grid and the “normal” soaring-competition-routine was back.
The weather man expected a window of opportunity from 14.00 to 18.00
A sniffer went up , could stay up, but that was more or less all.
The sun started to shine,….. that’s better and the first expected launch would be at 13.15.
And ,…it was!!!!

As shared by Danish Gliding Team
ready to go,…..BUT,…. you need the pilot. Team Luxembourg TC George is waiting for his pilot Diana.

Club class; 175.94 km...task 5,…flying day 2....
has the longest task and starts first. Also this class went for the A task. Some pilots [3] needed a re-light as they could not stay airborne in the early thermals. All “Clubbies” were launched at 2.43.
They flew to the start point , then to TP 1, 60.26 km, then to TP 2 56.15 km, further on to TP 3 24.19 km , then to control point East to go to over the finish ring [7.23 km] ; 175.94 km.
For all those who not regularly follow comps, you can find all the info on www.soaringspot.com, look under task and you see the task and later the scores.
How they fly you can see via tracking on https://wwgc22.onglide.com
So and now we wait to see who did that best?
It was NOT easy, messages as “low ” not even at the first TP, worried me.
At 17.55 the FIRST FINISHER was back at the field. Lithuanian Edita in her ASW 20, was the one.
52 km./h a real struggle it must have been.
Klara from the Czech Rep just missed out on 2 km!!!!BUT she only missed out on 28 points.
Edita is still the only one IN.
At this stage 4 , from 18, have flown over 100 km.
Edita is still THE ONLY FINISHER!!!! TOP JOB!!!
A total of 10 flew over 100 km, so it looks to me as a valid day.
3 Are still not counted for,….. Day 1 winner Claudia is one of them
Standard class; 154.03 km.…
Straight after club the standard class went up, the sky looked “friendlier”. The gate opened at 14.32.
7 Girls flew together to make it home. They finished with between 50 and 55 km./h speed. 2 Girls from France, 3 from Germany and 2 from the UK.
Anais and Aude started and finished together with the others but they were in their Discus 2A, just a tad faster;55.71 and 55.65 km./h.
It’s waiting now for the Polish girls and from Czech Rep. The Polish girls were out and counted for, so waiting for the 2 Czech girls.
13 flew and 7 were in and 3 were ONLY 14 k out.

18m class; 161.17 km...
at 3.24 ALL gliders including 18 m were up in the air and as Liz mentioned:
“Everyone is soaring, it’s looking good!“
Glider FM was the last to go……Astrid Galaret from France was launched in a nice looking sky.
All pilots were airborne at 3.28….the gate opened at 14.47!
The message that Diana was the first to turn the TP at 60 km and leading 18 m. class was a great pleasure to hear, but looking at the scores she was out after 68.06 km. A pity. She loves to fly by herself.
ALL scores were in around 7 my time.
Melanie was the best with 56.74 km./h , just a tad faster than Jane from the UK [56.60 km./h] . They clearly flew with 8 in a gaggle to make it home. The other 4 were out.

As shared by #WomenGliding #WWGC2002
This upcoming weekend the WWGC will share the space at the airfield as they are hosting a Family Fun Weekend at the Husbands Bosworth Airfield !
A nice poster with ” Something for everyone including watching the gliders launch, hanger visits, live aircraft tracking screen to watch the racing, children’s area and activities, glider simulator, full size aircraft, craft stalls, music, food stands, Eco & sustainability area including cars, machines, stands etc. Watch the Women’s World Gliding Championships as 40+ pilots from 12 nations compete.“
THE C.I.M. in Rieti in Italy
10 August 2022 – 20 August 2022
Thursday August 18;
Day 8…task 8…flying day 7.cancelled due to rain
mixed class; 309.30 km.…cancelled
18m/open; 336.45 km….cancelled.
They wanted to start at 12 , but it was a blue day , with a possibility for sea breeze ,an increasing of clouds and possible gusting winds. No rain was predicted but it rained when they brought the gliders back from the grid.
The QNH dropped from 1013 to 1009.

Aero Club Rieti “Alberto Bianchetti”
More tomorrow. …2 days to go Friday August 19 and Saturday August 20.
The 18m and 20 m NATIONALS at LASHAM.
13 August 2022 – 21 August 2022

as shared by Lasham Comps
Till now they had “the best day ever, on day 1” and 2 flying days in the 18m. and 3 in 20 m.
Tomorrow they are a bit more restricted than normal, as there will be a RAF Red Arrows Display at RAF Odiham for their Families Day Airshow.
“Restricted Airspace (Temporary) will be in place between 1315 Local and 1355 Local. The airspace radius of 6 miles means that Lasham and the local area will be closed to all aircraft for the duration of the display airspace. Competition activity will only start on completion of the restricted airspace at 1355 (weather permitting.)”
TODAY,….after 3 non flying days in 18 m and 2 in 20 m…. THEY FLY AGAIN!!!!
“Hopefully today’s weather will work in our favor… the organization have spent the morning trying to maximize the day for all competitors, providing 5 possible tasks for each class, one of which will be selected closer to the time.“
All gliders are currently waiting on the grid.
First launch not before 13.00.

Lasham Comps
Tasks have been set and changed later , but launching started, rather late but they started;
18m; 263.57 km....
early “outs” after 30 and 86 km, do not give a lot of hope.
But at 18.20 Andy Davis FINISHED. The WGC champion from Borlange, who was that good in rainy weather in Sweden as well, flew around in his JS 1c with 75.67 km./h. Maybe the slowest flight in his glider ever. BUT he is IN!!!!AND,…for 1000 points!!!!
in the end Andy was not the only finisher. Tim , Chris and Simon did so too. 2 were 2 and 3 k out.
Tim flew over 4 hours, so did Chris. Simon was faster 69.10 km./h , got just in, but got a penalty .After checking the scores he was RUNNER UP.
20 m; 262.68 km….201.63 km…. 198.58 km….
they started at 4 and also here quickly pilots “out” . The HC [hors concours] pilot straight away turned home after 1. 67 km!!!!Later it was changed in 61.32 km.
BUT,…there were FINISHERS, 4 to be precise!!! Of course slow but IN.
Fastest was Matthew in the ARCUS T; 76.86 km./h. Garry, [74 km./h] Steve [74 km./h] and Graham [66 km./h]were in as well.
They started the day with “we are launching” they finished the day with “we have finishers”.
BUT, only 4 in 20 m [Matthew, Garry, Steve and Graham] and 4 in 18 m.[Andy, Tim, Chris and Simon.]
All scores of course preliminary.
CU tomorrow!
Cheers Ritz