5 hour AAT’s! The young ones have to work for their “dream GOLD “. UPDATED!

Post 1.511 on July 19 2024

13th JWGC 2024
Ostrów July 13-26

Finish from Jasper Jansen in the LS 8NEO.
and more smiling faces and waving hands.
Aeroklub Ostrowski courtesy of Martn Levitzky
JM is Jokūbas Motūza [ Lithuania] in a St Jantar, Jacob Barnes jr. [USA] in ASW 20L.

Looking at the above pictures those young pilots have a lot of fun .
Thumbs up, waving and that at the end of a long flight, stamina enough , but …then indeed, they are all under 26 and in the prime of their lives.
Sometimes the difference between finishing or landing out, is only one flash moment “, missing a bubble made it difficult to reconnect, resulting in a landout.” That’s what I read yesterday, looking back at what the teams have done.
Martijn indeed won task 4 on day 5, in club ….. 6 did not finish and 2 are out of the race. A PITY!!!!!
In standard it was Nils, just ahead of his mates Max and Jan.
I can tell you these 3 “ARE STRONG TOGETHER”.
I told you about the “lower countries ” here in Europe, Belgium and The Netherlands and it is awfully interesting to see that each of those countries have at this stage a NUMBER ONE OVERALL. Martijn and Niels.

Belgian Junior Gliding Team shares this picture from daily winner Martijn.

Yesterdays winners;

Kim from Finland, Martijn from Belgium and Nils from Germany.
German team with big smiles , all 3 at the podium
Aeroklub Ostrowski

With all those “hacking lunatics” I am even more careful to open news on the JWGC, but I can trust my reliable sources for extra news.
Today a world wide IT- outage disturbed the whole world and airlines, hospitals ,banks and lots of other business struggled to deal with it and still struggle. It seems it was not a crime ,but a mistake during an update from software. That should NOT HAPPEN.
My daughter had to fly to Tenerife but her flight was postponed for hours, but at least, at 4 PM they could leave.

Back to today!!!!The organizers had already early in the morning, good news:
Our Pilots are already flying their tasks. Today as yesterday , we managed an early start. Today’s tasks are quick 5h AATs” Well,…I like the word quick, let’s wait and see. Looking at the picture , they could be totally correct. I heard that clouds popped up already at 9AM.
The estimated time of arrival should be around 17.00.

Friday; July 19, sunny, dry, enough clouds a sky full, so ingredients enough to make it a TOP DAY !!!!
IT WAS!!!!!
Club class; day 6.
Task 5; 5 hour AAT.
…From the “around-12-o’clock-starters” a few have finished already just after 17. 00 and they flew around with an average of 105 km./h over around 545 km.
With the fabulous clouds and maybe longish day, some might start at the best part of what they think will be on the day. Meaning we might have to wait today.
It was NOT a long wait!!!!
At 5.30 5 pilots finished.
At 6; 28 pilots with 568 km /106 km./h!!!!
The Dutch pilots , with a few others even started before 12 PM.
36 are scored now and at this stage Dutch Lars is on top; 568 km./108 km./h in LS4.

Update at 8.30 PM;
Today’s club class top 5 is very international.
1. Lars from The Netherlands, 2, Florian from Germany, 3. Tomasz from Poland, 4. Nicolas from France and Kim from Finland. 2 Pilots are out of the race and 2 with very difficult names, are not yet scored; Ghazi Satriando Humaid Junior in LS1fNEO WL, from Poland and Austėja Urbanavičiūtė in LS3a from Lithuania.
23 pilots flew over 100 km./h. Good on them and it seems the next days will have good weather too.

Standard class; day 6.
Task 5; 5 hour AAT.
….at 17.15 the first pilot finished; Lucas from France after an early start at 12.12, flying 574 km/ 114 km./h. in the end he finished on spot 18.
At 6PM, we saw distances of 641 km/ 124.83 km./h.
4 are not yet scored I will be back to check on them later.
It looks NOW that USA pilot Thomas Greenhill [Discus 2A] has the best papers to win the day with 641 km/ 124.83 km./h.
Unfortunately “our” Dutch Niels had not his best day [18] and dropped from 1 to 4 overall, but it ain’t over yet!!!!

WONDERFUL, ALL pilots finished and ALL above 100 km./h. TOP young-pilots.
Thomas won the day, but all scores are still preliminary!
Czech pilot Lukas flew 653 km ./121.50 km./h. , but needed 22 minutes too much. He still moved from 2 to 1 overall.

After task 5 the Czech Rep team leads the scores from the TEAM CUP,with 905.69 points.
Spot 2; is for Germany; 862.23
Spot 3 ; for France; 859.90
Spot 4; The Netherlands 854.50
Spot 5; Poland 821.77

So , you are up to date again Enjoy reading.

—-Team USA reports are good reading. Here are the reports from the first 2 days.

USA Club class pilots ; Steven Tellman, David Mcmaster and Jacob Barnes Jr.

——Talking about juniors; this is Adam A FORMER AUSSIE JUNIOR and most of you know him because he is a good young glider pilot and he keeps a very popular blog; Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures
This is his news this morning:
“The day has finally come, on the 16th July, I achieved the dream, heavy jet captain for one of the world’s majors & national airline, All Nippon Airways / Air Japan.”
I know Adam, since he was that junior, flying comps and even organising the Junior Nationals in Australia with some young mates.
For a short while he was our tuggie in Tocumwal at the SSC, but he really was focused on his final goal ; being an airline pilot. He went for that, so when he got a better offer to make more hours, he left us.
Good luck Adam and I wish you many dream flights !

courtesy Adam

——-For those loving to fly comps in South Africa, here is your chance.

2 Unofficial practice days have been flown at the FAI SGP 2024 in France tomorrow starts the official practice and on Sunday they fly RACE !

Cheers Ritz

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