Post 1.532 on August 23 2024
Great to see, that all pilots I hoped they would win a day…. did win today!!!
Radek in 18m, Erik and Mathijs in the 20 m class and Oscar in open.
Here we go with day 5 and task 5; 43 Gr C.
Lumpy mentioned about this day;” There are days when the idea of taking up golf seems very appealing….. The forecast was for blue down to the first turn, then working into Cu up the north. The risk was over development towards the last turn, in fact navigating that with TS predicted was a topic for discussion. Reality was a little different…… isn’t it always !” Tocumwal Soaring Centre
Friday August 23, day 5, task 5;
18m; 4 hour AAT....and a bit of a “weird” top 10, not the usual names, but great to see and all 10 flew over 152 km./h!!!!!.
Daily winner Radek Krejcirik. Son from Petr and during many years ,I have seen/met the family at fields as Petr was mostly the TC from the Czech Rep. or he flew an EGC or WGC himself. I believe Petr could be in the TWIN SHARK, in the 20 m class this year, but I am not sure as they always use only surnames. Grrr….
Radek was like more kids from pilot,s a lot of time at airfields and then you can talk about the “spoon” or “the apple’……
Over the last couple of years Radek became a “good, better, best pilot” and as said in 2012 he was already in Uvalde. He was 3d overall in 15 m with 10.526 points.
This daily win pleases me; 635.28 km. with 155.39 km./h. Just a tad faster than our Belgian mate Manu who flew 661.31 km. with 155.23 km./h. both in JS3.
On spot 3 Linas Miezlaiskis from Lithuania in AS 33es, Simon from Germany in Ventus 3E was 4th , on 5 Yves Gerster from Switzerland , on 6 Hungaryan Zoltan Hamar, on 7 Ian MacArthur from the UK, on 8 Dawid Pretorius from SA followed by 2 pilots on spot 9. Uys and Sjaak from ZA and The Netherlands, all in JS3.
All 32 started and 1 was “out”.
Till now I expected more from my Italian mates Thomas and Stefano,[25 and 26 today] but still a full week to go.
Matthew was on spot 12 and then I think straight away, “What happened”?
Here it is; ” Catastrophe struck – I was having a brilliant day by myself with a task speed above 160kph, taking advantage of the good conditions where flying alone can be faster, but at 6pm just as the day started to switch off my LX9070 lost GPS position.
I switched to my backup navigation, but lost my FLARM radar and sight of the gaggle I wanted to be with for the anticipated tricky climb to final glide and ended up by myself, low, in a collapsing sky. I lost a lot of hard-won kph on Team Germany that I may not have another opportunity to reclaim.
We have replaced the GPS antenna and placed it above the shroud, hoping that was the problem…
Thanks to Uys Jonker for the help onto glide and after landing.” Matthew Scutter’s Gliding
20 m. multi seat; 4 hour AAT....YES,….Erik and Mathijs won the 4 hour AAT; 517.75 km with 129.44 km./h. AND,…exactly at the 4 hour-dot!!!Top!!!!
The good working team AT the ground took a picture straight away. Thanks team!!!

Runner up today was team Keith and Marju from N.Z with 513.56 and 125.96 km./h.[946 points] BUT,…they had ONLY 1 point more than Adam and Keith on spot 3 [945] USA top team Karl and Sarah was 3d. By the way , Sarah’s husband Jason is a tuggy at the comps. AND,….Karl flew in 1991 in Uvalde in 15 m class
They still lead however, overall, before Adam and Keith ; 4.818 and 4.725 points.
All 16 teams started AND finished.
Here is Adam;
“The power of the mind is the key point behind today’s flight. We started high, started first, powered down the first leg, knowing that the Americans were hot on our heels. Second leg, lower & lower we went. I have this weakness that when I’m in front, I will do everything in my power to make sure that I don’t stop in a thermal, unless it feels like a thermal & I can core it straight away. I desperately don’t want to mark a climb for anyone & I’m not willing to reduce my cruise speed until I really have to.
Today, that was down to 1700′ until I got a 5kt save. Though it wasn’t enough, I could see the Americans catching me slowly & I was confident that they turned at the same point in the first sector.
After our recovery, I decided that the entire gaggle, including myself was in the wrong part of the sky. Everyone was trying to be on the outside for extra kilometres, but I decided that I could go faster by getting closer to the trough (which was key for working climbs easier) & turning early, to get into the deep CU quicker.
“Hammer time. For the first time this comp I flew at close to 100% to catch back up what I lost & to try win the day in another way. It felt great. The power of the mind, I could’ve resigned to losing more points, but I took it all into my own hands & decided to get cracking.“
much more on Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures
Open; 4.30 AAT.... the big ones had to fly half an hour more, hence more kilometres 680 and 151.03 km./h for Oscar Goudriaan in his new “toy” the JS5.
Interesting; 3 pilots finished at the 4.30 mark!!!! AND, they won the day. Also interesting the 18 m class flew in 4 hours only 50 km less.
Runner up was Zoran Frenc from Serbia and 3d was Laurent Aboulin. They flew a few kilometres less and a bit “slower” but finished at the dot!!!!
All 17 pilots finished, some [ 5] late …after 7PM.
“our” Francois who did so well till now , very consistent, was on spot 12 and sadly dropped from 3 to 6, BUT a week to go.
No Sebastian Kawa this year in Uvalde at the WGC, but he returned back home after a long and very impressive and intense new journey, happy to be back so to see;

Looking back on 1991;
Nice to see/hear, that you like the link with 1991, next week I will look back at 2012 , when I was there as journalist for SOARING CAFE.

First the/”my” Dutch team and the airfield of Uvalde in 1991!!!
it’s a picture from pictures on 1 page in my album.
With Daan, Sikko ,Gerrit and Baer as pilots and Dick and I as Team manager and TC.

The Russian team ” USSR” was present and I remember getting a “tube” with astronaut-food from 1 of the pilots, Alexander Silvanovitch. Never eat it , kept it for a few years and had to throw it away.

The Team from South Africa flew there as well but under INDIVIDUAL ENTRIES.AND,…Oscar is still flying WGC’s!!!! TOP!!!!!!He WON today!!!!!

And last but not least My Aussie mates crew from “Butch ” John Buchanan , Gaby and John’s son Brad.
Cu tomorrow. NOT on SUNDAY as I will be at the KEIHEUVEL. They fly there for 2 days for THE CUP.
Try to write the Keiheuvel diary as usual too.
Cheers Ritz