After 3 days they continued with the NATIONALS at Ferrara. More and more they only fly during the weekends in Italy. On Friday tasks were set but not flown. We had terrible weather here too, like in the UK, France, Belgium and Germany. Flooding again and severe thunderstorms. But that weather went through quickly, blue skies appeared and it was hot again. Up to 33 dgr C here in The Netherlands last Sunday.
UNICA; Task 4; 2.15 AAT….not flown. Task 5; 400 km,…..that’s better the Italian soaring weather was back. Ricky was just a tad faster than Davide; 110.91 km./h for 110.57 and with 110. 40 Roberto Pinato was close by as well;1000,994 and 992 points. All 23 in this class started and 2 did not finish. Task 6; 2.15 AAT.….22 pilots started on this last day and 21 finished. Davide in his 18 m. JS3 flew 269.39 km in time 2.21.49, so a speed of 113.98 km./h. and was with that speed the last daily winner. It was less than a tad, 113.96 km./h for runner up Mauro Brunazzo. Roberto Pinato who was on spot 1 overall in his JS 3 every day except for day 1, was on spot 15 with an 81 sec. penalty for a low finish. He lost over 600 points and with that his title, but was still on the podium. Giorgio was 18th. 1. Davide Schiavotto in JS3 /18m with 3,722 points. National Champion, congratulations. 2. Lucio Bordin in JS 3/18m with 3,667 p. 3. Roberto Pinato in JS 3/18m with 3,624 p. Ricky missed out on 20 points [3,604] to be on the podium.
Like in Belgium a” RICH FUTURE” for soaring in Italy. Children growing up at a field with other children and attending comps, sharing the luck of prizes, I know it’s so good!!!! AEROCLUB VOLOVELISTICO FERRARESE
CLUB; Task 4; 215 AAT,…..not flown. Task 5; 299.62 km..…3 flew faster than 90 km./h. Giacomo Dall’Olio won the 1000 points for a speed of 99.82 km./h in an ASW 20a. Another glider , same type , different pilot, Lapo Busi, was runner up ; 95.44 km./h.. Lapo won already task 2 and 3. All 20 started and 2 were “out”. Task 6; 2 hour AAT….183 km for Luca [Monti] and Lorenzo [Monti] both starting and finishing and flying with 90 km./h. with a rather late start at 15. 15. Both flying a LAK 19. 19 started and 17 finished. Overall, Luca [Urbani] who was 3d for the day passed Lapo. 1. Giacomo Dall’Olio in ASW 20 with 3,342 points. 2. Luca Urbani in Discus 2a with 3,273 p. 3. Lapo Busi in ASW 20a with 3,234 p On spot 4 Luca Monti missing out on 3 points; 3,231 p.
They had another class during this competition; promozione, with 7 pilots eager to get higher up in the soaring world and in class. Winner AND CHAMPION, was Andrea Paganin in LS1f with 2,495 points. The runner up , Luca Leone had 2,274 p.
The airfield of Soesterberg as seen and shared on Mai 1 2023 by Wouter Bakker.
In the Netherlands we have several 2-day-comps. This time Soesterberg is the host. Here “lives” the club from AMSTERDAM….the ACVZ.[ Amsterdamse Club voor Zweefvliegen] 2 Classes looked ahead a a great soaring weekend as the weather was hot ,but very blue! Tasks were set for club with 18 participants among them 2 ladies , Sanne from Deelen and Sophie from the student club of Delft and open had 17 pilots several well known to me , as father and son Daan and Thijs Pare both flying a Ventus.
Club class flies on June 24 task 1; a 3 hour AAT…… 310 km. was flown by Jeroen van Dijk in the LS 3 WL. After 10 flying days during the Dutch Nationals he was already in a good flow and he was winning now with 90 km./h. Soesterberg is his club. Runner up in a St. Libelle was Daan van Kol, also a local pilot. 16 Started and 12 finished. Looking at the ladies; Sophie did not start and Sanne was out . Task 2; 266.84 km.….and again Jeroen wins the day; 100 km./h the only one over the 100 km. mark. With that he is of course the winner of this 2-day-competition;1,858 points. Daan is runner up [9th for the day] with 1,667 p.
Open flies on task 1 ; 353.60 km..…All 17 finished but the speed was not high, so it was more or less “fighting” in the blue. Team Simon van den Eijkel and Jeroen Verheul won in the Duo Discus XLT; 98.09 km./h.. Runner up team Rik van den Boer from the Belgium club Albatros flew the same glider; 94.76 km./h. Only 1 pilot flew over 100 km./h ;Max Leenders in his JS 3 TJ/18m. Daan and Thijs were on spot 7 and 8. Task 2; 302.56 km..…also here the same winners as the day before; Simon and Jeroen. the Belgium friends, Rik and Tom, were also runner up again. No news that those 2 teams won the comps. 1,831 points for 1,742p. Only 13 started on day 2.
AUSTRIAN NATIONALS in 4 CLASSES Mariazell 23 June 2023 – 1 July 2023
In between, the Austrian Nationals have started as well in 4 classes. They started with a “no task day” on June 23 as the opening was on that day and on June 24, but on June 25 the pilots had to go up in the air. But then it was straight GOOD. There are 4 classes 15 m with 17 participants, 18 m with 23, 2-seaters with 12 teams and open with 16. A total of 68 among them several “big” names.
15 m ; Task 1; 313.93 km....David Richter-Trummer in a H 301 Libelle won day 1 with a speed of 78.60 km./h His handicap is 100. Runner up with 999 points was Raphael Gramer in LS 4 [525 k] Also in this class 1 pilot from Germany and 1 from Czech Rep. 17 started 8 finished, so a tough day. Task 2; 511.34 km….No doubt,….David is in good soaring mood so is his Libelle…..flying 511 km. He won again; speed over this rather long distance during a competition was 89.38 km. 17 started and only 10 finished. Task 3; km…according to the local weather station the temperature at 10 was 16 dgr. C, with 89 % clouds and not a lot of wind 13 km./h.
18 m; Task 1;485.32 km...5 German pilots in this class and one of them Tilo [Holighaus] yes from Shempp-Hirth won day 1 in his Ventus 3 with a speed of 106.38 km./h. Runners up Peter Hartmann in JS 1C and Heimo Demmerer in Ventus 3 . Both pilots fly a lot in Italy as well. I met them several times at the CIM in Rieti. 23 started and 19 finished among them Werner Amann, Uys Jonker from South Africa and good “old” Reinhard Haggenmueller. He once flew {somewhere at a WGC?} a great DEMO, I never have forgotten, scary but so good. Task 2; 508.23 km….Peter , used to mountain flying, was the best; 113.70 km./h Uys did well over those Mariazell mountains; runner up with 111.53 km./h. 22 started and 19 finished.
2-seaters and open class as they are about the same with the same tasks; Task 1; 428.71 km….a Dutch Austrian combination won task 1; Mathijs van Houweninge & Aurel Hallbrucker in the ARCUS M; 111.32 km./h. BUT…they had to share their first spot with TOPPERS as Andy Lutz and Wolfgang Janowitsch [Happy birthday Wolfgang] a former double 18 m. WGC champion.[2003 Leszno and 2018 in Hosin] When Wolfgang wins he can be truly/intense happy. See picture Task 2; 573.88 km….Andy and Wolfgang were the daily winners; 106.77 km./h then only ones over 100 km./h so a tough day in the office. Tougher even for Mathijs and Aurel who stranded when they were nearly home; “out” after 523 km. loosing 468 points on Wolfgang and Andy ; from 12 starters 6 were in. From the 16 in open class 6 were out.
Becoming WGC champion in 2018 in Hosin in the Czech Rep. From my archive.
They did NOT FLY yesterday.…NO TASK. Today they fly…in ALL classes…2.30 AAT’s. 15m 2.30 AAT More next week.
—–It’s mid winter in Australia but some of my mates had a good Sunday last week. From Bunyan Gld close to Canberra [South] Justin Fritzgerald flew in wave a yo-yo-flight from 791 km over the mountains from the Great Dividing Range with a speed of 167.54 km./h in a 15 m. Ventus CT. Good on him. He stayed East of Mount Kosciuszco, [2230 m. the highest point], where I once drove over with Brutus in our car on our way to Canberra. Pretty special that high mountain-range with its trees. Still not sure if it was a good idea to travel that way, sometimes it was pretty scary, but we arrived safe in Canberra. Also a nice flight from Bunyan in an LS6 by David McIlroy;246 km. 5 Pilots noticed the potential good wave flights and went for a ride. My mate Gerrit flew in his EB 29R a distance of 261 km and another good mate Butch flew in his AS 33es/18m. 242 km. Nice winter-day out from Kingaroy more in the East of Australia.
Not long [July2] the WWGC starts in Spain. Most ladies have arrived already. Some even practice for 2 weeks. I will follow them , of course and wish them ALL…… GOOD LUCK and SAFE FLIGHTS. 47 pilots in 3 classes….16 in Standard Class, 12 in 18 m and 19 in Club Class.
As we head into the last few days of unofficial practice the grid is increasing in scale, all is going well so far. Everyone is delighted to see a concrete runway rather than tarmac for the obligatory grid squats in the Spanish sunshine that lay ahead! WWGC2023 training update: from British Gliding Team
Also the German team has arrived with 10 pilots!!! From July 2, the gliders will take to the skies around Soria (Spain) for the Women’s World Cup. With them, of course, the German team with the pilots: Ilka Elster-Back – LS8 e neo Cornelia Schaich – LS8 Karen Wilken – LS8 Sabrina Vogt – Discus 2a Anja Barfuss – ASG 29 Es 18m Sandra Malzacher – ASG 29 18m Katrin Senne – JS3 18m Jet Ulrike Teichmann – LS4 Carolin Rothardt – LS7 Daniela Wilden – LS7 WL
AND …. Eric Napoleon announced the arrival of his French team in Spain; 9 pilots. Alizée Petit – ASW 20 Aude Grangeray – LS7 Louise Rodriguez – LS7 Anais Gaubert – Discus 2A Marilyne Abadie-Bérard – Discus 2A Aude Untersee – Discus 2A Mélanie Gadoulet – JS3/18m Astrid Galaret – JS3/18m. Anne Ducarouge – JS3/18m
The French team at Soria/Garray…
The “girls” from the USA, Kathy Fosha [ ASW 20] and Sylvia Grandstaff, [ St Cirrus] both were in Lake Keepit as well [and as far as I remember not in HusBos] , have arrived as well.
Kathy Fosha’s crew car in Spain…call sign of her glider indeed ET. US Soaring Teams
The Netherlands will be represented by Lizzy [van Zomeren] .Tough job for a sole pilot ,but she will do her utmost best! AND,…she can make quickly new friends…. You surely remember the smoke at days at the WWGC in Lake Keepit [2020] due to many forest fires. In Spain no fires but only smoke; not good either,… this smoke arrives from the CANADA fires. I noticed it on TV and it looked a bit “creepy”, orange/red skies at places . Matthew Scutter from SkySight shared this picture;
It’s a little bit strange, that the Women’s World Gliding Championship in Spain is to be yet again plagued by smoke, just as it was in 2019 in Australia. We wish them good luck and clean air! SkySight
The first thing when I read my mails was the JS News Flash from Jonker Sailplanes, NO need for me to do time- consuming- research about the German Nationals, when they have written down ,what I wanted to say too. So here you are, I share it, whenever you have nor read it yet.
The German Nationals in Open, 18m, and Double Seater class recently concluded, providing pilots with exceptional weather conditions over the past two weeks. Out of 13 possible days in Bayreuth, there were 11 competition days, thanks to the continuous influence of a high-pressure system over the north of Germany. This system brought in a strong and fresh airmass from the northeast, creating excellent thermal conditions for the pilots. In the 18m class, 15 out of 39 pilots opted for JS gliders. The reigning standard class world champion, Simon Schröder, showcased his dominance once again by securing a victory in this class. Schröder won with a commanding lead of 400 points, flying a Ventus 3TS. Stefan Langer (ASG 29) finished in second place, followed by Matthias Sturm and Katrin Senne (both flying JS3 JET gliders) in third and fourth place, respectively.
In the open class, Michael Sommer emerged as the winner once more, with Felipe Levin and OliverBinder (both his teammates) securing second and third place, respectively. Impressively, the top six positions in the open class were all taken by EB29R gliders, indicating that this particular model is considered state-of-the-art. Among the 22 participants, there were 10 EB29Rs and 4 JS gliders.
The Double Seater class was dominated by the Theisinger family, with Laurenz flying alongside his father Georg in an ASG 32. They clinched victory with a comfortable lead of 24 points. Martin Theisinger, Laurenz’s uncle, finished in second place, while Andreas Hillebrand (flying an Arcus M) secured third place.
Double seater champions: Martin Theisinger and his co-driver Yannik Frey, Laurenz Theisinger and his father Georg Theisinger, and Andreas Hillebrand and his co-driver Josef Meyer.
The organizing team of the event in Bayreuth received high praise for their remarkable job, and the facilities in Bayreuth were commended for their quality. As a result, it is believed that Bayreuth has the potential to host even larger competitions in the future.”
So far the Jonker news flash, As said before , I was already in Bayreuth at the WGC in 1999 and that was perfectly organized as well. Holger Karow then won in open class in a Nimbus 4, Giorgio Galetto won in 15 m. in Ventus 2 and in standard it was Jean Marc Caillard in Discus 2A. Have good memories on Bayreuth.
Also Schempp-Hirth was happy; “Simon Schröder is German Champion in 18m Class 2023. We are very happy that our sales agent placed first in Bayreuth in the 18m Classat the German Nationals with our Ventus-3 ! He flew his way past all competitors and managed to save his place right from the first days. Due to his consequent flying he brought the title home. We are very proud of him and welcomed him back warmly to our company.”
After the comps there was still soaring-spirit in Michael [Sommer] ; last Sunday he flew in the EB 29R a distance from 1.324.75 km from Oberhinkofen nearly flying to Vienna and back, with good wave conditions and another 10 hours and 17 minutes in his log book.
What happened more? GREAT WEATHER!!!No……. GLORIOUS WEATHER!Stunning conditions at places!!! Every already flown competition had many days and long distances and happy faces; —–Arne Martin Güettler was the NORWEGIAN CHAMPION in open class where 12 pilots plus 1 HC pilot had 7 days out of 7. Mostly around 300 km tasks were set. 3.839 points for him. He flew a DG 500 Martin Bjørnebekk was the club class NATIONAL CHAMPION. He flew a MOSQUITO.4.906 points for him. He won 3 tasks.
Great skies over the Norwegian DG 505 M Orion 20m from Arne on their last day of competition on June 10. Courtesy Arne Martin Güettler
—–The OPEN MILITARY CHAMPIONSHIP was flown in THE NETHERLANDS from Malden. 2 Classes, club with 9 pilots and 15 in the combi class. There is a mix from military pilots and “just normal” pilots. You don’t have to be in the military service to participate. The Royal Airforce even brought an ASK 21 to Malden. Pilots from the 300 squadron flew around with who ever wanted a “joy-flight”. Great effort! After 5 out of 5 days with in the combi – class tasks up to 481 km and in club up to 400 km. this was a super-event. Winner in club was ; Jeroen van Dijk in LS 3 WL with 4.218 points. Jeroen was OUT on day 1 after 163 km. , but won all the other days. Winner in combi; father and son Ben and Frank Hiemstra in the DG 1000S/20m. with 4.738 points. They flew 27 hours , 2143 km and the best height was over Germany;2500 m!!!! So exellent conditions.
Ready for another day. Days from over 400 km in the combi class. Courtesy Ilse Hiemstra.
Bit crowdy at the podium but team Ben and Frank are proudly in the middle. to the l. team Simon van den Eijkel & Verhuls [Duo Discus XLT] and to the r. Matthijs Tanis [Ventus 2cxt]
—–The RAYSKALA MASTERS in Finland had superb weather as well. Included were the Finish Nationals in open and racing class. 8 days out of 8 of fine soaring
Class photo of 2023 – a super friendly competition & 9 days straight soaring shared by Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures Adam crewed in Rayskala this time, more time for beer, friends and sauna. My Tocumwal mates Laurel and Tim Cooke were there as well.
Winner in club class ; Sakari Pyörre in LS 7 with 7,151 points. Winner in racing class ; Kristian Roine in LS 8st with 7,297 points. Winner in open class; Juha Sorri in ARCUS M with 6,955 points. Interesting to see that the number 1 flew an ARCUS M the number 2, Pasi Pulkkinen an EB29D [6781 p] and the number 3 Aku Jaakkola, a Ventus 3.[6.771, very close!!!] When I got to know Aku he was very young , very eager and a very keen and good pilot. Now married and with children , he is still good!
Finnish gliding nationals were flown at the same time in the Open and Racing classes. Finnish national rules were applied. Handicaps were used in all classes. Same names in both classes, different final scores AND….2 new National Champions 2023. Pasi called it ” One of the most skillfull contest ever in Finnish nationals.” Results; Open; Racing: 1. Juha Sorri with 6.821 p. 1. Krististian Roine with 7,349 p. 2. Pasi Pulkkinen with 6.654 p. 2. Antti Koskiniemi with 7,082 p.[Discus 2B] 3. Aku Jaakkola with 6.641 p. 3. Nuutti Luukkonen with 7,000 p. [LS8 a]
ready to go courtesy Katja Soikkeli
On the last day there finish was over the LAKE and when I was there, I loved it! VERY SPECTECULAR!!!!! “legendary finish line 12 in use” [Bit like in Lake Keepit] They still love it. Katja who I got to know at Rayskala during the Europeans,[2005?] took these great pictures. Many others , still flying this competition, I got to know then too.
The runway to land on is straight behind the lake. Räyskälä Masters but pictures COURTESY Katja Soikkeli
——-The 13th 15 m class NATIONALS in POLAND [ 9 June 2023 – 17 June ] flown from Grudziadz Lisie had not the glorious weather the pilots more West in Europe had. 4 Tasks out of 8 . Łukasz Grabowski won 2 days ,[ 440 km and 2 hour AAT] so did Jacek Flis.[2.30 AAT and 3 hour AAT] . In the end Jacek won in his LS 3 with 3.371 points . Runner up Lucasz in the DIANA 2 , had 3.293 p. Handicap LS3 is 912.925 and from the DIANA 2 863.853
HUGE first prize cup in Poland. courtesy Rzecz Jasna
Some comps have just started and are still in progress like in Italy; CLUB CLASS and UNICA in Ferrara between 16 June 2023 – 25 June;
Unica; 23 pilots among them Ricky [Brigliadori] , Giorgio [Galetto] and Davide [Schiavotto] Task 1; 268.39 km….. good day for 5 pilots flying 119 km./h. 4 Flew a JS 3 and 1 a ASH 31.21 m. All 5 started at 14.25 and finished at 16.40. But one was the best; Davide with 119.98 km./h…… Ricky was runner up; 119.31 km./h. Task 2; 226.44 km……23 started 22 finished. Best was Roberto Pinato in JS 3 with 105.60 km./h. Davide and Ricky were on spot 8 and 9 and Giorgio on spot 5. Task 3; 235.02 km..…2d win for Davide, who grew out from an eager junior flying the JWGC in Husbos ….with as his coach/TC Leonardo [Brigliadori] to an Italian top pilot. 23 started and 19 finished, among them Ricky and Giorgio on spot 3;equal daily points 646. After 3 tasks and hopefully 3 more to come from Friday onward, there are 5 pilots between 1.921 and 1.990 points. [Roberto, Lucio, Davide ,Alberto and Ricky.]
Club class; 20 pilots among them Luca [Urbani], Luca [ Monti], and 3 Fergnani’s; Elena, Michelle and brother Nicola. Task 1; 193.40 km.…The Luca’s straight did well. Urbani won [105.17 km./h] in Discus 2A and Monti in LAK 19 with 102.67 km./h. Task 2; 231.44 km…..Lapo Busi won the day in ASW 20 a;99.45 km./h. Elena [ Discus] was runner up and Nicola [Discus] 4th , Micelle the youngest was 6th. [Discus 2a] Task 3;195.01 km….91.80 km./h for Lapo…. again as daily winner. 20 started and 18 finished. Former WWGC champion in Club class [Lake Keepit in 2020 in Australia] Elena was 13th. Clearly Lapo leads the overall scores after 3 days; 1.840 points. 3 days hopefully to go, but there are more {thunder}-storms around. Mmmmm….
The competitions in Ferrara continue on Friday June 23 2023 for another 3 days.
—–Busy busy soaring week in great summer conditions look at how busy it is on this picture shared by Sebastian. Have a look also at the OLC and WeGlide for a huge amount of 1000 km-plus- flights.
Just read this message from WeGlide: “Yesterday, Gordon Boettger texted us saying: “I’m going to launch at midnight tonight and plan for a 2500 km plus flight. NVG time baby!”. Now, after a flight of 17,5 hours, Gordon and Bruce have gone further than anyone ever did before them in a glider. The WeGlide team would like to congratulate both pilots with this amazing achievement of 3058km and for pushing the boundaries of gliding.” They started at Minden, in an ARCUS J and the speed was 177 km./h!!!
We are super excited to hear his story and share it with you!
—–Not long and the WWGC starts in Garray in Spain. Start is on July 1 2023. Training update from Team UK: “Four weeks ago, a ground handling incident meant that Carol would not be able to fly her LS7 in WWGC2023. However, she is back in the competition because Tim Dews of Airbourne Composites kindly offered the loan of his ASW 20 L. This kind of gesture is a great example of the supportive nature of this sport.” That’s gliding too!!!!!Great effort from Tim!
CU next week. Hospital visit was OK!!!! Holiday as it should be, with 5 nearly 80 years old….haha. Though 4, 3 and 2 years to go for the big 8-0. After 38 days with NO rain, we had some strong thunderstorms over night, mostly in the coastal areas. Every day around 30 dgr.C, feels “good” in Australia, but less good in The Netherlands with no airco. Half June we had already more sun hours than ever before in June. LONGEST DAY HERE!!!!! Shortest for my friends down under. AND,.in Scandinavia around this time …..MID SUMMER NIGHT. I attended a few , very special atmosphere. Cheers Ritz
GERMAN NATIONALS at BAYREUTH 28 May 2023 – 9 June 2023
CD Georg Baier at the grid over seeing the launches.
In “my time,” even a WGC, stopped sometimes after 6 days for a rest day. Not in Bayreuth, they started with day 8, without rest. AND,…those days were pretty long with 3 and 4 hour AAT’s and over 500 k racing tasks. Maybe getting older makes me “weaker”. Though…. maybe a 2 hour AAT for open class, “sounds/feels ” like rest. Anyhow they hope for 12 days and the prize giving is on Saturday morning at 10 AM [I will be “gone” then.] But for you …..All news on and for scores also the final scores; We continue too; Monday June 5; Task 8 competition-day 8! I read that the air had changed and is more instable[ “which could be good”,] but also a possibility for thunderstorms is fore casted along the Easterly low mountain range, so they fly to the West. After a B task a C task was set as well but,…they flew the A tasks starting at 11.40. At 12.17 they started with the 2-seaters and as last open with a small task. 18m class; 3 hour AAT….Stefan [Langer] is in a good flow and after being runner up the day earlier he was now THE DAILY BEST; 410.30 km. in time 3.06.45…speed131.82 km/h. About the same time as runner up Mario [Kiessling] 131.58 km/h. for 406 km in 3.05.17. 37 Still in “the game” starting and finishing!!!!
Open class; 2 hour AAT... 136.20 km./h for Holger [Karow] with 272.39 km in time 1.59.29 for 600 points! He started and finished together with Markus [Frank]. Felipe and Michael were on 3 and 4 , starting 8 minutes later. “The open class was so fast that at times it seemed as if these minimums were being exceeded. The rating of the Open Class would then have been neutralized, i.e. taken out of the rating – in reversal of all other principles because the pilots were too good. After all the flights were available, it was clear: the flights were about half a minute above the minimum value, so the rating stood.” as written by Daniel Große Verspohl 20 here still in the race and all 20 started and finished.
Dosi’s; 2.30 AAT....a prey again for the Theisingers; Martin {ARCUS M} flew 337 km so did Laurenz {ASG 32] ;difference in scores; ONE point, 838 for 837.Speed 130 km./h. The good old DUO DISCUS XT was 3d, 10 km slower, but holding on NICELY!!!! 28 started and finished.
Wednesday today!June 7 task 9... 18m; 229 km…..last to be launched open; 299.13 km… dosi’s; 291.63 km…starting first… The verdict from the weather man, in the early morning , when there is still overcast, about a flying day is ; 50/50. A pity I can’t follow the final of this comps. My laptop stays home.
GERMAN JUNIOR NATIONALS Aalen-Heidenheim/Elchingen 27 May 2023 – 10 June 2023
Only a few more days to go for the 70 juniors when I start writing again after the extra Sunday blog, on Monday morning. They had already 7 concessive days in their standard and club class with mainly over 300 km tasks in standard class even a 4 hour AAT on task 5 on June 2; Max Maslak won that day in the LS 8NEO; He flew 457.52 km in time 4.06…speed 104.21 km./h. But 1 day later he was virtual “out” after 132 km. dropping from 1 overall [ where he was for 5 days] with nearly 300 points more than the runner up, to spot 7. That “hit” him , pretty normal, as on task 7 he was “only’ 20thiest from 28.
In May 2022 Max flew his first SGP in Sweden in Boras. Only 3 flyable days in which he was 12th [from 15] Stefan Langer he flies so well now in the German Nationals in Bayreuth won then with 21 points. Max is a young guy, learning a lot from all kind of comps or free soaring , with a bright future!
Max was one of those lucky young guy’s flying in Namibia last winter. I wrote about him, on December 7 2022 “This must be Max Maslak’s BEST experience with soaring in his 19 year life. Flying the Ventus 3 by himself during the Bitterwasser-1000 km-camp and together with Wilfried learning in the EB 28 “Day 7 1000km Camp Bitterwasser; “Again one of the best days in Namibia with a 300km convergence line in the west. Early start with an adiabatic temp curve. Even if the high level of instability in the west brought about early spreads of rain, the route planning in the morning went quite well. The thunderstorms that hung over Bitterwasser in the late afternoon were limited in time, so that in the evening the airfield could be approached again without any problems. Another important experience for Max at just 19 years old..” by Wilfried They flew 1.214 km…speed 143 km./h. Max flew 3x in the Ventus 3M/18 m; 1.049 km….1.158 km…and day 7 …..1.049 km. With Wilfried; Day 1…..1.135 Max very first flight, …1.162 km….1.214 km “7 flight days……..7400km…….is only possible in Bitterwasser
But there are more GOOD young German pilots. On Monday it was Eric Schneider and Nils Schlautmann both in LS 8 leading the overall scores with 5,969 and 5,951 points after those 7 days/tasks. Eric won task 6 and was runner up on task 4 and 5.
On Monday June 5, after 7 tasks they had a rest day! Still 4 days to go when the weather is good. That Monday was a GREAT day. In his Ventus 3T ,Tilo flew from Aalen Heidenheim 974 km!!!
Tuesday June 6; 3 hour AAT…still good weather…..352.68 km. in time 259.13 was the best performance in an LS 8 neo for 1000 points…speed 117.56m km./h. Pilot; Paul Schwarz. Most started around 2 PM, Max at 2.20. He flew his LS8 neo over 379.69 km. but needed 3 hours and 27 minutes.[109.61 km/h] 27 started and 23 finished! Wednesday June 7;
CLUB CLASS; with 40 pilots ; 7 days of flying in a row also in club class. Tasks from 4 hour AAT’s and 3.30 AAT’s and racing tasks around 300 km. Quite some kilometers for “the little ones”. 13 Pilots are overall, in between 5000 and 5928 points after those 7 days. Gerrit Neugebauer in LS 4 won 2 days and was on 1 runner up and 2x on spot 3. He is the one with the 5928 points. After a well deserved rest-day they started again , they are young and strong, love their soaring and…were refreshed,…no worries, not even for another 3.30 AAT. Tuesday June 6 with a 3.30 AAT…..Felix Kries had a perfect timing ;332.41 km in time 3.26.56; speed 94.97 km./h. Pretty good that all those young pilots know how to fly AAT’s in time. Only 4 Needed over 4 hours. Gerrit proudly on top at the moment ,had to get back in the flow again and was 14th. [899 points] Still clearly 1; 6.827 points. Runner up John Bartels has 6/515 p. He flies an ASW 20 C. Wednesday June 7;NO TASK YET. To see the final scores later;
—-The Dutch juniors participated in a more local competition at the airfield of TWENTE. An interesting one, called TUKKER GP, with different rules; distance handicapped tasks and of course the Regatta start. Gliders with a higher handicap had to fly a bigger task. Unfortunately the 2 day competition had 1 day with a distance between 230.45 km and 341.81 km. An LS 8 neo was flown by Niels van Nieuwland, he was 3d , the LS 4 was flown by Tim Kremers he was 8th from 12.
——–They had, unfortunately, NO good pictures from the prize giving, at Lasham, at least I could not find them, BUT they shared GREAT pictures from Gaggles. Lots of gliders sharing thermals in gaggles given the lack of clouds.
courtesy Gary Turney who was under one of our competition routes at the weekend near Calne in Wiltshire. Shared by Lasham CompsLasham Comps
—-Arne Martin Güettler reports after each day flying in the NORWEGIAN NATIONALS [ 3 June 2023 – 10 June 2023 flown from Leirin] about the experiences the 15 participating pilots have. 12 In open and 3 in club. Good to see that Henning and Erland are still flying comps!!! “First day of Norwegian gliding championship. Mostly blue conditions. It was a decent start for us, but not the best. But many more days to come. And,…..3rd day of Norwegian gliding championship. Difficult conditions at the start, great street from first to second turnpoint. Difficult blue conditions on third leg, and had to dig ourself out from fairly low. But so did most others, and we ended up winning the day.In the total results we are now second.”…/task-3-on-2023-06-06/daily
And if you wish you can follow the Räyskälä Masters 10 June 2023 – 17 June 2023. 42 Pilots in 3classes. “This week’s schedule: Registration at competition office (Ilmoittautuminen kisapaikalla)
Friday 9.6.2023 Unofficial practice day, briefing at 10:00 in Hangar I, tasks available, more info coming later (epävirallinen harjoituspäivä, lisätietoa myöhemmin)
9.6.2023 19:00 Safety briefing in Hangar I (Turvallisuusbriefing I-hallissa)
10.6.2023 10:00 Opening ceremony in front of cafeteria and first official briefing in Hangar I afterwards.”
FRENCH NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP in Standard and 15 m and 2-seaters. 27 May 2023 – 3 June 2023
They finished yesterday so best to start with them. The standard and 15m competition included the French female Nationals. task 4 , flying-day 3 on May 31; standard/15 m; 177.21 km...37 started this day and 34 finished. They all started close to 4PM, a few however after 4. The 3 “out” did so after 58 km. There was a winner too; Fréderic Hoyeau with a speed of 91.41 km./h. flying his Discus 2a. A tad slower was Anne [Ducarouge]in the 15m JS 3. Top pilots as Laurent Aboulin and Christophe Abadie were on spot 11 and 22. After 4 days Anne leads [994] before Kevin [987] and MAX.[974] HC pilot from Belgium has the most points till now; 995….after 4 days, that says a LOT!!!! 2-seaters; 174.82 km...16 started and 1 was out. The daily winners from the day before Bruno Pieraerts & Patrick Stouffs did not start!!!! The daily winners now were team Francis Svobodny in ARCUS M; 96.30 km./h. Runner up was Philippe de Péchy, but quite a bit slower; 85.28 km./h.
Patrick and Bruno from Belgium after their daily win. courtesy Jerolamo Radman
Task 5,flying day 4 on JUNE 1; The weather improved!!!But NOT yet good enough….. Standard/15m; 3 hour AAT…changed in 2.45 AAT…with 267 km in time 2.48 a new face at the daily podium Eric Garnier in ASG 29e. Speed 95.30 km./h. Great runner up spot again from Belgian pilot Thomas Leduc; 265 km in time 2.50; speed 93.16 km./h. 36 Pilots started and only 2 were “out”. 2-Seaters ; 3 hour AAT....changed in 2.45 AAT...264 km in the ARCUS M for Philippe de Péchy; speed 95.92 km./h. 16 French teams started and 2 were out. Pieraerts & Stouffs , Bruno and Patrick, were in the race again and 7th for the day [HC]
A topper in MANY ways, human being ,instructor, glider pilot and a very experienced TC. Eric Napoleon, our ways crossed in many different parts of the world. 3d overall with 2 days to go in the 2 seaters. courtesy Jerolamo Radman
task 6; flying day 5 on June 2; Standard/15 m;125.77 km….still not a real French task. Anaïs Gaubert was the ONLY finisher! 44.73 km./h for 5 points!!!! But,…they flew and it was a valid day . So not really points to loose or gain, though sometimes ONE point can be enough to make you happy. A lot were 30 km out others closer as 115 or 105 . With one day to go Thomas from Belgium[HC] shares pot 1 with Eric . The first 7 pilots are between 1623 and 1786 points after 5 competition days!!!! It all depends on the last day. 2-seaters; 125.77 km…..5 finishers in this class!!!!Starts between 15.35 and 16.13. A late starter at 16.12, Bastien Naud in the ARCUS s won the day; fighting speed of 39.06 km./h. for 107 points. The other 4 had 106 and 104 points.
Nice BIG paddock for the many “out-landers”. Kévin Faur
Task 7 VERY LAST DAY ; and finally better weather on June 3!!! BUT…. Standard/15 m; 326.45 km…..CANCELLED 2-seaters; 315.20 km….CANCELLED Could n’t find why it was cancelled, must be the weather, but for now the French Championship is over; Overall scores in standard and 15m and NATIONAL CHAMPION after 5 out of 7 days; 1. Eric Garnier in ASG 29es with 1.786 points. EQUAL points for Belgian HC pilot Thomas Leduc. Good !!! 2. Jean-Denis Barrois in LS8 with 1.713 p. 3. Christophe Abadie in JS3 with 1.701 p Kevin was 4th with 1.692 p. CONGRATULATIONS!
Overall winners and CHAMPION in the 2-seater class; 1`. Svobodny & Montigny in ARCUS M with 1.664 points. CONGRATULATIONS.! 2. de Péchy & Bouderlique in ARCUS M with 1.591 p. 3. Napoléon & Petit in ARCUS T with 1.424 p. 4 Points more than Bastien Naud in ARCUS S.
Task 5 on May 31, with still not that great weather Lasham sometimes has. But they do have tasks. Standard; 153.78 km…scrubbed… 15m; 152.56 km….scrubbed… Open/18m; 181.67 km…scrubbed…. June 1…. “Unfortunately for the second day running temperatures have not been sufficient to sustain decent thermals. As a result today has been scrubbed/cancelled.“
“Earlier this week we launched 76 gliders in 53 minutes! A movement rate of over 150 an hour, making us briefly one of the busiest airfields in the world. We have to launch quick to ensure we can get gliders on task in their classes within the weather window. A huge team with experience is involved in making this all possible for the competitors from the Grid Marshal to Crews to Competition Directors and not forgetting our hard working rope runners!” VERY PROFESSIONEL.
“Welcome to Day 7 of the Lasham Nationals 2023. A reasonable prospect of weather in store.“ Lasham Comps
June 2; Task 7 on competition day 5. In the evening the news was : ‘What a day! 70 gliders launched in 46 minutes and some good albeit challenging racing to be had with many racing right up until the finish!”
Standard class ;210.32 km/224.30 km....18 started and 13 finished ,that does not straight away say “what a great day”. Jez Hood, flying in one of the 13 in this class competing LS8 gliders ,won the day; speed 71.09 for 871 points. Jez leads the overall scores with 2 more days to go;3.245 points. Tim has 3,062 and Henry 2.997 p. 15 m; 208.12 km...Kim Tipple [ASG 29E] flew with 75.25 km./h over the track for 854 points. 5 K./h faster than the runner up. Ayala and Liz did well, the girls were on spot 3 and 4 starting and finishing together after a rather early start at 14.24. Most started at 14.47. 19 started and 13 finished. open/18m; 273.25 km/ 285.54 km....a 1000 points-day for Toby Freeland in the ASH 25; 81.08 km./h ,just a tad faster than Andy in his JS 1C; 80.84 km./h. Tim [Jenkinson] in JS 1c ] was 5th . These 2 pilots are on top overall with 2 days to go; 3.421 p for 3.405 p. 30 Started and only 12 finished! Russell and Pete were among them.
June 3 ; Task 8 on flying day 6. “Welcome to Day 8. And what a task we have in store today.“ Penultimate day Standard; 3 hour AAT….and a 1000 points-day and those points were for Paul Fritche of course in an LS 8; 378.85 km in time 3.45.46…speed 100.68 km./h The only one over 100 km and just! Jez ,Tom and Henry followed with 99.75 and 98.81km./h. 19 started and 12 finished! 15 m; 3 hour AAT….Gary was in this class the only one over 100 km.h. He flew 332.41 km. Andy’s son Matthew Davis was runner up in JS3. Ayala and Liz belonged to the 11 outlanders from 19 starters. Open/18 m.; 3 hour AAT...with a relative late start at 14.24 Andy was the daily best; 372 km in time 3.14….speed 114.99 km./h. An other “old hand” in this sport Steve [Jones] was runner up. He flew nearly 25 k less but was back in 3 hours and 2 minutes;114. 74 km./h. Tim who won task 3 was now last and out after 43 km., dropping overall from 2 to 8. OUCH!!! I feel it too. 30 Started and 21 were in.
June 4; their last day indeed is today Task 9 on June 4; “We’re launching at 1315 on Task Bravo.” Who is who and where on this last day!? In standardJez is in the lead when he begins on the last day; 4,234 points. Henry follows with 3,946 and Tom has still possibilities too; 3,915 p. 3x an LS 8. In 15 m with today still to go Philip Jones leads with 3,716, that should be enough when he does n’t land out. Neil McLaughlin has 3,592 p, and Owen McCormack3,546 p. In open/18 m;Andy Davis is 200 points ahead of at this stage runner up Ian MacArthur with 4,222 p.
standard; 197.24 km./207.47 km….Tom , as it looks, will be the daily winner. Not all are scored yet; 67.22 km./h Howard was 1 km/h slower and Henry 5 km./h/ Jez about 7 km./h. No worries for him though as he had a good lead , but for Henry this last day was just 1 too much. By being 3d he lost some points and his 2d spot. 15m; 200.28 km…/209 km….David Bray in the Ventus 2bx was the new face on the last daily podium; 66.56km./h Only just as Matthew had 66.37 km/h. Only 18 started and 10 finished. Another pretty marginal day. open/18 m; 248.44 km…./256.57 km.…also here a new face on the last day; Richard Browne in the JS 1c. Andy only lost 6 daily points so not a lot changed overall.
OVERALL SCORES after 7 out of 9 days in STANDARD CLASS; 1. Jez Hood in LS8 with 4,899 points. CONGRATULATIONS Jez!!! 2. Tom Arscott in LS 8 with 4,702 p. 3. Henry Inigo-Jones in LS 8 with 4,655 p. 8 pilots over 4000 points.
15m. CLASS; 1. Philip Jones in Ventus 3 TS with 4,432 points Congratulations Phil. 2. Neil McLaughlin in Ventus 2ax with 4,285 p. 3. Owen McCormack in Ventus 2a with 4,247 p. 5 had over 4000 points.
Open/18m CLASS; 1. Andrew Davis in JS MD1 C with 5,415 points . AGAIN CONGRATULATIONS ANDY!!!! 2. Ian MacArthur in JS 1b with 5,170 p. 3. Martin Clark in JS MD1C with 5,019 p. They were the only 3 over 5000 points.
The Open Belgian National championshipat Kiewit Hasselt 27 May 2023 – 4 June 2023
The host , aeroclub Albatros, celebrates with their members and guests their 50thiest anniversary! Happy anniversary. Great idea to celebrate this with the top from Belgium’s glider pilots.
Task 5; On May 31, improving weather! 25 dgr.C and blue here and that is 51 k N of Kiewit Club;261.27 km…9 started and 6 finished. Another winning day for Ward Gysemans in the DG 400 and 1000 points in the pocket. A “bugger-day” for Thomas after 3 runner up spots and a first place he now was out due to airspace infringement and lost 500 points. That hurts!!! Sport;324.07 km…another daily win for Jef, he is in winning mood!!833 points for a speed of 87.88 km./h. Daan [Spruyt] was 3d today. After 5 tasks Daan still leads but Jef is only 79 points behind . 9 started and 6 finished. Open/18m; 367.29 km….again 4 Ventus 3 gliders in the top 4. This time Wim [Akkermans] was the best again and together with Dennis [Huybreckx] they flew just over 100 km./h. Bert and Tijl [Schmelzer] started 4 minutes earlier and the 4 finished at the same time.
great picture from Neil in his Libelle. Such a beauty,…the glider I mean….haha…. courtesy Wil Janssens
June 1 was , after 5 days, a well deserved “day off” and with 2 days to go it’s ALL ABOUT, 4 Ventus 3 types and 4 Keiheuvel pilots and they are close; 1. Wim with 3.071 p. 2. Bert jr. with 3.050 p. 3. Tijl with 3.038 p and 4. Dennis with 3.021 points.
Bert jr in his Ventus 3,…great picture by Wil Janssens
June 2; task 6 on competition day 5. The weather improved here at noon…cold though 12 dgr. C. At 3 the skies opened it was sunny and for sure flyable, so 50 km further S. I reckon as well. Club; 2 hour AAT....He is back “in Business” Thomas!! After an off-day he won with 186 km in time 2.10; speed 85.57 km./h. All 10 started and finished. Sport; 2 hour AAT…221.75 km. and speed 102.82 km./h. for Daan his “so maniest” daily win, which shows in his overall score with 2 days to go; 3.679 p for 3.464 for Jef. 10 started only 1 in the LS6 was out. open; 2 hour AAT…ALL 12 starters finished and best for the day,…the Schmelzer brother Bert jr and Tijl ; both 241,72 km in time 2.08. How they do it I don’t know but bot got the same amount of points;524. What I know is that they both fly very well ,but that Tijl is some kind of “male calculator”.
June 3; task 7 on competition day 6 FINAL DAY day; Very blue here and 3 bft wind. But a rather good soaring day!! AND,…indeed a very nice day in Flanders. Club; 306.15 km….All 10 started and finished and Thomas in his LS4 could celebrate his 3d day-win. He moved up again to spot 2 overall ,but Ward who was runner up has a big lead; more than 300 points. One airspace mistake cost Thomas more than 500 points. A lesson learnt to NEVER forget. Sport; 370.76 km….A DUO DISCUS XL on spot 1 GOOD!!! Simon Berx from the local club won the day; 99.27 km./h. Bart, Jef and Daan followed. Daan leads overall with 1 day to go with more than 200 points. Open/18m; 427.19 km….12 started and 11 finished. Good day again for Bert and Tijl with a speed of 114 km./h. Less good for Dennis and Wim who somewhere lost each other; spot 4 and 8. Also less good for Bert sr. who was “out” after 422.20 km, but the turbo could bring him home I hope.
Bert jr former WORLD CHAMPION and many times Belgian national Champion….also in 2023!!! courtesy Karolien Mondelaers
As often it is not very clear if June 4 is the last day or June 3. It was TILL June 4, so not included. That means after 7 out of 8 days that we know who the overall winners and Belgian CHAMPION is in OPEN CLASS; 1. Bert Schmelzer jr, in Ventus 3 with 4.515 points. CONGRATULATIONS. 2. Tijl Schmelzer in Ventus 3 with 4,489 p. 3. Dennis Huybreckx in Ventus 3 with 4,340 p.
Tijl, Bert and Dennis all from Keiheuvel. from l to r] COURTESY Wil Janssens
SPORT CLASS; 1. Daan Spruyt in Ventus 2ax with 4,621 points. CONGRATULATIONS Daan. 2. Jef Kell in LS 8 with 4,407 p. 3. Bart Leysen in Ventus 2a with 4,230 p.
With Jef, Daan in the middle and Bart. Wil Janssens
CLUB CLASS; 1. Ward Gysemans in DG 400 with 4,344 points. CONGRATULATIONS Ward. 2. Thomas De Bruyn in LS 4 with 4,033 p. 3. Niel Deijgers in St. Libelle with 3,949 p.
Thomas an 2 and Ward in the middle. Unfortunately Neil could not be present. Wil Janssens
German Nationals in 18m. open and 2 seaters at Bayreuth. 28 May 2023 – 9 June 2023
I nearly missed out on the German Nationals and as they are the most important in Europe,… here we go. They are flown in 3 classes with 90 pilots in total, 30 in 18 m and 29 in open and 29 teams in the 2-seater class. A lot of them I know by name, a lot I met personally. I was in Bayreuth during the WGC from 1999 and loved the place, have great memories . But it’s 2023 NOW. The last 3 days of May had in each class good tasks and winners. In 18 m. they started with a 4 hour AAT, won Sebastian Huhmann in AS 33es;1000 points for 455.10 km. in time 402.29.[speed 112.61 km./h]. Jan Umlauf , 1 of our frequent flyers at Tocumwal in the past, was runner up in a JS MD3 jet missing out on ONE points. Both are from Hamburg. 39 Started and 2 were out. The next day had a racing task from 471 km and was won by Mario Kießling in the Ventus 3 T; 126.19 km ./h Runner up was Simon Schroeder [ Ventus 3ts] with 125.,52 km./h.[989 points] The very last day of May showed task 3 with 346.77 km and now it was the other way around. Simon won with 126.79 km./h whilst Mario had 126.27 km./h SO CLOSE!!!38 started and finished .
Father Robert and son Simon Schroeder. When Simon was still very young we had dinner in the same restaurant in Uvalde in 1991. Now he is a soaring-topper like his dad.
The first 3 days of open class showed rather big tasks. The pilots started with 518.93 km won by Felipe Levin in EB 29r. By the way MANY EB’s in this class. Holger Karow and Michael Sommer in the same glider flew about the same speed; 119 km./h for 1000 ,999 and 994 points. Bugger day for local Bayreuth hero Alexander Müller as he was “out” after 251 km. With mechanical problems he had to quit temporarily the comps. The next day, task 2 , showed a racing task from 373.18 km. and Felipe and Michael, both multiple world champions , fly together and both do this so well that they deserved BOTH 1000 points. This time a “bugger-day” for Holger. He was out after 76 km. Day 3 on the last day of May had a 3 hour AAT ; 401 km for Holger and Markus Frank starting and finishing together for 1000 and 994 points. Michael and Felipe had 929 and 927 points.
the MIGHTY ETA from Bruno Gantenbrink. It seems Bruno is in soaring for ages.
The last days of May showed for the ” DOSI’s” 327.88 km as task 1 , 3 hour AAT on task 2 and the biggest task for the day on task 3 ;449.64 km. 27 teams and the Theisingers are in the lead after those 3 days; Laurenz in ASG32 and Martin in ARCUS M.
From now we are going to have a closer look on all 3 classes; 18 m. class; Task 4 on June 1; 3 hour AAT….great to see that Katrin Senne in her JS MD3jet won the day. Katrin has been twice WWGC champion. Simon was runner up. 38 started and only 1 pilot was out.
June 2 ; Task 5 370 km….93.33 km./h was the best daily time by Thomas Kuhn in ASG 29Es. Simon was runner up [ dad was out after 239.25 km] and Matthias [Sturm] was 3d for the day.?????? End of thermals was forecasted by Bernd Fisher for 6.30 PM. BUT,…nobody finished before 6.56 PM , so tough fighting for the pilots. Katrin missed out on 1 km; she flew 369.76 km. At 8. 06, the last finishing pilot on the horizon….. 12 were still not scored.
Simon Schröder on 2, Thomas Kuhn daily winner, Matthias Sturm on spot 3.
June 3; task 6;373.48 km….with 129.72 km../ h. Michael Streit won the day. In 2003 he won in Nitra the JWGC in club class .Simon [ JWGC champion in 2019 in Szeged] started 9 minutes later was back at about the same time; 129.28 km./h! 38 started and 2 were out. June 4; task 7 …511.34 km….They are all counted for so I can add them quickly. Good speed for Simon who is in a great flow; 129.63 km./h Ahead of another young TOP pilot Stefan Langer with 127.49 km./h . 37 started and finished. CHAPEAU with a reasonable long distance! After 7 out of 7 GOOD days I presume they have a rest-day tomorrow. Overall scores after 7 tasks; 1. Simon Schröder with 6,688 points. 2. Matthias Sturm with 6,383 p and 3. Stefan Langer with 6,147 p Will be back on these Nationals on Wednesday.
Open class; June 1; task 4…..423.34 km...3 pilots with 117 km./h; Michael, Uwe Foster and Felipe. Close, very close…1000, 999 and 996 points. 21 Started and 6 were out. “Bugger-day” now for Marcus; out after 292 km. Alexander did not start anymore. June 2; task 5 …..261.63 km.… launches not before 1PM and starts between 3.23 and 3.42. But,..those late starters did not finish. 20 Pilots started and 14 finishers and a best speed of 93.94; normally you don’t take an EB for a day out with such circumstances, BUT,….. when you have too you do. Markus won the day and with pleasure I noticed that Bruno was runner up. Felipe, Michael and Holger were 5,6 and 7. Uli Knauss was the first “out”, but still flew 246 km.
June 3; task 6 ..4 hour AAT…changed in 3.30 AAT; Michael and Felipe are a strong couple.1000 and 999 points for a speed of 137.89/87 km./h. They flew 516,58/54 km. AND…they had clouds!!!! 20 Started and Finished. June 4; task 7 ..596.98 km and another win for Michael; 123.44 km./h. He was already good when he flew with us in Tocumwal [he then lived in Melbourne]and at all those comps he flew and our ways crossed, but still is GOOD!!!! Felipe was 5th. 21 started 18 finished. Overall scores after 7 days; 1. Michael Sommer with 6,526 points. 2. Felipe Levin with 6,472 and 3. Oliver Binder with 6,229 p. More on Wednesday.
dosis; June 1; task 4…..269.52 km….Laurenz was the best , The Theisingers belong also to the in-crowd of pilots flying for ages. June 2; Task 5 …2.30 AAT.…and a Duo Discus XT as daily winner!!!! Jan-Frederic Müller flew around with 91.15 km./h that was with handicap the best performance for the day. The Theisingers started together at nearly 4Pm and were 18 and 19. 29 Teams started and 23 finished. The last one, Angelica Mayr in ASG 32MI, at 6.39. BUT,….She was IN!!! June 3; Task 6...520.95 km….quite a long distance during a competition but no worries for Martin he is used to it and won the day with 119.35 km./h. Laurenz was a tad slower; 117.38 km./h. June 4; Task 7…388.11 km and I am very pleased to see that Marcus [Geisen] won the day!!!117.67 km./h. in their ARCUS M [with Karin] 29 started and 27 finished. Overall scores after 7 days; 1. Laurenz Theisinger in ASG 32 with 6,194 points. 2. Kai Lindenberg in ARCUS M with 6,167 p and Jan-Frederic Müller in DUO DISCUS XT with 6,156 points Very close!!!
Nice parrallel -landing with a Nimbus 4DM in open class from Patrick Kutschat and Stefan Langers 18 m glider ASG 29.
Several comps finish today the German Nationals continue till June 9.
And this is what you DON’T want!!!!!!
“Plouf ! A Glaser-Dirks DG-300 Elan made a forced landing at Lake Como, Lombardy, due to al lack of thermal. The pilot was not injured and the glider received minor damage.”…/como-aliante…/
KIRIPOTIB had the next news; “Believe it or not! In five months we will glide over the vastness of Namibia and enjoy Africa’s colorful sunsets. Few slots are still available in the ealry high season: 1-7.11. – Flying with the Champions 16-26.11. – 1 Arcus 27.11.-2.12. – 1 Ventus Book today Kiripotib Soaring
CU on Wednesday June 7 with the latest on the German Nationals and Junior Nationals . Then again on Sunday June 21…!!!! For most scores and info when I am off ; Cheers Ritz