As said in my blog today I would add pictures when I had them. I do have a few, so not to make the post too long, I add a new one, as I normally do with Keiheuvel as well.
We had a lovely day, though the reason was pretty boring driving for more than an hour to Terlet to pick up the LS1f, which needed some updates in the instrument panel, driving from Terlet to the airport of Malden, where the glider is stationed in that beautiful 2-storey hangar and back home again. I saw the LS 1f last in Tocumwal, when it was brought back from Lake Keepit, where it flew the WWGC. It’s back in the Netherlands now.
Not too warm, but not cold either Courtesy Indya.
It was pretty busy at the Terlet-strip. Several gliders out and as usual, all was organized perfectly and smooth. The field- organizer Ingeborg, leaded everybody to glider, winch, cables, tower for light etc. When we arrived grand daughter Indya just landed in the back of the ARCUS. Her first time in such a fancy glider. Big smiles!
Courtesy Thei Bongers.
It was awfully nice to see so many familiar faces!!! Some I had not seen for 10 to 15 years. Whilst Indya flew the LS 4 we talked and talked.
8/8 of Cu’s when we were there but 4/8 when we arrived earlier….with sun. Ready to continue after some goodbyes. Courtesy Indya.
Goodbeye to “opa George” as well and off we went again . At 4 operations would stop after a 14 day autumn camp. They still fly in the weekend, the “normal” operations, then the season is really over.
courtesy Thei Bongers.
Then we had to go to the workshop to get the glider. Sikko was at work there,…he flew in my team in 1988 during the EGC in Rayskala..and Andre who was a friend from our son Dennis .
workshop At Terlet.Ready to go LS1f on tow[bar].
After some talks and laughs, we went on our way to Malden ,where the skies showed 3/8 of cu’s and also there was an autumn camp with several pilots. When we arrived the Slingsby T 21, was just “hanging around”. After it landed, I quickly made some pictures as Ken from Japan owns such a glider too and had it for a while stationed in our WW2 hangar at Tocumwal. Lovely glider, sitting side by side.
This glider was in the past, from the UK Air cadets and one of the 3 proud owners, Tom van Doormaal is on this picture. Great toy!!!!
Due to corona circumstances, I did not visit an airfield in Holland this year, only once in Belgium ..the Keiheuvel. I really missed it ….I feel that now. So I share ,my enthusiasm with you, ……just a day out,…. BUT AT airfields. What do you want more.
—–One day before Adam flew his declared FAI 1000 km. flight in Queensland, there were at other places, also in Queensland, hailstones up to 16 cm!!!!? That is BIG and….. a new record. People had to race for safety ,as the stones really “hit the head”. Stones straight away went though car windows and roofs of houses. I once had such a severe thunderstorm when I was in Queensland [Brisbane] and I never forget that. No power, so no electricity [….result I was under a shower in a house with friends I visited for the first time …] That day the wind turned over several smaller airplanes at Brisbane Airport. A weird face as the ropes were still on the wings , but the concrete and the little poles were out.
I had to dig deep in my photo books , but I found the 2 pictures from 1989.
Looking at what happened,…that day the sky looked green,,….hence HAIL…but nothing on the pictures.” Only ” wind damage.
Yesterday a twister hit Brisbane and now a Qantas- airliner was damaged.
—–As you know Matthew [Scutter] is the SKYSIGHT -man, so he knows EVERYTHING about weather. For that reason it is interesting to read his comment on his flight, flown on the 1000 k day; Matthew flew 958 km in his 15 m Diana FES and this is what he experienced. When you are interested, have a look at his blogs as well; Matthew Scutter’s Gliding “Two days of first thermal to last light flying from Kingaroy – I’d had my eye on yesterday from a few days out as a possible 1000km day with FL140 cumulus over most of south-east QLD, but the forecast deteriorated to just below what I thought I could manage in 15m.I did see an extremely interesting series of convergence lines predicted out to the east though, so I set an extremely speculative double out-and-return along them, but a couple of showers formed well west of the expected line making it impassable on the way north early in the day. I went for a float down to NSW following some loose streeting and enjoying the mega- thermals, and I had two back-to-back 12kt climbs over the forests and a miraculous run south, so I thought an OLC 1000km might be on. I almost scraped myself into Kingaroy on a slender and slow glide along the outflows, but I was expecting to be landing right at last light with a thunderstorm on or directly adjacent to the airfield, and visibility in the outflow was very poor to really tell. I was concerned I’d arrive too late to deviate to Wondai or elsewhere if Kingaroy was in the heavy rain, so I decided to start the engine early to buy myself 10 minutes of extra light and options.Painful irony that Wool set a relatively conservative task out in the thermals and ended up on the convergence, and I went solely for the convergence and ended up hundreds of kilometres south in the cumulus!Kingaroy is certainly a diverse and challenging site, and I’m enjoying the change of scenery and the different weather phenomena it offers – weather-wise it’s kind of the logical continuation of going from Gawler to Bathurst.“
–—-We knew the UK team already for the Hungarian WGC [July 23 -August 6in 2022] here are the names from the French team. Eric Napoleon is the TC and there are 2 pilots lined up as reserve;Anne Ducarouge and Sylvain Gerbaud. in 18 m….Christophe Abadie and Melanie Gadoulet. 2 seaters….Louis Bouderlique and Ulysse Merlin open….Philippe de Pechy and Max Seis
For the WWGC in Husbos, the next French ladies have been selected; Club class….Aude Grangeray , Alizee Petit and Louise Rodrigues St Class…Astrid Galaret , Anaiis Gabert and Aude Untersee. 18 m….Melanie Gadoulet and Anne Ducarouge. Eric is here the TC as well.
News from Schempp-Hirth; “After Austria, France organized one special event in St-Auban national center for electro light aircrafts where Duo Discus FES prototype and Discus-2c FES were displayed. And we are just back from Voghera, Italy, where it was such a pleasure to meet friends there! Thanks to Giorgio Galetto, Roberto Vainoni and the Italian National Association for the help and warm welcoming. Next Gliding days? Switzerland with the LTB Peter Neukom, on 13th of November in SFK Birrfeld. Then USA SSA Convention with Yankee Composite (Garret Willat and friends) will be held from 24th to 26th of February in Reno, Nevada. And Aero Convention in Friedrichshafen from 27th to 30th of April.”
—–October is nearly over, so is the soaring-season in The Netherlands. Autumn camp, from the Gelderse, their-end-of-the-season- party and then,….. it is waiting for the 2022 season. My granddaughter Indya enjoyed it to the fullest. I am going to visit her today at Terlet and when possible,I will make some pictures myself too. Will publish them later in the blog. 2 Photo impressions. The Gelderse has not only good pilots but also great photographers.
And then of course Arjan, …..he is not only a fabulous photographer but also a very kind instructor at the Gelderse Club at Terlet. Here are his last pictures for the season. Thanks Arjan for sharing.
Still flying and then…. END of the day. The Gelderse flies till Sunday, as far as I know. You might have noticed that all gliders from the Gelderse have a call sign that starts with an E.
AND,…because they are so good here one from a fabulous vintage plane.
——Down under they prepare for the new season. Corona was terrible in NSW and Victoria. “Great news!! Narromine gliding club is back in full time operation from 1 November 2021 We have a full time Level3 instructor/silver coach available for training and a full time tug pilot permanently on site all operating as normal. Bookings via the “contact us” page on the NGC website. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to Narromine for a great soaring season ahead.
NARROMINE CUP WEEK is scheduled for the last full week in November as normal, (Sunday 21 November through Saturday 27 November)”
Sadly and unfortunately, we are nearly back to local lock downs. Though 87 % is vaccinated the nearly 2 million ,who can’t or won’t ,create huge problems. All hospital and IC places are now used by non vaccinated people and there seems not to be much room for more. Sad is that people who are waiting for an operation …cancer, heart…have to wait longer now. What a terrible weird world we live in. Cu next week. Cheers Ritz
Flown from Itápolis. Never heard from this field ,so we get to know a bit more about it now. I checked the internet and found; “Aeroclube de Itápolis Airport is a small airport in Itápolis, Brazil. The airport has one runway: 1/19 The ICAO designator of this field is SDIO.“ The time zone; America/Sao_Paulo (GMT -3:00) One of the pilots is Henrique Navarro. Normally he flies open class but instead of his Nimbus 4T , he flies an SZD 55; ” The championship is being held in a airport with runway lights just 28 meters apart, which means I can not operate my Nimbus 4T. So a friend kindly let me fly his SZD55.“
They fly in Club, [6] racing [12] and open class [5] , but on October 9 and 10, they had no flights. And on the picture you see why.
On October 11 a task was set , a 1.30 AAT for all classes, but not flown inclub and racing. It seems the weather in Brazil is as “bad” as it was in Europe’s summer. On October 12 they flew!!!!!
Henrique is flying the SZD 55 with, as he mentioned for this picture “A beautiful elliptic wing shape…” Courtesy Henrique Navarro
Racing class; Task 2 and Henrique won the 2.40 AAT with 283 km. in time 2.40 at the dot!! 106 km./h and only 2 other pilots flew over 100 km./h. 12 Started only one was out. Sergio Bassi was runner up in a St Cirrus. Task 3; 359 km…..128 km./h in a DG 1001 M/20m. was the best speed for a 3d place. Winner; Henrique with 125 km./h. GOOD day!!! Task 4; 1.30 AAT for all classes BUT CANCELLED for all classes. Task 5; 1.30 AAT.… was set , BUT Henrique flew 71 km the runner up only 48 ….so a scrubbed day! Task 6 ;1.30 AAT, LAST DAY, they tried hard but NO day again. Henrique flew 89 km the runner up 10, so no scores. BUT , yes final scores after 2 valid days. 1. Henrique Navarro in SZD 55 with 1.824 points. 2. Alfredo Jobke in ASW 20 with 1.654 p. 3. Andre Lautert in DG 400/17 m. with 1.646 p.
Open class; Task 1….. 1.30 AAT which was flown by 2 from the 3 pilots who started. Gustavo Shigueno won the day in his 18 m. Ventus 2Cm flying 186 km in time 1.51; speed 99.99 km./h. Claudio Schmidt in the ARCUS was runner up with 172 km. in time 1.53. He flies with another well known pilot Joao Alexandre Widmer. Task 2; 3 hour AAT.…3 pilots flew today, a pity that Egon Otto Rehn is not flying his ARCUS M. He belongs with Henrique and Claudio to the more well known Brazilian comp-pilots. Daily winner was Gustavo with 355 km in time 2.59. Claudio was runner up. 938 for 928 points. Task 3; 416 km….only 3 pilots “left-over” in this class. Gustavo flew around with 135 km./h. for 1000 points. Claudio with 128 and Luis [Valenca] with 103 km./h. [Discus 2 T/18m] Task 4 ; cancelled. Task 5 ; 2 hour AAT, flown by 2 with 126 km. and 115 km…no scores. Task 6; 1.30 AAT….Claudio and Gustavo were the only 2 flying again and with 152 and 154 km. they GOT points; 278 and 204, …they had task 3!!!! S after 3 valid days , with some real concurrence, the overall scores are; 1. Gustavo Shigueno in Ventus 2CM/18 m. with 2.465 points. 2. Claudio Schmidt in ARCUS M with 2.410 p. 3. Luis Valença in Discus 2T /18m with 1.447 p.
KW1/club ; Task 2;3 hour AAT and was flown by 4 of the 5 pilots flying in this class. Oswaldo Palomba Neto even “received” 1000 well- deserved-points for his 138 km. flight in time 3.03 in a PW5…78 km./h.!! He mentioned that the day was much better than expected up to 1800m. The last leg was a bit difficult with weaker thermals and some blue holes. He added that a later start would have been better[between 12.40 and 13.00] He started at 11.51. Task 3; 3.30 AAT...pretty tough for the “little ones” but Tiago MarcheseRaupp bravely flew up to 285 km. in time 3.25 in his PW 5, as last of the 6 starters. Only one out after 160 km. Well done by all., on what they called a “Dia sensacional!” / ” Meteoro espetacular! “Clearly a great day!!!! Task 4, 5 and 6 were not flown. Overall scores after 2 days; 1. Oswaldo Palomba Neto in PW 5 with 1.716 points. 2. João Victor Mendes Silva in the kw-1 Quero-Quero with 1.481 p. 3. Lucas Pereira da Silva in KW-1 Quero-Quero with 1.315 p.
A pity from the weather, but I am nearly used to say that by now. 2 Days was not sufficient to make it a valid National Championship for racing and KW1/club class. Which was a pity as Henrique won the 4 days, but 2 of them were invalid. His next goal is the 4th Pan American Championship in Brazil – Sep2022. Open had 4 days so their National Championship was valid and, as you can see one good 1000- points- day and one with 938 points and 2 marginal days.
—–This is the venue for the next WWGC , great picture, by Sydney Gilmore published by Discover Gliding
THE GLIDING CENTRE at Husbands Bosworth,…. in short Husbos. I was there in 2005.Nice field, great people.
On October 17, Ramy Yanetz added a great and special flight to the OLC. He flew his 18m. ASG 29. Here is his story; “Had an amazing pre frontal wave flight. Another Bay tour but this time flown the whole length of the peninsula on the west side from Loma Prieta to San Francisco and across the Golden Gate Bridge to Mt Tamalpais and San Rafael. Not aware of anyone who done this before as it is normally impossible due to class bravo but this time the wave was consistent and I could easily stay just under 18K way above the class bravo 10K ceiling with easy downwind escape if I lost the wave. It also helps to have ADS-B. It was possible today since the moisture and undercast clouds did not arrive until later afternoon, only few lenticulars marking the wave. Went from Byron south to Lick Observatory to Loma prieta jumping multiple wave bars upwind, then along the peninsula to San Francisco, San Rafael, then NE to Napa and to Bear valley abeam Williams, then back in strong wave to Byron and continued south to near Crows Landing and back to Byron.” With beautiful pictures!!!! Here is one of them
3 km west of San Francisco Ca Very special!!!! as shared by Ramy.
And a very special one from 17.999 ft. overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge…..from a GLIDER!!!!!
As seen and shared by Ramy
One day earlier , another long wave flight , now in an ARCUS M, by Chester Fitchett;1.600 km. Starting at Black Diamond in Canada, and returning there with the message ;”Didn’t even use the whole day!” Speed 179 km./h. !!!! “Best in the world for the day, best in Canada ever!” SAC – ACVV
No comps at the moment , but at some places the spring and fall-weather is really nice, so a bit of spring and autumn flying is in progress. I share a few pictures I found to show spring fun and autumn – soaring-happiness. Kingaroy had super-spring-weather yesterday [read under picture] and today.
Today, Butch [John Buchanan] flew 728 km in his ASG 29E/18m and Woolley[Adam] was pondering about a 1000 or 750, ….” Still deciding on a task, 750-1000km expected.” ….but he is not yet back. Will add that later. See below in extra news Swiss Chris 512 km. ;”Was a fun day with an early start, but also early thunderstorms moving in from the east. Just having fun following rivers of lift Got the glider boxed just before rain and thunder started “
From Kingaroy Adam tried and set a 750 triangle , but in the end the weather did not help. BUT 705 is a great spring distance in the 18m Ventus 3T. Swiss Chris mentioned about the day; “Cloudbase was 2000-3000 ft lower than predicted. Yesterday’s rain might have had a bigger impact First showers at 2pm on track to the 2nd turnpoint and cirrus moving through Skipped it – outlanding risk too high. He flew nearly 500 km…more and out and return to the S…. in his ASW 27. Matthew and Butch were flying as well; Full story and why it just did not happen on Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures
Temora [N E of Tocumwal] had a good day on Sunday with flights up to 380 km in an LS 8 and 282 in a Club Libelle by Grant Johnson; “Cu all afternoon, initially at 5,000′ then a bit over 6,000′ by the end of the afternoon. Dull patch around 3pm then the last hour just built after I ran out of OLC legs. 300km flown.”
Another gorgeous October day at Shalbourne – much nicer than the forecast with sunshine and soaring all day – introducing two new locals to the sport, as well as this weekend’s team from Southampton University Gliding Club (SUGC) shared by Shalbourne GlidingWe held our Wonderful Wooden Wings Weekend last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The weather was wonderful enough to get quite a few flights in. Enjoy these photos taken by our professional photographer member, Tony Hutchings .
And the last one is from France
Erick Cousin on October 19 from the airfield of Vauville in France…end of se
And to finish another 2 great pictures by Arjan during the autumn camp at Terlet from the Gelderse.
AND, last but not least; good news from AUSTRALIA!!!!! International flights for Christmas!! Qantas confirms international flights will take off from December 18. “The country’s flagship airline has provided the exact date holiday-hungry residents can book flights to popular destinations like the US, UK, Canada and Singapore. ” Daily Mail.
That’s it for now. Our season is nearly over , my friends down under and in Africa start soon. Will try to follow it all for you. Cheers Ritz
EXTRA NEWS: It’s always great to fly a 1000 and some of those flights are extra as they are flown under special circumstances. Adam’s 1000 today in his brand new Ventus 3T, is such a flight ; Here is his comment, this time in total. “It’s great to be home! What was effectively an easy day, turned out to be rather demanding & tricky right in the dyeing hours 2nd ever I believe, declared 1.034 km FAI flight within Queenslands borders, so it’s a great feeling to complete this flight! As soon as I connected with my first climb at the Bunyas, I knew the day was on. SkySight predicted the day brilliantly, with the highlight of the flight, meeting up with the convergence as advertised to take me to & from the top turn All was relatively easy as I said earlier until I left cloud base the last time & went into a near best LD glide. Nothing worked until I diverted for some smoke & a single landable field. There were no more options to climb, so I circled in 1kt to buy me some time. I saw an opportunity present itself, so I continued on. I turned windward to two farmers ploughing within the sunny ground, the Ventus then lead me to 2kts, I thought, this might just be enough! It turned out to be convergence, weak & broken. I kept telling myself to stay relaxed, keep feeling the air, make corrections where appropriate, leave nothing to chance. It was enough to get onto glide, with a small 1.2kt climb on the way. Best LD all the way in, had me crossing the line with just enough for a circuit It‘s great to be home, what a day Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures
Now the OLC season has moved into 2022, it is my pleasure to sort out for you ,who was the best in different categories. Of course you can look for yourself too. CHAMPION OLC-plus 2021 is Gil Souviron from France with 8.147,27 points. Runner up is Keith Essex from the USA with 8.029,14 points. Best 2021 flight ; James Lee who flew 1.949,28 km. from Minden in a JS 1 CTJ. Speed a “whopping” 240.68 km./h. on April 24. Runner up was Klaus Ohlmann with 1.707,60 km. and a speed of 147.17 km./h. Distance record;[since 2011] Jim Payne from the USA in an ARCUS M flown from Minden on April 5 in 2015….2.907,47 km. speed an even more “whopping ” 249.83 km./h. Runner up; Klaus Ohlmann flying a Stemme S10 from Zapala Neuquen in Argentina….2.816,95 km All Flights; Keith Essex with a total of 56.974,62 km!!!!!!WOW!!!! Runner up in stats about best flights in 2021….Vincent Hayos from France; 37.518,13 km. Busiest airport; Puimoisson in France with 443.831,58 km. flown by 157 pilots during 953 flights. Runner up; Fuentemilanos in Spain with 325.793,96 km. flown by 87 pilots during 669 flights. Busiest club; The GELDERSE flying from TERLET… N from Arnhem in The Netherlands!! Hurray…again. Club were I spend many hours waiting for my children and now my grand children fly there as well. 264.704,06 flights flown by 91 pilots during 867 flights. Also in the speed OLC , they were the best. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!!!!
As a tribute to the Gelderse 4 great pictures from ARJAN VRIEZE. Terlet, at the VELUWE, is an area of outstanding natural beauty. The airfield is in that area. AND,….I love Arjan’s pictures. Arjan Vrieze Photography
AND …according to the UK ,the biggest/largest airport, as I read, is Lasham; “Lasham retains the majority of the original 1942 RAF layout. It continues as the home of one of the world’s largest gliding clubs with the Society having owned Lasham Airfield outright for over 20 years, hosting gliding 364 days a year when the weather permits.“
2021 South African Nationals in 15m, club and 2- seaters. 2 October 2021 – 9 October 2021
Lined up,…ready to go on task 4. Drone shot. Photographer: @ajmey
We continue with this great Potch-flying on Wednesday the 6th of October, when I left you and there was not yet a task set. Later there was 15 m; task 4 ….3 hour AAT….after John [Coutts] won already 3 days , he added another one and a good one; The first 1000 points in this competition were for him; 426 km. in time 3 hours at the dot!!!Speed 142 km./h!! You can fly or you can’t ….TOP job!!!! Task 5; 2 hour AAT...”a bit of sand in John’s oiled machine”. He was 5th, BUT still with 296 km in time 2.06 and a speed of 141 km./h. Number 1 for the day, was Mark Holiday in an ASW 27 [handicap 95] with 297 km. in time 2.08 speed…139 km./h. Best distance was for Attie and Uys [Jonker] flying 316 km in time 2.15 and 13. Task 6; 389 km….was cancelled for all classes, so ONE day to go… Task 7; 381.77 km….on flying day 6, the very last one. Only ONE pilot was extremely good during this competition…John. He won again ….no not 1000 points due to a penalty but a speed much faster than the rest;131 km./h. whilst runner up Anders [Andersen] had 123 km./h. John started at 12.49,31 and Anders at 13.15,49. No secret that John won the overall scores, with superior forces!!!!
Club class; Task 4 was a 3 hour AAT as well. AND,…Dicky Daly jr. won his 3d daily prize for a distance of 312 km. in time 3.01 in his St Cirrus [handicap 99] .Concurrence from Wilhelm Mosehuus was “huge” ,as he flew further 327 km and needed 1 minute less in his Mosquito.[handicap 107] Task 5; 2 hour AAT and this time Wilhelm won the day; 253 km. in time 2.08…speed 118 km./h. Task 6; 227.77 km; cancelled. Task 7; 241.72 km…..88 km./h for Dicky jr was the best result for the day. He won 4 days in total, so a REAL/DESERVED winner.
15 m;. Overall results for 15 m. class after 6 days out of 7 1. John Coutts in JS 3 with 5.151 points. 2. Anders Andersen in JS 3 TJ with 4.708 p. 3. Uys Jonker in JS 3 with 4.556 p.
Have n’t seen John for ages but he did not really change. Courtesy Bennie Henning
Club class; Overall results after 6 out of 7 days. 1. Dicky Daly jr in St Cirrus with 4.465 points. 2.David Maver in ASW 20 with 3.194 points. 3. Wilhelm Mosehuus in Mosquito with 2.877. He did NOT fly on the last day. So did Renee Coetsee, both were ahead of David.
To finish,…. the overall points for the 2-seaters and Stemme and 2 impressive pictures one from each class;
Overall scores from the 2-seater class with 6 participants flying a Duo Discus x2, an ASG 32 MI x2 and a Nimbus 4[D and DM] x2 after 6 out of 7 days; 1. Maarten Jonker and Ronald Termaat in Nimbus 4 D with 4.717 points. 2. Martin Scharff / Robert Bristow in Nimbus 4DM with 4.291 p. 3. Riaan Denner / Arjan Schaap in ASG 32MI with 4.252 p. Maarten and Ronald won 2 days , task 4 and the last one [7] and flew further on very consistent.
Overall scores in STEMME class with 3 participants [in the end 2, as the STEMME S10 who leaded with 3.100 points for 2.681, did not fly anymore] after 6 days; 1. Mark Hardman / Beatrice Schaefer in Stemme S 10 with 3.561 p. 2. Albert Willemse / David Lentle in Stemme S12 with 3.330 p. 3. Peter Bailey in Stemme S12 with 2.681 p,. Mark and Beatrice won the first 4 tasks , than did not fly on task 5 and outlanded on the last day.
What do you do when you have a brand new glider and you are a blogger? Of course you share your experiences. So does Adam in his Gliding Adventures and it is interesting to see how he tests the new Ventus 3T every day he flies and shares the result of the tests. This one is from October 6; “Awesome day of practice, achieved a lot today! I tested my cockpit pressure relative to statics, I tested with success my new relief system, I tested my endurance by maxing out the day, I tested a marginal final glide to see what the numbers would do & finally, I landed with the turbo up – all a success I was very pleased with how my water ballast management went, without anyone to compare it with, I felt that I got it right. Just after passing Kingaroy to the 3rd TP, I dumped down to 570kg & there I stayed until the final climb & final glide – great day for practice!Unfortunately I forgot to un-declare my WeGlide declaration online from this morning, so I’ve yet again, missed out on bonus points while I learn the new rules. All good, just another practice day.” Glad I am not the only one who has start-up-problems with We Glide.
AND,…on October 9 the Kingaroy weather improved even more and Adam flew 800 km !!!!! Swiss Chris who changes his Toc winter for the sun in Queensland flew in his ASW 27 617 km.
Talking about Australia COVID is still not over there. In 2023 the WGC will be in Narromine,[state NSW] I hope ALL IS WELL THEN. Not now as you can see on this picture from Matthew [Scutter] with the text; “The last line of defense to the New South Plaguelands, hopefully we can visit Narromine next year.”
Courtesy Matthew Scutter.
Other Aussie mates wrote;”Covid numbers going up in Victoria, but restrictions easing in a few weeks when vaccination numbers are 80% first dose, then 70% two doses. Too many had illegal anti-vax demonstrations, protests and football final parties a few weeks ago, now worst daily numbers ever in Australia.” SO ,….still not good in Victoria and NSW, remain careful!!! By the way,….Melbourne has the longest lock-down in the world. BUT ,…the latest news was that at least Sydney is OPEN again.!!!! AND 70% of NSW is now vaccinated!!!! On their way to reach the 90%!!!! AND,…the latest news related to gliding;
CU next week., with news about the 63d Nationals ….Campeonato Brasileiro de Voo em Planadores …in Brazil. Cheers Ritz
P/S….The world is bit by bit getting back to normal. Airlines fly a bit more again and even order new planes,…light on the horizon!!!!!
For any business it is usual and exciting to take delivery and inaugurate a new store, a new building or a new truck. In our business, we take deliveries of aircraft as our ‘flying boutique’. With our aircraft we expect to welcome thousands of Customers/travelers for years to come, deliver a unique travel experience and wish to set unforgettable travel memories. Taking delivery of a new aircraft is a particular moment for all Aviators, especially for the Teams that worked relentlessly for such moment to come. A new aircraft brings along many promises and hopes. Bravo Air Belgium Team for your hard work and ambition. Bravo Airbus for building such a great airplane. As shared by Niky Terzakis CEO at Air Belgium.
Latest news from FAI Sailplane Grand Prix “The future of La Cerdanya airport is been threatened. It is one of the famous spots for pilots and supporters of the Sailplane Grand Prix with its great playground, weather, infrastructure and organization. Indeed, the SGP Finale took place there in 2019 as well as several qualifying SGP before that.If, like us, you want to support them, please send an email to dgtm.tes”at” , sgpa.tes”at” and spujol”at” . “ You can find bellow a link with a text example.…/1ElVSniWmQdW0j8YPrKml…/edit… You can find here a promotional video of La Cerdanyna and more on the FAI Sailplane Grand Prix YouTube channel.
When two training planes took off from Forest Hill near Wagga Wagga during a training exercise in 1940, few could have imagined only one pilot would land both aircraft after a mid-air collision. The military twin-engine Avro Ansons, with pilot Jack Hansen and observer Hugh Fraser in one and pilot Leonard Fuller and observer Ian Sinclair in the other, set off on September 29 for a cross country flight and were to return to Forest Hill. Benalla historian John Barry said the two aircraft were 300 metres off Brocklesby near Albury when they were told to make a banking turn. “As they did so they lost sight of the other plane and the two planes pancaked,” he said. Mr Barry said the pilot of the bottom plane was injured as the planes locked together. “The propeller of one of the engines on the top plane came through the cockpit and injured him so he bailed out. “His gunner bailed out and the top plane’s gunner also bailed out, so we’ve got one fellow left on board the top plane.” The men parachuted to safety.
The remaining pilot, leading aircraftman Leonard Fuller, moved the controls of his plane and realised that although his engine had stopped, the engine of the bottom plane was still working.
“He must have been a curious sort of chap,” Mr Barry said. “The planes locked were going in a lazy circle and he found that using the flaps and the ailerons of the top plane he could fly both planes.”
Pilot Leonard Fuller was promoted to sergeant after he managed to crash land the planes in a paddock.(Supplied: John Barry)
Mr Barry said while he couldn’t control the speed of the plane and Fuller started looking around for somewhere to land. “He saw a farmhouse and there was a landing site nearby 6 kilometres outside Brocklesby, so he put both planes down.” Mr Barry said it was amazing he was able to land both planes, which were later repaired. “He said afterwards when he was interviewed that he thought it was a pretty rough old landing, but it was better than the ones he been doing the day before.” Mr Barry said the feat made headlines around the world and Fuller was promoted to sergeant.
The historic landing remains Brocklesby’s claim to fame and 81 years on from the incident there’s a monument near the site to mark the event.
And all survived!!!!! ABC.NET.AU
This was an extra post. I found it fascinating and I comply with the request to share this news ..”.Help keep family & friends informed by sharing this article….”
Before the Potchefstroom comps, several pilots practiced already to get in the mood for the 2021 Nationals for 15m, 2-seaters and club class. With 5 flights over 500 km and speed up to 146 km./h. on September 26, it looked like great weather over there. A total of 42 pilots including the number 2 sitting in the back of a 2-seater, were lined up to decide the winner in each class. There are 4 classes; 15m,[15] ….club ,[4] ….2-seater [7x 2….Dutch pilot Ronald Termaat flies with Maarten Jonker in the Nimbus 4 D] and Stemme.[3×2] A A flight from 169 km. was set for all on the practice day ,but only one pilot sent his flight in ,so quickly over to the first REAL day. Task 1 in 15 m. was 401 km.…. 15 Pilots competed in the end and the best was….John Coutts.[15m. JS 3] And with a speed of 124 km./h he was quite a bit faster than runner up Anders Andersen [JS3 TJ] from Denmark, with 118 km./h. 4 were out…..maybe because they started early at 13.17 whilst all others started around 13.32. Task 2; 414 km.... All the top S.A. pilots did well. John won again, [ he is a born Kiwi] with 138 km./h for 994 points, but Attie ,Uys and Laurence [Goudriaan ] were just a tad slower ;137,136 and 129 km./h. 11 Started plus 4 HC pilots. Task 3; 312 km….it’s getting boring, no no NOT for John of course, but he won again and with such speed that there were no 1000 but “only” 680 points for the winner; 142 km./h.!! The close followers flew with 138 km./h. Sven [Olivier] did well in his ASW 27 [handicap 95] as number 3 behind Uys. All 14 who started were in. No task yet….next week the rest .
In club a 214.67 km. task was set and Dicky Daly sr. and jr. started together and finished nearly at the same time. Flying a St Cirrus with a handicap of 99 gave jr. more points than the LS 6B from sr.[111] ;710 and 566. By the way the Janus 18.2 m. in this class has 2 pilots as well. Task 2;248 km…. was a prey again for Dicky jr. Wilhelm [Moosehuus] did well in his Mosquito [handicap 107] with a runner up spot . A pity he did not fly on day 1. Task 3;192 km….Indeed a pity as he won task 3; 117.72 km./h, which was just a tad faster than the ASW 20 [handicap 110] from Renee Coetzee ;117.82 km./h.
For the 2 seaters/Stemme you can look at www. After 3 tasks it is the Nimbus 4DM [Martin Scharff / Robert Bristow ]which leads with 2.447 points for the Nimbus 4D.[2.185 with Maarten Jonker and Ronald Termaat from the Netherlands] The Stemme S10/S10VT leads that class. The 2 Stemme S12 are pretty far behind.
—–On September 29 the British Gliding Association announced the next news; “The votes to select the 18m and Open Class Teams to represent Britain at the 37th World Gliding Championships at Matkopuszta in Hungary in 2022 have now been completed“ As the UK always is represented by strong teams , here are their names. Open; 1. Phil Jones…2. Derren Francis…3. Andy Davis…4. Pete Harvey…5. Leigh Wells…6. Russell Cheetham. 18m; 1. Andy Davis…2. Russell Cheetham…3. Pete Harvey…4. Steve Jones…5. Tim Jenkinson…6. Ian MacArthur
—–On October 16 the OLC final will take place in Poppenhausen.[Germany] “The trip to the Rhön is not only worthwhile for the winners and laureates. Two promotional gliders are waiting to be awarded, and several invitations to Namibia to the Bitterwasser gliding center are being handed out by Bitterwasser AG and to Wilfried Großkinsky’s 1000 k training camp.” Also innovations will be presented and explained at the OLC finale. There is also news about , “The AS 33, with which Sebastian Kawa has just won the World Grand Prix, the electric self-starter AS 34 and with a span of 20 meters the self-starter AS 35.” NORDIC GLIDING has flown the new electric AS 34 Me. This is what they think. Test article + video
——It’s also theend of the OLC season 2021. Looking forward to more flights in 2022. I look at WeGlide too, but I am still ” learning.” Looking at WeGlide, my Aussie mates are using it too. Here is the news from Jenny Thompson; “The WeGlide-hosted national decentralized gliding competition commenced on 1 October. Sorry for the poor pilots at home, and gliders languishing in hangars due to lockdowns, but I’m sure we’ll all be flying again soon. The rankings for the Ingo Renner Cup can be found here. The rules here The rankings for the National Club League will be found here once the developers have finalized this. The WeGlide docs can be found here“ If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s easy. Go to Tobias Welsch is this year’s winner of the WeGlide Free competition.He was so in 2020 as well. Bernd Dolba was runner up and the 3d spot was for Frerk Frommholz. They share an interview with Tobias on
—–Looking at the OLC.….This weekend some great wave flights in Switzerland. Rainer [Chronjaeger] flew from Hausen am Albis on Sunday, a distance of 1.271 his ASH 31 MI/18m. A duration of 11 hours and 39 minutes!!!!!!! Felix [Schneebelie] flew in his 18m. Ventus 3 T 1.14o km. From Austria also a 1.027 km flight by Sven [Kolb] in the 20m ANTARES. I read the “foehn” was blowing as well.
——Looking at wave …what about this ????? “Surf season and the Fall Cowley Camp in Alberta, Canada” by Patrick McMahon
—–Luckily for those who were still there, after the cancelled State comps, the Kingaroy weather improved on October 2 with flights up to 394 km in the ARCUS by David Jansen. Woolley tried out his new Ventus 3T again: 365 km. “I tested a few other things, a new pilot relief system (which I hated); proved that a better vent knocked off 2 minutes of water dump time; finally, that my cockpit has on average negative 0.05psi pressure relative to the boom statics.”
Always nice to have a quick look on an instrument panel. “I love this panel, wouldn’t change a thing“ More pictures and story in Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures
As I told you ,I was for a week on a high school holiday. This last week one of my mates became rather unexpectedly a widow and one became for the first time grand ma! Life and death so close.
That’s it for now. For Sunday I have ,for ONE time only, a really nice story from a pilot in 1940, landing 2 planes at once.