Alphen aan den Rijn Wednesday September 7 2011

The season is nearly over. Let 2012 be as good as this day in 2011.
To be honest the answer on that question is… NOT TOO MUCH! Some pilots are busy to clean the mud from this season from their gliders to ship them to their over-seas destination in the hope to REALLY fly over there and believe me , there will be a lot of mud!
Specially Australia ‘s quarantine does n’t like to see one bit of sand!Luckily Australian Soaring in Corowa, from Grietje and Francesco have a lot of experience and know how to deal with this and as their customers are regulars they do know what to do as well. Never a problem there!
For a few moments we hoped we would have a real nice after-summer-period ,we were HAPPY already,….. but after 3 nice days we are back to 15 dgr. tomorrow and rain -as usual-.
Now we had our first autumn-storm, yes a left-over from Irene, but no real harm has been done.
I looked with interest to the results from Gary Ittner’s flights last week. Being 2d behind Bruce Taylor in the Uvalde Glide 18m. pre-worlds a few weeks ago , he seems ready for the 2012 WGC at Uvalde [Texas] . Now this USA top-pilot, from the Houston area, so used to flying in Texas, flew 2 super -fast flights in his ASG 29/18 over the Eastern Sierra ridges;on Sept.3 an 870 km. flight with a speed of 165.94 km/h. and on Sept 4 a 1013 km.distance with 164.48 km/h. NOT BAD!
Gary is already for a long time [1995 as far as I could find] on and off , in the National Team and participated in several WGC’s, till now in the 15m. class. Lately he flew as well in Eskilstuna and Lüsse.

During the last JWGC at Musbach I was amazed/shocked to hear that one young man from the USA was removed from the team and comps.
This is what I found about it on the SSA site News and Information [ ] and if you have not read it/found it, I copied the statement as it is an important one for young people. I admire the openess they give now and hope others will learn from it and NEVER get into such a situation!!!!!!
US Team Committee Statement Regarding the 2011 Junior WGC
During the recent JWGC, the US Team Committee (USTC) determined that the behavior and conduct of one member did not meet the standards or Code of Conduct set forth in the US Team Policies and Procedures (210 USST Team Policy & Procedures Ver 14, 01/14/04 ). The behavior and conduct were discussed with the team captain and this team member. It was made clear that the behavior would not be tolerated; and, that if not corrected, the next course of action would be removal from the team and competition.
Inappropriate behavior persisted, leaving no option other than removal from the team and the competition. In addition, further disciplinary actions are being taken by the USTC to include, but not limited to, a reduction in the amount of reimbursement from US Team funds.
While the USTC deeply regrets that this action was necessary, we cannot and will not abide serious material failures of the US Team members to hold to the standards of conduct expected of all team members while representing the SSA, US Team and USA.
Bill Elliott, Chairman
US Team Committee
Of course I asked Bill for permission first. You might know Bill who together with Rand is “the engine ” behind the SoaringCafe, the very interesting site with lot’s of news not only from the USA but also from everywhere in the world; add it to your favourites!
So straight away some news from Bill;
—-we do receive many posts from pilots from all over the globe. We are just eight months old and have nearly 500 posts !
We average over 20,000 visits per month with roughly half of our visitors from outside of the US. It is our desire to have a strong international presence with articles from around the globe.
We would be very happy for you to create a post on Perhaps a short excert with one photo and then a link back to your blog to read your entire post.
And here is Rand;
I echo Bill’s invitation to post something on SoaringCafe.
And yes , that’s what I am going to do! Very pleased to hear that such dedicated and much more professionel people as I am, like what I write in both Gliding International and in my blog. So co-operation will happen from today on!!!! Love it!!!
What we have in common is passion for soaring!!!!!!
Something totally different and less nice and…as a hotmail user [ gmail users are a target as well!!] it scared the hell out of me!!!
This is what I received from Iain Baker from Jonker Sailplanes. I , luckily, DID NOT [yet] get such a mail, but this is an extra warning to be careful. Iain is such a nice hard working guy and now they STOLE his email account and used it for spam-fraud;
Read and shiver!!!!
At 08:50BST Friday 2 September my email account was taken over, the password changed and then used to distribute a spam fraud email, saying that I had been mugged in Madrid and needed money. From the many messages received in the last 48 hours I think this email has been sent to all my contacts and potentially any email address in my history of emails.
This email is a fraud, and an attempt to obtain money on false pretences. I am not in Madrid, and have not been mugged. Please do not send any money.
I am unclear how this email account take over has been done, though I do not think there has been direct access to my computer.
The scam is sophisticated enough that friends who have made contact with the fraudster say that he sounds and speaks like me – it is possible that he has searched through my emails and built up sufficient information to masquerade as me.
I have reported this fraud to the UK Police but do not expect any action.
I have also reported this to Google including trace information contained in the email header but have not had any response.
I am unable to provide enough details to Google to convince Google to return control of the email account to me.
Please treat any email sent from on or after 02-Sep-2011 as extremely suspicious and either delete it or report to the relevant legal authority in your country. If you have any information to help track down this fraud, then please let me know.
I have not been able to recover details for all my contacts so please pass this message on to anyone who you guess may have received the spam email. If anyone has received the spam email but has not received this message, then I would be grateful if they could email me their contact details so I can rebuild my contact database. (Alternatively let me know if you want me to delete your contact details from my contact database.)
It would be helpful to resend any emails sent to me or by me recently (or indeed, at anytime) as I used my email account to store a history of email correspondence with around 3500 emails 
My usual mobile phone number +44 7776134999 is still under my control so please call if you wish to confirm or check anything.
Finally, a huge thank you to everyone who has contacted me in the last 48 hours, warning of the fraud, expressing concern and being ready to make extraordinary efforts to help me. Having the email account stolen is unpleasant and it is upsetting to think of strangers reading through personal, private and sensitive emails. In such circumstances it has been incredibly reassuring to receive messages of support (literally from around the world) and to renew some old friendships.
All pictures in this blog courtesy Bert Kuijper , made during the 2011 Nationals in Holland. Enough to read so enjoy the rest of your week!!!! AND…….be carefull with your account!!!!! Cheers Ritz