Slowly my friends leave for Africa and Australia !

Alphen aan den Rijn  28-10-2007

Good old Phill in Melbourne , has put me back on line again. THANKS!!!!

Yes , slowly my friends leave for AFRICA and AUSTRALIA and we will soon hear about their long and exciting flights.Sadly enough I stay in Holland as I work for the gallery where I worked before I left Holland in 1995.But I will read the news and surely will receive emails from the most spectecular flights as the pilots like to share them with all of us.

In between te season has started in Queensland in Australia wit a few comps and state comps. From Jo I received a message about new gliding-and weathersites and I share them with you.



New soaring web sites‏

We're just back from 5 weeks gliding in Qld . 
The weather site (Qld version) was used at the recent comps and worked 
well apparently. 
xxxx Jo and Tony    

-----Original Message----- 
From: Bernard Baer [] 
Sent: Thursday, 25 October 2007 9:54 AM 
Subject: New soaring web sites    

It would be much appreciated if you could pass the following info onto 
club members. 
Regards, Bernie Baer.    


New Soaring Web Sites    

I have created two new web sites for the Australian soaring community, 
first being a forum 
devoted to all facets of soaring in Australia:    

and the second of more interest to NSW pilots is an installation of the 
forecasting program RASP 
(better known as Dr Jacks BLIPMAPS):    

Dr Jack blipmaps are also available for Victoria and Qld via websites 
provided by Johnny Wharington, which are linked to from the above NSW 

A third website which has been around for a while is Wikiglide, provided 
Gus Stewart. This is a Wiki page which provides a repository for all 
soaring for future reference:


In between Eddie Madden, former chief instructor at the Sportavia Gliding Center and his team are working hard to get the new commercial gliding center up and running. They are busy with their web site and as soon as it is ready you can read what’s happening there.

In Corowa they prepare for a very busy season with 36 glider. The containers from Europe are on their way , so there will be a lot of activity in the skies over Corowa [N.S.W ] and {far} around.

In Luesse [Germany] and Rieti [ Italy], they work hard to get their act together for the World comps gliding. Just wrote the first article for the ” Ritz corner ” , in the new and first bulletin for the 20thiest World comps for standard-clubclass and world class gliders, which means that I will be back in Rieti for the 2008 comps. I am sure someone else will make good articles for the Luesse site!

It is raining like hell here, so back to reality and cooking, working etc. No trips to Africa or Australia but in 5 years , when I retire from work, I still hope to be fit enough to do the job ON the spot. I love to observe and share what I see with you.So travelling is still on my to-do-list!

Cheers Ritz