
This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.

8 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello Ritz!

    Long time no see, bit I read your blogg every Sunday!

    I am going to Dick Bradleys Soaring Safari on Christmas Day for two weeks of gliding. So, I have been persuaded to establish my own blogg. You find it here


    It is in Swedish, but I will add English comments now and then and at least you can look at the pictures.


  2. Hi Ritz,

    it seems you missed joint Czech and Slovak nationals in Partizanske (Slovakia)! my friend Brano won 15m class! more on soaringspot if you are interested!



  3. Hey Ritz,

    Glad to see that your’re still kicking. Visited Eddie at Tocumwal yesterday (28 Jan) for a short while and got his words that they are still doing well. Regards from my side of the pond and keep on trucking.

    Shad (it’s not a real name like Chad is) 🙂

  4. beste rietje

    van harte gelukgewenst met je welverdiende onderscheiding na zoveel jaren met hart en ziel verleende diensten aan de zweefvliegerij

    door een middels ook wat oudere maar nog steeds actieve bewonderaar

    hartelijke groet, ook van maria

    niels visser

    1. Wat leuk Niels, hartelijk dank en erg attent!
      Ik was overdonderd maar ook heel trots.
      Het leven gaat weer gewoon verder, maar het is leuk als mensen uit het vak, je feliciteren.
      Zij weten beter dan ieder ander dat NIETS vanzelf gaat.

      Hartelijke groet ook aan Maria van Rietje

  5. Yes, I am the son of René Hersen “Le Patron” who was in charge of the Aéroclub de l’Ouest in Angers. He organized the “8jours d’Angers Coupe d’Europe”.

    Best regards,


    PS; I flew the French Championship in open class with my ASH30mi with Jean Marc Caillard (pilot in command) twice world champion.

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